blob: c46271005bcaa0e3ab06ab17ea6c60d2880b3767 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <list>
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include "base/callback_list.h"
#include "base/containers/id_map.h"
#include "base/process/kill.h"
#include "base/process/process.h"
#include "base/supports_user_data.h"
#include "build/build_config.h"
#include "content/common/content_export.h"
#include "content/public/common/bind_interface_helpers.h"
#include "ipc/ipc_channel_proxy.h"
#include "ipc/ipc_sender.h"
#include "media/media_buildflags.h"
#include "services/network/public/mojom/network_context.mojom.h"
#include "services/network/public/mojom/url_loader_factory.mojom.h"
#include "third_party/blink/public/platform/modules/cache_storage/cache_storage.mojom.h"
#include "ui/gfx/native_widget_types.h"
#if defined(OS_ANDROID)
#include "content/public/browser/android/child_process_importance.h"
class GURL;
namespace base {
class SharedPersistentMemoryAllocator;
class TimeDelta;
class Token;
namespace service_manager {
class Identity;
namespace resource_coordinator {
class ProcessResourceCoordinator;
namespace content {
class BrowserContext;
class BrowserMessageFilter;
class RenderProcessHostObserver;
class RendererAudioOutputStreamFactoryContext;
class StoragePartition;
#if defined(OS_ANDROID)
enum class ChildProcessImportance;
namespace mojom {
class Renderer;
// Interface that represents the browser side of the browser <-> renderer
// communication channel. There will generally be one RenderProcessHost per
// renderer process.
class CONTENT_EXPORT RenderProcessHost : public IPC::Sender,
public IPC::Listener,
public base::SupportsUserData {
using iterator = base::IDMap<RenderProcessHost*>::iterator;
// Priority (or on Android, the importance) that a client contributes to this
// RenderProcessHost. Eg a RenderProcessHost with a visible client has higher
// priority / importance than a RenderProcessHost with hidden clients only.
struct Priority {
bool is_hidden;
unsigned int frame_depth;
bool intersects_viewport;
#if defined(OS_ANDROID)
ChildProcessImportance importance;
// Interface for a client that contributes Priority to this
// RenderProcessHost. Clients can call UpdateClientPriority when their
// Priority changes.
class PriorityClient {
virtual Priority GetPriority() = 0;
virtual ~PriorityClient() {}
// Crash reporting mode for ShutdownForBadMessage.
enum class CrashReportMode {
// General functions ---------------------------------------------------------
~RenderProcessHost() override {}
// Initialize the new renderer process, returning true on success. This must
// be called once before the object can be used, but can be called after
// that with no effect. Therefore, if the caller isn't sure about whether
// the process has been created, it should just call Init().
virtual bool Init() = 0;
// Ensures that a Channel exists and is at least queueing outgoing messages
// if there isn't a render process connected to it yet. This may be used to
// ensure that in the event of a renderer crash and restart, subsequent
// messages sent via Send() will eventually reach the new process.
virtual void EnableSendQueue() = 0;
// Gets the next available routing id.
virtual int GetNextRoutingID() = 0;
// These methods add or remove listener for a specific message routing ID.
// Used for refcounting, each holder of this object must AddRoute and
// RemoveRoute. This object should be allocated on the heap; when no
// listeners own it any more, it will delete itself.
virtual void AddRoute(int32_t routing_id, IPC::Listener* listener) = 0;
virtual void RemoveRoute(int32_t routing_id) = 0;
// Add and remove observers for lifecycle events. The order in which
// notifications are sent to observers is undefined. Observers must be sure to
// remove the observer before they go away.
virtual void AddObserver(RenderProcessHostObserver* observer) = 0;
virtual void RemoveObserver(RenderProcessHostObserver* observer) = 0;
// Called when a received message cannot be decoded. Terminates the renderer.
// Most callers should not call this directly, but instead should call
// bad_message::BadMessageReceived() or an equivalent method outside of the
// content module.
