blob: ac4a7123970dce683995907ac01f44ea6e64c6c7 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
* @const {!Map<!print_preview.ticket_items.CustomMarginsOrientation, string>}
print_preview_new.MARGIN_KEY_MAP = new Map([
[print_preview.ticket_items.CustomMarginsOrientation.TOP, 'marginTop'],
[print_preview.ticket_items.CustomMarginsOrientation.RIGHT, 'marginRight'],
[print_preview.ticket_items.CustomMarginsOrientation.BOTTOM, 'marginBottom'],
[print_preview.ticket_items.CustomMarginsOrientation.LEFT, 'marginLeft']
(function() {
'use strict';
/** @const {number} */
const MINIMUM_DISTANCE = 72; // 1 inch
is: 'print-preview-margin-control-container',
behaviors: [SettingsBehavior],
properties: {
/** @type {!print_preview.Size} */
pageSize: {
type: Object,
notify: true,
/** @type {!print_preview.Margins} */
documentMargins: {
type: Object,
notify: true,
previewLoaded: Boolean,
/** @type {?print_preview.MeasurementSystem} */
measurementSystem: Object,
/** @type {!print_preview_new.State} */
state: {
type: Number,
observer: 'onStateChanged_',
/** @private {number} */
scaleTransform_: {
type: Number,
notify: true,
value: 0,
/** @private {!print_preview.Coordinate2d} */
translateTransform_: {
type: Object,
notify: true,
value: new print_preview.Coordinate2d(0, 0),
/** @private {?print_preview.Size} */
clipSize_: {
type: Object,
notify: true,
value: null,
/** @private {boolean} */
available_: {
type: Boolean,
notify: true,
computed: 'computeAvailable_(previewLoaded, settings.margins.value)',
observer: 'onAvailableChange_',
/** @private {boolean} */
invisible_: {
type: Boolean,
reflectToAttribute: true,
value: true,
* @private {!Array<!print_preview.ticket_items.CustomMarginsOrientation>}
marginSides_: {
type: Array,
notify: true,
value: [
* String attribute used to set cursor appearance. Possible values:
* empty (''): No margin control is currently being dragged.
* 'dragging-horizontal': The left or right control is being dragged.
* 'dragging-vertical': The top or bottom control is being dragged.
* @private {string}
dragging_: {
type: String,
reflectToAttribute: true,
value: '',
/** @private {boolean} */
textboxFocused_: false,
observers: [
'onMediaSizeOrLayoutChange_(' +
'settings.mediaSize.value, settings.layout.value)',
/** @private {!print_preview.Coordinate2d} */
pointerStartPositionInPixels_: new print_preview.Coordinate2d(0, 0),
/** @private {?print_preview.Coordinate2d} */
marginStartPositionInPixels_: null,
/** @private {?boolean} */
resetMargins_: null,
* @return {boolean}
* @private
computeAvailable_: function() {
return this.previewLoaded && !!this.clipSize_ &&
this.getSettingValue('margins') ==
print_preview.ticket_items.MarginsTypeValue.CUSTOM &&
/** @private */
onAvailableChange_: function() {
if (this.available_ && this.resetMargins_) {
// Set the custom margins values to the current document margins if the
// custom margins were reset.
const newMargins = {};
for (const side of Object.values(
print_preview.ticket_items.CustomMarginsOrientation)) {
const key = print_preview_new.MARGIN_KEY_MAP.get(side);
newMargins[key] = this.documentMargins.get(side);
this.setSetting('customMargins', newMargins);
this.resetMargins_ = false;
this.invisible_ = !this.available_;
/** @private */
onMarginSettingsChange_: function() {
const margins = this.getSettingValue('customMargins');
.forEach(control => {
const key = print_preview_new.MARGIN_KEY_MAP.get(control.side);
const newValue = margins[key] || 0;
/** @private */
onMediaSizeOrLayoutChange_: function() {
// Reset the custom margins when the paper size changes. Don't do this if it
// is the first preview.
if (this.resetMargins_ === null) {
this.resetMargins_ = true;
const marginsSetting = this.getSetting('margins');
if (marginsSetting.value ==
print_preview.ticket_items.MarginsTypeValue.CUSTOM) {
// Set the margins value to default first.
