blob: 787e482c7748bf02e6f52753bd3a675e4571a292 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 1999 Lars Knoll (
* (C) 1999 Antti Koivisto (
* (C) 2007 David Smith (
* Copyright (C) 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
* Copyright (C) Research In Motion Limited 2010. All rights reserved.
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Library General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
* along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to
* the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
* Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
#include "config.h"
#include "core/layout/LayoutBlock.h"
#include "core/HTMLNames.h"
#include "core/dom/AXObjectCache.h"
#include "core/dom/Document.h"
#include "core/dom/Element.h"
#include "core/dom/StyleEngine.h"
#include "core/dom/shadow/ShadowRoot.h"
#include "core/editing/DragCaretController.h"
#include "core/editing/EditingUtilities.h"
#include "core/editing/Editor.h"
#include "core/editing/FrameSelection.h"
#include "core/frame/FrameView.h"
#include "core/frame/LocalFrame.h"
#include "core/frame/Settings.h"
#include "core/html/HTMLMarqueeElement.h"
#include "core/layout/HitTestLocation.h"
#include "core/layout/HitTestResult.h"
#include "core/layout/LayoutAnalyzer.h"
#include "core/layout/LayoutDeprecatedFlexibleBox.h"
#include "core/layout/LayoutFlexibleBox.h"
#include "core/layout/LayoutFlowThread.h"
#include "core/layout/LayoutGrid.h"
#include "core/layout/LayoutInline.h"
#include "core/layout/LayoutMultiColumnSpannerPlaceholder.h"
#include "core/layout/LayoutObject.h"
#include "core/layout/LayoutTableCell.h"
#include "core/layout/LayoutTextCombine.h"
#include "core/layout/LayoutTextControl.h"
#include "core/layout/LayoutTextFragment.h"
#include "core/layout/LayoutTheme.h"
#include "core/layout/LayoutView.h"
#include "core/layout/TextAutosizer.h"
#include "core/layout/api/LineLayoutItem.h"
#include "core/layout/line/GlyphOverflow.h"
#include "core/layout/line/InlineIterator.h"
#include "core/layout/line/InlineTextBox.h"
#include "core/layout/shapes/ShapeOutsideInfo.h"
#include "core/layout/svg/LayoutSVGResourceClipper.h"
#include "core/page/Page.h"
#include "core/paint/BlockPainter.h"
#include "core/paint/BoxPainter.h"
#include "core/paint/LayoutObjectDrawingRecorder.h"
#include "core/paint/PaintLayer.h"
#include "core/style/ComputedStyle.h"
#include "core/style/ContentData.h"
#include "platform/RuntimeEnabledFeatures.h"
#include "platform/geometry/FloatQuad.h"
#include "platform/geometry/TransformState.h"
#include "wtf/StdLibExtras.h"
#include "wtf/TemporaryChange.h"
using namespace WTF;
using namespace Unicode;
namespace blink {
using namespace HTMLNames;
struct SameSizeAsLayoutBlock : public LayoutBox {
LayoutObjectChildList children;
LineBoxList lineBoxes;
uint32_t bitfields;
static_assert(sizeof(LayoutBlock) == sizeof(SameSizeAsLayoutBlock), "LayoutBlock should stay small");
// This map keeps track of the positioned objects associated with a containing
// block.
// This map is populated during layout. It is kept across layouts to handle
// that we skip unchanged sub-trees during layout, in such a way that we are
// able to lay out deeply nested out-of-flow descendants if their containing
// block got laid out. The map could be invalidated during style change but
// keeping track of containing blocks at that time is complicated (we are in
// the middle of recomputing the style so we can't rely on any of its
// information), which is why it's easier to just update it for every layout.
static TrackedDescendantsMap* gPositionedDescendantsMap = nullptr;
// This map keeps track of the descendants whose 'height' is percentage associated
// with a containing block. Like |gPositionedDescendantsMap|, it is also recomputed
// for every layout (see the comment above about why).
