blob: 81b867d91e40addb1ed7e3f4d59764127a229ca7 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2012 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <map>
#include <memory>
#include <vector>
#include "base/containers/circular_deque.h"
#include "base/functional/callback_forward.h"
#include "base/memory/scoped_refptr.h"
#include "base/time/time.h"
#include "media/base/demuxer_stream.h"
#include "media/base/eme_constants.h"
#include "media/base/media_export.h"
namespace media {
class MediaLog;
class MediaTracks;
class StreamParserBuffer;
class TextTrackConfig;
// Abstract interface for parsing media byte streams.
class MEDIA_EXPORT StreamParser {
using BufferQueue = base::circular_deque<scoped_refptr<StreamParserBuffer>>;
// Range of |TrackId| is dependent upon stream parsers. It is currently
// the key for the buffer's text track config in the applicable
// TextTrackConfigMap (which is passed in StreamParser::NewConfigCB), or
// 0 for other media types that currently allow at most one track.
// WebMTracksParser uses -1 as an invalid text track number.
// It is also the key for BufferQueueMap structure returned by stream parsers.
// TODO(servolk/wolenetz): Change to size_type or unsigned after fixing track
// id handling in FrameProcessor.
typedef int TrackId;
// Map of text track ID to the track configuration.
typedef std::map<TrackId, TextTrackConfig> TextTrackConfigMap;
// Map of track ID to decode-timestamp-ordered buffers for the track.
using BufferQueueMap = std::map<TrackId, BufferQueue>;
// With incremental parsing, parse can succeed yet also still indicate there
// is more uninspected data to parse. This enum identifies the possible
// results of incremental parsing by a StreamParser.
// TODO:( Investigate usage of TypeStatus<T>::Or<U> where
// this is used.
enum class ParseStatus {
// Incremental parse of a potentially large pending data considers up to this
// many further bytes from the pending bytes during the Parse() call. Moved
// from older incremental append+parse logic in SourceBuffer, this size value
// was originally chosen as 128KiB to not block the renderer event loop very
// long. This value had been selected by looking at YouTube SourceBuffer usage
// across a variety of bitrates, to allow relatively large appendBuffer()
// calls while keeping each parse iteration's duration within ~5-15ms range.
// This value may change in future updates as platform capabilities have
// generally improved.
// TODO( Tune this experimentally.
static constexpr int kMaxPendingBytesPerParse = 128 * 1024; // 128KiB
// Stream parameters passed in InitCB.
struct MEDIA_EXPORT InitParameters {
InitParameters(base::TimeDelta duration);
// Stream duration.
base::TimeDelta duration;
// Indicates the source time associated with presentation timestamp 0. A
// null Time is returned if no mapping to Time exists.
base::Time timeline_offset;
// Indicates live stream.
StreamLiveness liveness = StreamLiveness::kUnknown;
// Counts of tracks detected by type within this stream. Not all of these
// tracks may be selected for use by the parser.
int detected_audio_track_count;
int detected_video_track_count;
int detected_text_track_count;
// Indicates completion of parser initialization.
// params - Stream parameters.
typedef base::OnceCallback<void(const InitParameters& params)> InitCB;
// Indicates when new stream configurations have been parsed.
// First parameter - An object containing information about media tracks as
// well as audio/video decoder configs associated with each
// track the parser will use from the stream.
// Second parameter - The new text tracks configuration. If the map is empty,
// then no text tracks were parsed for use from the stream.
// Return value - True if the new configurations are accepted.
// False if the new configurations are not supported
// and indicates that a parsing error should be signalled.
typedef base::RepeatingCallback<bool(std::unique_ptr<MediaTracks>,
const TextTrackConfigMap&)>
// New stream buffers have been parsed.
// First parameter - A map of track ids to queues of newly parsed buffers.
// Return value - True indicates that the buffers are accepted.
// False if something was wrong with the buffers and a parsing
// error should be signalled.
typedef base::RepeatingCallback<bool(const BufferQueueMap&)> NewBuffersCB;
// Signals the beginning of a new media segment.
typedef base::RepeatingCallback<void()> NewMediaSegmentCB;
// Signals the end of a media segment.
typedef base::RepeatingCallback<void()> EndMediaSegmentCB;
// A new potentially encrypted stream has been parsed.