'margins', print_preview.ticket_items.MarginsTypeValue.DEFAULT);
// Reset custom margins so that the sticky value is not restored for the new
// paper size.
this.setSetting('customMargins', {});
/** @private */
onStateChanged_: function() {
if (this.state == print_preview_new.State.READY &&
this.resetMargins_ === null) {
// Don't reset margins if there are sticky values. Otherwise, set them to
// the document margins when the user selects custom margins.
this.resetMargins_ =
this.getSettingValue('customMargins').marginTop === undefined;
* @param {!print_preview.ticket_items.CustomMarginsOrientation} orientation
* Orientation value to test.
* @return {boolean} Whether the given orientation is TOP or BOTTOM.
* @private
isTopOrBottom_: function(orientation) {
return orientation ==
print_preview.ticket_items.CustomMarginsOrientation.TOP ||
orientation ==
* @param {!HTMLElement} control Control being repositioned.
* @param {!print_preview.Coordinate2d} posInPixels Desired position, in
* pixels.
* @return {number} The new position for the control, in pts. Returns the
* position for the dimension that the control operates in, i.e.
* x direction for the left/right controls, y direction otherwise.
* @private
posInPixelsToPts_: function(control, posInPixels) {
const side =
/** @type {print_preview.ticket_items.CustomMarginsOrientation} */ (
return this.clipAndRoundValue_(
this.isTopOrBottom_(side) ? posInPixels.y : posInPixels.x));
* Moves the position of the given control to the desired position in pts
* within some constraint minimum and maximum.
* @param {!HTMLElement} control Control to move.
* @param {number} posInPts Desired position to move to, in pts. Position is
* 1 dimensional and represents position in the x direction if control is
* for the left or right margin, and the y direction otherwise.
* @private
moveControlWithConstraints_: function(control, posInPts) {
* @param {number} value Value in points to serialize.
* @return {string} String representation of the value in the system's local
* units.
* @private
serializeValueFromPts_: function(value) {
value = this.measurementSystem.convertFromPoints(value);
value = this.measurementSystem.roundValue(value);
return value + this.measurementSystem.unitSymbol;
* Translates the position of the margin control relative to the pointer
* position in pixels.
* @param {!print_preview.Coordinate2d} pointerPosition New position of
* the pointer.
* @return {!print_preview.Coordinate2d} New position of the margin control.
translatePointerToPositionInPixels: function(pointerPosition) {
return new print_preview.Coordinate2d(
pointerPosition.x - this.pointerStartPositionInPixels_.x +
pointerPosition.y - this.pointerStartPositionInPixels_.y +
* Called when the pointer moves in the custom margins component. Moves the
* dragged margin control.
* @param {!PointerEvent} event Contains the position of the pointer.
* @private
onPointerMove_: function(event) {
const control =
/** @type {!PrintPreviewMarginControlElement} */ (;
const posInPts = this.posInPixelsToPts_(
new print_preview.Coordinate2d(event.x, event.y)));
this.moveControlWithConstraints_(control, posInPts);
* Called when the pointer is released in the custom margins component.
* Releases the dragged margin control.
* @param {!PointerEvent} event Contains the position of the pointer.
