blob: 9c5ca58b8e7adc1ecbdd4b222ccf52330983dfc5 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "media/base/audio_buffer.h"
#include <cmath>
#include "base/functional/callback_helpers.h"
#include "base/logging.h"
#include "base/notreached.h"
#include "media/base/audio_bus.h"
#include "media/base/limits.h"
#include "media/base/timestamp_constants.h"
namespace media {
namespace {
// TODO( Use vector instructions to speed this up.
template <class SourceSampleTypeTraits>
void CopyConvertFromInterleaved(
const typename SourceSampleTypeTraits::ValueType* source_buffer,
int num_frames_to_write,
const std::vector<float*> dest) {
const int channels = dest.size();
for (int ch = 0; ch < channels; ++ch) {
float* dest_data = dest[ch];
for (int target_frame_index = 0, read_pos_in_source = ch;
target_frame_index < num_frames_to_write;
++target_frame_index, read_pos_in_source += channels) {
auto source_value = source_buffer[read_pos_in_source];
dest_data[target_frame_index] =
} // namespace
static base::TimeDelta CalculateDuration(int frames, double sample_rate) {
DCHECK_GT(sample_rate, 0);
return base::Microseconds(frames * base::Time::kMicrosecondsPerSecond /
AudioBufferMemoryPool::AudioBufferMemoryPool() = default;
AudioBufferMemoryPool::~AudioBufferMemoryPool() = default;
size_t AudioBufferMemoryPool::GetPoolSizeForTesting() {
base::AutoLock al(entry_lock_);
return entries_.size();
AudioBufferMemoryPool::AudioMemory AudioBufferMemoryPool::CreateBuffer(
size_t size) {
base::AutoLock al(entry_lock_);
while (!entries_.empty()) {
MemoryEntry& front = entries_.front();
MemoryEntry entry(std::move(front.first), front.second);
if (entry.second == size)
return std::move(entry.first);
// FFmpeg may not always initialize the entire output memory, so just like
// for VideoFrames we need to zero out the memory.
auto memory = AudioMemory(static_cast<uint8_t*>(
base::AlignedAlloc(size, AudioBuffer::kChannelAlignment)));
memset(memory.get(), 0, size);
return memory;
void AudioBufferMemoryPool::ReturnBuffer(AudioMemory memory, size_t size) {
base::AutoLock al(entry_lock_);
entries_.emplace_back(std::move(memory), size);
AudioBuffer::AudioBuffer(SampleFormat sample_format,
ChannelLayout channel_layout,
int channel_count,
int sample_rate,
int frame_count,
bool create_buffer,
const uint8_t* const* data,
const size_t data_size,
const base::TimeDelta timestamp,
scoped_refptr<AudioBufferMemoryPool> pool)
: sample_format_(sample_format),
end_of_stream_(!create_buffer && !data && !frame_count),
? base::TimeDelta()
: CalculateDuration(adjusted_frame_count_, sample_rate_)),
pool_(std::move(pool)) {
CHECK_GE(channel_count_, 0);
CHECK_LE(channel_count_, limits::kMaxChannels);
CHECK_GE(frame_count, 0);
ChannelLayoutToChannelCount(channel_layout) == channel_count);
int bytes_per_channel = SampleFormatToBytesPerChannel(sample_format);
DCHECK_LE(bytes_per_channel, kChannelAlignment);
// Empty buffer?
if (!create_buffer)
CHECK_NE(sample_format, kUnknownSampleFormat);
if (sample_format == kSampleFormatIECDts) {
// Allocate a contiguous buffer for IEC61937 encapsulated Bitstream.
data_size_ = frame_count * bytes_per_channel * channel_count_;
if (pool_) {
data_ = pool_->CreateBuffer(data_size_);
} else {
// Aligned buffer ensures compatibility with AudioBus
// and audio sink which have been optimized for SSE
base::AlignedAlloc(data_size_, kChannelAlignment)));
// Copy data
if (data)
memcpy(channel_data_[0], data[0], data_size);
int data_size_per_channel = frame_count * bytes_per_channel;
if (IsPlanar(sample_format)) {
DCHECK(!IsBitstreamFormat()) << sample_format_;
// Planar data, so need to allocate buffer for each channel.
