blob: f90701c43e1411ce253977b210051c3aa398e30c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "media/filters/video_renderer_algorithm.h"
#include <limits>
#include "base/ranges/algorithm.h"
#include "media/base/media_log.h"
namespace media {
const int kMaxOutOfOrderFrameLogs = 10;
scoped_refptr<VideoFrame> ready_frame)
: frame(std::move(ready_frame)),
drop_count(0) {}
VideoRendererAlgorithm::ReadyFrame::ReadyFrame(const ReadyFrame& other) =
VideoRendererAlgorithm::ReadyFrame::~ReadyFrame() = default;
bool VideoRendererAlgorithm::ReadyFrame::operator<(
const ReadyFrame& other) const {
return frame->timestamp() < other.frame->timestamp();
const TimeSource::WallClockTimeCB& wall_clock_time_cb,
MediaLog* media_log)
: media_log_(media_log),
frame_dropping_disabled_(false) {
VideoRendererAlgorithm::~VideoRendererAlgorithm() = default;
scoped_refptr<VideoFrame> VideoRendererAlgorithm::Render(
base::TimeTicks deadline_min,
base::TimeTicks deadline_max,
size_t* frames_dropped) {
DCHECK_LE(deadline_min, deadline_max);
if (frame_queue_.empty())
return nullptr;
if (frames_dropped)
*frames_dropped = frames_dropped_during_enqueue_;
frames_dropped_during_enqueue_ = 0;
have_rendered_frames_ = true;
// Step 1: Update the current render interval for subroutines.
render_interval_ = deadline_max - deadline_min;
// Step 2: Figure out if any intervals have been skipped since the last call
// to Render(). If so, we assume the last frame provided was rendered during
// those intervals and adjust its render count appropriately.
AccountForMissedIntervals(deadline_min, deadline_max);
// Step 3: Update the wall clock timestamps and frame duration estimates for
// all frames currently in the |frame_queue_|.
const bool have_known_duration = average_frame_duration_.is_positive();
if (!was_time_moving_ || !have_known_duration || render_interval_.is_zero()) {
ReadyFrame& ready_frame = frame_queue_.front();
// If time stops, we should reset the |first_frame_| marker.
if (!was_time_moving_)
first_frame_ = true;
return ready_frame.frame;
last_deadline_max_ = deadline_max;
base::TimeDelta selected_frame_drift, cadence_frame_drift;
// Step 4: Attempt to find the best frame by cadence.
const int cadence_frame = FindBestFrameByCadence();
int frame_to_render = cadence_frame;
if (frame_to_render >= 0) {
cadence_frame_drift = selected_frame_drift =
CalculateAbsoluteDriftForFrame(deadline_min, frame_to_render);
// Step 5: If no frame could be found by cadence or the selected frame exceeds
// acceptable drift, try to find the best frame by coverage of the deadline.
if (frame_to_render < 0 || selected_frame_drift > max_acceptable_drift_) {
int second_best_by_coverage = -1;
const int best_by_coverage = FindBestFrameByCoverage(
deadline_min, deadline_max, &second_best_by_coverage);
// If the frame was previously selected based on cadence, we're only here
// because the drift is too large, so even if the cadence frame has the best
// coverage, fallback to the second best by coverage if it has better drift.
if (frame_to_render == best_by_coverage && second_best_by_coverage >= 0 &&
CalculateAbsoluteDriftForFrame(deadline_min, second_best_by_coverage) <=
selected_frame_drift) {
frame_to_render = second_best_by_coverage;
} else {
frame_to_render = best_by_coverage;
if (frame_to_render >= 0) {
selected_frame_drift =
CalculateAbsoluteDriftForFrame(deadline_min, frame_to_render);
// Step 6: If _still_ no frame could be found by coverage, try to choose the
// least crappy option based on the drift from the deadline. If we're here the
// selection is going to be bad because it means no suitable frame has any
// coverage of the deadline interval.
if (frame_to_render < 0 || selected_frame_drift > max_acceptable_drift_)
frame_to_render = FindBestFrameByDrift(deadline_min, &selected_frame_drift);
const bool ignored_cadence_frame =
cadence_frame >= 0 && frame_to_render != cadence_frame;
if (ignored_cadence_frame) {
DVLOG(2) << "Cadence frame "
<< frame_queue_[cadence_frame].frame->timestamp() << " ("
<< cadence_frame << ") overridden by drift: "
<< cadence_frame_drift.InMillisecondsF() << "ms, using "
<< frame_queue_[frame_to_render].frame->timestamp() << "("
<< frame_to_render << ") instead.";
last_render_had_glitch_ = selected_frame_drift > max_acceptable_drift_;
DVLOG_IF(2, last_render_had_glitch_)
<< "Frame drift is too far: " << selected_frame_drift.InMillisecondsF()
<< "ms";
DCHECK_GE(frame_to_render, 0);
// Drop some debugging information if a frame had poor cadence.