static TrackedDescendantsMap* gPercentHeightDescendantsMap = nullptr;
static TrackedContainerMap* gPositionedContainerMap = nullptr;
static TrackedContainerMap* gPercentHeightContainerMap = nullptr;
struct ScrollInfo {
DoubleSize scrollOffset;
bool autoHorizontalScrollBarChanged;
bool autoVerticalScrollBarChanged;
bool hasOffset() const { return scrollOffset != DoubleSize(); }
bool scrollBarsChanged() const { return autoHorizontalScrollBarChanged || autoVerticalScrollBarChanged; }
void merge(const ScrollInfo& other)
// We always keep the first scrollOffset we saw for this block, so don't copy that field.
autoHorizontalScrollBarChanged |= other.autoHorizontalScrollBarChanged;
autoVerticalScrollBarChanged |= other.autoVerticalScrollBarChanged;
typedef WTF::HashMap<LayoutBlock*, ScrollInfo> DelayedUpdateScrollInfoMap;
static int gDelayUpdateScrollInfo = 0;
static DelayedUpdateScrollInfoMap* gDelayedUpdateScrollInfoMap = nullptr;
LayoutBlock::LayoutBlock(ContainerNode* node)
: LayoutBox(node)
, m_hasMarginBeforeQuirk(false)
, m_hasMarginAfterQuirk(false)
, m_beingDestroyed(false)
, m_hasMarkupTruncation(false)
, m_widthAvailableToChildrenChanged(false)
, m_hasOnlySelfCollapsingChildren(false)
, m_descendantsWithFloatsMarkedForLayout(false)
, m_needsRecalcLogicalWidthAfterLayoutChildren(false)
// LayoutBlockFlow calls setChildrenInline(true).
// By default, subclasses do not have inline children.
static void removeBlockFromDescendantAndContainerMaps(LayoutBlock* block, TrackedDescendantsMap*& descendantMap, TrackedContainerMap*& containerMap)
if (OwnPtr<TrackedLayoutBoxListHashSet> descendantSet = descendantMap->take(block)) {
for (auto& descendant : *descendantSet) {
TrackedContainerMap::iterator it = containerMap->find(descendant);
ASSERT(it != containerMap->end());
if (it == containerMap->end())
HashSet<LayoutBlock*>* containerSet = it->value.get();
if (containerSet->isEmpty())
void LayoutBlock::removeFromGlobalMaps()
if (gPercentHeightDescendantsMap)
removeBlockFromDescendantAndContainerMaps(this, gPercentHeightDescendantsMap, gPercentHeightContainerMap);
if (gPositionedDescendantsMap)
removeBlockFromDescendantAndContainerMaps(this, gPositionedDescendantsMap, gPositionedContainerMap);
void LayoutBlock::willBeDestroyed()
// Mark as being destroyed to avoid trouble with merges in removeChild().
m_beingDestroyed = true;
// Make sure to destroy anonymous children first while they are still connected to the rest of the tree, so that they will
// properly dirty line boxes that they are removed from. Effects that do :before/:after only on hover could crash otherwise.
// Destroy our continuation before anything other than anonymous children.
// The reason we don't destroy it before anonymous children is that they may
// have continuations of their own that are anonymous children of our continuation.
LayoutBoxModelObject* continuation = this->continuation();
if (continuation) {
if (!documentBeingDestroyed()) {
if (firstLineBox()) {
// We can't wait for LayoutBox::destroy to clear the selection,
// because by then we will have nuked the line boxes.
