blob: 9e9b72ef4dfa2a5761e190fc922cb812008d8f6e [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include "base/macros.h"
class PrefRegistrySimple;
class PrefService;
namespace base {
class Clock;
} // namespace base
namespace feed {
// Collects data about user usage patterns of content suggestions, computes
// long-term user rates locally using pref, and reports the metrics to UMA.
// Based on these long-term user rates, it classifies the user in a UserClass.
class UserClassifier {
// Different groupings of usage. A user will belong to exactly one of these at
// any given point in time. Can change at runtime.
enum class UserClass {
kRareSuggestionsViewer, // Almost never opens surfaces that show
// suggestions, like the NTP.
kActiveSuggestionsViewer, // Frequently shown suggestions, but does not
// usually open them.
kActiveSuggestionsConsumer, // Frequently opens news articles.
// For estimating the average length of the intervals between two successive
// events, we keep a simple frequency model, a single value that we call
// "rate" below.
// We track exponentially-discounted rate of the given event per hour where
// the continuous utility function between two successive events (e.g. opening
// a NTP) at times t1 < t2 is 1 / (t2-t1), i.e. intuitively the rate of this
// event in this time interval.
// See for more details.
// We keep track of the following events.
// NOTE: if you add any element, add it also in the static arrays in .cc and
// create another histogram.
enum class Event {
kSuggestionsViewed = 0, // When the user opens a surface that is showing
// suggestions, such as the NTP. This indicates
// potential use of content suggestions.
kSuggestionsUsed = 1, // When the user clicks on some suggestions or on
// the "More" button.
kMaxValue = kSuggestionsUsed
// The provided |pref_service| may be nullptr in unit-tests.
UserClassifier(PrefService* pref_service, base::Clock* clock);
// Registers profile prefs for all rates. Called from
static void RegisterProfilePrefs(PrefRegistrySimple* registry);
// Informs the UserClassifier about a new event for |event|. The
// classification is based on these calls.
void OnEvent(Event event);
// Get the estimate average length of the interval between two successive
// events of the given type.
double GetEstimatedAvgTime(Event event) const;
// Return the classification of the current user.
UserClass GetUserClass() const;
std::string GetUserClassDescriptionForDebugging() const;
// Resets the classification (emulates a fresh upgrade / install).
void ClearClassificationForDebugging();
// The event has happened, recompute the rate accordingly. Then store and
// return the new rate.
double UpdateRateOnEvent(Event event);
// No event has happened but we need to get up-to-date rate, recompute and
// return the new rate. This function does not store the recomputed rate.
double GetUpToDateRate(Event event) const;
// Returns the number of hours since the last event of the same type. If there
// is no last event of that type, assume it happened just now and return 0.
double GetHoursSinceLastTime(Event event) const;
bool HasLastTime(Event event) const;
void SetLastTimeToNow(Event event);
double GetRate(Event event) const;
void SetRate(Event event, double rate);
void ClearRate(Event event);
PrefService* pref_service_;
base::Clock* clock_;
// Params of the rate.
const double discount_rate_per_hour_;
const double min_hours_;
const double max_hours_;
// Params of the classification.
const double active_consumer_clicks_at_least_once_per_hours_;
const double rare_viewer_opens_surface_at_most_once_per_hours_;
} // namespace feed