if (cadence_estimator_.has_cadence()) {
const ReadyFrame& last_frame_info = frame_queue_.front();
if (frame_to_render &&
last_frame_info.render_count < last_frame_info.ideal_render_count) {
last_render_had_glitch_ = true;
DVLOG(2) << "Under-rendered frame " << last_frame_info.frame->timestamp()
<< "; only " << last_frame_info.render_count
<< " times instead of " << last_frame_info.ideal_render_count;
} else if (!frame_to_render &&
last_frame_info.render_count >=
last_frame_info.ideal_render_count) {
DVLOG(2) << "Over-rendered frame " << last_frame_info.frame->timestamp()
<< "; rendered " << last_frame_info.render_count + 1
<< " times instead of " << last_frame_info.ideal_render_count;
last_render_had_glitch_ = true;
// Step 7: Drop frames which occur prior to the frame to be rendered. If any
// frame unexpectedly has a zero render count it should be reported as
// dropped. When using cadence some frames may be expected to be skipped and
// should not be counted as dropped.
if (frame_to_render > 0) {
if (frames_dropped) {
for (int i = 0; i < frame_to_render; ++i) {
const ReadyFrame& frame = frame_queue_[i];
// If a frame was ever rendered, don't count it as dropped.
if (frame.render_count != frame.drop_count)
// If we expected to never render the frame, don't count it as dropped.
if (cadence_estimator_.has_cadence() && !frame.ideal_render_count)
// If frame dropping is disabled, ignore the results of the algorithm
// and return the earliest unrendered frame.
if (frame_dropping_disabled_) {
frame_to_render = i;
DVLOG(2) << "Dropping unrendered (or always dropped) frame "
<< frame.frame->timestamp()
<< ", wall clock: " << frame.start_time.ToInternalValue()
<< " (" << frame.render_count << ", " << frame.drop_count
<< ")";
if (!cadence_estimator_.has_cadence() || frame.ideal_render_count)
last_render_had_glitch_ = true;
// Increment the frame counter for all frames removed after the last
// rendered frame.
cadence_frame_counter_ += frame_to_render;
frame_queue_.begin() + frame_to_render);
if (last_render_had_glitch_ && !first_frame_) {
DVLOG(2) << "Deadline: [" << deadline_min.ToInternalValue() << ", "
<< deadline_max.ToInternalValue()
<< "], Interval: " << render_interval_.InMicroseconds()
<< ", Duration: " << average_frame_duration_.InMicroseconds();
// Step 8: Congratulations, the frame selection gauntlet has been passed!
if (first_frame_ && frame_to_render > 0)
first_frame_ = false;
// Once we reach a glitch in our cadence sequence, reset the base frame number
// used for defining the cadence sequence; the sequence restarts from the
// selected frame.
if (ignored_cadence_frame) {
cadence_frame_counter_ = 0;
return frame_queue_.front().frame;
size_t VideoRendererAlgorithm::RemoveExpiredFrames(base::TimeTicks deadline) {
// Update |last_deadline_max_| if it's no longer accurate; this should always
// be done or EffectiveFramesQueued() may never expire the last frame.
if (deadline > last_deadline_max_)
last_deadline_max_ = deadline;
if (frame_queue_.empty())
return 0;
// Even though we may not be able to remove anything due to having only one
// frame, correct any estimates which may have been set during EnqueueFrame().
// We always leave at least one frame in the queue, so if there's only one
// frame there's nothing we can expire.
if (frame_queue_.size() == 1)
return 0;
DCHECK_GT(average_frame_duration_, base::TimeDelta());
// Expire everything before the first good frame or everything but the last
// frame if there is no good frame.
const int first_good_frame = FindFirstGoodFrame();
const size_t frames_to_expire =
first_good_frame < 0 ? frame_queue_.size() - 1 : first_good_frame;
if (!frames_to_expire)
return 0;
size_t frames_dropped_without_rendering = 0;
for (size_t i = 0; i < frames_to_expire; ++i) {
const ReadyFrame& frame = frame_queue_[i];
// Don't count frames that are intentionally dropped by cadence as dropped.