// FIXME: The FrameSelection should be responsible for this when it
// is notified of DOM mutations.
if (isSelectionBorder())
// If we are an anonymous block, then our line boxes might have children
// that will outlast this block. In the non-anonymous block case those
// children will be destroyed by the time we return from this function.
if (isAnonymousBlock()) {
for (InlineFlowBox* box = firstLineBox(); box; box = box->nextLineBox()) {
while (InlineBox* childBox = box->firstChild())
} else if (parent()) {
if (UNLIKELY(gDelayedUpdateScrollInfoMap != 0))
if (TextAutosizer* textAutosizer = document().textAutosizer())
void LayoutBlock::styleWillChange(StyleDifference diff, const ComputedStyle& newStyle)
const ComputedStyle* oldStyle = style();
if (oldStyle && parent()) {
bool oldHasTransformRelatedProperty = oldStyle->hasTransformRelatedProperty();
bool newHasTransformRelatedProperty = newStyle.hasTransformRelatedProperty();
bool oldStyleIsContainer = oldStyle->position() != StaticPosition || oldHasTransformRelatedProperty;
if (oldStyleIsContainer && (newStyle.position() == StaticPosition || (oldHasTransformRelatedProperty && !newHasTransformRelatedProperty))) {
// Clear our positioned objects list. Our absolute and fixed positioned descendants will be
// inserted into our containing block's positioned objects list during layout.
removePositionedObjects(nullptr, NewContainingBlock);
} else if (!oldStyleIsContainer && (newStyle.position() != StaticPosition || newHasTransformRelatedProperty)) {
// Remove our absolutely positioned descendants from their current containing block.
// They will be inserted into our positioned objects list during layout.
if (LayoutBlock* cb = containingBlockForAbsolutePosition())
cb->removePositionedObjects(this, NewContainingBlock);
if (!oldHasTransformRelatedProperty && newHasTransformRelatedProperty) {
// Remove our fixed positioned descendants from their current containing block.
// They will be inserted into our positioned objects list during layout.
if (LayoutBlock* cb = containerForFixedPosition())
cb->removePositionedObjects(this, NewContainingBlock);
LayoutBox::styleWillChange(diff, newStyle);
static bool borderOrPaddingLogicalWidthChanged(const ComputedStyle& oldStyle, const ComputedStyle& newStyle)
if (newStyle.isHorizontalWritingMode()) {
return oldStyle.borderLeftWidth() != newStyle.borderLeftWidth()
|| oldStyle.borderRightWidth() != newStyle.borderRightWidth()
|| oldStyle.paddingLeft() != newStyle.paddingLeft()
|| oldStyle.paddingRight() != newStyle.paddingRight();
return oldStyle.borderTopWidth() != newStyle.borderTopWidth()
|| oldStyle.borderBottomWidth() != newStyle.borderBottomWidth()
|| oldStyle.paddingTop() != newStyle.paddingTop()
|| oldStyle.paddingBottom() != newStyle.paddingBottom();
void LayoutBlock::styleDidChange(StyleDifference diff, const ComputedStyle* oldStyle)
LayoutBox::styleDidChange(diff, oldStyle);
if (isFloatingOrOutOfFlowPositioned() && oldStyle && !oldStyle->isFloating() && !oldStyle->hasOutOfFlowPosition() && parent() && parent()->isLayoutBlockFlow()) {
// Reparent to an adjacent anonymous block if one is available.
if (previousSibling() && previousSibling()->isAnonymousBlock())
toLayoutBlock(parent())->moveChildTo(toLayoutBlock(previousSibling()), this, nullptr, false);
else if (nextSibling() && nextSibling()->isAnonymousBlock())
toLayoutBlock(parent())->moveChildTo(toLayoutBlock(nextSibling()), this, nextSibling()->slowFirstChild(), false);
const ComputedStyle& newStyle = styleRef();
if (oldStyle && parent()) {
if (oldStyle->position() != newStyle.position() && newStyle.position() != StaticPosition) {
// Remove our absolute and fixed positioned descendants from their new containing block,
// in case containingBlock() changes by the change to the position property.
