blob: b4a4f8196bfaa20badacd94535dff96c2f589900 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <map>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "base/optional.h"
#include "base/strings/string_piece.h"
#include "components/autofill/core/browser/field_types.h"
namespace re2 {
class RE2;
} // namespace re2
namespace autofill {
namespace structured_address {
struct AddressToken;
struct SortedTokenComparisonResult;
// Represents the validation status of value stored in the AutofillProfile.
// The associated integer values used to store the verification code in SQL and
// should not be modified.
enum class VerificationStatus {
// No verification status assigned.
kNoStatus = 0,
// The value token was parsed from a parent token.
kParsed = 1,
// Value was built from its subcomponents.
kFormatted = 2,
// The value was observed in a form transmission.
kObserved = 3,
// The user used the autofill settings to verify and store this token.
kUserVerified = 4,
// The token was parsed by the server.
kServerParsed = 5,
// Prints the string representation of |status| to |os|.
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, VerificationStatus status);
// Returns true if |left| has a less significant verification status compared to
// |right|.
bool IsLessSignificantVerificationStatus(VerificationStatus left,
VerificationStatus right);
// The merge mode defines if and how two components are merged.
enum MergeMode {
// If one component has an empty value, use the non-empty one.
kReplaceEmpty = 1,
// Recursively merge two components that have the same tokens in arbitrary
// order. This is used as the default merge mode.
kRecursivelyMergeTokenEquivalentValues = 1 << 1,
// If both tokens have the same normalized value, use the one with the better
// verification status. If both statuses are the same, use the newer one.
kUseBetterOrNewerForSameValue = 1 << 2,
// If one component is a superset of the other, use the subset.
kReplaceSuperset = 1 << 3,
// If one component is a subset of the other, use the superset.
kReplaceSubset = 1 << 4,
// If both components have a different value, is the newer one.
kUseNewerIfDifferent = 1 << 5,
// If the newer component contains one token more, apply a recursive strategy
// to merge the tokens.
kRecursivelyMergeSingleTokenSubset = 1 << 6,
// If one is a substring use the most recent one.
kUseMostRecentSubstring = 1 << 7,
// Merge the child nodes and reformat the node from its children after merge.
kMergeChildrenAndReformat = 1 << 8,
// If the tokens match or one is a subset of the other, pick the shorter one.
kPickShorterIfOneContainsTheOther = 1 << 9,
// Defines the default merging behavior.
kDefault = kRecursivelyMergeTokenEquivalentValues
// An AddressComponent is a tree structure that represents a semi-structured
// address token. Such an address token can either be an atomic leaf node or
// have a set of children, each representing a more granular subtoken of the
// component.
// An AddressComponent has a string representation stored in |value_| and a
// VerificationStatus stored in |verification_status_|.
// The latter indicates if the value was user-verified, observed in a form
// submission event, parsed from its parent component or was formatted from its
// child components.
// In a proper component tree, each AddressComponent has a unique
// ServerFieldType. Additionally, an AddressComponent may be associated with a
// list of additional field types that allow for retrieving and setting the
// Component's value in specific formats. For example, NAME_MIDDLE may be the
// storage type and NAME_MIDDLE_INITIAL is an additional field type.
// The usage pattern of such an address tree is as follows:
// * Create a tree from an observed form submission or a profile editing or
// creation event in the Chrome settings. It is assumed that the created
// tree does not have values for competing field types. Two types are competing
// iff they are on a common root-to-leaf path. For example, an imported profile
// with a value for NAME_FULL and NAME_LAST has conflicting types that
// carry redundant information.
// * After the creation of the tree, the values of unassigned nodes in the tree
// are deducted from the values of assigned nodes. This happens by parsing
// (taking a string and splitting it into components) or by formatting (taking
// one or multiple strings and combining them into one string).
// * After the completion, there should be no need to modify the tree.