// If |crash_report_mode| is GENERATE_CRASH_DUMP, then a browser crash dump
// will be reported as well.
virtual void ShutdownForBadMessage(CrashReportMode crash_report_mode) = 0;
// Recompute Priority state. PriorityClient should call this when their
// individual priority changes.
virtual void UpdateClientPriority(PriorityClient* client) = 0;
// Number of visible (ie |!is_hidden|) PriorityClients.
virtual int VisibleClientCount() const = 0;
// Get computed frame depth from PriorityClients.
virtual unsigned int GetFrameDepth() const = 0;
// Get computed viewport intersection state from PriorityClients.
virtual bool GetIntersectsViewport() const = 0;
virtual RendererAudioOutputStreamFactoryContext*
GetRendererAudioOutputStreamFactoryContext() = 0;
// Called when a video capture stream or an audio stream is added or removed
// and used to determine if the process should be backgrounded or not.
virtual void OnMediaStreamAdded() = 0;
virtual void OnMediaStreamRemoved() = 0;
// Indicates whether the current RenderProcessHost is exclusively hosting
// guest RenderFrames. Not all guest RenderFrames are created equal. A guest,
// as indicated by BrowserPluginGuest::IsGuest, may coexist with other
// non-guest RenderFrames in the same process if IsForGuestsOnly() is false.
virtual bool IsForGuestsOnly() const = 0;
// Returns the storage partition associated with this process.
virtual StoragePartition* GetStoragePartition() const = 0;
// Try to shut down the associated renderer process without running unload
// handlers, etc, giving it the specified exit code. Returns true
// if it was able to shut down. On Windows, this must not be called before
// RenderProcessReady was called on a RenderProcessHostObserver, otherwise
// RenderProcessExited may never be called.
virtual bool Shutdown(int exit_code) = 0;
// Try to shut down the associated renderer process as fast as possible.
// If a non-zero |page_count| value is provided, then a fast shutdown will
// only happen if the count matches the active view count. If
// |skip_unload_handlers| is false and this renderer has any RenderViews with
// unload handlers, then this function does nothing. Otherwise, the function
// will ingnore checking for those handlers. Returns true if it was able to do
// fast shutdown.
virtual bool FastShutdownIfPossible(size_t page_count = 0,
bool skip_unload_handlers = false) = 0;
// Returns true if fast shutdown was started for the renderer.
virtual bool FastShutdownStarted() const = 0;
// Returns the process object associated with the child process. In certain
// tests or single-process mode, this will actually represent the current
// process.
// NOTE: this is not necessarily valid immediately after calling Init, as
// Init starts the process asynchronously. It's guaranteed to be valid after
// the first IPC arrives or RenderProcessReady was called on a
// RenderProcessHostObserver for this. At that point, IsReady() returns true.
virtual const base::Process& GetProcess() const = 0;
// Returns whether the process is ready. The process is ready once both
// conditions (which can happen in arbitrary order) are true:
// 1- the launcher reported a successful launch
// 2- the channel is connected.
// After that point, GetHandle() is valid, and deferred messages have been
// sent.
virtual bool IsReady() const = 0;
// Returns the user browser context associated with this renderer process.
virtual content::BrowserContext* GetBrowserContext() const = 0;
// Returns whether this process is using the same StoragePartition as
// |partition|.
virtual bool InSameStoragePartition(StoragePartition* partition) const = 0;
// Returns the unique ID for this child process host. This can be used later
// in a call to FromID() to get back to this object (this is used to avoid
// sending non-threadsafe pointers to other threads).
// This ID will be unique across all child process hosts, including workers,
// plugins, etc.
// This will never return ChildProcessHost::kInvalidUniqueID.
virtual int GetID() const = 0;
// Returns true iff the Init() was called and the process hasn't died yet.
// Note that even if IsInitializedAndNotDead() returns true, then (for a short
// duration after calling Init()) the process might not be fully spawned
// *yet*. For example - IsReady() might return false and GetProcess() might
// still return an invalid process with a null handle.
virtual bool IsInitializedAndNotDead() const = 0;
// Returns the renderer channel.
virtual IPC::ChannelProxy* GetChannel() = 0;
// Adds a message filter to the IPC channel.
virtual void AddFilter(BrowserMessageFilter* filter) = 0;
// Sets whether this render process is blocked. This means that input events
// should not be sent to it, nor other timely signs of life expected from it.
virtual void SetBlocked(bool blocked) = 0;
virtual bool IsBlocked() const = 0;
virtual std::unique_ptr<base::CallbackList<void(bool)>::Subscription>
const base::RepeatingCallback<void(bool)>& cb) = 0;
// Schedules the host for deletion and removes it from the all_hosts list.
