blob: adc3d8c4600f5a7082429545bf56bfe747aa31da [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <stdint.h>
#include <memory>
#include <set>
#include <vector>
#include "base/macros.h"
#include "base/memory/ref_counted.h"
#include "base/optional.h"
#include "components/autofill/core/common/password_form.h"
#include "components/autofill/core/common/signatures_util.h"
#include "components/password_manager/core/browser/password_form_user_action.h"
#include "components/password_manager/core/browser/password_manager_metrics_util.h"
#include "services/metrics/public/cpp/ukm_builders.h"
#include "services/metrics/public/cpp/ukm_recorder.h"
#include "url/gurl.h"
namespace password_manager {
class FormFetcher;
// The pupose of this class is to record various types of metrics about the
// behavior of the PasswordFormManager and its interaction with the user and
// the page. The recorder tracks events tied to the logical life of a password
// form, from parsing to having been saved. These events happen on different
// places in the code and the logical password form can be captured by multiple
// instances of real objects. To allow sharing the single recorder object among
// those, this class is refcounted. Reporting happens on destruction of the
// metrics recorder. Note that UKM metrics are reported for intervals of length
// metrics::GetUploadInterval(). Only metrics that are reported from the time
// of creating the PasswordFormMetricsRecorder until the end of current upload
// interval are recorded. Everything after the end of the current upload
// interval is discarded. For this reason, it is essential that references are
// not just kept until browser shutdown.
class PasswordFormMetricsRecorder
: public base::RefCounted<PasswordFormMetricsRecorder> {
// Records UKM metrics and reports them on destruction. The |source_id| is
// the ID of the WebContents document that the forms belong to.
PasswordFormMetricsRecorder(bool is_main_frame_secure,
ukm::SourceId source_id);
// ManagerAction - What does the PasswordFormManager do with this form? Either
// it fills it, or it doesn't. If it doesn't fill it, that's either
// because it has no match or it is disabled via the AUTOCOMPLETE=off
// attribute. Note that if we don't have an exact match, we still provide
// candidates that the user may end up choosing.
enum ManagerAction {
kManagerActionNone = 0,
// Same as above without the obsoleted 'Blacklisted' action.
enum ManagerActionNew {
kManagerActionNewNone = 0,
// Result - What happens to the form?
enum SubmitResult {
kSubmitResultNotSubmitted = 0,
// Whether the password manager filled a credential on a form.
enum ManagerAutofillEvent {
// No credential existed that could be filled into a password form.
kManagerFillEventNoCredential = 0,
// A credential could have been autofilled into a password form but was not
// due to a policy. E.g. incognito mode requires a user interaction before
// filling can happen. PSL matches are not autofilled and also on password
// change forms we do not autofill.
// A credential was autofilled into a form.
// Enumerates whether there were `suppressed` credentials. These are stored
// credentials that were not filled, even though they might be related to the
// observed form. See FormFetcher::GetSuppressed* for details.
// If suppressed credentials exist, it is also recorded whether their username
// and/or password matched those submitted.
enum SuppressedAccountExistence {
// Recorded when there exists a suppressed account, but there was no
// submitted form to compare its username and password to.
// Recorded when there was a submitted form.
// What the form is used for. kSubmittedFormTypeUnspecified is only set before
// the SetSubmittedFormType() is called, and should never be actually
// uploaded.
enum SubmittedFormType {
// The reason why a password bubble was shown on the screen.
enum class BubbleTrigger {
kUnknown = 0,
// The password manager suggests the user to save a password and asks for
// confirmation.
// The site asked the user to save a password via the credential management
// API.
// The reason why a password bubble was dismissed.
enum class BubbleDismissalReason {
kUnknown = 0,
kAccepted = 1,
kDeclined = 2,
kIgnored = 3
// This enum is a designed to be able to collect all kinds of potentially
// interesting user interactions with sites and password manager UI in
// relation to a given form. In contrast to UserAction, it is intended to be
// extensible.
enum class DetailedUserAction {
// Interactions with password bubble.
kEditedUsernameInBubble = 100,
kSelectedDifferentPasswordInBubble = 101,
kTriggeredManualFallbackForSaving = 102,
kObsoleteTriggeredManualFallbackForUpdating = 103, // unused
// Interactions with form.
kCorrectedUsernameInForm = 200,
// Result of comparing of the old and new form parsing for filling.
enum class ParsingComparisonResult {
// Old and new parsers use different identification mechanism for unnamed
// fields, so the difference in parsing of anonymous fields is expected.
