blob: 665baedb4ff4520a8dcee6e6e20b1b66c46fa713 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <memory>
#include <vector>
#include "base/macros.h"
#include "ui/compositor/test/multi_layer_animator_test_controller.h"
#include "ui/compositor/test/multi_layer_animator_test_controller_delegate.h"
#include "ui/views/animation/ink_drop_impl.h"
namespace ui {
class LayerAnimator;
} // namespace ui
namespace views {
class InkDropHighlight;
namespace test {
// Test API to provide internal access to an InkDropImpl instance. This can also
// be used to control the InkDropRipple and InkDropHighlight animations via the
// ui::test::MultiLayerAnimatorTestController API.
class InkDropImplTestApi
: public ui::test::MultiLayerAnimatorTestController,
public ui::test::MultiLayerAnimatorTestControllerDelegate {
// Highlight state that access the HighlightStateFactory during the Exit()
// method.
class AccessFactoryOnExitHighlightState : public InkDropImpl::HighlightState {
// Installs an instance of |this| to the ink drop that owns |state_factory|.
static void Install(InkDropImpl::HighlightStateFactory* state_factory);
explicit AccessFactoryOnExitHighlightState(
InkDropImpl::HighlightStateFactory* state_factory);
// HighlightState:
void Exit() override;
void ShowOnHoverChanged() override;
void OnHoverChanged() override;
void ShowOnFocusChanged() override;
void OnFocusChanged() override;
void AnimationStarted(InkDropState ink_drop_state) override;
void AnimationEnded(InkDropState ink_drop_state,
InkDropAnimationEndedReason reason) override;
// Highlight state that attempts to set a new highlight state during Exit().
class SetStateOnExitHighlightState : public InkDropImpl::HighlightState {
// Installs an instance of |this| to the ink drop that owns |state_factory|.
static void Install(InkDropImpl::HighlightStateFactory* state_factory);
explicit SetStateOnExitHighlightState(
InkDropImpl::HighlightStateFactory* state_factory);
// HighlightState:
void Exit() override;
void ShowOnHoverChanged() override;
void OnHoverChanged() override;
void ShowOnFocusChanged() override;
void OnFocusChanged() override;
void AnimationStarted(InkDropState ink_drop_state) override;
void AnimationEnded(InkDropState ink_drop_state,
InkDropAnimationEndedReason reason) override;
explicit InkDropImplTestApi(InkDropImpl* ink_drop);
~InkDropImplTestApi() override;
// Ensures that |ink_drop_|->ShouldHighlight() returns the same value as
// |should_highlight| by updating the hover/focus status of |ink_drop_|.
void SetShouldHighlight(bool should_highlight);
// Wrappers to InkDropImpl internals:
InkDropImpl::HighlightStateFactory* state_factory() {
return ink_drop_->highlight_state_factory_.get();
void SetHighlightState(
std::unique_ptr<InkDropImpl::HighlightState> highlight_state);
const InkDropHighlight* highlight() const;
bool IsHighlightFadingInOrVisible() const;
bool ShouldHighlight() const;
// MultiLayerAnimatorTestControllerDelegate:
std::vector<ui::LayerAnimator*> GetLayerAnimators() override;
// The InkDrop to provide internal access to.
InkDropImpl* ink_drop_;
} // namespace test
} // namespace views