// See styleWillChange() for other cases.
if (LayoutBlock* cb = containingBlock())
cb->removePositionedObjects(this, NewContainingBlock);
if (TextAutosizer* textAutosizer = document().textAutosizer())
// It's possible for our border/padding to change, but for the overall logical width of the block to
// end up being the same. We keep track of this change so in layoutBlock, we can know to set relayoutChildren=true.
m_widthAvailableToChildrenChanged |= oldStyle && diff.needsFullLayout() && needsLayout() && borderOrPaddingLogicalWidthChanged(*oldStyle, newStyle);
void LayoutBlock::invalidatePaintOfSubtreesIfNeeded(PaintInvalidationState& childPaintInvalidationState)
// Take care of positioned objects. This is required as PaintInvalidationState keeps a single clip rect.
if (TrackedLayoutBoxListHashSet* positionedObjects = this->positionedObjects()) {
for (auto* box : *positionedObjects) {
// One of the layoutObjects we're skipping over here may be the child's paint invalidation container,
// so we can't pass our own paint invalidation container along.
const LayoutBoxModelObject& paintInvalidationContainerForChild = *box->containerForPaintInvalidation();
// If it's a new paint invalidation container, we won't have properly accumulated the offset into the
// PaintInvalidationState.
// FIXME: Teach PaintInvalidationState to handle this case.
if (paintInvalidationContainerForChild != childPaintInvalidationState.paintInvalidationContainer()) {
ForceHorriblySlowRectMapping slowRectMapping(&childPaintInvalidationState);
PaintInvalidationState disabledPaintInvalidationState(childPaintInvalidationState, *this, paintInvalidationContainerForChild);
// If the positioned layoutObject is absolutely positioned and it is inside
// a relatively positioned inline element, we need to account for
// the inline elements position in PaintInvalidationState.
if (box->style()->position() == AbsolutePosition) {
LayoutObject* container = box->container(&paintInvalidationContainerForChild, 0);
if (container->isInFlowPositioned() && container->isLayoutInline()) {
// FIXME: We should be able to use PaintInvalidationState for this.
// Currently, we will place absolutely positioned elements inside
// relatively positioned inline blocks in the wrong location.
ForceHorriblySlowRectMapping slowRectMapping(&childPaintInvalidationState);
PaintInvalidationState disabledPaintInvalidationState(childPaintInvalidationState, *this, paintInvalidationContainerForChild);
inline static void invalidateDisplayItemClientForStartOfContinuationsIfNeeded(const LayoutBlock& block)
// If the block is a continuation or containing block of an inline continuation, invalidate the
// start object of the continuations if it has focus ring because change of continuation may change
// the shape of the focus ring.
if (!block.isAnonymous())
LayoutObject* startOfContinuations = nullptr;
if (LayoutInline* inlineElementContinuation = block.inlineElementContinuation()) {
// This block is an anonymous block continuation.
startOfContinuations = inlineElementContinuation->node()->layoutObject();
} else if (LayoutObject* firstChild = block.firstChild()) {
// This block is the anonymous containing block of an inline element continuation.
if (firstChild->isElementContinuation())
startOfContinuations = firstChild->node()->layoutObject();
if (startOfContinuations && startOfContinuations->styleRef().outlineStyleIsAuto())
void LayoutBlock::invalidateDisplayItemClients(const LayoutBoxModelObject& paintInvalidationContainer, PaintInvalidationReason invalidationReason, const LayoutRect* paintInvalidationRect) const
LayoutBox::invalidateDisplayItemClients(paintInvalidationContainer, invalidationReason, paintInvalidationRect);
void LayoutBlock::addChildIgnoringContinuation(LayoutObject* newChild, LayoutObject* beforeChild)
if (beforeChild && beforeChild->parent() != this) {
LayoutObject* beforeChildContainer = beforeChild->parent();
while (beforeChildContainer->parent() != this)
beforeChildContainer = beforeChildContainer->parent();
if (beforeChildContainer->isAnonymous()) {
// If the requested beforeChild is not one of our children, then this is because
// there is an anonymous container within this object that contains the beforeChild.