// First parameter - The type of the initialization data associated with the
// stream.
// Second parameter - The initialization data associated with the stream.
typedef base::RepeatingCallback<void(EmeInitDataType,
const std::vector<uint8_t>&)>
StreamParser(const StreamParser&) = delete;
StreamParser& operator=(const StreamParser&) = delete;
virtual ~StreamParser();
// Initializes the parser with necessary callbacks. Must be called before any
// data is passed to AppendToParseBuffer() or any call to Parse() or
// ProcessChunks(). `init_cb` will be called once enough data has been parsed
// to determine the initial stream configurations, presentation start time,
// and duration. If `ignore_text_track` is true, then no text buffers should
// be passed later by the parser to `new_buffers_cb`.
virtual void Init(InitCB init_cb,
NewConfigCB config_cb,
NewBuffersCB new_buffers_cb,
bool ignore_text_track,
EncryptedMediaInitDataCB encrypted_media_init_data_cb,
NewMediaSegmentCB new_segment_cb,
EndMediaSegmentCB end_of_segment_cb,
MediaLog* media_log) = 0;
// Called during the reset parser state algorithm. This flushes the current
// parser and puts the parser in a state where it can receive data. This
// method does not need to invoke the EndMediaSegmentCB since the parser reset
// algorithm already resets the segment parsing state.
virtual void Flush() = 0;
// Returns the MSE byte stream format registry's "Generate Timestamps Flag"
// for the byte stream corresponding to this parser.
virtual bool GetGenerateTimestampsFlag() const = 0;
// Called when there is new data to parse. Any previously provided data must
// have been fully attempted to be parsed (by one or more calls to Parse()
// until kSuccess results) or has been Flush()'ed. Returns true if the parser
// successfully copied the data from `buf` for use in future Parse() calls.
// Returns false if the parser was unable to allocate resources; content in
// `buf` is not copied as a result, and this failure is reported (through
// various layers) up to the SourceBuffer's implementation of appendBuffer(),
// which should then notify the app of append failure using a
// `QuotaExceededErr` exception per the MSE specification. App could use a
// back-off and retry strategy or otherwise alter their behavior to attempt to
// buffer media for further playback.
[[nodiscard]] virtual bool AppendToParseBuffer(const uint8_t* buf,
size_t size) = 0;
// Attempts to parse more data previously provided via AppendToParseBuffer().
// May not attempt to parse all of it in one pass;
// `max_pending_bytes_to_inspect` should normally be set to
// kMaxPendingBytesPerParse, except if the caller needs to use a different
// amount (for example, a file verification parse or a test case that needs to
// involve a larger or smaller amount of the pending data in one call to
// Parse()).
// Returns kSuccess if the parse succeeded and all previously provided data
// from AppendToParseBuffer() has been inspected.
// Returns kSuccessHasMoreData if the parse succeeded, yet there remains
// uninspected data remaining from AppendToParseBuffer(); more call(s) to this
// method are necessary for the parser to attempt inspection of that data.
// Returns kFailed if there was a parse error.
// Regular "bytestream-formatted" StreamParsers should fully implement
// Parse(), but WebCodecsEncodedChunkStreamParsers should instead fully
// implement ProcessChunks().
[[nodiscard]] virtual ParseStatus Parse(int max_pending_bytes_to_inspect) = 0;
[[nodiscard]] virtual bool ProcessChunks(
std::unique_ptr<BufferQueue> buffer_queue);
// Appends to |merged_buffers| the provided buffers in decode-timestamp order.
// Any previous contents of |merged_buffers| is assumed to have lower
// decode timestamps versus the provided buffers. All provided buffer queues
// are assumed to already be in decode-timestamp order.
// Returns false if any of the provided audio/video/text buffers are found
// to not be in decode timestamp order, or have a decode timestamp less than
// the last buffer, if any, in |merged_buffers|. Partial results may exist
// in |merged_buffers| in this case. Returns true on success.
// No validation of media type within the various buffer queues is done here.
// TODO(wolenetz/acolwell): Merge incrementally in parsers to eliminate
// subtle issues with tie-breaking. See
MEDIA_EXPORT bool MergeBufferQueues(const StreamParser::BufferQueueMap& buffers,
StreamParser::BufferQueue* merged_buffers);
} // namespace media