blob: 8059baba021d24b8abc5e1bcec3fdbe303167050 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include "base/callback.h"
#include "base/check.h"
#include "base/containers/flat_map.h"
#include "base/gtest_prod_util.h"
#include "base/macros.h"
#include "base/memory/weak_ptr.h"
#include "base/process/process.h"
#include "base/timer/timer.h"
#include "chrome/browser/chromeos/arc/process/arc_process.h"
#include "chrome/browser/chromeos/arc/process/arc_process_service.h"
#include "chrome/browser/resource_coordinator/lifecycle_unit.h"
#include "chrome/browser/resource_coordinator/lifecycle_unit_state.mojom-forward.h"
#include "chrome/browser/resource_coordinator/tab_manager.h"
#include "chrome/browser/ui/browser_list_observer.h"
#include "chromeos/dbus/debug_daemon/debug_daemon_client.h"
#include "components/arc/mojom/process.mojom.h"
#include "content/public/browser/notification_observer.h"
#include "content/public/browser/notification_registrar.h"
#include "ui/wm/public/activation_change_observer.h"
namespace resource_coordinator {
// Possible types of Apps/Tabs processes. From most important to least
// important.
enum class ProcessType {
// Conceptually, the system cannot have both FOCUSED_TAB and FOCUSED_APP at
// the same time, but because Chrome cannot retrieve FOCUSED_APP status
// synchronously, Chrome may still see both at the same time. When that
// happens, treat FOCUSED_TAB as the most important since the (synchronously
// retrieved) tab information is more reliable and up-to-date.
// PROTECTED_BACKGROUND processes are those that are in the background but
// are more important than BACKGROUND processes because they may be disruptive
// to the user if killed. CACHED_APP marks Android processes which are cached
// or empty.
// The Chrome OS TabManagerDelegate is responsible for keeping the
// renderers' scores up to date in /proc/<pid>/oom_score_adj.
class TabManagerDelegate : public wm::ActivationChangeObserver,
public content::NotificationObserver,
public BrowserListObserver {
class MemoryStat;
explicit TabManagerDelegate(const base::WeakPtr<TabManager>& tab_manager);
TabManagerDelegate(const base::WeakPtr<TabManager>& tab_manager,
TabManagerDelegate::MemoryStat* mem_stat);
~TabManagerDelegate() override;
void OnBrowserSetLastActive(Browser* browser) override;
// aura::ActivationChangeObserver overrides.
void OnWindowActivated(wm::ActivationChangeObserver::ActivationReason reason,
aura::Window* gained_active,
aura::Window* lost_active) override;
// Called by TabManager::Start to start a timer that periodically updates
// OOM scores.
void StartPeriodicOOMScoreUpdate();
// Kills a process on memory pressure.
void LowMemoryKill(::mojom::LifecycleUnitDiscardReason reason,
TabManager::TabDiscardDoneCB tab_discard_done);
// Returns oom_score_adj of a process if the score is cached by |this|.
// If couldn't find the score in the cache, returns -1001 since the valid
// range of oom_score_adj is [-1000, 1000].
int GetCachedOomScore(base::ProcessHandle process_handle);
// Returns true if the process has recently been killed.
// Virtual for unit testing.
virtual bool IsRecentlyKilledArcProcess(const std::string& process_name,
const base::TimeTicks& now);
// Kills an ARC process. Returns true if the kill request is successfully sent
// to Android. Virtual for unit testing.
virtual bool KillArcProcess(const int nspid);
// Kills a tab. Returns true if the tab is killed successfully.
// Virtual for unit testing.
virtual bool KillTab(LifecycleUnit* lifecycle_unit,
::mojom::LifecycleUnitDiscardReason reason);
// Get debugd client instance. Virtual for unit testing.
virtual chromeos::DebugDaemonClient* GetDebugDaemonClient();
FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(TabManagerDelegateTest, CandidatesSorted);
FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(TabManagerDelegateTest, IsRecentlyKilledArcProcess);
FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(TabManagerDelegateTest, KillMultipleProcesses);
FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(TabManagerDelegateTest, SetOomScoreAdj);
using OptionalArcProcessList = arc::ArcProcessService::OptionalArcProcessList;
class Candidate;
class FocusedProcess;
friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& out,
const Candidate& candidate);
// content::NotificationObserver:
void Observe(int type,
const content::NotificationSource& source,
const content::NotificationDetails& details) override;
// Pair to hold child process host id and ProcessHandle.
typedef std::pair<int, base::ProcessHandle> ProcessInfo;
// Cache OOM scores in memory.
typedef base::flat_map<base::ProcessHandle, int> ProcessScoreMap;
// A map from an ARC process name to a monotonic timestamp when it's killed.
typedef base::flat_map<std::string, base::TimeTicks> KilledArcProcessesMap;
typedef base::OnceCallback<void(LifecycleUnitVector*)> LifecycleUnitSorter;
// Get the list of candidates to kill, sorted by descending importance.
static std::vector<Candidate> GetSortedCandidates(
const LifecycleUnitVector& lifecycle_units,
const OptionalArcProcessList& arc_processes);
// Returns the LifecycleUnits in TabManager. Virtual for unit tests.