// Result of comparing of the old and new form parsing for saving. Multiple
// values are meant to be combined and reported in a single number as a
// bitmask.
enum class ParsingOnSavingDifference {
// Different fields were identified for username or password.
kFields = 1 << 0,
// Signon_realms are different.
kSignonRealm = 1 << 1,
// One password form manager wants to update, the other to save as new.
kNewLoginStatus = 1 << 2,
// One password form manager thinks the password is generated, the other
// does not.
kGenerated = 1 << 3,
// Indicator whether the user has seen a password generation popup and why.
enum class PasswordGenerationPopupShown {
kNotShown = 0,
kShownAutomatically = 1,
kShownManually = 2,
// Metric: PasswordGeneration.UserDecision
enum class GeneratedPasswordStatus {
// The generated password was accepted by the user.
kPasswordAccepted = 0,
// The generated password was edited by the user in the field in which
// it was filled after being accepted.
kPasswordEdited = 1,
// The generated password was deleted by the user from the field
// in which it was filled after being accepted.
kPasswordDeleted = 2,
kPasswordRejectedInDialogObsolete = 3, // obsolete
kMaxValue = kPasswordRejectedInDialogObsolete
// Represents form differences.
// 1.This is a bit mask, so new values must be powers of 2.
// 2.This is used for UMA, so no deletion, only adding at the end.
enum FormDataDifferences {
// Different number of fields.
kFieldsNumber = 1 << 0,
kRendererFieldIDs = 1 << 1,
kAutocompleteAttributes = 1 << 2,
kFormControlTypes = 1 << 3,
kMaxFormDifferencesValue = 1 << 4,
// The maximum number of combinations of the ManagerAction, UserAction and
// SubmitResult enums.
// This is used when recording the actions taken by the form in UMA.
static constexpr int kMaxNumActionsTaken =
kManagerActionMax * static_cast<int>(UserAction::kMax) * kSubmitResultMax;
// Same as above but for ManagerActionNew instead of ManagerAction.
static constexpr int kMaxNumActionsTakenNew =
kManagerActionNewMax * static_cast<int>(UserAction::kMax) *
// The maximum number of combinations recorded into histograms in the
// PasswordManager.SuppressedAccount.* family.
static constexpr int kMaxSuppressedAccountStats =
kSuppressedAccountExistenceMax *
PasswordFormMetricsRecorder::kManagerActionNewMax *
static_cast<int>(UserAction::kMax) *
// Called if the user could generate a password for this form.
void MarkGenerationAvailable();
// Stores the user action associated with a generated password.
void SetGeneratedPasswordStatus(GeneratedPasswordStatus status);
// Reports the priority of a PasswordGenerationRequirementsSpec for a
// generated password. This can be used for debugging as a 0 means that
// no spec was used, a 10 means that the spec came from autofill and was crowd
// sourced, a 20 means that it was overrideen per domain and a 30 means that
// is was overridden for the form.
void ReportSpecPriorityForGeneratedPassword(uint32_t spec_priority);
// Stores the password manager and user actions and logs them.
void SetManagerAction(ManagerAction manager_action);
void SetUserAction(UserAction user_action);
// Call these if/when we know the form submission worked or failed.
// These routines are used to update internal statistics ("ActionsTaken").
void LogSubmitPassed();
void LogSubmitFailed();
// This can be called multiple times in which case the last value is reported.
void SetPasswordGenerationPopupShown(bool generation_popup_was_shown,
bool is_manual_generation);
// Call this once the submitted form type has been determined.
void SetSubmittedFormType(SubmittedFormType form_type);
// Call this when a password is saved to indicate which path led to
// submission.
void SetSubmissionIndicatorEvent(
autofill::PasswordForm::SubmissionIndicatorEvent event);
// Records all histograms in the PasswordManager.SuppressedAccount.* family.
// Takes the FormFetcher intance which owns the login data from PasswordStore.
// |pending_credentials| stores credentials when the form was submitted but
// success was still unknown. It contains credentials that are ready to be
// written (saved or updated) to a password store.
void RecordHistogramsOnSuppressedAccounts(
bool observed_form_origin_has_cryptographic_scheme,
const FormFetcher& form_fetcher,
const autofill::PasswordForm& pending_credentials);
// Records the event that a password bubble was shown.
void RecordPasswordBubbleShown(
metrics_util::CredentialSourceType credential_source_type,
metrics_util::UIDisplayDisposition display_disposition);
// Records the dismissal of a password bubble.
void RecordUIDismissalReason(
metrics_util::UIDismissalReason ui_dismissal_reason);
// Records that the password manager managed or failed to fill a form.
void RecordFillEvent(ManagerAutofillEvent event);
// Converts the "ActionsTaken" fields (using ManagerActionNew) into an int so
// they can be logged to UMA.
// Public for testing.
int GetActionsTakenNew() const;
// Records a DetailedUserAction UKM metric.
void RecordDetailedUserAction(DetailedUserAction action);
// Hash algorithm for RecordFormSignature. Public for testing.
static int64_t HashFormSignature(autofill::FormSignature form_signature);
// Records a low entropy hash of the form signature in order to be able to
// distinguish two forms on the same site.
void RecordFormSignature(autofill::FormSignature form_signature);
// Records old and new form parsings comparison result.
void RecordParsingsComparisonResult(
ParsingComparisonResult comparison_result);
// Records the comparison of the old and new password form parsing for saving.
