blob: 9cc65cf5713464e5964e9aa2109c281055e5b70f [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "base/command_line.h"
#include "base/component_export.h"
#include "base/containers/flat_map.h"
#include "base/observer_list.h"
#include "base/scoped_observation_traits.h"
#include "build/buildflag.h"
#include "build/chromecast_buildflags.h"
#include "printing/buildflags/buildflags.h"
#include "ui/gfx/geometry/rect.h"
// The main entrypoint into Linux toolkit specific code. GTK/QT code should only
// be executed behind this interface.
using SkColor = uint32_t;
// TODO(thomasanderson): Remove Profile forward declaration.
class Profile;
namespace aura {
class Window;
namespace base {
class TimeDelta;
namespace gfx {
struct FontRenderParams;
class Image;
class Size;
} // namespace gfx
namespace printing {
class PrintingContextLinux;
class PrintDialogLinuxInterface;
} // namespace printing
namespace ui {
class CursorThemeManagerObserver;
class DeviceScaleFactorObserver;
class Event;
class LinuxInputMethodContext;
class LinuxInputMethodContextDelegate;
class LinuxUiTheme;
class NativeTheme;
class NavButtonProvider;
class SelectFileDialog;
class SelectFilePolicy;
class TextEditCommandAuraLinux;
class WindowButtonOrderObserver;
class WindowFrameProvider;
struct DisplayGeometry {
bool operator==(const DisplayGeometry& other) const {
return bounds_px == other.bounds_px && scale == other.scale;
gfx::Rect bounds_px;
float scale;
struct DisplayConfig {
explicit DisplayConfig(float primary_scale);
DisplayConfig(DisplayConfig&& other);
DisplayConfig& operator=(DisplayConfig&& other);
std::vector<DisplayGeometry> display_geometries;
float primary_scale = 1.0f;
bool operator==(const DisplayConfig& other) const {
return display_geometries == other.display_geometries &&
primary_scale == other.primary_scale;
inline DisplayConfig::DisplayConfig(float primary_scale)
: primary_scale(primary_scale) {}
inline DisplayConfig::DisplayConfig() = default;
inline DisplayConfig::DisplayConfig(DisplayConfig&& other) = default;
inline DisplayConfig& DisplayConfig::operator=(DisplayConfig&& other) = default;
inline DisplayConfig::~DisplayConfig() = default;
// Adapter class with targets to render like different toolkits. Set by any
// project that wants to do linux desktop native rendering.
// Describes the window management actions that could be taken in response to
// a middle click in the non client area.
enum class WindowFrameAction {
// The types of clicks that might invoke a WindowFrameAction.
enum class WindowFrameActionSource {
LinuxUi(const LinuxUi&) = delete;
LinuxUi& operator=(const LinuxUi&) = delete;
virtual ~LinuxUi();
// Sets the dynamically loaded singleton that draws the desktop native UI.
// Returns the old instance if any.
static LinuxUi* SetInstance(LinuxUi* instance);
// Returns a LinuxUI instance for the toolkit used in the user's desktop
// environment.
// Can return NULL, in case no toolkit has been set. (For example, if we're
// running with the "--ash" flag.)
static LinuxUi* instance();
// Registers |observer| to be notified about changes to the device
// scale factor.
void AddDeviceScaleFactorObserver(DeviceScaleFactorObserver* observer);
// Unregisters |observer| from receiving changes to the device scale
// factor.
void RemoveDeviceScaleFactorObserver(DeviceScaleFactorObserver* observer);
// Adds |observer| and makes initial OnCursorThemNameChanged() and/or
// OnCursorThemeSizeChanged() calls if the respective settings were set.
void AddCursorThemeObserver(CursorThemeManagerObserver* observer);
void RemoveCursorThemeObserver(CursorThemeManagerObserver* observer);
// Determines the device scale factor for all screens.
const DisplayConfig& display_config() const { return display_config_; }
// Returns true on success. If false is returned, this instance shouldn't
// be used and the behavior of all functions is undefined.
[[nodiscard]] virtual bool Initialize() = 0;
virtual base::TimeDelta GetCursorBlinkInterval() const = 0;
// Returns the icon for a given content type from the icon theme.
// TODO(davidben): Add an observer for the theme changing, so we can drop the
// caches.
virtual gfx::Image GetIconForContentType(const std::string& content_type,
int size,
float scale) const = 0;
// Returns a map of KeyboardEvent code to KeyboardEvent key values.
virtual base::flat_map<std::string, std::string> GetKeyboardLayoutMap() = 0;
virtual printing::PrintDialogLinuxInterface* CreatePrintDialog(
printing::PrintingContextLinux* context) = 0;
virtual gfx::Size GetPdfPaperSize(
printing::PrintingContextLinux* context) = 0;
// Returns a native file selection dialog. `listener` is of type
// SelectFileDialog::Listener. TODO(thomasanderson): Move
// SelectFileDialog::Listener to SelectFileDialogListener so that it can be
// forward declared.
virtual SelectFileDialog* CreateSelectFileDialog(
void* listener,
std::unique_ptr<SelectFilePolicy> policy) const = 0;
// Returns the prefererd theme name for cursor loading.
virtual std::string GetCursorThemeName() = 0;
// Returns the preferred size for cursor bitmaps. A value of 64 indicates
// that 64x64 px bitmaps are preferred.
virtual int GetCursorThemeSize() = 0;
// Returns a platform specific input method context.
virtual std::unique_ptr<LinuxInputMethodContext> CreateInputMethodContext(
LinuxInputMethodContextDelegate* delegate) const = 0;
// Matches a key event against the users' platform specific key bindings,
// false will be returned if the key event doesn't correspond to a predefined
// key binding. Edit commands matched with |event| will be stored in
// |edit_commands|, if |edit_commands| is non-nullptr.