if (frame.render_count == frame.drop_count &&
(!cadence_estimator_.has_cadence() || frame.ideal_render_count)) {
cadence_frame_counter_ += frames_to_expire;
frame_queue_.begin() + frames_to_expire);
return frames_dropped_without_rendering;
void VideoRendererAlgorithm::OnLastFrameDropped() {
// Since compositing is disconnected from the algorithm, the algorithm may be
// Reset() in between ticks of the compositor, so discard notifications which
// are invalid.
if (!have_rendered_frames_ || frame_queue_.empty())
// If frames were expired by RemoveExpiredFrames() this count may be zero when
// the OnLastFrameDropped() call comes in.
ReadyFrame& frame = frame_queue_.front();
if (!frame.render_count)
DCHECK_LE(frame.drop_count, frame.render_count);
void VideoRendererAlgorithm::Reset(ResetFlag reset_flag) {
out_of_order_frame_logs_ = 0;
frames_dropped_during_enqueue_ = 0;
have_rendered_frames_ = last_render_had_glitch_ = false;
render_interval_ = base::TimeDelta();
if (reset_flag != ResetFlag::kPreserveNextFrameEstimates) {
average_frame_duration_ = base::TimeDelta();
last_deadline_max_ = base::TimeTicks();
first_frame_ = true;
effective_frames_queued_ = cadence_frame_counter_ = 0;
was_time_moving_ = false;
// Default to ATSC IS/191 recommendations for maximum acceptable drift before
// we have enough frames to base the maximum on frame duration.
max_acceptable_drift_ = base::Milliseconds(15);
int64_t VideoRendererAlgorithm::GetMemoryUsage() const {
int64_t allocation_size = 0;
for (const auto& ready_frame : frame_queue_) {
allocation_size += VideoFrame::AllocationSize(
ready_frame.frame->format(), ready_frame.frame->coded_size());
return allocation_size;
void VideoRendererAlgorithm::EnqueueFrame(scoped_refptr<VideoFrame> frame) {
// Note: Not all frames have duration. E.g., this class is used with WebRTC
// which does not provide duration information for its frames.
base::TimeDelta metadata_frame_duration =
auto timestamp = frame->timestamp();
ReadyFrame ready_frame(std::move(frame));
auto it = frame_queue_.empty()
? frame_queue_.end()
: std::lower_bound(frame_queue_.begin(), frame_queue_.end(),
DCHECK_GE(it - frame_queue_.begin(), 0);
// Drop any frames inserted before or at the last rendered frame if we've
// already rendered any frames.
const size_t new_frame_index = it - frame_queue_.begin();
if (new_frame_index <= 0 && have_rendered_frames_) {
LIMITED_MEDIA_LOG(INFO, media_log_, out_of_order_frame_logs_,
<< "Dropping frame with timestamp " << timestamp
<< ", which is earlier than the last rendered frame ("
<< frame_queue_.front().frame->timestamp() << ").";
// Drop any frames which are less than a millisecond apart in media time (even
// those with timestamps matching an already enqueued frame), there's no way
// we can reasonably render these frames; it's effectively a 1000fps limit.
const base::TimeDelta delta = std::min(
new_frame_index < frame_queue_.size()
? frame_queue_[new_frame_index].frame->timestamp() - timestamp
: base::TimeDelta::Max(),
new_frame_index > 0
? timestamp - frame_queue_[new_frame_index - 1].frame->timestamp()
: base::TimeDelta::Max());
if (delta < base::Milliseconds(1)) {
DVLOG(2) << "Dropping frame too close to an already enqueued frame: "
<< delta.InMicroseconds() << " us";
// Calculate an accurate start time and an estimated end time if possible for
// the new frame; this allows EffectiveFramesQueued() to be relatively correct
// immediately after a new frame is queued.
std::vector<base::TimeDelta> media_timestamps(1, timestamp);
// If there are not enough frames to estimate duration based on end time, ask
// the WallClockTimeCB to convert the estimated frame duration into wall clock
// time.