// * A tree may be mergeable with another tree of the same type. This
// operation incorporates complementing observations. For example, in the first
// tree NAME_FIRST, NAME_MIDDLE and NAME_LAST may be parsed from an observed
// unstructured name (NAME_FULL). The second tree may be built from observing
// the structured name, and contain observed NAME_FIRST, NAME_MIDDLE and
// NAME_LAST values but only a formatted NAME_FULL value.
class AddressComponent {
// Constructor for a compound child node.
AddressComponent(ServerFieldType storage_type,
AddressComponent* parent,
std::vector<AddressComponent*> subcomponents,
unsigned int merge_mode);
// Disallows copies since they are not needed in the current Autofill design.
AddressComponent(const AddressComponent& other) = delete;
virtual ~AddressComponent();
// Assignment operator that works recursively down the tree and assigns the
// |value_| and |verification_status_| of every node in right to the
// corresponding nodes in |this|. For an assignment it is required that both
// nodes have the same |storage_type_|.
AddressComponent& operator=(const AddressComponent& right);
// Comparison operator that works recursively down the tree.
bool operator==(const AddressComponent& right) const;
// Inequality operator that works recursively down the tree.
bool operator!=(const AddressComponent& right) const;
// Returns the autofill storage type stored in |storage_type_|.
ServerFieldType GetStorageType() const;
// Returns the string representation of |storage_type_|.
std::string GetStorageTypeName() const;
// Returns the value verification status of the component's value;
VerificationStatus GetVerificationStatus() const;
// Returns true if the component has no subcomponents.
bool IsAtomic() const;
// Returns a constant reference to |value_.value()|. If the value is not
// assigned, an empty string is returned.
const base::string16& GetValue() const;
// Returns true if the value of this AddressComponent is assigned.
bool IsValueAssigned() const;
// Sets the value corresponding to the storage type of this AddressComponent.
virtual void SetValue(base::string16 value, VerificationStatus status);
// Sets the value to an empty string, marks it unassigned and sets the
// verification status to |kNoStatus|.
virtual void UnsetValue();
// The method sets the value of the current node if its |storage_type_| is
// |type| or if |ConvertAndGetTheValueForAdditionalFieldTypeName()| supports
// retrieving |type|. Otherwise, the call is delegated recursively to the
// node's children.
// Returns true if the |value_| and |verification_status_| were successfully
// set for this or an ancestor node with the storage type |type|. If
// |invalidate_child_nodes|, all child nodes of the assigned node are
// unassigned. If |invalidate_parent_nodes|, all ancestor nodes of the
// assigned node as unassigned.
bool SetValueForTypeIfPossible(const ServerFieldType& type,
const base::string16& value,
const VerificationStatus& verification_status,
bool invalidate_child_nodes = false,
bool invalidate_parent_nodes = false);
// Same as |SetValueForTypeIfPossible()| but the type is supplied in the
// corresponding string representation.
bool SetValueForTypeIfPossible(const std::string& type_name,
const base::string16& value,
const VerificationStatus& verification_status,
bool invalidate_child_nodes = false,
bool invalidate_parent_nodes = false);
// Convenience wrapper to allow setting the value using a std::string.
bool SetValueForTypeIfPossible(const ServerFieldType& type,
const std::string& value,
const VerificationStatus& verification_status,
bool invalidate_child_nodes = false,
bool invalidate_parent_nodes = false);
// Convenience wrapper to allow setting the value using a std::string.
bool SetValueForTypeIfPossible(const std::string& type_name,
const std::string& value,
const VerificationStatus& verification_status,
bool invalidate_child_nodes = false,
bool invalidate_parent_nodes = false);
// Convenience method to get the value of |type|.
// Returns an empty string if |type| is not supported.
base::string16 GetValueForType(const ServerFieldType& type) const;
// Convenience method to get the value of |type| identified by its string
// representation name. Returns an empty string if |type| is not supported.
base::string16 GetValueForType(const std::string& type) const;
// Convenience method to get the verification status of |type|.
// Returns |VerificationStatus::kNoStatus| if |type| is not supported.