* @private
onPointerUp_: function(event) {
const control =
/** @type {!PrintPreviewMarginControlElement} */ (;
this.dragging_ = '';
const posInPixels = this.translatePointerToPositionInPixels(
new print_preview.Coordinate2d(event.x, event.y));
const posInPts = this.posInPixelsToPts_(control, posInPixels);
this.moveControlWithConstraints_(control, posInPts);
this.setMargin_(control.side, posInPts);
this.unlisten(control, 'pointercancel', 'onPointerUp_');
this.unlisten(control, 'pointerup', 'onPointerUp_');
this.unlisten(control, 'pointermove', 'onPointerMove_');'margin-drag-changed', false);
* @param {boolean} invisible Whether the margin controls should be
* invisible.
setInvisible: function(invisible) {
// Ignore changes if the margin controls are not available.
if (!this.available_) {
// Do not set the controls invisible if the user is dragging or focusing
// the textbox for one of them.
if (invisible && (this.dragging_ != '' || this.textboxFocused_)) {
this.invisible_ = invisible;
* @param {!CustomEvent} e Contains information about what control fired the
* event.
* @private
onTextFocus_: function(e) {
this.textboxFocused_ = true;
const control = /** @type {!PrintPreviewMarginControlElement} */ (;
const x = control.offsetLeft;
const y = control.offsetTop;
const isTopOrBottom = this.isTopOrBottom_(
/** @type {!print_preview.ticket_items.CustomMarginsOrientation} */ (
const position = {};
// Extra padding, in px, to ensure the full textbox will be visible and not
// just a portion of it. Can't be less than half the width or height of the
// clip area for the computations below to work.
const padding = Math.min(
Math.min(this.clipSize_.width / 2, this.clipSize_.height / 2), 50);
// Note: clipSize_ gives the current visible area of the margin control
// container. The offsets of the controls are relative to the origin of this
// visible area.
if (isTopOrBottom) {
// For top and bottom controls, the horizontal position of the box is
// around halfway across the control's width.
position.x = Math.min(x + control.offsetWidth / 2 - padding, 0);
position.x = Math.max(
x + control.offsetWidth / 2 + padding - this.clipSize_.width,
// For top and bottom controls, the vertical position of the box is nearly
// the same as the vertical position of the control.
position.y = Math.min(y - padding, 0);
position.y = Math.max(y - this.clipSize_.height + padding, position.y);
} else {
// For left and right controls, the horizontal position of the box is
// nearly the same as the horizontal position of the control.
position.x = Math.min(x - padding, 0);
position.x = Math.max(x - this.clipSize_.width + padding, position.x);
// For top and bottom controls, the vertical position of the box is
// around halfway up the control's height.
position.y = Math.min(y + control.offsetHeight / 2 - padding, 0);
position.y = Math.max(
y + control.offsetHeight / 2 + padding - this.clipSize_.height,
}'text-focus-position', position);
* @param {string} side The margin side. Must be a CustomMarginsOrientation.
* @param {number} marginValue New value for the margin in points.
* @private
setMargin_: function(side, marginValue) {
const marginSide =
/** @type {!print_preview.ticket_items.CustomMarginsOrientation} */ (
const oldMargins = /** @type {print_preview.MarginsSetting} */ (
const key = print_preview_new.MARGIN_KEY_MAP.get(marginSide);
if (oldMargins[key] == marginValue) {
const newMargins = Object.assign({}, oldMargins);
newMargins[key] = marginValue;
this.setSetting('customMargins', newMargins);
* @param {string} side The margin side. Must be a CustomMarginsOrientation.
* @param {number} value The new margin value in points.
* @return {number} The clipped margin value in points.
* @private
clipAndRoundValue_: function(side, value) {
const marginSide =
/** @type {!print_preview.ticket_items.CustomMarginsOrientation} */ (
if (value < 0) {
return 0;
const Orientation = print_preview.ticket_items.CustomMarginsOrientation;
let limit = 0;
const margins = this.getSettingValue('customMargins');
if (marginSide == Orientation.TOP) {
limit = this.pageSize.height - margins.marginBottom - MINIMUM_DISTANCE;
} else if (marginSide == Orientation.RIGHT) {
limit = this.pageSize.width - margins.marginLeft - MINIMUM_DISTANCE;
} else if (marginSide == Orientation.BOTTOM) {
limit = this.pageSize.height - margins.marginTop - MINIMUM_DISTANCE;
} else {
assert(marginSide == Orientation.LEFT);
limit = this.pageSize.width - margins.marginRight - MINIMUM_DISTANCE;
return Math.round(Math.min(value, limit));
* @param {!CustomEvent<string>} e Event containing the new textbox value.
