blob: 4b656fb61d4e3e020330c6bf2a2d772993034a9b [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include "base/callback.h"
#include "base/gtest_prod_util.h"
#include "base/macros.h"
#include "base/memory/weak_ptr.h"
#include "base/sequence_checker.h"
#include "net/base/host_port_pair.h"
#include "net/base/net_export.h"
#include "net/http/alternative_service.h"
#include "net/http/broken_alternative_services.h"
#include "net/http/http_server_properties.h"
#include "net/log/net_log_with_source.h"
namespace base {
class DictionaryValue;
class TickClock;
namespace net {
class IPAddress;
// HttpServerPropertiesManager
// Class responsible for serializing/deserializing HttpServerProperties and
// reading from/writing to preferences.
class NET_EXPORT_PRIVATE HttpServerPropertiesManager {
// Called when prefs are loaded. If prefs completely failed to load,
// everything will be nullptr. Otherwise, everything will be populated, except
// |broken_alternative_service_list| and
// |recently_broken_alternative_services|, which may be null.
using OnPrefsLoadedCallback = base::OnceCallback<void(
std::unique_ptr<HttpServerProperties::ServerInfoMap> server_info_map,
const IPAddress& last_quic_address,
std::unique_ptr<QuicServerInfoMap> quic_server_info_map,
using GetCannonicalSuffix =
base::RepeatingCallback<const std::string*(const std::string& host)>;
// Create an instance of the HttpServerPropertiesManager.
// |on_prefs_loaded_callback| will be invoked with values loaded from
// |prefs_delegate| once prefs have been loaded from disk.
// If WriteToPrefs() is invoked before this happens,
// |on_prefs_loaded_callback| will never be invoked, since the written prefs
// take precedence over the ones previously stored on disk.
// |clock| is used for setting expiration times and scheduling the
// expiration of broken alternative services, and must not be nullptr.
std::unique_ptr<HttpServerProperties::PrefDelegate> pref_delegate,
OnPrefsLoadedCallback on_prefs_loaded_callback,
size_t max_server_configs_stored_in_properties,
NetLog* net_log,
const base::TickClock* clock = nullptr);
// Populates passed in objects with data from preferences. If pref data is not
// present, leaves all values alone. Otherwise, populates them all, with the
// possible exception of the two broken alt services lists.
// Corrupted data is ignored.
// TODO(mmenke): Consider always populating fields, unconditionally, for a
// simpler API.
void ReadPrefs(
std::unique_ptr<HttpServerProperties::ServerInfoMap>* server_info_map,
IPAddress* last_quic_address,
std::unique_ptr<QuicServerInfoMap>* quic_server_info_map,
void set_max_server_configs_stored_in_properties(
size_t max_server_configs_stored_in_properties) {
max_server_configs_stored_in_properties_ =
// Update preferences with caller-provided data. Invokes |callback| when
// changes have been committed, if non-null.
// If the OnPrefLoadCallback() passed to the constructor hasn't been invoked
// by the time this method is called, calling this will prevent it from ever
// being invoked, as this method will overwrite any previous preferences.
// Entries associated with NetworkIsolationKeys for opaque origins are not
// written to disk.
void WriteToPrefs(
const HttpServerProperties::ServerInfoMap& server_info_map,
const GetCannonicalSuffix& get_canonical_suffix,
const IPAddress& last_quic_address,
const QuicServerInfoMap& quic_server_info_map,
const BrokenAlternativeServiceList& broken_alternative_service_list,
const RecentlyBrokenAlternativeServices&
base::OnceClosure callback);
// TODO(mmenke): Remove these friend methods, and make all methods static that
// can be.
void AddServerData(const base::DictionaryValue& server_dict,
HttpServerProperties::ServerInfoMap* server_info_map,
bool use_network_isolation_key);
// Helper method used for parsing an alternative service from JSON.
// |dict| is the JSON dictionary to be parsed. It should contain fields
// corresponding to members of AlternativeService.
// |host_optional| determines whether or not the "host" field is optional. If
// optional, the default value is empty string.
// |parsing_under| is used only for debug log outputs in case of error; it
// should describe what section of the JSON prefs is currently being parsed.
// |alternative_service| is the output of parsing |dict|.
// Return value is true if parsing is successful.
static bool ParseAlternativeServiceDict(
const base::DictionaryValue& dict,
bool host_optional,
const std::string& parsing_under,
AlternativeService* alternative_service);
static bool ParseAlternativeServiceInfoDictOfServer(
const base::DictionaryValue& dict,
const std::string& server_str,
AlternativeServiceInfo* alternative_service_info);
// Attempts to populate |server_info|'s |alternative_service_info| field from
// |server_dict|. Returns true if the data was no corrupted (Lack of data is
// not considered corruption).
static bool ParseAlternativeServiceInfo(
const url::SchemeHostPort& server,
const base::DictionaryValue& server_dict,
HttpServerProperties::ServerInfo* server_info);
void ReadSupportsQuic(const base::DictionaryValue& server_dict,
IPAddress* last_quic_address);
void ParseNetworkStats(const url::SchemeHostPort& server,
const base::DictionaryValue& server_dict,
HttpServerProperties::ServerInfo* server_info);
void AddToQuicServerInfoMap(const base::DictionaryValue& server_dict,
QuicServerInfoMap* quic_server_info_map);
void AddToBrokenAlternativeServices(
const base::DictionaryValue& broken_alt_svc_entry_dict,
bool use_network_isolation_key,
BrokenAlternativeServiceList* broken_alternative_service_list,
RecentlyBrokenAlternativeServices* recently_broken_alternative_services);
void SaveAlternativeServiceToServerPrefs(
const AlternativeServiceInfoVector& alternative_service_info_vector,
base::DictionaryValue* server_pref_dict);
void SaveSupportsQuicToPrefs(
const IPAddress& last_quic_address,
base::DictionaryValue* http_server_properties_dict);
void SaveNetworkStatsToServerPrefs(
const ServerNetworkStats& server_network_stats,
base::DictionaryValue* server_pref_dict);
void SaveQuicServerInfoMapToServerPrefs(
const QuicServerInfoMap& quic_server_info_map,
base::DictionaryValue* http_server_properties_dict);
void SaveBrokenAlternativeServicesToPrefs(
const BrokenAlternativeServiceList& broken_alternative_service_list,
size_t max_broken_alternative_services,
const RecentlyBrokenAlternativeServices&
base::DictionaryValue* http_server_properties_dict);
void OnHttpServerPropertiesLoaded();
std::unique_ptr<HttpServerProperties::PrefDelegate> pref_delegate_;
OnPrefsLoadedCallback on_prefs_loaded_callback_;
size_t max_server_configs_stored_in_properties_;
const base::TickClock* clock_; // Unowned
const NetLogWithSource net_log_;
base::WeakPtrFactory<HttpServerPropertiesManager> pref_load_weak_ptr_factory_{
} // namespace net