VerificationStatus GetVerificationStatusForType(
const ServerFieldType& type) const;
// Convenience method to get the verification status of |type| identified by
// its name. Returns |VerificationStatus::kNoStatus| if |type| is not
// supported.
VerificationStatus GetVerificationStatusForType(
const std::string& type) const;
// Get the value and status of a |type|,
// Returns false if the |type| is not supported by the structure.
// The method returns |value_| and |validation_status_| of the current node if
// its |storage_type_| is |type| or if
// |ConvertAndSetTheValueForAdditionalFieldTypeName()| supports setting
// |type|. Otherwise, the call is delegated recursively to the node's
// children. Returns false if the neither the node or one of its ancestors
// supports |type|.
bool GetValueAndStatusForTypeIfPossible(const ServerFieldType& type,
base::string16* value,
VerificationStatus* status) const;
// Get the value and status of a |type| identified by its name.
// Returns false if the |type| is not supported by the structure.
bool GetValueAndStatusForTypeIfPossible(const std::string& type_name,
base::string16* value,
VerificationStatus* status) const;
// Returns true if the |value| and |verification_status| were successfully
// unset for |type|.
bool UnsetValueForTypeIfSupported(const ServerFieldType& type);
// Parses |value_| to assign values to the subcomponents.
// The method uses 3 stages:
// * Use |ParseValueAndAssignSubcomponentsByMethod()|. This stage exists
// to catch special cases and may fail. The method is virtual and can be
// implemented on the type level.
// * Use |ParseValueAndAssignSubcomponentsByRegularExpressions()|. This stage
// uses a list of regular expressions acquired by the virtual method
// |GetParseRegularExpressionsByRelevance()|. This stage my fail.
// * Use |ParseValueAndAssignSubcomponentsByFallbackMethod()| as the last
// resort to parse |value_|. This method must produce a valid result.
void ParseValueAndAssignSubcomponents();
// This methods populated the unassigned entries in the subtree of this node
// by either parsing unknown values for subcomponents from their parents, or
// vice versa, formatting unknown values from known subcomponents. The method
// is virtual and can be reimplemented on the type level.
virtual void RecursivelyCompleteTree();
// Completes the full tree by calling |RecursivelyCompleteTree()| starting
// form the root node. Returns true if the completion was successful.
virtual bool CompleteFullTree();
// Checks if a tree is completable in the sense that there are no conflicting
// observed or verified types. This means that there is not more than one
// observed or verified node on any root-to-leaf path in the tree.
bool IsTreeCompletable();
// Recursively adds the supported types to the set. Calls
// |GetAdditionalSupportedFieldTypes()| to add field types.
void GetSupportedTypes(ServerFieldTypeSet* supported_types) const;
// Adds the additional supported field types to |supported_types|.
// The method should DCHECK that the added types are not part of the set yet.
virtual void GetAdditionalSupportedFieldTypes(
ServerFieldTypeSet* supported_types) const {}
// Unassigns all nodes with parsed or formatted values.
void UnsetParsedAndFormattedValuesInEntireTree();
// Unassigns all nodes with parsed or formatted values.
void RecursivelyUnsetParsedAndFormattedValues();
// Returns true if both components are mergeable.
virtual bool IsMergeableWithComponent(
const AddressComponent& newer_component) const;
// Recursively updates the verification statuses to the higher one, for nodes
// in |newer_component| that have the same values as the nodes in |this|.
virtual void MergeVerificationStatuses(
const AddressComponent& newer_component);
// Merge |newer_component| into this AddressComponent.
// Returns false if the merging is not possible.
// The state of the component is not altered by a failed merging attempt.
// |newer_was_more_recently_used| indicates that the newer component was also
// more recently used for filling a form.
virtual bool MergeWithComponent(const AddressComponent& newer_component,
bool newer_was_more_recently_used = true);
// Merge |newer_component| into this AddressComponent.
// The merging is possible iff the value of both root nodes is token
// equivalent, meaning they contain the same tokens in an arbitrary order.
// Returns false if the merging is not possible.
