blob: 184da2c32fd907e4de335574e6ef2ef1169924ed [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <stdint.h>
#include <memory>
#include <vector>
#include "base/containers/circular_deque.h"
#include "base/files/file.h"
#include "base/macros.h"
#include "base/synchronization/condition_variable.h"
#include "base/synchronization/lock.h"
#include "base/threading/simple_thread.h"
#include "components/nacl/renderer/plugin/plugin_error.h"
#include "ppapi/cpp/completion_callback.h"
#include "ppapi/proxy/serialized_handle.h"
struct PP_PNaClOptions;
namespace plugin {
class NaClSubprocess;
class PnaclCoordinator;
class PnaclTranslateThread {
// Set up the state for RunCompile and RunLink. When an error is
// encountered, or RunLink is complete the finish_callback is run
// to notify the main thread.
void SetupState(const pp::CompletionCallback& finish_callback,
NaClSubprocess* compiler_subprocess,
NaClSubprocess* ld_subprocess,
std::vector<base::File>* obj_files,
int num_threads,
base::File* nexe_file,
ErrorInfo* error_info,
PP_PNaClOptions* pnacl_options,
const std::string& architecture_attributes,
PnaclCoordinator* coordinator);
// Create a compile thread and run/command the compiler_subprocess.
// It will continue to run and consume data as it is passed in with PutBytes.
// On success, runs compile_finished_callback.
// On error, runs finish_callback.
// The compiler_subprocess must already be loaded.
void RunCompile(const pp::CompletionCallback& compile_finished_callback);
// Create a link thread and run/command the ld_subprocess.
// On completion (success or error), runs finish_callback.
// The ld_subprocess must already be loaded.
void RunLink();
// Kill the llc and/or ld subprocesses. This happens by closing the command
// channel on the plugin side, which causes the trusted code in the nexe to
// exit, which will cause any pending SRPCs to error. Because this is called
// on the main thread, the translation thread must not use the subprocess
// objects without the lock, other than InvokeSrpcMethod, which does not
// race with service runtime shutdown.
void AbortSubprocesses();
// Send bitcode bytes to the translator. Called from the main thread.
void PutBytes(const void* data, int count);
// Notify the translator that the end of the bitcode stream has been reached.
// Called from the main thread.
void EndStream();
int64_t GetCompileTime() const { return compile_time_; }
// Returns true if the translation process is initiated via SetupState.
bool started() const { return coordinator_ != NULL; }
ppapi::proxy::SerializedHandle GetHandleForSubprocess(base::File* file,
int32_t open_flags);
// Runs the streaming compilation. Called from the helper thread.
void DoCompile();
// Similar to DoCompile(), but for linking.
void DoLink();
class CompileThread : public base::SimpleThread {
CompileThread(PnaclTranslateThread* obj)
: base::SimpleThread("pnacl_compile"), pnacl_translate_thread_(obj) {}
PnaclTranslateThread* pnacl_translate_thread_;
void Run() override;
class LinkThread : public base::SimpleThread {
LinkThread(PnaclTranslateThread* obj)
: base::SimpleThread("pnacl_link"), pnacl_translate_thread_(obj) {}
PnaclTranslateThread* pnacl_translate_thread_;
void Run() override;
// Signal that Pnacl translation failed, from the translation thread only.
void TranslateFailed(PP_NaClError err_code,
const std::string& error_string);
// Callback to run when compile is completed and linking can start.
pp::CompletionCallback compile_finished_callback_;
// Callback to run when tasks are completed or an error has occurred.
pp::CompletionCallback report_translate_finished_;
std::unique_ptr<base::SimpleThread> translate_thread_;
// Used to guard compiler_subprocess, ld_subprocess,
// compiler_subprocess_active_, and ld_subprocess_active_
// (touched by the main thread and the translate thread).
base::Lock subprocess_mu_;
// The compiler_subprocess and ld_subprocess memory is owned by the
// coordinator so we do not delete them. However, the main thread delegates
// shutdown to this thread, since this thread may still be accessing the
// subprocesses. The *_subprocess_active flags indicate which subprocesses
// are active to ensure the subprocesses don't get shutdown more than once.
// The subprocess_mu_ must be held when shutting down the subprocesses
// or otherwise accessing the service_runtime component of the subprocess.
// There are some accesses to the subprocesses without locks held
// (invoking srpc_client methods -- in contrast to using the service_runtime).
NaClSubprocess* compiler_subprocess_;
NaClSubprocess* ld_subprocess_;
bool compiler_subprocess_active_;
bool ld_subprocess_active_;
// Mutex for buffer_cond_.
base::Lock cond_mu_;
// Condition variable to synchronize communication with the SRPC thread.
// SRPC thread waits on this condvar if data_buffers_ is empty (meaning
// there is no bitcode to send to the translator), and the main thread
// appends to data_buffers_ and signals it when it receives bitcode.
base::ConditionVariable buffer_cond_;
// Data buffers from FileDownloader are enqueued here to pass from the
// main thread to the SRPC thread. Protected by cond_mu_
base::circular_deque<std::string> data_buffers_;
// Whether all data has been downloaded and copied to translation thread.
// Associated with buffer_cond_
bool done_;
int64_t compile_time_;
// Data about the translation files, owned by the coordinator
std::vector<base::File>* obj_files_;
int num_threads_;
base::File* nexe_file_;
ErrorInfo* coordinator_error_info_;
PP_PNaClOptions* pnacl_options_;
std::string architecture_attributes_;
PnaclCoordinator* coordinator_;
// These IPC::SyncChannels can only be used and freed by the parent thread.
std::unique_ptr<IPC::SyncChannel> compiler_channel_;
std::unique_ptr<IPC::SyncChannel> ld_channel_;
// These IPC::SyncMessageFilters can be used by the child thread.
scoped_refptr<IPC::SyncMessageFilter> compiler_channel_filter_;
scoped_refptr<IPC::SyncMessageFilter> ld_channel_filter_;