blob: e6488958ac9a8e0274694f2d3e902d9898dfff4b [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "base/macros.h"
#include "base/observer_list.h"
#include "chrome/browser/resource_coordinator/lifecycle_unit_source.h"
namespace resource_coordinator {
class LifecycleUnitBase;
// Base class for a class that creates and destroys LifecycleUnits.
class LifecycleUnitSourceBase : public LifecycleUnitSource {
~LifecycleUnitSourceBase() override;
// LifecycleUnitSource:
void AddObserver(LifecycleUnitSourceObserver* observer) override;
void RemoveObserver(LifecycleUnitSourceObserver* observer) override;
size_t lifecycle_unit_count() const { return lifecycle_unit_count_; }
friend class LifecycleUnitBase;
// Called by LifecycleUnitBase when a new one is created. Used to update
// |lifecycle_unit_count|. Note that the |lifecycle_unit| will be half built
// at this point so not usable.
void NotifyLifecycleUnitBeingCreated(LifecycleUnitBase* lifecycle_unit);
// Intended to be called by the a concrete LifecycleUnitSourceBase
// implementation. This dispatches the creation event to registered
// observers.
void NotifyLifecycleUnitCreated(LifecycleUnitBase* lifecycle_unit);
// Called by LifecycleUnitBase when it is being torn down. Used to update
// |lifecycle_unit_count|. Note that the |lifecycle_unit| will be half torn
// down at this point so not usable.
void NotifyLifecycleUnitBeingDestroyed(LifecycleUnitBase* lifecycle_unit);
// Called when a first lifecycle unit comes into being. This is an empty stub
// which can optionally be overridden by derived classes.
virtual void OnFirstLifecycleUnitCreated();
// Called when all lifecycle units belonging to this source have been
// destroyed. This is an empty stub which can optionally be overridden by
// derived classes.
virtual void OnAllLifecycleUnitsDestroyed();
// Observers notified when a LifecycleUnit is created.
base::ObserverList<LifecycleUnitSourceObserver>::Unchecked observers_;
// The count of lifecycle units associated with this source.
size_t lifecycle_unit_count_ = 0;
} // namespace resource_coordinator