// The state of the component is not altered by a failed merging attempt.
bool MergeTokenEquivalentComponent(const AddressComponent& newer_component);
// Returns a constant vector of pointers to the child nodes of the component.
const std::vector<AddressComponent*>& Subcomponents() const {
return subcomponents_;
// Returns a vector containing sorted normalized tokens of the
// value of the component. The tokens are lazily calculated when first needed.
const std::vector<AddressToken> GetSortedTokens() const;
// Recursively unsets all subcomponents.
void RecursivelyUnsetSubcomponents();
// Return if the value associated with |field_type_name| is valid.
// If |wipe_if_not|, the value is unset if invalid.
bool IsValueForTypeValid(const std::string& field_type_name,
bool wipe_if_not = false);
// Convenience wrapper to work the ServerFieldTypes.
bool IsValueForTypeValid(ServerFieldType field_type,
bool wipe_if_not = false);
// Recursively determines the validity status of a component value associated
// with |field_type_name|. If |wipe_if_not|, the value is unset if invalid.
// Returns true if it is possible to determine the validity status of the
// value in this subcomponent.
bool GetIsValueForTypeValidIfPossible(const std::string& field_type_name,
bool* validity_status,
bool wipe_if_not = false);
// Deletes the stored structure if it contains strings that are not a
// substring of the unstructured representation.
// Return true if a wipe operation was performed.
virtual bool WipeInvalidStructure();
#ifdef UNIT_TEST
// Initiates the formatting of the values from the subcomponents.
void FormatValueFromSubcomponentsForTesting() {
// Returns the best format string for testing.
base::string16 GetBestFormatStringForTesting() {
return GetBestFormatString();
// Returns the parse expressions by relevance for testing.
std::vector<const re2::RE2*>
GetParseRegularExpressionsByRelevanceForTesting() {
return GetParseRegularExpressionsByRelevance();
// Returns a reference to the root node of the tree for testing.
AddressComponent& GetRootNodeForTesting() { return GetRootNode(); }
// Replaces placeholder values in the best format string with the
// corresponding values.
base::string16 GetReplacedPlaceholderTypesWithValuesForTesting() const {
return ReplacePlaceholderTypesWithValues(GetBestFormatString());
// Returns a vector containing the |storage_types_| of all direct
// subcomponents.
std::vector<ServerFieldType> GetSubcomponentTypesForTesting() const {
return GetSubcomponentTypes();
// Sets the merge mode for testing purposes.
void SetMergeModeForTesting(int merge_mode) { merge_mode_ = merge_mode; }
// Returns the verification score of this component and its substructure.
// Each observed node contributes to the validation score by 1.
virtual int GetStructureVerificationScore() const;
// Returns a vector containing the |storage_types_| of all direct
// subcomponents.
std::vector<ServerFieldType> GetSubcomponentTypes() const;
// Heuristic method to get the best suited format string.
// This method is virtual and can be reimplemented for each type.
virtual base::string16 GetBestFormatString() const;
// Returns pointers to regular expressions sorted by their relevance.
// This method is virtual and can be reimplemented for each type.
virtual std::vector<const re2::RE2*> GetParseRegularExpressionsByRelevance()
// Method to parse |value_| into the values of |subcomponents_|. The
// purpose of this method is to cover special cases. This method returns true
// on success and is allowed to fail. On failure, the |subcomponents_| are not
// altered.
virtual bool ParseValueAndAssignSubcomponentsByMethod();
// This method parses |value_| to assign values to the subcomponents.
// The method is virtual and can be reimplemented per type.
// It must succeed.
virtual void ParseValueAndAssignSubcomponentsByFallbackMethod();
// This method is used to set the value given by a type different than the
// storage type. It must implement the conversion logic specific to each type.
// It returns true if conversion logic exists and the type can be set.
virtual bool ConvertAndSetValueForAdditionalFieldTypeName(
const std::string& field_type_name,
const base::string16& value,
const VerificationStatus& status);
// This method is used to retrieve the value for a supported field type
// different from the storage type. It must implement the conversion logic
// specific to each type. It returns true if the type is supported and the
// value can be written back to value.