// Determine per channel data size, taking into account alignment.
int block_size_per_channel =
(data_size_per_channel + kChannelAlignment - 1) &
~(kChannelAlignment - 1);
DCHECK_GE(block_size_per_channel, data_size_per_channel);
// Allocate a contiguous buffer for all the channel data.
data_size_ = channel_count_ * block_size_per_channel;
if (pool_) {
data_ = pool_->CreateBuffer(data_size_);
} else {
base::AlignedAlloc(data_size_, kChannelAlignment)));
// Copy each channel's data into the appropriate spot.
for (int i = 0; i < channel_count_; ++i) {
channel_data_.push_back(data_.get() + i * block_size_per_channel);
if (data)
memcpy(channel_data_[i], data[i], data_size_per_channel);
// Remaining formats are interleaved data.
DCHECK(IsInterleaved(sample_format)) << sample_format_;
// Allocate our own buffer and copy the supplied data into it. Buffer must
// contain the data for all channels.
if (!IsBitstreamFormat())
data_size_ = data_size_per_channel * channel_count_;
DCHECK(data_size_ > 0);
if (pool_) {
data_ = pool_->CreateBuffer(data_size_);
} else {
base::AlignedAlloc(data_size_, kChannelAlignment)));
if (data)
memcpy(data_.get(), data[0], data_size_);
AudioBuffer::~AudioBuffer() {
if (pool_)
pool_->ReturnBuffer(std::move(data_), data_size_);
// static
scoped_refptr<AudioBuffer> AudioBuffer::CopyFrom(
SampleFormat sample_format,
ChannelLayout channel_layout,
int channel_count,
int sample_rate,
int frame_count,
const uint8_t* const* data,
const base::TimeDelta timestamp,
scoped_refptr<AudioBufferMemoryPool> pool) {
// If you hit this CHECK you likely have a bug in a demuxer. Go fix it.
CHECK_GT(frame_count, 0); // Otherwise looks like an EOF buffer.
return base::WrapRefCounted(
new AudioBuffer(sample_format, channel_layout, channel_count, sample_rate,
frame_count, true, data, 0, timestamp, std::move(pool)));
// static
scoped_refptr<AudioBuffer> AudioBuffer::CopyFrom(
ChannelLayout channel_layout,
int sample_rate,
const base::TimeDelta timestamp,
const AudioBus* audio_bus,
scoped_refptr<AudioBufferMemoryPool> pool) {
const int channel_count = audio_bus->channels();
std::vector<const uint8_t*> data(channel_count);
for (int ch = 0; ch < channel_count; ch++)
data[ch] = reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(audio_bus->channel(ch));
return CopyFrom(kSampleFormatPlanarF32, channel_layout, channel_count,
sample_rate, audio_bus->frames(),, timestamp,
// static
scoped_refptr<AudioBuffer> AudioBuffer::CopyFrom(
int sample_rate,
const base::TimeDelta timestamp,
const AudioBus* audio_bus,
scoped_refptr<AudioBufferMemoryPool> pool) {
const int channel_count = audio_bus->channels();
return CopyFrom(GuessChannelLayout(channel_count), sample_rate, timestamp,
audio_bus, std::move(pool));
// static
scoped_refptr<AudioBuffer> AudioBuffer::CopyBitstreamFrom(
SampleFormat sample_format,
ChannelLayout channel_layout,
int channel_count,
int sample_rate,
int frame_count,
const uint8_t* const* data,
const size_t data_size,
const base::TimeDelta timestamp,
scoped_refptr<AudioBufferMemoryPool> pool) {
// If you hit this CHECK you likely have a bug in a demuxer. Go fix it.
CHECK_GT(frame_count, 0); // Otherwise looks like an EOF buffer.
return base::WrapRefCounted(new AudioBuffer(
sample_format, channel_layout, channel_count, sample_rate, frame_count,
true, data, data_size, timestamp, std::move(pool)));
// static
scoped_refptr<AudioBuffer> AudioBuffer::CreateBuffer(
SampleFormat sample_format,
ChannelLayout channel_layout,
int channel_count,
int sample_rate,
int frame_count,
scoped_refptr<AudioBufferMemoryPool> pool) {
CHECK_GT(frame_count, 0); // Otherwise looks like an EOF buffer.
return base::WrapRefCounted(new AudioBuffer(
sample_format, channel_layout, channel_count, sample_rate, frame_count,
true, nullptr, 0, kNoTimestamp, std::move(pool)));
// static
scoped_refptr<AudioBuffer> AudioBuffer::CreateBitstreamBuffer(
SampleFormat sample_format,
ChannelLayout channel_layout,
int channel_count,
int sample_rate,
int frame_count,
size_t data_size,
scoped_refptr<AudioBufferMemoryPool> pool) {
CHECK_GT(frame_count, 0); // Otherwise looks like an EOF buffer.
return base::WrapRefCounted(new AudioBuffer(
sample_format, channel_layout, channel_count, sample_rate, frame_count,
true, nullptr, data_size, kNoTimestamp, std::move(pool)));
// static
scoped_refptr<AudioBuffer> AudioBuffer::CreateEmptyBuffer(
ChannelLayout channel_layout,
int channel_count,
int sample_rate,
int frame_count,
const base::TimeDelta timestamp) {
CHECK_GT(frame_count, 0); // Otherwise looks like an EOF buffer.