virtual void Cleanup() = 0;
// Track the count of pending views that are being swapped back in. Called
// by listeners to register and unregister pending views to prevent the
// process from exiting.
virtual void AddPendingView() = 0;
virtual void RemovePendingView() = 0;
// Adds and removes priority clients.
virtual void AddPriorityClient(PriorityClient* priority_client) = 0;
virtual void RemovePriorityClient(PriorityClient* priority_client) = 0;
#if defined(OS_ANDROID)
// Return the highest importance of all widgets in this process.
virtual ChildProcessImportance GetEffectiveImportance() = 0;
// Sets a flag indicating that the process can be abnormally terminated.
virtual void SetSuddenTerminationAllowed(bool allowed) = 0;
// Returns true if the process can be abnormally terminated.
virtual bool SuddenTerminationAllowed() const = 0;
// Returns how long the child has been idle. The definition of idle
// depends on when a derived class calls mark_child_process_activity_time().
// This is a rough indicator and its resolution should not be better than
// 10 milliseconds.
virtual base::TimeDelta GetChildProcessIdleTime() const = 0;
// Checks that the given renderer can request |url|, if not it sets it to
// about:blank.
// |empty_allowed| must be set to false for navigations for security reasons.
virtual void FilterURL(bool empty_allowed, GURL* url) = 0;
virtual void EnableAudioDebugRecordings(const base::FilePath& file) = 0;
virtual void DisableAudioDebugRecordings() = 0;
// Enables or disables WebRTC's echo canceller AEC3. Disabled implies
// selecting the older AEC2. The operation is asynchronous, |callback| is run
// when done with the boolean indicating if successful and an error message.
// The error message is empty if successful.
// TODO( Remove once the AEC3 is fully rolled out and the
// old AEC is deprecated.
virtual void SetEchoCanceller3(
bool enable,
base::OnceCallback<void(bool /* success */,
const std::string& /* error_message */)>
callback) = 0;
using WebRtcRtpPacketCallback =
base::Callback<void(std::unique_ptr<uint8_t[]> packet_header,
size_t header_length,
size_t packet_length,
bool incoming)>;
using WebRtcStopRtpDumpCallback =
base::Callback<void(bool incoming, bool outgoing)>;
// Starts passing RTP packets to |packet_callback| and returns the callback
// used to stop dumping.
virtual WebRtcStopRtpDumpCallback StartRtpDump(
bool incoming,
bool outgoing,
const WebRtcRtpPacketCallback& packet_callback) = 0;
// Start/stop event log output from WebRTC on this RPH for the peer connection
// identified locally within the RPH using the ID |lid|.
virtual void SetWebRtcEventLogOutput(int lid, bool enabled) = 0;
// Binds interfaces exposed to the browser process from the renderer.
virtual void BindInterface(const std::string& interface_name,
mojo::ScopedMessagePipeHandle interface_pipe) = 0;
virtual const service_manager::Identity& GetChildIdentity() const = 0;
// Extracts any persistent-memory-allocator used for renderer metrics.
// Ownership is passed to the caller. To support sharing of histogram data
// between the Renderer and the Browser, the allocator is created when the
// process is created and later retrieved by the SubprocessMetricsProvider
// for management.
virtual std::unique_ptr<base::SharedPersistentMemoryAllocator>
TakeMetricsAllocator() = 0;
// PlzNavigate
// Returns the time the first call to Init completed successfully (after a new
// renderer process was created); further calls to Init won't change this
// value.
// Note: Do not use! Will disappear after PlzNavitate is completed.
virtual const base::TimeTicks& GetInitTimeForNavigationMetrics() const = 0;
// Returns true if this process currently has backgrounded priority.
virtual bool IsProcessBackgrounded() const = 0;
enum class KeepAliveClientType {
kServiceWorker = 0,
kSharedWorker = 1,
kFetch = 2,
kUnload = 3,
// "Keep alive ref count" represents the number of the customers of this
// render process who wish the renderer process to be alive. While the ref
// count is positive, |this| object will keep the renderer process alive,
// unless DisableKeepAliveRefCount() is called.
// Here is the list of users:
// - Service Worker:
// While there are service workers who live in this process, they wish
// the renderer process to be alive. The ref count is incremented when this
// process is allocated to the worker, and decremented when worker's
// shutdown sequence is completed.
