blob: c9bd2a53bbda3bc41c9840b7b050d3498e1975c1 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "third_party/blink/public/mojom/webaudio/audio_context_manager.mojom-blink.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/bindings/core/v8/script_promise.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/bindings/core/v8/script_promise_resolver.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/html/media/autoplay_policy.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/modules/webaudio/audio_context_options.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/modules/webaudio/base_audio_context.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/heap/handle.h"
namespace blink {
class AudioContextOptions;
class AudioTimestamp;
class Document;
class ExceptionState;
class HTMLMediaElement;
class MediaElementAudioSourceNode;
class MediaStream;
class MediaStreamAudioDestinationNode;
class MediaStreamAudioSourceNode;
class ScriptState;
class WebAudioLatencyHint;
// This is an BaseAudioContext which actually plays sound, unlike an
// OfflineAudioContext which renders sound into a buffer.
class MODULES_EXPORT AudioContext : public BaseAudioContext {
static AudioContext* Create(Document&,
const AudioContextOptions*,
~AudioContext() override;
void Trace(blink::Visitor*) override;
// For ContextLifeCycleObserver
void ContextDestroyed(ExecutionContext*) final;
ScriptPromise closeContext(ScriptState*);
bool IsContextClosed() const final;
ScriptPromise suspendContext(ScriptState*);
ScriptPromise resumeContext(ScriptState*);
bool HasRealtimeConstraint() final { return true; }
AudioTimestamp* getOutputTimestamp(ScriptState*) const;
double baseLatency() const;
MediaElementAudioSourceNode* createMediaElementSource(HTMLMediaElement*,
MediaStreamAudioSourceNode* createMediaStreamSource(MediaStream*,
MediaStreamAudioDestinationNode* createMediaStreamDestination(
// Called by handlers of AudioScheduledSourceNode and AudioBufferSourceNode to
// notify their associated AudioContext when start() is called. It may resume
// the AudioContext if it is now allowed to start.
void NotifySourceNodeStart() final;
AudioContext(Document&, const WebAudioLatencyHint&);
void Uninitialize() final;
friend class AudioContextAutoplayTest;
friend class AudioContextTest;
// Do not change the order of this enum, it is used for metrics.
enum AutoplayStatus {
// The AudioContext failed to activate because of user gesture requirements.
kAutoplayStatusFailed = 0,
// Same as AutoplayStatusFailed but start() on a node was called with a user
// gesture.
// This value is no longer used but the enum entry should not be re-used
// because it is used for metrics.
// kAutoplayStatusFailedWithStart = 1,
// The AudioContext had user gesture requirements and was able to activate
// with a user gesture.
kAutoplayStatusSucceeded = 2,
// Keep at the end.
// Returns the AutoplayPolicy currently applying to this instance.
AutoplayPolicy::Type GetAutoplayPolicy() const;
// Returns whether the autoplay requirements are fulfilled.
bool AreAutoplayRequirementsFulfilled() const;
// Do not change the order of this enum, it is used for metrics.
enum class AutoplayUnlockType {
kContextConstructor = 0,
kContextResume = 1,
kSourceNodeStart = 2,
// If possible, allows autoplay for the AudioContext and marke it as allowed
// by the given type.
void MaybeAllowAutoplayWithUnlockType(AutoplayUnlockType);
// Returns whether the AudioContext is allowed to start rendering.
bool IsAllowedToStart() const;
// Record the current autoplay metrics.
void RecordAutoplayMetrics();
void StopRendering();
void DidClose();
// Send notification to browser that an AudioContext has started or stopped
// playing audible audio.
void NotifyAudibleAudioStarted() final;
void NotifyAudibleAudioStopped() final;
void EnsureAudioContextManagerService();
void OnAudioContextManagerServiceConnectionError();
unsigned context_id_;
Member<ScriptPromiseResolver> close_resolver_;
// Whether a user gesture is required to start this AudioContext.
bool user_gesture_required_ = false;
// Autoplay status associated with this AudioContext, if any.
// Will only be set if there is an autoplay policy in place.
// Will never be set for OfflineAudioContext.
base::Optional<AutoplayStatus> autoplay_status_;
// Autoplay unlock type for this AudioContext.
// Will only be set if there is an autoplay policy in place.
// Will never be set for OfflineAudioContext.
base::Optional<AutoplayUnlockType> autoplay_unlock_type_;
// Records if start() was ever called for any source node in this context.
bool source_node_started_ = false;
// AudioContextManager for reporting audibility.
mojom::blink::AudioContextManagerPtr audio_context_manager_;
} // namespace blink