blob: 3bfc042bf0943124b2351e5f0e0c43ee908c4289 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "components/viz/common/gl_i420_converter.h"
#include <utility>
#include "components/viz/common/gpu/context_provider.h"
namespace viz {
scoped_refptr<ContextProvider> context_provider)
: GLI420Converter(std::move(context_provider), true) {}
scoped_refptr<ContextProvider> context_provider,
bool allow_mrt_path)
: context_provider_(std::move(context_provider)),
step2_(context_provider_) {
if (!allow_mrt_path || step1_.GetMaxDrawBuffersSupported() < 2) {
step3_ = std::make_unique<GLScaler>(context_provider_);
step4_ = std::make_unique<GLScaler>(context_provider_);
GLI420Converter::~GLI420Converter() {
OnContextLost(); // Free context-related resources.
bool GLI420Converter::Configure(const Parameters& params) {
Parameters step1_params = params;
if (!step1_params.output_color_space.IsValid()) {
step1_params.output_color_space = gfx::ColorSpace::CreateREC709();
// Configure the "step 1" scaler.
if (is_using_mrt_path()) {
step1_params.export_format = Parameters::ExportFormat::NV61;
DCHECK_EQ(step1_params.swizzle[0], params.swizzle[0]);
step1_params.swizzle[1] = GL_RGBA; // Don't swizzle 2nd rendering target.
} else {
step1_params.export_format = Parameters::ExportFormat::INTERLEAVED_QUADS;
step1_params.swizzle[0] = GL_RGBA; // Will swizzle in steps 2-4.
if (!step1_.Configure(step1_params)) {
return false;
// Configure the "step 2" scaler (and steps 3 and 4 for the non-MRT path) that
// further transform the output from the "step 1" scaler to produce the final
// outputs.
Parameters step2_params;
step2_params.scale_to = gfx::Vector2d(1, 1);
step2_params.source_color_space = step1_params.output_color_space;
step2_params.output_color_space = step1_params.output_color_space;
// Use FAST quality, a single bilinear pass, because there will either be no
// scaling or exactly 50% scaling.
step2_params.quality = Parameters::Quality::FAST;
step2_params.swizzle[0] = params.swizzle[0];
if (is_using_mrt_path()) {
// NV61 provides half-width and full-height U/V. I420 U/V planes are
// half-width and half-height. So, scale Y by 50%.
step2_params.scale_from = gfx::Vector2d(1, 2);
step2_params.export_format =
step2_params.swizzle[1] = step2_params.swizzle[0];
if (!step2_.Configure(step2_params)) {
return false;
} else {
// Extract a full-size Y plane from the interleaved YUVA from step 1.
step2_params.scale_from = gfx::Vector2d(1, 1);
step2_params.export_format = Parameters::ExportFormat::CHANNEL_0;
if (!step2_.Configure(step2_params)) {
return false;
// Extract half-size U/V planes from the interleaved YUVA from step 1.
step2_params.scale_from = gfx::Vector2d(2, 2);
step2_params.export_format = Parameters::ExportFormat::CHANNEL_1;
if (!step3_->Configure(step2_params)) {
return false;
step2_params.export_format = Parameters::ExportFormat::CHANNEL_2;
if (!step4_->Configure(step2_params)) {
return false;
params_ = params;
return true;
bool GLI420Converter::Convert(GLuint src_texture,
const gfx::Size& src_texture_size,
const gfx::Vector2d& src_offset,
const gfx::Rect& output_rect,
const GLuint yuv_textures[3]) {
DCHECK_EQ(output_rect.x() % 8, 0);
DCHECK_EQ(output_rect.width() % 8, 0);
DCHECK_EQ(output_rect.y() % 2, 0);
DCHECK_EQ(output_rect.height() % 2, 0);
if (!context_provider_) {
return false;
if (is_using_mrt_path()) {
const gfx::Rect luma_output_rect(output_rect.x() / 4, output_rect.y(),
output_rect.width() / 4,
const gfx::Rect chroma_output_rect(
gfx::Size(luma_output_rect.width() / 2, luma_output_rect.height() / 2));
return (step1_.ScaleToMultipleOutputs(
src_texture, src_texture_size, src_offset, yuv_textures[0],
intermediate_texture_, luma_output_rect) &&
gfx::Vector2d(), yuv_textures[1],
yuv_textures[2], chroma_output_rect));
// Non-MRT path:
const gfx::Rect luma_output_rect(0, 0, output_rect.width() / 4,
const gfx::Rect chroma_output_rect(0, 0, luma_output_rect.width() / 2,
luma_output_rect.height() / 2);
return (step1_.Scale(src_texture, src_texture_size, src_offset,
intermediate_texture_, output_rect) &&
step2_.Scale(intermediate_texture_, intermediate_texture_size_,
gfx::Vector2d(), yuv_textures[0], luma_output_rect) &&
step3_->Scale(intermediate_texture_, intermediate_texture_size_,
gfx::Vector2d(), yuv_textures[1], chroma_output_rect) &&
step4_->Scale(intermediate_texture_, intermediate_texture_size_,
gfx::Vector2d(), yuv_textures[2], chroma_output_rect));
// static
gfx::Rect GLI420Converter::ToAlignedRect(const gfx::Rect& rect) {
// Origin coordinates: FLOOR(...)
const int aligned_x =
((rect.x() < 0) ? ((rect.x() - 7) / 8) : (rect.x() / 8)) * 8;
const int aligned_y =
((rect.y() < 0) ? ((rect.y() - 1) / 2) : (rect.y() / 2)) * 2;
// Span coordinates: CEIL(...)
const int aligned_right =
((rect.right() < 0) ? (rect.right() / 8) : ((rect.right() + 7) / 8)) * 8;
const int aligned_bottom =
((rect.bottom() < 0) ? (rect.bottom() / 2) : ((rect.bottom() + 1) / 2)) *
return gfx::Rect(aligned_x, aligned_y, aligned_right - aligned_x,
aligned_bottom - aligned_y);
// static
bool GLI420Converter::ParametersAreEquivalent(const Parameters& a,
const Parameters& b) {
const auto Resolve = [](Parameters params) {
// Per header comments, if an invalid output_color_space is specified, use
// REC709.
if (!params.output_color_space.IsValid()) {
params.output_color_space = gfx::ColorSpace::CreateREC709();
// Both of these fields are overwritten, in Configure(), whether the MRT
// path is going to be used or not. So, for the purposes of "equivalence,"
// just set these like the MRT path would.
params.export_format = Parameters::ExportFormat::NV61;
params.swizzle[1] = GL_RGBA;
return params;
return GLScaler::ParametersAreEquivalent(Resolve(a), Resolve(b));
void GLI420Converter::EnsureIntermediateTextureDefined(
const gfx::Size& required) {
if (intermediate_texture_size_ == required) {
auto* const gl = context_provider_->ContextGL();
if (intermediate_texture_ == 0) {
gl->GenTextures(1, &intermediate_texture_);
gl->BindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, intermediate_texture_);
gl->TexImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, GL_RGBA, required.width(), required.height(),
intermediate_texture_size_ = required;
void GLI420Converter::OnContextLost() {
if (intermediate_texture_ != 0) {
if (auto* gl = context_provider_->ContextGL()) {
gl->DeleteTextures(1, &intermediate_texture_);
intermediate_texture_ = 0;
intermediate_texture_size_ = gfx::Size();
if (context_provider_) {
context_provider_ = nullptr;
} // namespace viz