// Note: This duration value is not compensated for playback rate and
// thus is different than |average_frame_duration_| which is compensated.
if (!frame_duration_calculator_.count() &&
metadata_frame_duration.is_positive()) {
media_timestamps.push_back(timestamp + metadata_frame_duration);
std::vector<base::TimeTicks> wall_clock_times;
base::TimeDelta wallclock_duration;
wall_clock_time_cb_.Run(media_timestamps, &wall_clock_times);
ready_frame.start_time = wall_clock_times[0];
if (frame_duration_calculator_.count()) {
ready_frame.end_time = ready_frame.start_time + average_frame_duration_;
wallclock_duration = average_frame_duration_;
} else if (wall_clock_times.size() > 1u) {
ready_frame.end_time = wall_clock_times[1];
wallclock_duration = ready_frame.end_time - ready_frame.start_time;
ready_frame.frame->metadata().wallclock_frame_duration = wallclock_duration;
// The vast majority of cases should always append to the back, but in rare
// circumstance we get out of order timestamps,
if (it != frame_queue_.end()) {
LIMITED_MEDIA_LOG(INFO, media_log_, out_of_order_frame_logs_,
<< "Decoded frame with timestamp " << timestamp << " is out of order.";
frame_queue_.insert(it, ready_frame);
// Project the current cadence calculations to include the new frame. These
// may not be accurate until the next Render() call. These updates are done
// to ensure EffectiveFramesQueued() returns a semi-reliable result.
if (cadence_estimator_.has_cadence())
#ifndef NDEBUG
// Verify sorted order in debug mode.
for (size_t i = 0; i < frame_queue_.size() - 1; ++i) {
DCHECK(frame_queue_[i].frame->timestamp() <=
frame_queue_[i + 1].frame->timestamp());
void VideoRendererAlgorithm::AccountForMissedIntervals(
base::TimeTicks deadline_min,
base::TimeTicks deadline_max) {
if (last_deadline_max_.is_null() || deadline_min <= last_deadline_max_ ||
!have_rendered_frames_ || !was_time_moving_ ||
render_interval_.is_zero()) {
DCHECK_GT(render_interval_, base::TimeDelta());
const int64_t render_cycle_count =
(deadline_min - last_deadline_max_).IntDiv(render_interval_);
// In the ideal case this value will be zero.
if (!render_cycle_count)
DVLOG(2) << "Missed " << render_cycle_count << " Render() intervals.";
// Only update render count if the frame was rendered at all; it may not have
// been if the frame is at the head because we haven't rendered anything yet
// or because previous frames were removed via RemoveExpiredFrames().
ReadyFrame& ready_frame = frame_queue_.front();
if (!ready_frame.render_count)
// If the frame was never really rendered since it was dropped each attempt,
// we need to increase the drop count as well to match the new render count.
// Otherwise we won't properly count the frame as dropped when it's discarded.
// We always update the render count so FindBestFrameByCadence() can properly
// account for potentially over-rendered frames.
if (ready_frame.render_count == ready_frame.drop_count)
ready_frame.drop_count += render_cycle_count;
ready_frame.render_count += render_cycle_count;
void VideoRendererAlgorithm::UpdateFrameStatistics() {
// Figure out all current ready frame times at once.
std::vector<base::TimeDelta> media_timestamps;
for (const auto& ready_frame : frame_queue_)
// If available, always use the last frame's metadata duration to estimate the
// end time for that frame. This is useful when playback ends on long frame
// duration content.
// Note: Not all frames have duration. E.g., this class is used with WebRTC
// which does not provide duration information for its frames.
bool have_metadata_duration = false;
const auto& last_frame = frame_queue_.back().frame;
base::TimeDelta metadata_frame_duration =
if (metadata_frame_duration.is_positive()) {
have_metadata_duration = true;
media_timestamps.push_back(last_frame->timestamp() +
std::vector<base::TimeTicks> wall_clock_times;
was_time_moving_ =
wall_clock_time_cb_.Run(media_timestamps, &wall_clock_times);
frame_queue_.size() + (have_metadata_duration ? 1 : 0));
// Transfer the converted wall clock times into our frame queue. Never process
// the last frame in this loop; the last frame timing is handled below.
for (size_t i = 0; i < frame_queue_.size() - 1; ++i) {
ReadyFrame& frame = frame_queue_[i];
// Whenever a frame is added to the queue, |has_estimated_end_time| is true;
// this remains true until we receive a later frame -- from which we use its
// timestamp to assign the true |end_time| for the previous frame.