// Since data == nullptr, format doesn't matter.
return base::WrapRefCounted(new AudioBuffer(
kSampleFormatF32, channel_layout, channel_count, sample_rate, frame_count,
false, nullptr, 0, timestamp, nullptr));
// static
scoped_refptr<AudioBuffer> AudioBuffer::CreateEOSBuffer() {
return base::WrapRefCounted(
new AudioBuffer(kUnknownSampleFormat, CHANNEL_LAYOUT_NONE, 0, 0, 0, false,
nullptr, 0, kNoTimestamp, nullptr));
// static
std::unique_ptr<AudioBus> AudioBuffer::WrapOrCopyToAudioBus(
scoped_refptr<AudioBuffer> buffer) {
const int channels = buffer->channel_count();
const int frames = buffer->frame_count();
// |buffer| might already have the right memory layout. Prevent a data copy
// by wrapping it instead.
if (buffer->sample_format() == SampleFormat::kSampleFormatPlanarF32) {
auto audio_bus = AudioBus::CreateWrapper(channels);
for (int ch = 0; ch < channels; ++ch) {
ch, reinterpret_cast<float*>(buffer->channel_data()[ch]));
// Keep |buffer| alive as long as |audio_bus|.
return audio_bus;
// |buffer|'s memory can't be wrapped directly. Convert and copy it instead.
auto audio_bus = AudioBus::Create(channels, frames);
buffer->ReadFrames(frames, 0, 0, audio_bus.get());
return audio_bus;
void AudioBuffer::AdjustSampleRate(int sample_rate) {
sample_rate_ = sample_rate;
duration_ = CalculateDuration(adjusted_frame_count_, sample_rate_);
void AudioBuffer::ReadFrames(int frames_to_copy,
int source_frame_offset,
int dest_frame_offset,
AudioBus* dest) const {
// Deinterleave each channel (if necessary) and convert to 32bit
// floating-point with nominal range -1.0 -> +1.0 (if necessary).
// |dest| must have the same number of channels, and the number of frames
// specified must be in range.
CHECK_EQ(dest->channels(), channel_count_);
CHECK_LE(source_frame_offset + frames_to_copy, adjusted_frame_count_);
CHECK_LE(dest_frame_offset + frames_to_copy, dest->frames());
if (IsBitstreamFormat()) {
// For bitstream formats, we only support 2 modes: 1) Overwrite the data to
// the beginning of the destination buffer. 2) Append new data to the end of
// the existing data.
DCHECK(!dest_frame_offset ||
dest_frame_offset == dest->GetBitstreamFrames());
size_t bitstream_size =
dest_frame_offset ? dest->GetBitstreamDataSize() : 0;
uint8_t* dest_data =
reinterpret_cast<uint8_t*>(dest->channel(0)) + bitstream_size;
memcpy(dest_data, channel_data_[0], data_size());
dest->SetBitstreamDataSize(bitstream_size + data_size());
dest->SetBitstreamFrames(dest_frame_offset + frame_count());
if (!data_) {
// Special case for an empty buffer.
dest->ZeroFramesPartial(dest_frame_offset, frames_to_copy);
// Note: The conversion steps below will clip values to [1.0, -1.0f].
if (sample_format_ == kSampleFormatPlanarF32) {
for (int ch = 0; ch < channel_count_; ++ch) {
float* dest_data = dest->channel(ch) + dest_frame_offset;
const float* source_data =
reinterpret_cast<const float*>(channel_data_[ch]) +
for (int i = 0; i < frames_to_copy; ++i)
dest_data[i] = Float32SampleTypeTraits::FromFloat(source_data[i]);
if (sample_format_ == kSampleFormatPlanarU8) {
// Format is planar unsigned 8. Convert each value into float and insert
// into output channel data.
for (int ch = 0; ch < channel_count_; ++ch) {
const uint8_t* source_data = channel_data_[ch] + source_frame_offset;
float* dest_data = dest->channel(ch) + dest_frame_offset;
for (int i = 0; i < frames_to_copy; ++i)
dest_data[i] = UnsignedInt8SampleTypeTraits::ToFloat(source_data[i]);
if (sample_format_ == kSampleFormatPlanarS16) {
// Format is planar signed16. Convert each value into float and insert into
// output channel data.
