blob: 659ac17d9b4e81f639131179a262fabb162a01c6 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "ui/accessibility/ax_node_position.h"
#include "build/build_config.h"
#include "ui/accessibility/ax_enums.mojom.h"
#include "ui/base/buildflags.h"
namespace ui {
// On some platforms, most objects are represented in the text of their parents
// with a special "embedded object character" and not with their actual text
// contents. Also on the same platforms, if a node has only ignored descendants,
// i.e., it appears to be empty to assistive software, we need to treat it as a
// character and a word boundary.
AXEmbeddedObjectBehavior g_ax_embedded_object_behavior =
AXEmbeddedObjectBehavior behavior) {
prev_behavior_ = g_ax_embedded_object_behavior;
g_ax_embedded_object_behavior = behavior;
ScopedAXEmbeddedObjectBehaviorSetter::~ScopedAXEmbeddedObjectBehaviorSetter() {
g_ax_embedded_object_behavior = prev_behavior_;
std::string ToString(const AXPositionKind kind) {
static constexpr auto kKindToString =
base::MakeFixedFlatMap<AXPositionKind, const char*>(
{{AXPositionKind::NULL_POSITION, "NullPosition"},
{AXPositionKind::TREE_POSITION, "TreePosition"},
{AXPositionKind::TEXT_POSITION, "TextPosition"}});
const auto* iter = kKindToString.find(kind);
if (iter == std::end(kKindToString))
return std::string();
return iter->second;
// static
AXNodePosition::AXPositionInstance AXNodePosition::CreatePosition(
const AXNode& node,
int child_index_or_text_offset,
ax::mojom::TextAffinity affinity) {
if (!node.tree())
return CreateNullPosition();
if (IsTextPositionAnchor(node)) {
// TODO(accessibility) It is a mistake for the to caller try to create a
// text position with BEFORE_TEXT as the text offset. Correct the callers
// that are doing this.
// DCHECK_NE(child_index_or_text_offset, BEFORE_TEXT)
// << "Creating a text position with BEFORE_TEXT as the offset is illegal "
// "and disallowed.";
int text_offset = child_index_or_text_offset == BEFORE_TEXT
? 0
: child_index_or_text_offset;
return CreateTextPosition(node, text_offset, affinity);
<< "\n* Trying to create a tree position with a child index that is too "
"large. Maybe a text position should have been created instead?\n"
<< "\n* Anchor node: " << node << "\n* IsLeaf(): " << node.IsLeaf()
<< "\n* Child offset: " << child_index_or_text_offset
<< "\n* IsLeafNodeForTreePosition(): " << IsLeafNodeForTreePosition(node)
<< "\n* Tree: " << node.tree()->ToString();
return CreateTreePosition(node, child_index_or_text_offset);
// static
bool AXNodePosition::IsTextPositionAnchor(const AXNode& node) {
// TODO(accessibility) Simplify. Not actually sure if this is the correct
// thing for the case where IsLeaf() == false but IsLeafNodeForTreePosition()
// is true.
if (node.IsLeaf())
return true;
// TODO(accessibility) Try to remove this condition. Text positions for a
// selection operation should only be created inside selectable text.
// A list marker for example is not selectable text: it would either be
// selected as a whole or not selected, and you can't select half of it.
if (IsLeafNodeForTreePosition(node))
return true;
if (node.GetRole() == ax::mojom::Role::kSpinButton) {
// TODO(benjamin.beaudry) Please look into whether this code needs to
// remain, or can be simplified.
return true;
// Ignored atomic text fields and spin buttons are not considered leaves by
// AXNode::IsLeaf(), but should always use a text position.
if ( {
// Ignored atomic text fields and spin buttons are not considered leaves by
// AXNode::IsLeaf(), but should always use a text position.
// TODO(accessibility) Nobody should be creating a text position on an
// ignored text field.
DCHECK(node.IsIgnored()) << "Returned false from IsLeaf(): " << node;
return true;
return false;
AXNodePosition::AXNodePosition() = default;
AXNodePosition::~AXNodePosition() = default;
AXNodePosition::AXNodePosition(const AXNodePosition& other)
: AXPosition<AXNodePosition, AXNode>(other) {}
AXNodePosition::AXPositionInstance AXNodePosition::Clone() const {
return AXPositionInstance(new AXNodePosition(*this));
} // namespace ui