blob: c094e60d10f53b98a5967f0585aca51adad25221 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2023 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "base/memory/raw_ptr.h"
#include "ui/gl/gl_export.h"
namespace gl {
class GLContext;
class GLSurface;
} // namespace gl
namespace ui {
// Same as ScopedMakeCurrent, but unsafe. Meaning that it doesn't store either
// |context| or |surface| as refptr. The client must ensure those outlive
// |this|.
// TODO(msisov): make ScopedMakeCurrent base and add safe and unsafe
// implementations instead of two independent ones.
class GL_EXPORT ScopedMakeCurrentUnsafe {
ScopedMakeCurrentUnsafe(gl::GLContext* context, gl::GLSurface* surface);
ScopedMakeCurrentUnsafe(const ScopedMakeCurrentUnsafe&) = delete;
ScopedMakeCurrentUnsafe& operator=(const ScopedMakeCurrentUnsafe&) = delete;
// Returns whether the |context_| is current.
bool IsContextCurrent() { return is_context_current_; }
const raw_ptr<gl::GLContext> previous_context_;
const raw_ptr<gl::GLSurface> previous_surface_;
const raw_ptr<gl::GLContext> context_;
const raw_ptr<gl::GLSurface> surface_;
bool is_context_current_ = false;
} // namespace ui