virtual LifecycleUnitVector GetLifecycleUnits();
// Sets OOM score for the focused tab.
void OnFocusTabScoreAdjustmentTimeout();
// Kills a process after getting all info of tabs and apps.
void LowMemoryKillImpl(base::TimeTicks start_time,
::mojom::LifecycleUnitDiscardReason reason,
TabManager::TabDiscardDoneCB tab_discard_done,
OptionalArcProcessList arc_processes);
// Sets a newly focused tab the highest priority process if it wasn't.
void AdjustFocusedTabScore(base::ProcessHandle pid);
// Called when the timer fires, sets oom_adjust_score for all renderers.
void AdjustOomPriorities();
// Called by AdjustOomPriorities. Runs on the main thread.
void AdjustOomPrioritiesImpl(OptionalArcProcessList arc_processes);
// Sets OOM score for processes in the range [|rbegin|, |rend|) to integers
// distributed evenly in [|range_begin|, |range_end|).
// The new score is set in |new_map|.
void DistributeOomScoreInRange(
std::vector<TabManagerDelegate::Candidate>::iterator begin,
std::vector<TabManagerDelegate::Candidate>::iterator end,
int range_begin,
int range_end,
ProcessScoreMap* new_map);
// Initiates an oom priority adjustment.
void ScheduleEarlyOomPrioritiesAdjustment();
// Returns a TimeDelta object that represents a minimum delay for killing
// the same ARC process again. ARC processes sometimes respawn right after
// being killed. In that case, killing them every time is just a waste of
// resources.
static constexpr base::TimeDelta GetArcRespawnKillDelay() {
return base::TimeDelta::FromSeconds(60);
// The OOM adjustment score for persistent ARC processes.
static const int kPersistentArcAppOomScore;
// Holds a reference to the owning TabManager.
const base::WeakPtr<TabManager> tab_manager_;
// Registrar to receive renderer notifications.
content::NotificationRegistrar registrar_;
// Timer to periodically make OOM score adjustments.
base::RepeatingTimer adjust_oom_priorities_timer_;
// Timer to guarantee that the tab or app is focused for a certain amount of
// time.
base::OneShotTimer focus_process_score_adjust_timer_;
// Holds the info of the newly focused tab or app. Its OOM score would be
// adjusted when |focus_process_score_adjust_timer_| is expired.
std::unique_ptr<FocusedProcess> focused_process_;
// Map maintaining the process handle - oom_score mapping.
ProcessScoreMap oom_score_map_;
// Map maintaing ARC process names and their last killed time.
KilledArcProcessesMap recently_killed_arc_processes_;
// Util for getting system memory status.
std::unique_ptr<TabManagerDelegate::MemoryStat> mem_stat_;
// Weak pointer factory used for posting tasks to other threads.
base::WeakPtrFactory<TabManagerDelegate> weak_ptr_factory_{this};
// On ARC enabled machines, either a tab or an app could be a possible
// victim of low memory kill process. This is a helper class which holds a
// pointer to an app or a tab (but not both) to facilitate prioritizing the
// victims.
class TabManagerDelegate::Candidate {
explicit Candidate(LifecycleUnit* lifecycle_unit)
: lifecycle_unit_(lifecycle_unit) {
// Candidates are sorted by a pair of sort keys <TabRanker score,
// last_activity_time>. Apps are not scored by TabRanker, so their score
// is set to kMaxScore. When TabRanker is off, tabs also have a score of
// kMaxScore so this has the effect of sorting by last_activity_time only.
// But if TabRanker is on, kMaxScore guarantees all apps are sorted before
// tabs.
explicit Candidate(const arc::ArcProcess* app) : app_(app) { DCHECK(app_); }
// Move-only class.
Candidate(Candidate&&) = default;
Candidate& operator=(Candidate&& other);
// Candidates are sorted by descending importance. A candidate is more
// important if:
// (1) it has lower respective ProcessTypes.
// (2) it has the same ProcessTypes, but larger LastActivityTime().
bool operator<(const Candidate& rhs) const;
// Returns the last activity time of this Candidate.
base::TimeTicks LastActivityTime() const;
LifecycleUnit* lifecycle_unit() { return lifecycle_unit_; }
const LifecycleUnit* lifecycle_unit() const { return lifecycle_unit_; }
const arc::ArcProcess* app() const { return app_; }
ProcessType process_type() const { return process_type_; }
// Derive process type for this candidate. Used to initialize |process_type_|.
ProcessType GetProcessTypeInternal() const;
LifecycleUnit* lifecycle_unit_ = nullptr;
const arc::ArcProcess* app_ = nullptr;
ProcessType process_type_ = GetProcessTypeInternal();
// A thin wrapper over library process_metric.h to get memory status so unit
// test get a chance to mock out.
class TabManagerDelegate::MemoryStat {
MemoryStat() {}
virtual ~MemoryStat() {}
// Returns target size of memory to free given current memory pressure and
// pre-configured low memory margin.
virtual int TargetMemoryToFreeKB();
// Returns estimated memory to be freed if the process |handle| is killed.
virtual int EstimatedMemoryFreedKB(base::ProcessHandle handle);
} // namespace resource_coordinator