// - Shared Worker:
// While there are shared workers who live in this process, they wish
// the renderer process to be alive. The ref count is incremented when
// a shared worker is created in the process, and decremented when
// it is terminated (it self-destructs when it no longer has clients).
// - Keepalive request (if the KeepAliveRendererForKeepaliveRequests
// feature is enabled):
// When a fetch request with keepalive flag
// ( specified is
// pending, it wishes the renderer process to be kept alive.
// - Unload handlers:
// Keeps the process alive briefly to give subframe unload handlers a
// chance to execute after their parent frame navigates or is detached.
// See
virtual void IncrementKeepAliveRefCount(KeepAliveClientType) = 0;
virtual void DecrementKeepAliveRefCount(KeepAliveClientType) = 0;
// Sets keep alive ref counts to zero. Called when the browser context will be
// destroyed so this RenderProcessHost can immediately die.
// After this is called, the Increment/DecrementKeepAliveRefCount() functions
// must not be called.
virtual void DisableKeepAliveRefCount() = 0;
// Returns true if DisableKeepAliveRefCount() was called.
virtual bool IsKeepAliveRefCountDisabled() = 0;
// Purges and suspends the renderer process.
virtual void PurgeAndSuspend() = 0;
// Resumes the renderer process.
virtual void Resume() = 0;
// Acquires the |mojom::Renderer| interface to the render process. This is for
// internal use only, and is only exposed here to support
// MockRenderProcessHost usage in tests.
virtual mojom::Renderer* GetRendererInterface() = 0;
// Acquires the interface to the Global Resource Coordinator for this process.
virtual resource_coordinator::ProcessResourceCoordinator*
GetProcessResourceCoordinator() = 0;
// Create an URLLoaderFactory that can be used by |origin| being hosted in
// |this| process.
// When NetworkService is enabled, |request| will be bound with a new
// URLLoaderFactory created from the storage partition's Network Context. Note
// that the URLLoaderFactory returned by this method does NOT support
// auto-reconnect after a crash of Network Service.
// When NetworkService is not enabled, |request| will be bound with a
// URLLoaderFactory which routes requests to ResourceDispatcherHost.
// |header_client| will be used in URLLoaderFactoryParams when creating the
// factory.
virtual void CreateURLLoaderFactory(
const url::Origin& origin,
network::mojom::TrustedURLLoaderHeaderClientPtrInfo header_client,
network::mojom::URLLoaderFactoryRequest request) = 0;
// Whether this process is locked out from ever being reused for sites other
// than the ones it currently has.
virtual void SetIsNeverSuitableForReuse() = 0;
virtual bool MayReuseHost() = 0;
// Indicates whether this RenderProcessHost is "unused". This starts out as
// true for new processes and becomes false after one of the following:
// (1) This process commits any page.
// (2) This process is given to a SiteInstance that already has a site
// assigned.
// Note that a process hosting ServiceWorkers will be implicitly handled by
// (2) during ServiceWorker initialization, and SharedWorkers will be handled
// by (1) since a page needs to commit before it can create a SharedWorker.
// While a process is unused, it is still suitable to host a URL that
// requires a dedicated process.
virtual bool IsUnused() = 0;
virtual void SetIsUsed() = 0;
// Return true if the host has not been used. This is stronger than IsUnused()
// in that it checks if this RPH has ever been used to render at all, rather
// than just no being suitable to host a URL that requires a dedicated
// process.
// TODO(alexmos): can this be unified with IsUnused()? See also
virtual bool HostHasNotBeenUsed() = 0;
// Locks this RenderProcessHost to the 'origin' |lock_url|. This method is
// public so that it can be called from SiteInstanceImpl, and used by
// MockRenderProcessHost. It isn't meant to be called outside of content.
