blob: c73db1b97164ae41238b5861db9cb214b0ce7bc3 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// A class that provides the interface between the SafeBrowsing protocol manager
// and database that holds the downloaded updates.
#include <memory>
#include "components/safe_browsing_db/database_manager.h"
#include "components/safe_browsing_db/hit_report.h"
#include "components/safe_browsing_db/v4_database.h"
#include "components/safe_browsing_db/v4_get_hash_protocol_manager.h"
#include "components/safe_browsing_db/v4_protocol_manager_util.h"
#include "components/safe_browsing_db/v4_update_protocol_manager.h"
#include "url/gurl.h"
using content::ResourceType;
namespace safe_browsing {
typedef unsigned ThreatSeverity;
// Manages the local, on-disk database of updates downloaded from the
// SafeBrowsing service and interfaces with the protocol manager.
class V4LocalDatabaseManager : public SafeBrowsingDatabaseManager {
// Create and return an instance of V4LocalDatabaseManager, if Finch trial
// allows it; nullptr otherwise.
static scoped_refptr<V4LocalDatabaseManager> Create(
const base::FilePath& base_path);
// SafeBrowsingDatabaseManager implementation
void CancelCheck(Client* client) override;
bool CanCheckResourceType(content::ResourceType resource_type) const override;
bool CanCheckUrl(const GURL& url) const override;
bool ChecksAreAlwaysAsync() const override;
bool CheckBrowseUrl(const GURL& url, Client* client) override;
bool CheckDownloadUrl(const std::vector<GURL>& url_chain,
Client* client) override;
bool CheckExtensionIDs(const std::set<std::string>& extension_ids,
Client* client) override;
bool CheckResourceUrl(const GURL& url, Client* client) override;
bool MatchCsdWhitelistUrl(const GURL& url) override;
bool MatchDownloadWhitelistString(const std::string& str) override;
bool MatchDownloadWhitelistUrl(const GURL& url) override;
bool MatchMalwareIP(const std::string& ip_address) override;
bool MatchModuleWhitelistString(const std::string& str) override;
safe_browsing::ThreatSource GetThreatSource() const override;
bool IsCsdWhitelistKillSwitchOn() override;
bool IsDownloadProtectionEnabled() const override;
bool IsMalwareKillSwitchOn() override;
bool IsSupported() const override;
void StartOnIOThread(net::URLRequestContextGetter* request_context_getter,
const V4ProtocolConfig& config) override;
void StopOnIOThread(bool shutdown) override;
// End: SafeBrowsingDatabaseManager implementation
// Construct V4LocalDatabaseManager.
// Must be initialized by calling StartOnIOThread() before using.
V4LocalDatabaseManager(const base::FilePath& base_path);
enum class ClientCallbackType {
// This represents the case when we're trying to determine if a URL is
// unsafe from the following perspectives: Malware, Phishing, UwS.
// This should always be the last value.
// The information we need to process a URL safety reputation request and
// respond to the SafeBrowsing client that asked for it.
// TODO(vakh): In its current form, it only includes information for
// |CheckBrowseUrl| method. Extend it to serve other methods on |client|.
struct PendingCheck {
PendingCheck(Client* client,
ClientCallbackType client_callback_type,
const StoresToCheck& stores_to_check,
const GURL& url);
// The SafeBrowsing client that's waiting for the safe/unsafe verdict.
Client* client;
// Determines which funtion from the |client| needs to be called once we
// know whether the URL in |url| is safe or unsafe.
ClientCallbackType client_callback_type;
// The threat verdict for the URL being checked.
SBThreatType result_threat_type;
// The SafeBrowsing lists to check hash prefixes in.
StoresToCheck stores_to_check;
// The URL that is being checked for being unsafe.
GURL url;
// The metadata associated with the full hash of the severest match found
// for that URL.
ThreatMetadata url_metadata;
typedef std::vector<std::unique_ptr<PendingCheck>> QueuedChecks;
// The stores/lists to always get full hashes for, regardless of which store
// the hash prefix matched.