// So a new sample can always be determined by the |has_estimated_end_time|
// flag and the fact that the frame is being processed in this loop which
// never processes the last (and thus always estimated) frame.
const bool new_sample = frame.has_estimated_end_time;
frame.start_time = wall_clock_times[i];
frame.end_time = wall_clock_times[i + 1];
frame.has_estimated_end_time = false;
if (new_sample)
frame_duration_calculator_.AddSample(frame.end_time - frame.start_time);
base::TimeDelta deviation;
if (frame_duration_calculator_.count()) {
// Compute |average_frame_duration_|, a moving average of the last few
// frames; see kMovingAverageSamples for the exact number.
average_frame_duration_ = frame_duration_calculator_.Average();
deviation = frame_duration_calculator_.Deviation();
if (have_metadata_duration) {
auto& frame = frame_queue_.back();
frame.start_time = wall_clock_times.end()[-2];
frame.end_time = wall_clock_times.end()[-1];
// This path will be taken for frames after the very first, but we only want
// to use our estimate of |average_frame_duration_| when we have no samples
// in |frame_duration_calculator_| -- since it's a more accurate reflection
// of the per-frame on screen time.
if (!frame_duration_calculator_.count()) {
average_frame_duration_ = frame.end_time - frame.start_time;
if (average_frame_duration_.is_zero())
} else {
frame_queue_.back().start_time = wall_clock_times.back();
// If |have_metadata_duration| is false and we don't have any subsequent
// frames, we can't continue processing since the cadence estimate requires
// |average_frame_duration_| and |deviation| to be non-zero.
if (!frame_duration_calculator_.count())
// Update the frame end time for the last frame based on the average.
frame_queue_.back().end_time =
frame_queue_.back().start_time + average_frame_duration_;
// ITU-R BR.265 recommends a maximum acceptable drift of +/- half of the frame
// duration; there are other asymmetric, more lenient measures, that we're
// forgoing in favor of simplicity.
// We'll always allow at least 16.66ms of drift since literature suggests it's
// well below the floor of detection and is high enough to ensure stability
// for 60fps content.
max_acceptable_drift_ =
std::max(average_frame_duration_ / 2, base::Seconds(1.0 / 60));
// If we were called via RemoveExpiredFrames() and Render() was never called,
// we may not have a render interval yet.
if (render_interval_.is_zero())
const bool cadence_changed = cadence_estimator_.UpdateCadenceEstimate(
render_interval_, average_frame_duration_, deviation,
// No need to update cadence if there's been no change; cadence will be set
// as frames are added to the queue.
if (!cadence_changed)
cadence_frame_counter_ = 0;
void VideoRendererAlgorithm::UpdateCadenceForFrames() {
for (size_t i = 0; i < frame_queue_.size(); ++i) {
// It's always okay to adjust the ideal render count, since the cadence
// selection method will still count its current render count towards
// cadence selection.
frame_queue_[i].ideal_render_count =
? cadence_estimator_.GetCadenceForFrame(cadence_frame_counter_ + i)
: 0;
int VideoRendererAlgorithm::FindBestFrameByCadence() const {
if (!cadence_estimator_.has_cadence())
return -1;
const ReadyFrame& current_frame = frame_queue_.front();
// If the current frame is below cadence, we should prefer it.
if (current_frame.render_count < current_frame.ideal_render_count)
return 0;
// If the current frame is on cadence or over cadence, find the next frame
// with a positive ideal render count.
for (size_t i = 1; i < frame_queue_.size(); ++i) {
if (frame_queue_[i].ideal_render_count > 0)
return i;
// We don't have enough frames to find a better once by cadence.
return -1;
int VideoRendererAlgorithm::FindBestFrameByCoverage(
base::TimeTicks deadline_min,
base::TimeTicks deadline_max,
int* second_best) const {
// Find the frame which covers the most of the interval [deadline_min,
// deadline_max]. Frames outside of the interval are considered to have no
// coverage, while those which completely overlap the interval have complete
// coverage.
int best_frame_by_coverage = -1;
base::TimeDelta best_coverage;
std::vector<base::TimeDelta> coverage(frame_queue_.size(), base::TimeDelta());
for (size_t i = 0; i < frame_queue_.size(); ++i) {
const ReadyFrame& frame = frame_queue_[i];
// Frames which start after the deadline interval have zero coverage.
if (frame.start_time > deadline_max)
// Clamp frame end times to a maximum of |deadline_max|.
const base::TimeTicks end_time = std::min(deadline_max, frame.end_time);
// Frames entirely before the deadline interval have zero coverage.
if (end_time < deadline_min)
// If we're here, the current frame overlaps the deadline in some way; so
// compute the duration of the interval which is covered.
const base::TimeDelta duration =
end_time - std::max(deadline_min, frame.start_time);
coverage[i] = duration;
if (coverage[i] > best_coverage) {
best_frame_by_coverage = i;
best_coverage = coverage[i];
// Find the second best frame by coverage; done by zeroing the coverage for
// the previous best and recomputing the maximum.
