blob: 8edade12c631bfbb4ae96055047609267d5a2f80 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "chrome/browser/search_engines/chrome_template_url_service_client.h"
#include "components/search_engines/template_url_service.h"
history::HistoryService* history_service)
: owner_(NULL),
history_service_(history_service) {
// TODO(sky): bug 1166191. The keywords should be moved into the history
// db, which will mean we no longer need this notification and the history
// backend can handle automatically adding the search terms as the user
// navigates.
if (history_service_)
ChromeTemplateURLServiceClient::~ChromeTemplateURLServiceClient() {
void ChromeTemplateURLServiceClient::Shutdown() {
// ChromeTemplateURLServiceClient is owned by TemplateURLService which is a
// KeyedService with a dependency on HistoryService, thus |history_service_|
// outlives the ChromeTemplateURLServiceClient.
// Remove self from |history_service_| observers in the shutdown phase of the
// two-phases since KeyedService are not supposed to use a dependend service
// after the Shutdown call.
void ChromeTemplateURLServiceClient::SetOwner(TemplateURLService* owner) {
owner_ = owner;
void ChromeTemplateURLServiceClient::DeleteAllSearchTermsForKeyword(
TemplateURLID id) {
if (history_service_)
void ChromeTemplateURLServiceClient::SetKeywordSearchTermsForURL(
const GURL& url,
TemplateURLID id,
const base::string16& term) {
if (history_service_)
history_service_->SetKeywordSearchTermsForURL(url, id, term);
void ChromeTemplateURLServiceClient::AddKeywordGeneratedVisit(const GURL& url) {
if (history_service_)
history_service_->AddPage(url, base::Time::Now(), NULL, 0, GURL(),
history::SOURCE_BROWSED, false);
void ChromeTemplateURLServiceClient::OnURLVisited(
history::HistoryService* history_service,
ui::PageTransition transition,
const history::URLRow& row,
const history::RedirectList& redirects,
base::Time visit_time) {
DCHECK_EQ(history_service_, history_service);
if (!owner_)
TemplateURLService::URLVisitedDetails visited_details;
visited_details.url = row.url();
visited_details.is_keyword_transition =
ui::PageTransitionCoreTypeIs(transition, ui::PAGE_TRANSITION_KEYWORD);