blob: 5444ed359bea14c69b5a95bf79b804499c1c6218 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "media/base/audio_shifter.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include <cmath>
#include <utility>
#include "base/containers/circular_deque.h"
#include "base/functional/bind.h"
#include "base/logging.h"
#include "base/trace_event/trace_event.h"
#include "media/base/audio_bus.h"
namespace media {
// return true if x is between a and b.
static bool between(double x, double a, double b) {
if (b < a)
return b <= x && x <= a;
return a <= x && x <= b;
class ClockSmoother {
explicit ClockSmoother(base::TimeDelta clock_accuracy) :
inaccuracy_delta_(clock_accuracy * 10) {
inaccuracies_.push_back({inaccuracy_sum_, inaccuracy_delta_});
base::TimeTicks Smooth(base::TimeTicks t, base::TimeDelta delta) {
if (previous_.is_null()) {
previous_ = t;
} else {
const base::TimeDelta actual_delta = t - previous_;
const base::TimeDelta new_fraction_off = actual_delta - delta;
inaccuracy_sum_ += new_fraction_off;
inaccuracy_delta_ += actual_delta;
inaccuracies_.push_back({new_fraction_off, actual_delta});
if (inaccuracies_.size() > 1000) {
inaccuracy_sum_ -= inaccuracies_.front().first;
inaccuracy_delta_ -= inaccuracies_.front().second;
const base::TimeDelta diff = t - (previous_ + delta * Rate());
previous_ = (-clock_accuracy_ < diff && diff < clock_accuracy_)
? (t + diff / 1000)
: t;
return previous_;
// 1.01 means 1% faster than regular clock.
// -0.98 means 2% slower than regular clock.
double Rate() const { return 1.0 + inaccuracy_sum_ / inaccuracy_delta_; }
base::TimeDelta clock_accuracy_;
base::circular_deque<std::pair<base::TimeDelta, base::TimeDelta>>
base::TimeDelta inaccuracy_sum_;
base::TimeDelta inaccuracy_delta_;
base::TimeTicks previous_;
base::TimeTicks target_playout_time,
std::unique_ptr<AudioBus> audio)
: target_playout_time(target_playout_time), audio(std::move(audio)) {}
AudioShifter::AudioQueueEntry::AudioQueueEntry(AudioQueueEntry&& other) =
AudioShifter::AudioQueueEntry::~AudioQueueEntry() = default;
AudioShifter::AudioShifter(base::TimeDelta max_buffer_size,
base::TimeDelta clock_accuracy,
base::TimeDelta adjustment_time,
int rate,
int channels)
: max_buffer_size_(max_buffer_size),
input_clock_smoother_(new ClockSmoother(clock_accuracy)),
output_clock_smoother_(new ClockSmoother(clock_accuracy)),
base::Unretained(this))) {}
AudioShifter::~AudioShifter() = default;
void AudioShifter::Push(std::unique_ptr<AudioBus> input,
base::TimeTicks playout_time) {
TRACE_EVENT1("audio", "AudioShifter::Push", "time (ms)",
(playout_time - base::TimeTicks()).InMillisecondsF());
DCHECK_EQ(input->channels(), channels_);
frames_pushed_for_testing_ += input->frames();
if (!queue_.empty()) {
playout_time = input_clock_smoother_->Smooth(
playout_time, base::Seconds(queue_.back().audio->frames() / rate_));
queue_.push_back(AudioQueueEntry(playout_time, std::move(input)));
while (!queue_.empty() &&
queue_.back().target_playout_time -
queue_.front().target_playout_time > max_buffer_size_) {
DVLOG(1) << "AudioShifter: Audio overflow!";
position_ = 0;
void AudioShifter::Pull(AudioBus* output,
base::TimeTicks playout_time) {
TRACE_EVENT1("audio", "AudioShifter::Pull", "time (ms)",
(playout_time - base::TimeTicks()).InMillisecondsF());
// Add the kernel size since we incur some internal delay in resampling. All
// resamplers incur some delay, and for the SincResampler (used by
// MultiChannelResampler), this is (currently) KernelSize() / 2 frames.