*second_best = -1;
if (best_frame_by_coverage >= 0) {
coverage[best_frame_by_coverage] = base::TimeDelta();
auto it = std::max_element(coverage.begin(), coverage.end());
if (it->is_positive())
*second_best = it - coverage.begin();
// If two frames have coverage within half a millisecond, prefer the earliest
// frame as having the best coverage. Value chosen via experimentation to
// ensure proper coverage calculation for 24fps in 60Hz where +/- 100us of
// jitter is present within the |render_interval_|. At 60Hz this works out to
// an allowed jitter of 3%.
const base::TimeDelta kAllowableJitter = base::Microseconds(500);
if (*second_best >= 0 && best_frame_by_coverage > *second_best &&
(best_coverage - coverage[*second_best]).magnitude() <=
kAllowableJitter) {
std::swap(best_frame_by_coverage, *second_best);
// TODO(dalecurtis): We may want to make a better decision about what to do
// when multiple frames have equivalent coverage over an interval. Jitter in
// the render interval may result in irregular frame selection which may be
// visible to a viewer.
// 23.974fps and 24fps in 60Hz are the most common susceptible rates, so
// extensive tests have been added to ensure these cases work properly.
return best_frame_by_coverage;
int VideoRendererAlgorithm::FindBestFrameByDrift(
base::TimeTicks deadline_min,
base::TimeDelta* selected_frame_drift) const {
int best_frame_by_drift = -1;
*selected_frame_drift = base::TimeDelta::Max();
for (size_t i = 0; i < frame_queue_.size(); ++i) {
const base::TimeDelta drift =
CalculateAbsoluteDriftForFrame(deadline_min, i);
// We use <= here to prefer the latest frame with minimum drift.
if (drift <= *selected_frame_drift) {
*selected_frame_drift = drift;
best_frame_by_drift = i;
return best_frame_by_drift;
base::TimeDelta VideoRendererAlgorithm::CalculateAbsoluteDriftForFrame(
base::TimeTicks deadline_min,
int frame_index) const {
const ReadyFrame& frame = frame_queue_[frame_index];
// If the frame lies before the deadline, compute the delta against the end
// of the frame's duration.
if (frame.end_time < deadline_min)
return deadline_min - frame.end_time;
// If the frame lies after the deadline, compute the delta against the frame's
// start time.
if (frame.start_time > deadline_min)
return frame.start_time - deadline_min;
// Drift is zero for frames which overlap the deadline interval.
DCHECK_GE(deadline_min, frame.start_time);
DCHECK_GE(frame.end_time, deadline_min);
return base::TimeDelta();
void VideoRendererAlgorithm::UpdateEffectiveFramesQueued() {
if (frame_queue_.empty() || average_frame_duration_.is_zero() ||
last_deadline_max_.is_null()) {
effective_frames_queued_ = frame_queue_.size();
// Determine the lower bound of the number of effective queues first.
// Normally, this is 0.
size_t min_frames_queued = 0;
// If frame dropping is disabled, the lower bound is the number of frames
// that were not rendered yet.
if (frame_dropping_disabled_) {
min_frames_queued =
base::ranges::count(frame_queue_, 0, &ReadyFrame::render_count);
// Next, see if can report more frames as queued.
effective_frames_queued_ =
std::max(min_frames_queued, CountEffectiveFramesQueued());
int VideoRendererAlgorithm::FindFirstGoodFrame() const {
const auto minimum_start_time =
? last_deadline_max_ - max_acceptable_drift_
: last_deadline_max_;
size_t start_index = 0;
for (; start_index < frame_queue_.size(); ++start_index) {
const ReadyFrame& frame = frame_queue_[start_index];
if ((!cadence_estimator_.has_cadence() ||
frame.render_count < frame.ideal_render_count) &&
(frame.end_time.is_null() || frame.end_time > minimum_start_time)) {
return start_index == frame_queue_.size() ? -1 : start_index;
size_t VideoRendererAlgorithm::CountEffectiveFramesQueued() const {
const int start_index = FindFirstGoodFrame();
if (start_index < 0)
return 0;
if (!cadence_estimator_.has_cadence())
return frame_queue_.size() - start_index;
// We should ignore zero cadence frames in our effective frame count.
size_t renderable_frame_count = 0;
for (size_t i = start_index; i < frame_queue_.size(); ++i) {
if (frame_queue_[i].ideal_render_count)
return renderable_frame_count;
} // namespace media