* @private
onTextChange_: function(e) {
const marginValue = this.parseValueToPts_(e.detail);
const control =
/** @type {!PrintPreviewMarginControlElement} */ (;
if (marginValue == null) {
control.invalid = true;
control.invalid = false;
const clippedValue = this.clipAndRoundValue_(control.side, marginValue);
this.setMargin_(control.side, clippedValue);
* @param {!CustomEvent} e Event fired when a control's text field is blurred.
* Contains information about whether the control is in an invalid state.
* @private
onTextBlur_: function(e) {
if (e.detail /* detail is true if the control is in an invalid state */) {
const control =
/** @type {!PrintPreviewMarginControlElement} */ (;
control.invalid = false;
this.textboxFocused_ = false;
* @param {!PointerEvent} e Fired when pointerdown occurs on a margin control.
* @private
onPointerDown_: function(e) {
const control =
/** @type {!PrintPreviewMarginControlElement} */ (;
if (!control.shouldDrag(e)) {
this.pointerStartPositionInPixels_ =
new print_preview.Coordinate2d(e.x, e.y);
this.marginStartPositionInPixels_ =
new print_preview.Coordinate2d(control.offsetLeft, control.offsetTop);
this.dragging_ =
/** @type {print_preview.ticket_items.CustomMarginsOrientation} */ (
control.side)) ?
'dragging-vertical' :
this.listen(control, 'pointercancel', 'onPointerUp_');
this.listen(control, 'pointerup', 'onPointerUp_');
this.listen(control, 'pointermove', 'onPointerMove_');
control.setPointerCapture(e.pointerId);'margin-drag-changed', true);
* Set display:none after the opacity transition for the controls is done.
* @private
onTransitionEnd_: function() {
if (this.invisible_) { = 'none';
* @param {string} value Value to parse to points. E.g. '3.40"' or '200mm'.
* @return {?number} Value in points represented by the input value.
* @private
parseValueToPts_: function(value) {
// Removing whitespace anywhere in the string.
value = value.replace(/\s*/g, '');
if (value.length == 0) {
return null;
const validationRegex = new RegExp(
'^(^-?)(\\d)+(\\' + this.measurementSystem.thousandsDelimeter +
'\\d{3})*(\\' + this.measurementSystem.decimalDelimeter + '\\d*)?' +
'(' + this.measurementSystem.unitSymbol + ')?$');
if (validationRegex.test(value)) {
// Replacing decimal point with the dot symbol in order to use
// parseFloat() properly.
const replacementRegex =
new RegExp('\\' + this.measurementSystem.decimalDelimeter + '{1}');
value = value.replace(replacementRegex, '.');
return this.measurementSystem.convertToPoints(parseFloat(value));
return null;
* Updates the translation transformation that translates pixel values in
* the space of the HTML DOM.
* @param {print_preview.Coordinate2d} translateTransform Updated value of
* the translation transformation.
updateTranslationTransform: function(translateTransform) {
if (!translateTransform.equals(this.translateTransform_)) {
this.translateTransform_ = translateTransform;
* Updates the scaling transform that scales pixels values to point values.
* @param {number} scaleTransform Updated value of the scale transform.
updateScaleTransform: function(scaleTransform) {
if (scaleTransform != this.scaleTransform_) {
this.scaleTransform_ = scaleTransform;
* Clips margin controls to the given clip size in pixels.
* @param {print_preview.Size} clipSize Size to clip the margin controls to.
updateClippingMask: function(clipSize) {
if (!clipSize) {
this.clipSize_ = clipSize;