// |text_falgs| is the current ui::TextInputFlags if available.
virtual bool GetTextEditCommandsForEvent(
const ui::Event& event,
int text_flags,
std::vector<TextEditCommandAuraLinux>* commands) = 0;
// Returns the default font rendering settings.
virtual gfx::FontRenderParams GetDefaultFontRenderParams() const = 0;
// Returns details about the default UI font. |style_out| holds a bitfield of
// gfx::Font::Style values.
virtual void GetDefaultFontDescription(
std::string* family_out,
int* size_pixels_out,
int* style_out,
int* weight_out,
gfx::FontRenderParams* params_out) const = 0;
// Indicates if animations are enabled by the toolkit.
virtual bool AnimationsEnabled() const = 0;
// Notifies the observer about changes about how window buttons should be
// laid out.
virtual void AddWindowButtonOrderObserver(
WindowButtonOrderObserver* observer) = 0;
// Removes the observer from the LinuxUI's list.
virtual void RemoveWindowButtonOrderObserver(
WindowButtonOrderObserver* observer) = 0;
// What action we should take when the user clicks on the non-client area.
// |source| describes the type of click.
virtual WindowFrameAction GetWindowFrameAction(
WindowFrameActionSource source) = 0;
struct CmdLineArgs {
CmdLineArgs& operator=(CmdLineArgs&&);
// `argc` is modified by toolkits, so store it explicitly.
int argc = 0;
// Contains C-strings that point into `args`. `argv.size()` >= `argc`.
std::vector<char*> argv;
// `argv` concatenated with NUL characters.
std::vector<char> args;
static CmdLineArgs CopyCmdLine(const base::CommandLine& command_line);
const base::ObserverList<DeviceScaleFactorObserver>::Unchecked&
device_scale_factor_observer_list() const {
return device_scale_factor_observer_list_;
const base::ObserverList<CursorThemeManagerObserver>&
cursor_theme_observers() {
return cursor_theme_observer_list_;
DisplayConfig& display_config() { return display_config_; }
// Objects to notify when the device scale factor changes.
// Objects to notify when the cursor theme or size changes.
base::ObserverList<CursorThemeManagerObserver> cursor_theme_observer_list_;
DisplayConfig display_config_;
LinuxUiTheme(const LinuxUiTheme&) = delete;
LinuxUiTheme& operator=(const LinuxUiTheme&) = delete;
virtual ~LinuxUiTheme();
// Returns the LinuxUi instance for the given window.
static LinuxUiTheme* GetForWindow(aura::Window* window);
// Returns the LinuxUi instance for the given profile.
static LinuxUiTheme* GetForProfile(Profile* profile);
// Returns the native theme for this toolkit.
virtual ui::NativeTheme* GetNativeTheme() const = 0;
virtual bool GetColor(int id,
SkColor* color,
bool use_custom_frame) const = 0;
virtual bool GetDisplayProperty(int id, int* result) const = 0;
// Returns the preferences that we pass to Blink.
virtual void GetFocusRingColor(SkColor* color) const = 0;
virtual void GetActiveSelectionBgColor(SkColor* color) const = 0;
virtual void GetActiveSelectionFgColor(SkColor* color) const = 0;
virtual void GetInactiveSelectionBgColor(SkColor* color) const = 0;
virtual void GetInactiveSelectionFgColor(SkColor* color) const = 0;
// Only used on GTK to indicate if the dark GTK theme variant is
// preferred.
virtual bool PreferDarkTheme() const = 0;
// Override the toolkit's dark mode preference. Used when the dark mode
// setting is provided by org.freedesktop.appearance instead of the toolkit.
virtual void SetDarkTheme(bool dark) = 0;
// Returns a new NavButtonProvider, or nullptr if the underlying
// toolkit does not support drawing client-side navigation buttons.
virtual std::unique_ptr<NavButtonProvider> CreateNavButtonProvider() = 0;
// Returns a WindowFrameProvider, or nullptr if the underlying toolkit does
// not support drawing client-side window decorations. |solid_frame| indicates
// if transparency is unsupported and the frame should be rendered opaque.
// The returned object is not owned by the caller and will remain alive until
// the process ends.
virtual WindowFrameProvider* GetWindowFrameProvider(bool solid_frame) = 0;
// This is used internally by LinuxUi implementations and linux_ui_factory to
// allow converting a LinuxUi to a LinuxUiTheme. Users should not use (and have
// no way of obtaining) an instance of this class.
class LinuxUiAndTheme : public LinuxUi, public LinuxUiTheme {
~LinuxUiAndTheme() override = default;
} // namespace ui
namespace base {
template <>
struct ScopedObservationTraits<ui::LinuxUi, ui::CursorThemeManagerObserver> {
static void AddObserver(ui::LinuxUi* source,
ui::CursorThemeManagerObserver* observer) {
static void RemoveObserver(ui::LinuxUi* source,
ui::CursorThemeManagerObserver* observer) {
template <>
struct ScopedObservationTraits<ui::LinuxUi, ui::DeviceScaleFactorObserver> {
static void AddObserver(ui::LinuxUi* source,
ui::DeviceScaleFactorObserver* observer) {
static void RemoveObserver(ui::LinuxUi* source,
ui::DeviceScaleFactorObserver* observer) {
template <>
struct ScopedObservationTraits<ui::LinuxUi, ui::WindowButtonOrderObserver> {
static void AddObserver(ui::LinuxUi* source,
ui::WindowButtonOrderObserver* observer) {
static void RemoveObserver(ui::LinuxUi* source,
ui::WindowButtonOrderObserver* observer) {
} // namespace base
#endif // UI_LINUX_LINUX_UI_H_