blob: b787b9c0d02878de7d409c986db8a720758646e4 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// This is the browser side of the resource dispatcher, it receives requests
// from the RenderProcessHosts, and dispatches them to URLRequests. It then
// fowards the messages from the URLRequests back to the correct process for
// handling.
// See
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include "base/compiler_specific.h"
#include "base/macros.h"
#include "base/memory/ref_counted.h"
#include "base/sequence_checker.h"
#include "content/browser/loader/resource_controller.h"
#include "content/common/content_export.h"
class GURL;
namespace net {
class IOBuffer;
class URLRequest;
class URLRequestStatus;
struct RedirectInfo;
} // namespace net
namespace content {
class ResourceMessageFilter;
class ResourceRequestInfoImpl;
struct ResourceResponse;
// The resource dispatcher host uses this interface to process network events
// for an URLRequest instance. A ResourceHandler's lifetime is bound to its
// associated URLRequest.
// No ResourceHandler method other than OnWillRead will ever be called
// synchronously when it calls into the ResourceController passed in to it,
// either to resume or cancel the request.
class CONTENT_EXPORT ResourceHandler {
virtual ~ResourceHandler();
// Used to allow a ResourceHandler to cancel the request out of band, when it
// may not have a ResourceController.
class CONTENT_EXPORT Delegate {
virtual ~Delegate();
friend class ResourceHandler;
// Cancels the request when the class does not currently have ownership of
// the ResourceController.
// |error_code| indicates the reason for the cancellation, and
// |tell_renderer| whether the renderer needs to be informed of the
// cancellation.
virtual void OutOfBandCancel(int error_code, bool tell_renderer) = 0;
// Sets the ResourceHandler::Delegate, which handles out-of-band cancellation.
virtual void SetDelegate(Delegate* delegate);
// The request was redirected to a new URL. The request will not continue
// until one of |controller|'s resume or cancellation methods is invoked.
// |response| may be destroyed as soon as the method returns, so if the
// ResourceHandler wants to continue to use it, it must maintain a reference
// to it.
virtual void OnRequestRedirected(
const net::RedirectInfo& redirect_info,
ResourceResponse* response,
std::unique_ptr<ResourceController> controller) = 0;
// Response headers and metadata are available. The request will not continue
// until one of |controller|'s resume or cancellation methods is invoked.
// |response| may be destroyed as soon as the method returns, so if the
// ResourceHandler wants to continue to use it, it must maintain a reference
// to it.
virtual void OnResponseStarted(
ResourceResponse* response,
std::unique_ptr<ResourceController> controller) = 0;
// Called before the net::URLRequest (whose url is |url|) is to be started.
// The request will not continue until one of |controller|'s resume or
// cancellation methods is invoked.
virtual void OnWillStart(const GURL& url,
std::unique_ptr<ResourceController> controller) = 0;
// Data will be read for the response. Upon success, this method places the
// size and address of the buffer where the data is to be written in its
// out-params. This call will be followed by either OnReadCompleted (on
// successful read or EOF) or OnResponseCompleted (on error). If
// OnReadCompleted is called, the buffer may be recycled. Otherwise, it may
// not be recycled and may potentially outlive the handler.
// Unlike other methods, may be called synchronously on Resume, for
// performance reasons.
// The request will not continue until one of |controller|'s resume or
// cancellation methods is invoked.
virtual void OnWillRead(scoped_refptr<net::IOBuffer>* buf,
int* buf_size,
std::unique_ptr<ResourceController> controller) = 0;
// Data (*bytes_read bytes) was written into the buffer provided by
// OnWillRead. The request will not continue until one of |controller|'s
// resume or cancellation methods is invoked. A zero |bytes_read| signals
// that no further data will be received.
virtual void OnReadCompleted(
int bytes_read,
std::unique_ptr<ResourceController> controller) = 0;
// The response is complete. The final response status is given. The request
// will not be deleted until controller's Resume() method is invoked. It is
// illegal to use its cancellation methods.
virtual void OnResponseCompleted(
const net::URLRequestStatus& status,
std::unique_ptr<ResourceController> controller) = 0;
// This notification is synthesized by the RedirectToFileResourceHandler
// to indicate progress of 'download_to_file' requests. OnReadCompleted
// calls are consumed by the RedirectToFileResourceHandler and replaced
// with OnDataDownloaded calls.
virtual void OnDataDownloaded(int bytes_downloaded) = 0;
explicit ResourceHandler(net::URLRequest* request);
// Convenience methods for managing a ResourceHandler's controller in the
// async completion case. These ensure that the controller is nullptr after
// being invoked, which allows for DCHECKing on it and better crashes on
// calling into deleted objects.
// Passes ownership of |controller| to |this|. Nothing is done with the
// |controller| automatically.
void HoldController(std::unique_ptr<ResourceController> controller);
// Returns ownership of the ResourceController previously passed in to
// HoldController.
std::unique_ptr<ResourceController> ReleaseController();
bool has_controller() const { return !!controller_; }
// These call the corresponding methods on the ResourceController previously
// passed to HoldController and then destroy it.
void Resume();
void Cancel();
void CancelWithError(int error_code);
// Cancels the request when the class does not currently have ownership of the
// ResourceController.
void OutOfBandCancel(int error_code, bool tell_renderer);
net::URLRequest* request() const { return request_; }
// Convenience functions.
ResourceRequestInfoImpl* GetRequestInfo() const;
int GetRequestID() const;
ResourceMessageFilter* GetFilter() const;
Delegate* delegate() { return delegate_; }
net::URLRequest* request_;
Delegate* delegate_;
std::unique_ptr<ResourceController> controller_;
} // namespace content