// The method must handle |nullptr|s for both the value and status.
virtual bool ConvertAndGetTheValueForAdditionalFieldTypeName(
const std::string& field_type_name,
base::string16* value) const;
// Clears all parsed and formatted values.
void ClearAllParsedAndFormattedValues();
// Merge a component that has exactly one token less.
bool MergeSubsetComponent(
const AddressComponent& subset_component,
const SortedTokenComparisonResult& token_comparison_result);
// Consumes an additional token into the most appropriate subcomponent.
// Can be implemented by the specific node types.
// The fall-back solution uses the first empty node.
// If no empty node is available, it appends the value to the first node.
virtual void ConsumeAdditionalToken(const base::string16& token_value);
// Returns a reference to the root node of the tree.
AddressComponent& GetRootNode();
// Returns a reference to the root node of the tree.
const AddressComponent& GetRootNode() const;
// Function to determine if the value stored in this component is valid.
// Return true be default but can be overloaded by a subclass.
virtual bool IsValueValid() const;
// Function to be called post assign to do sanitization.
virtual void PostAssignSanitization() {}
// Returns a normalized value for comparison.
// In the default implementation, this converts the value to lower case and
// removes white spaces. This function may be reimplemented to perform
// different normalization operations.
virtual base::string16 NormalizedValue() const;
// Returns a value used for comparison.
// In the default implementation this is just the normalized value but this
// function can be overridden in subclasses to apply further operations on
// the normalized value.
virtual base::string16 ValueForComparison() const;
// Returns true if the merging of two token identical values should give
// precedence to the newer value. By default, the newer component gets
// precedence if it has the same or better verification status.
virtual bool HasNewerValuePrecendenceInMerging(
const AddressComponent& newer_component) const;
// Parses |value| by using |parse_expressions| and assigns the values.
// Returns true on success.
bool ParseValueAndAssignSubcomponentsByRegularExpression(
const base::string16& value,
const re2::RE2* parse_expression);
// Unsets the node and all of its children.
void UnsetAddressComponentAndItsSubcomponents();
// Unsets the children of a node.
void UnsetSubcomponents();
// Determines the |value_| from the values of the subcomponents by using the
// most suitable format string determined by |GetBestFormatString()|.
void FormatValueFromSubcomponents();
// Replaces placeholder values with the corresponding values.
base::string16 ReplacePlaceholderTypesWithValues(
const base::string16& format) const;
// Replaces placeholder values with the corresponding values.
base::string16 ReplacePlaceholderTypesWithValuesRegexVersion(
const base::string16& format) const;
// This method uses regular expressions acquired by
// |GetParseRegularExpressionsByRelevance| to parse |value_| into the values
// of the subcomponents. Returns true on success and is allowed to fail.
bool ParseValueAndAssignSubcomponentsByRegularExpressions();
// Returns the maximum number of components with assigned values on the path
// from the component to a leaf node.
int MaximumNumberOfAssignedAddressComponentsOnNodeToLeafPaths() const;
// The unstructured value of this component.
base::Optional<base::string16> value_;
// The verification status of |value_| indicates the certainty of the value
// to be correct.
VerificationStatus value_verification_status_;
// The storable Autofill type of the component.
const ServerFieldType storage_type_;
// A vector of pointers to the subcomponents.
std::vector<AddressComponent*> subcomponents_;
// A vector that contains the tokens of |value_| after normalization,
// meaning that it was converted to lower case and diacritics have been
// removed. |value_| is tokenized by splitting the string by white spaces and
// commas. It is calculated when |value_| is set.
base::Optional<std::vector<AddressToken>> sorted_normalized_tokens_;
// A pointer to the parent node. It is set to nullptr if the node is the root
// node of the AddressComponent tree.
AddressComponent* const parent_;
// Defines if and how two components can be merged.
int merge_mode_;
} // namespace structured_address
} // namespace autofill