for (int ch = 0; ch < channel_count_; ++ch) {
const int16_t* source_data =
reinterpret_cast<const int16_t*>(channel_data_[ch]) +
float* dest_data = dest->channel(ch) + dest_frame_offset;
for (int i = 0; i < frames_to_copy; ++i)
dest_data[i] = SignedInt16SampleTypeTraits::ToFloat(source_data[i]);
if (sample_format_ == kSampleFormatPlanarS32) {
// Format is planar signed32. Convert each value into float and insert into
// output channel data.
for (int ch = 0; ch < channel_count_; ++ch) {
const int32_t* source_data =
reinterpret_cast<const int32_t*>(channel_data_[ch]) +
float* dest_data = dest->channel(ch) + dest_frame_offset;
for (int i = 0; i < frames_to_copy; ++i)
dest_data[i] = SignedInt32SampleTypeTraits::ToFloat(source_data[i]);
const int bytes_per_channel = SampleFormatToBytesPerChannel(sample_format_);
const int frame_size = channel_count_ * bytes_per_channel;
const uint8_t* source_data = data_.get() + source_frame_offset * frame_size;
if (sample_format_ == kSampleFormatF32) {
reinterpret_cast<const float*>(source_data), dest_frame_offset,
} else if (sample_format_ == kSampleFormatU8) {
source_data, dest_frame_offset, frames_to_copy);
} else if (sample_format_ == kSampleFormatS16) {
reinterpret_cast<const int16_t*>(source_data), dest_frame_offset,
} else if (sample_format_ == kSampleFormatS24 ||
sample_format_ == kSampleFormatS32) {
reinterpret_cast<const int32_t*>(source_data), dest_frame_offset,
} else {
NOTREACHED() << "Unsupported audio sample type: " << sample_format_;
void AudioBuffer::TrimStart(int frames_to_trim) {
CHECK_GE(frames_to_trim, 0);
CHECK_LE(frames_to_trim, adjusted_frame_count_);
if (IsBitstreamFormat()) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Not allowed to trim an audio bitstream buffer.";
TrimRange(0, frames_to_trim);
void AudioBuffer::TrimEnd(int frames_to_trim) {
CHECK_GE(frames_to_trim, 0);
CHECK_LE(frames_to_trim, adjusted_frame_count_);
if (IsBitstreamFormat()) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Not allowed to trim an audio bitstream buffer.";
// Adjust the number of frames and duration for this buffer.
adjusted_frame_count_ -= frames_to_trim;
duration_ = CalculateDuration(adjusted_frame_count_, sample_rate_);
void AudioBuffer::TrimRange(int start, int end) {
CHECK_GE(start, 0);
CHECK_LE(end, adjusted_frame_count_);
if (IsBitstreamFormat()) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Not allowed to trim an audio bitstream buffer.";
const int frames_to_trim = end - start;
CHECK_GE(frames_to_trim, 0);
CHECK_LE(frames_to_trim, adjusted_frame_count_);
const int bytes_per_channel = SampleFormatToBytesPerChannel(sample_format_);
// Empty buffers do not have frames to copy backed by data_.
const int frames_to_copy = data_ ? adjusted_frame_count_ - end : 0;
if (frames_to_copy > 0) {
switch (sample_format_) {
case kSampleFormatPlanarU8:
case kSampleFormatPlanarS16:
case kSampleFormatPlanarF32:
case kSampleFormatPlanarS32:
// Planar data must be shifted per channel.
for (int ch = 0; ch < channel_count_; ++ch) {
memmove(channel_data_[ch] + start * bytes_per_channel,
channel_data_[ch] + end * bytes_per_channel,
bytes_per_channel * frames_to_copy);
case kSampleFormatU8:
case kSampleFormatS16:
case kSampleFormatS24:
case kSampleFormatS32:
case kSampleFormatF32: {
// Interleaved data can be shifted all at once.
const int frame_size = channel_count_ * bytes_per_channel;
memmove(channel_data_[0] + start * frame_size,
channel_data_[0] + end * frame_size,
frame_size * frames_to_copy);
case kUnknownSampleFormat:
case kSampleFormatAc3:
case kSampleFormatEac3:
case kSampleFormatMpegHAudio:
case kSampleFormatDts:
case kSampleFormatDtsxP2:
case kSampleFormatIECDts:
case kSampleFormatDtse:
NOTREACHED() << "Invalid sample format!";
} else {
CHECK_EQ(frames_to_copy, 0);
// Trim the leftover data off the end of the buffer and update duration.
bool AudioBuffer::IsBitstreamFormat() const {
return IsBitstream(sample_format_);
} // namespace media