// TODO(creis): Rename LockToOrigin to LockToPrincipal. See
virtual void LockToOrigin(const GURL& lock_url) = 0;
// Binds |request| to the CacheStorageDispatcherHost instance. The binding is
// sent to the IO thread. This is for internal use only, and is only exposed
// here to support MockRenderProcessHost usage in tests.
virtual void BindCacheStorage(blink::mojom::CacheStorageRequest request,
const url::Origin& origin) = 0;
// Returns the current number of active views in this process. Excludes
// any RenderViewHosts that are swapped out.
size_t GetActiveViewCount();
// Posts |task|, if this RenderProcessHost is ready or when it becomes ready
// (see RenderProcessHost::IsReady method). The |task| might not run at all
// (e.g. if |render_process_host| is destroyed before becoming ready). This
// function can only be called on the browser's UI thread (and the |task| will
// be posted back on the UI thread).
void PostTaskWhenProcessIsReady(base::OnceClosure task);
// Controls whether the destructor of RenderProcessHost*Impl* will end up
// cleaning the memory used by the exception added via
// RenderProcessHostImpl::AddCorbExceptionForPlugin.
// TODO(lukasza): This method shouldn't be part of
// the //content public API, because it shouldn't be called by anyone other
// than RenderProcessHostImpl (from underneath
// RenderProcessHostImpl::AddCorbExceptionForPlugin).
virtual void CleanupCorbExceptionForPluginUponDestruction() = 0;
// Static management functions -----------------------------------------------
// Possibly start an unbound, spare RenderProcessHost. A subsequent creation
// of a RenderProcessHost with a matching browser_context may use this
// preinitialized RenderProcessHost, improving performance.
// It is safe to call this multiple times or when it is not certain that the
// spare renderer will be used, although calling this too eagerly may reduce
// performance as unnecessary RenderProcessHosts are created. The spare
// renderer will only be used if it using the default StoragePartition of a
// matching BrowserContext.
// The spare RenderProcessHost is meant to be created in a situation where a
// navigation is imminent and it is unlikely an existing RenderProcessHost
// will be used, for example in a cross-site navigation when a Service Worker
// will need to be started. Note that if ContentBrowserClient opts into
// strict site isolation (via ShouldEnableStrictSiteIsolation), then the
// //content layer will maintain a warm spare process host at all times
// (without a need for separate calls to WarmupSpareRenderProcessHost).
static void WarmupSpareRenderProcessHost(BrowserContext* browser_context);
// Flag to run the renderer in process. This is primarily
// for debugging purposes. When running "in process", the
// browser maintains a single RenderProcessHost which communicates
// to a RenderProcess which is instantiated in the same process
// with the Browser. All IPC between the Browser and the
// Renderer is the same, it's just not crossing a process boundary.
static bool run_renderer_in_process();
// This also calls out to ContentBrowserClient::GetApplicationLocale and
// modifies the current process' command line.
static void SetRunRendererInProcess(bool value);
// Allows iteration over all the RenderProcessHosts in the browser. Note
// that each host may not be active, and therefore may have nullptr channels.
static iterator AllHostsIterator();
// Returns the RenderProcessHost given its ID. Returns nullptr if the ID does
// not correspond to a live RenderProcessHost.
static RenderProcessHost* FromID(int render_process_id);
// Returns the RenderProcessHost given its renderer's service instance ID,
// generated randomly when launching the renderer. Returns nullptr if the
// instance does not correspond to a live RenderProcessHost.
static RenderProcessHost* FromRendererInstanceId(
const base::Token& instance_id);
// Returns whether the process-per-site model is in use (globally or just for
// the current site), in which case we should ensure there is only one
// RenderProcessHost per site for the entire browser context.
static bool ShouldUseProcessPerSite(content::BrowserContext* browser_context,
const GURL& url);
// Returns true if the caller should attempt to use an existing
// RenderProcessHost rather than creating a new one.
static bool ShouldTryToUseExistingProcessHost(
content::BrowserContext* browser_context, const GURL& site_url);
// Overrides the default heuristic for limiting the max renderer process
// count. This is useful for unit testing process limit behaviors. It is
// also used to allow a command line parameter to configure the max number of
// renderer processes and should only be called once during startup.
// A value of zero means to use the default heuristic.
static void SetMaxRendererProcessCount(size_t count);
// Returns the current maximum number of renderer process hosts kept by the
// content module.
static size_t GetMaxRendererProcessCount();
// TODO(siggi): Remove once is resolved.
using AnalyzeHungRendererFunction = void (*)(const base::Process& renderer);
static void SetHungRendererAnalysisFunction(
AnalyzeHungRendererFunction analyze_hung_renderer);
// Counts current RenderProcessHost(s), ignoring the spare process.
static int GetCurrentRenderProcessCountForTesting();
} // namespace content