blob: bd908ac3264e0e407336ed4aa344b89db7f78815 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <inttypes.h>
#include "ui/display/screen_info.h"
namespace display {
namespace {
// Returns a debug string for the orientation type.
const char* ToOrientationString(mojom::ScreenOrientation orientaiton_type) {
switch (orientaiton_type) {
case mojom::ScreenOrientation::kUndefined:
return "Undefined";
case mojom::ScreenOrientation::kPortraitPrimary:
return "PortraitPrimary";
case mojom::ScreenOrientation::kPortraitSecondary:
return "PortraitSecondary";
case mojom::ScreenOrientation::kLandscapePrimary:
return "LandscapePrimary";
case mojom::ScreenOrientation::kLandscapeSecondary:
return "LandscapeSecondary";
return "unknown";
} // namespace
ScreenInfo::ScreenInfo() = default;
ScreenInfo::ScreenInfo(const ScreenInfo& other) = default;
ScreenInfo::~ScreenInfo() = default;
ScreenInfo& ScreenInfo::operator=(const ScreenInfo& other) = default;
bool ScreenInfo::operator==(const ScreenInfo& other) const {
return device_scale_factor == other.device_scale_factor &&
display_color_spaces == other.display_color_spaces &&
depth == other.depth &&
depth_per_component == other.depth_per_component &&
is_monochrome == other.is_monochrome &&
display_frequency == other.display_frequency && rect == other.rect &&
available_rect == other.available_rect &&
orientation_type == other.orientation_type &&
orientation_angle == other.orientation_angle &&
is_extended == other.is_extended && is_primary == other.is_primary &&
is_internal == other.is_internal && label == other.label &&
display_id == other.display_id;
bool ScreenInfo::operator!=(const ScreenInfo& other) const {
return !operator==(other);
std::string ScreenInfo::ToString() const {
return base::StringPrintf(
"ScreenInfo[%" PRId64 "] \"%s\" bounds=[%s] avail=[%s] scale=%g %s %s %s",
display_id, label.c_str(), rect.ToString().c_str(),
available_rect.ToString().c_str(), device_scale_factor,
is_internal ? "internal" : "external",
is_primary ? "primary" : "secondary");
} // namespace display