playout_time += base::Seconds(resampler_.KernelSize() / 2 / rate_);
playout_time = output_clock_smoother_->Smooth(
playout_time, base::Seconds(previous_requested_samples_ / rate_));
previous_requested_samples_ = output->frames();
base::TimeTicks stream_time;
base::TimeTicks buffer_end_time;
if (queue_.empty()) {
DCHECK_EQ(position_, 0UL);
stream_time = end_of_last_consumed_audiobus_;
buffer_end_time = end_of_last_consumed_audiobus_;
} else {
stream_time = queue_.front().target_playout_time;
buffer_end_time = queue_.back().target_playout_time;
stream_time +=
base::Seconds((position_ - resampler_.BufferedFrames()) / rate_);
if (!running_ &&
base::Seconds(output->frames() * 2 / rate_) + clock_accuracy_ >
buffer_end_time - stream_time) {
// We're not running right now, and we don't really have enough data
// to satisfy output reliably. Wait.
if (playout_time < stream_time - base::Seconds(output->frames() / rate_ / 2) -
(running_ ? clock_accuracy_ : base::TimeDelta())) {
// |playout_time| is too far before the earliest known audio sample.
if (buffer_end_time < playout_time) {
// If the "playout_time" is actually capture time, then
// the entire queue will be in the past. Since we cannot
// play audio in the past. We add one buffer size to the
// bias to avoid buffer underruns in the future.
if (bias_.is_zero()) {
bias_ = playout_time - stream_time + clock_accuracy_ +
base::Seconds(output->frames() / rate_);
stream_time += bias_;
} else {
// Normal case, some part of the queue is
// ahead of the scheduled playout time.
// Skip any data that is simply too old, if we have
// better data somewhere in the qeueue.
// Reset bias
bias_ = base::TimeDelta();
while (!queue_.empty() &&
playout_time - stream_time > clock_accuracy_) {
position_ = 0;
if (queue_.empty()) {
stream_time = queue_.front().target_playout_time;
running_ = true;
const double steady_ratio =
output_clock_smoother_->Rate() / input_clock_smoother_->Rate();
const base::TimeDelta time_difference = playout_time - stream_time;
// This is the ratio we would need to get perfect sync after
// |adjustment_time_| has passed.
double slow_ratio = steady_ratio + time_difference / adjustment_time_;
slow_ratio = std::clamp(slow_ratio, 0.9, 1.1);
const base::TimeDelta adjustment_time =
base::Seconds(output->frames() / rate_);
// This is ratio we we'd need get perfect sync at the end of the
// current output audiobus.
double fast_ratio = steady_ratio + time_difference / adjustment_time;
fast_ratio = std::clamp(fast_ratio, 0.9, 1.1);
// If the current ratio is somewhere between the slow and the fast
// ratio, then keep it. This means we don't have to recalculate the
// tables very often and also allows us to converge on good sync faster.
if (!between(current_ratio_, slow_ratio, fast_ratio)) {
// Check if the direction has changed.
if ((current_ratio_ < steady_ratio) == (slow_ratio < steady_ratio)) {
// Two possible scenarios:
// Either we're really close to perfect sync, but the current ratio
// would overshoot, or the current ratio is insufficient to get to
// perfect sync in the alloted time. Clamp.
double max_ratio = std::max(fast_ratio, slow_ratio);
double min_ratio = std::min(fast_ratio, slow_ratio);
current_ratio_ = std::clamp(current_ratio_, min_ratio, max_ratio);
} else {
// The "direction" has changed. (From speed up to slow down or
// vice versa, so we just take the slow ratio.
current_ratio_ = slow_ratio;
resampler_.Resample(output->frames(), output);
void AudioShifter::Zero(AudioBus* output) {
running_ = false;
previous_playout_time_ = base::TimeTicks();
bias_ = base::TimeDelta();
void AudioShifter::ResamplerCallback(int frame_delay, AudioBus* destination) {
// TODO(hubbe): Use frame_delay
int pos = 0;
while (pos < destination->frames() && !queue_.empty()) {
size_t to_copy = std::min<size_t>(
queue_.front().audio->frames() - position_,
destination->frames() - pos);
CHECK_GT(to_copy, 0UL);
pos += to_copy;
position_ += to_copy;
if (position_ >= static_cast<size_t>(queue_.front().audio->frames())) {
end_of_last_consumed_audiobus_ =
queue_.front().target_playout_time +
base::Seconds(queue_.front().audio->frames() / rate_);
position_ -= queue_.front().audio->frames();
if (pos < destination->frames()) {
// Underflow
running_ = false;
position_ = 0;
previous_playout_time_ = base::TimeTicks();
bias_ = base::TimeDelta();
destination->ZeroFramesPartial(pos, destination->frames() - pos);
} // namespace media