blob: f9a9c5d43eb9e3a417ff535a1da1f8c9ba569e72 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <initializer_list>
#include <tuple>
#include <type_traits>
#include <utility>
namespace base {
namespace trait_helpers {
// Checks if any of the elements in |ilist| is true.
// Similar to std::any_of for the case of constexpr initializer_list.
inline constexpr bool any_of(std::initializer_list<bool> ilist) {
for (auto c : ilist) {
if (c)
return true;
return false;
// Checks if all of the elements in |ilist| are true.
// Similar to std::any_of for the case of constexpr initializer_list.
inline constexpr bool all_of(std::initializer_list<bool> ilist) {
for (auto c : ilist) {
if (!c)
return false;
return true;
// Counts the elements in |ilist| that are equal to |value|.
// Similar to std::count for the case of constexpr initializer_list.
template <class T>
inline constexpr size_t count(std::initializer_list<T> ilist, T value) {
size_t c = 0;
for (const auto& v : ilist) {
c += (v == value);
return c;
// CallFirstTag is an argument tag that helps to avoid ambiguous overloaded
// functions. When the following call is made:
// func(CallFirstTag(), arg...);
// the compiler will give precedence to an overload candidate that directly
// takes CallFirstTag. Another overload that takes CallSecondTag will be
// considered iff the preferred overload candidates were all invalids and
// therefore discarded.
struct CallSecondTag {};
struct CallFirstTag : CallSecondTag {};
// A trait filter class |TraitFilterType| implements the protocol to get a value
// of type |ArgType| from an argument list and convert it to a value of type
// |TraitType|. If the argument list contains an argument of type |ArgType|, the
// filter class will be instantiated with that argument. If the argument list
// contains no argument of type |ArgType|, the filter class will be instantiated
// using the default constructor if available; a compile error is issued
// otherwise. The filter class must have the conversion operator TraitType()
// which returns a value of type TraitType.
// |InvalidTrait| is used to return from GetTraitFromArg when the argument is
// not compatible with the desired trait.
struct InvalidTrait {};
// Returns an object of type |TraitFilterType| constructed from |arg| if
// compatible, or |InvalidTrait| otherwise.
template <class TraitFilterType,
class ArgType,
class CheckArgumentIsCompatible = std::enable_if_t<
std::is_constructible<TraitFilterType, ArgType>::value>>
constexpr TraitFilterType GetTraitFromArg(CallFirstTag, ArgType arg) {
return TraitFilterType(arg);
template <class TraitFilterType, class ArgType>
constexpr InvalidTrait GetTraitFromArg(CallSecondTag, ArgType arg) {
return InvalidTrait();
// Returns an object of type |TraitFilterType| constructed from a compatible
// argument in |args...|, or default constructed if none of the arguments are
// compatible. This is the implementation of GetTraitFromArgList() with a
// disambiguation tag.
template <class TraitFilterType,
class... ArgTypes,
class TestCompatibleArgument = std::enable_if_t<any_of(
{std::is_constructible<TraitFilterType, ArgTypes>::value...})>>
constexpr TraitFilterType GetTraitFromArgListImpl(CallFirstTag,
ArgTypes... args) {
return std::get<TraitFilterType>(std::make_tuple(
GetTraitFromArg<TraitFilterType>(CallFirstTag(), args)...));
template <class TraitFilterType, class... ArgTypes>
constexpr TraitFilterType GetTraitFromArgListImpl(CallSecondTag,
ArgTypes... args) {
"TaskTraits contains a Trait that must be explicity "
"initialized in its constructor.");
return TraitFilterType();
// Constructs an object of type |TraitFilterType| from a compatible argument in
// |args...|, or using the default constructor, and returns its associated trait
// value using conversion to |TraitFilterType::ValueType|. If there are more
// than one compatible argument in |args|, generates a compile-time error.
template <class TraitFilterType, class... ArgTypes>
constexpr typename TraitFilterType::ValueType GetTraitFromArgList(
ArgTypes... args) {
count({std::is_constructible<TraitFilterType, ArgTypes>::value...},
true) <= 1,
"Multiple arguments of the same type were provided to the "
"constructor of TaskTraits.");
return GetTraitFromArgListImpl<TraitFilterType>(CallFirstTag(), args...);
// Returns true if this trait is explicitly defined in an argument list, i.e.
// there is an argument compatible with this trait in |args...|.
template <class TraitFilterType, class... ArgTypes>
constexpr bool TraitIsDefined(ArgTypes... args) {
return any_of({std::is_constructible<TraitFilterType, ArgTypes>::value...});
// Helper class to implemnent a |TraitFilterType|.
template <typename T>
struct BasicTraitFilter {
using ValueType = T;
constexpr operator ValueType() const { return value; }
ValueType value = {};
template <typename ArgType>
struct BooleanTraitFilter : public BasicTraitFilter<bool> {
constexpr BooleanTraitFilter() { this->value = false; }
constexpr BooleanTraitFilter(ArgType) { this->value = true; }
template <typename ArgType, ArgType DefaultValue>
struct EnumTraitFilter : public BasicTraitFilter<ArgType> {
constexpr EnumTraitFilter() { this->value = DefaultValue; }
constexpr EnumTraitFilter(ArgType arg) { this->value = arg; }
// Tests whether multiple given argtument types are all valid traits according
// to the provided ValidTraits. To use, define a ValidTraits
template <typename ArgType>
struct RequiredEnumTraitFilter : public BasicTraitFilter<ArgType> {
constexpr RequiredEnumTraitFilter(ArgType arg) { this->value = arg; }
// Tests whether a given trait type is valid or invalid by testing whether it is
// convertible to the provided ValidTraits type. To use, define a ValidTraits
// type like this:
// struct ValidTraits {
// ValidTraits(MyTrait);
// ...
// };
template <class ValidTraits, class... ArgTypes>
struct AreValidTraits
: std::integral_constant<
all_of({std::is_convertible<ArgTypes, ValidTraits>::value...})> {};
} // namespace trait_helpers
} // namespace base