StoresToCheck GetStoresForFullHashRequests() override;
friend class V4LocalDatabaseManagerTest;
void SetTaskRunnerForTest(
const scoped_refptr<base::SequencedTaskRunner>& task_runner) {
task_runner_ = task_runner;
// The set of clients awaiting a full hash response. It is used for tracking
// which clients have cancelled their outstanding request.
typedef std::unordered_set<Client*> PendingClients;
~V4LocalDatabaseManager() override;
// Called when all the stores managed by the database have been read from
// disk after startup and the database is ready for use.
void DatabaseReady(std::unique_ptr<V4Database> v4_database);
// Called when the database has been updated and schedules the next update.
void DatabaseUpdated();
// Return the prefixes and the store they matched in, for a given URL. Returns
// true if a hash prefix match is found; false otherwise.
bool GetPrefixMatches(
const std::unique_ptr<PendingCheck>& check,
FullHashToStoreAndHashPrefixesMap* full_hash_to_store_and_hash_prefixes);
// Finds the most severe |SBThreatType| and the corresponding |metadata| from
// |full_hash_infos|.
void GetSeverestThreatTypeAndMetadata(
SBThreatType* result_threat_type,
ThreatMetadata* metadata,
const std::vector<FullHashInfo>& full_hash_infos);
// Returns the SBThreatType for a given ListIdentifier.
SBThreatType GetSBThreatTypeForList(const ListIdentifier& list_id);
// Called when the |v4_get_hash_protocol_manager_| has the full hash response
// available for the URL that we requested. It determines the severest
// threat type and responds to the |client| with that information.
void OnFullHashResponse(std::unique_ptr<PendingCheck> pending_check,
const std::vector<FullHashInfo>& full_hash_infos);
// Performs the full hash checking of the URL in |check|.
void PerformFullHashCheck(std::unique_ptr<PendingCheck> check,
const FullHashToStoreAndHashPrefixesMap&
// When the database is ready to use, process the checks that were queued
// while the database was loading from disk.
void ProcessQueuedChecks();
// Called on StopOnIOThread, it responds to the clients that are waiting for
// the database to become available with the verdict as SAFE.
void RespondSafeToQueuedChecks();
// Calls the appopriate method on the |client| object, based on the contents
// of |pending_check|.
void RespondToClient(std::unique_ptr<PendingCheck> pending_check);
// Instantiates and initializes |v4_database_| on the task runner. Sets up the
// callback for |DatabaseReady| when the database is ready for use.
void SetupDatabase();
// Instantiates and initializes |v4_update_protocol_manager_|.
void SetupUpdateProtocolManager(
net::URLRequestContextGetter* request_context_getter,
const V4ProtocolConfig& config);
// The callback called each time the protocol manager downloads updates
// successfully.
void UpdateRequestCompleted(
std::unique_ptr<ParsedServerResponse> parsed_server_response);
// The base directory under which to create the files that contain hashes.
const base::FilePath base_path_;
// Called when the V4Database has finished applying the latest update and is
// ready to process next update.
DatabaseUpdatedCallback db_updated_callback_;
// Whether the service is running.
bool enabled_;
// The list of stores to manage (for hash prefixes and full hashes). Each
// element contains the identifier for the store, the corresponding
// SBThreatType, whether to fetch hash prefixes for that store, and the
// name of the file on disk that would contain the prefixes, if applicable.
ListInfos list_infos_;
// The set of clients that are waiting for a full hash response from the
// SafeBrowsing service.
PendingClients pending_clients_;
// The checks that need to be scheduled when the database becomes ready for
// use.
QueuedChecks queued_checks_;
// The sequenced task runner for running safe browsing database operations.
scoped_refptr<base::SequencedTaskRunner> task_runner_;
// The database that manages the stores containing the hash prefix updates.
// All writes to this variable must happen on the IO thread only.
std::unique_ptr<V4Database> v4_database_;
// The protocol manager that downloads the hash prefix updates.
std::unique_ptr<V4UpdateProtocolManager> v4_update_protocol_manager_;
friend class base::RefCountedThreadSafe<V4LocalDatabaseManager>;
}; // class V4LocalDatabaseManager
} // namespace safe_browsing