// |comparison_result| is a bitmask of values from ParsingOnSavingDifference.
void RecordParsingOnSavingDifference(uint64_t comparison_result);
// Records the readonly status encoded with parsing success after parsing for
// filling. The |value| is constructed as follows: The least significant bit
// says whether parsing succeeded (1) or not (0). The rest, shifted by one
// bit to the right is the FormDataParser::ReadonlyPasswordFields
// representation of the readonly status.
void RecordReadonlyWhenFilling(uint64_t value);
// Records the readonly status encoded with parsing success after parsing for
// creating pending credentials. See RecordReadonlyWhenFilling for the meaning
// of |value|.
void RecordReadonlyWhenSaving(uint64_t value);
// Records that Chrome noticed that it should show a manual fallback for
// saving.
void RecordShowManualFallbackForSaving(bool has_generated_password,
bool is_update);
void RecordFormChangeBitmask(uint32_t bitmask);
friend class base::RefCounted<PasswordFormMetricsRecorder>;
// Enum to track which password bubble is currently being displayed.
enum class CurrentBubbleOfInterest {
// This covers the cases that no password bubble is currently being
// displayed or the one displayed is none of the interesting cases.
// The user is currently seeing a password save bubble.
// The user is currently seeing a password update bubble.
// Destructor reports a couple of UMA metrics as well as calls
// RecordUkmMetric.
// Converts the "ActionsTaken" fields into an int so they can be logged to
// UMA.
int GetActionsTaken() const;
// When supplied with the list of all |suppressed_forms| that belong to
// certain suppressed credential type (see FormFetcher::GetSuppressed*),
// filters that list down to forms whose type matches |manual_or_generated|,
// and selects the suppressed account that matches |pending_credentials| most
// closely. |pending_credentials| stores credentials when the form was
// submitted but success was still unknown. It contains credentials that are
// ready to be written (saved or updated) to a password store.
SuppressedAccountExistence GetBestMatchingSuppressedAccount(
const std::vector<const autofill::PasswordForm*>& suppressed_forms,
autofill::PasswordForm::Type manual_or_generated,
const autofill::PasswordForm& pending_credentials) const;
// Encodes a UMA histogram sample for |best_matching_account| and
// GetActionsTakenNew(). This is a mixed-based representation of a combination
// of four attributes:
// -- whether there were suppressed credentials (and if so, their relation to
// the submitted username/password).
// -- whether the |observed_form_| got ultimately submitted
// -- what action the password manager performed (|manager_action_|),
// -- and what action the user performed (|user_action_|_).
int GetHistogramSampleForSuppressedAccounts(
SuppressedAccountExistence best_matching_account) const;
// True if the main frame's visible URL, at the time this PasswordFormManager
// was created, is secure.
const bool is_main_frame_secure_;
// Whether the user can choose to generate a password for this form.
bool generation_available_ = false;
// Contains the generated password's status, which resulted from a user
// action.
base::Optional<GeneratedPasswordStatus> generated_password_status_;
base::Optional<uint32_t> spec_priority_of_generated_password_;
// Tracks which bubble is currently being displayed to the user.
CurrentBubbleOfInterest current_bubble_ = CurrentBubbleOfInterest::kNone;
// Whether the user was shown a prompt to update a password.
bool update_prompt_shown_ = false;
// Whether the user was shown a prompt to save a new credential.
bool save_prompt_shown_ = false;
// Whether the user was shown a password generation popup and why.
// Only reportet when a popup was shown.
PasswordGenerationPopupShown password_generation_popup_shown_ =
// These three fields record the "ActionsTaken" by the browser and
// the user with this form, and the result. They are combined and
// recorded in UMA when the PasswordFormMetricsRecorder is destroyed.
ManagerAction manager_action_ = kManagerActionNone;
UserAction user_action_ = UserAction::kNone;
SubmitResult submit_result_ = kSubmitResultNotSubmitted;
// Form type of the form that the PasswordFormManager is managing. Set after
// submission as the classification of the form can change depending on what
// data the user has entered.
SubmittedFormType submitted_form_type_ = kSubmittedFormTypeUnspecified;
// The UKM SourceId of the document the form belongs to.
ukm::SourceId source_id_;
// Holds URL keyed metrics (UKMs) to be recorded on destruction.
ukm::builders::PasswordForm ukm_entry_builder_;
// Counter for DetailedUserActions observed during the lifetime of a
// PasswordFormManager. Reported upon destruction.
std::map<DetailedUserAction, int64_t> detailed_user_actions_counts_;
// Bitmap of whether and why a manual fallback for saving was shown:
// 1 = the fallback was shown.
// 2 = the password was generated.
// 4 = this was an update prompt.
base::Optional<uint32_t> showed_manual_fallback_for_saving_;
base::Optional<uint32_t> form_changes_bitmask_;
} // namespace password_manager