LayoutObject* beforeChildAnonymousContainer = beforeChildContainer;
if (beforeChildAnonymousContainer->isAnonymousBlock()
// Full screen layoutObjects and full screen placeholders act as anonymous blocks, not tables:
|| beforeChildAnonymousContainer->isLayoutFullScreen()
|| beforeChildAnonymousContainer->isLayoutFullScreenPlaceholder()
) {
// Insert the child into the anonymous block box instead of here.
if (newChild->isInline() || newChild->isFloatingOrOutOfFlowPositioned() || beforeChild->parent()->slowFirstChild() != beforeChild)
beforeChild->parent()->addChild(newChild, beforeChild);
addChild(newChild, beforeChild->parent());
if (newChild->isTablePart()) {
// Insert into the anonymous table.
beforeChildAnonymousContainer->addChild(newChild, beforeChild);
beforeChild = splitAnonymousBoxesAroundChild(beforeChild);
ASSERT(beforeChild->parent() == this);
if (beforeChild->parent() != this) {
// We should never reach here. If we do, we need to use the
// safe fallback to use the topmost beforeChild container.
beforeChild = beforeChildContainer;
bool madeBoxesNonInline = false;
// A block has to either have all of its children inline, or all of its children as blocks.
// So, if our children are currently inline and a block child has to be inserted, we move all our
// inline children into anonymous block boxes.
if (childrenInline() && !newChild->isInline() && !newChild->isFloatingOrOutOfFlowPositioned()) {
// This is a block with inline content. Wrap the inline content in anonymous blocks.
madeBoxesNonInline = true;
if (beforeChild && beforeChild->parent() != this) {
beforeChild = beforeChild->parent();
ASSERT(beforeChild->parent() == this);
} else if (!childrenInline() && (newChild->isFloatingOrOutOfFlowPositioned() || newChild->isInline())) {
// If we're inserting an inline child but all of our children are blocks, then we have to make sure
// it is put into an anomyous block box. We try to use an existing anonymous box if possible, otherwise
// a new one is created and inserted into our list of children in the appropriate position.
LayoutObject* afterChild = beforeChild ? beforeChild->previousSibling() : lastChild();
if (afterChild && afterChild->isAnonymousBlock()) {
if (newChild->isInline()) {
// No suitable existing anonymous box - create a new one.
LayoutBlock* newBox = createAnonymousBlock();
LayoutBox::addChild(newBox, beforeChild);
// Reparent adjacent floating or out-of-flow siblings to the new box.
LayoutObject* child = newBox->previousSibling();
while (child && child->isFloatingOrOutOfFlowPositioned()) {
LayoutObject* sibling = child->previousSibling();
moveChildTo(newBox, child, newBox->firstChild(), false);
child = sibling;
child = newBox->nextSibling();
while (child && child->isFloatingOrOutOfFlowPositioned()) {
LayoutObject* sibling = child->nextSibling();
moveChildTo(newBox, child, nullptr, false);
child = sibling;
LayoutBox::addChild(newChild, beforeChild);
if (madeBoxesNonInline && parent() && isAnonymousBlock() && parent()->isLayoutBlock())
// this object may be dead here
void LayoutBlock::addChild(LayoutObject* newChild, LayoutObject* beforeChild)
addChildIgnoringContinuation(newChild, beforeChild);
static void getInlineRun(LayoutObject* start, LayoutObject* boundary,
LayoutObject*& inlineRunStart,
LayoutObject*& inlineRunEnd)
// Beginning at |start| we find the largest contiguous run of inlines that
// we can. We denote the run with start and end points, |inlineRunStart|
// and |inlineRunEnd|. Note that these two values may be the same if
// we encounter only one inline.
// We skip any non-inlines we encounter as long as we haven't found any
// inlines yet.
// |boundary| indicates a non-inclusive boundary point. Regardless of whether |boundary|
// is inline or not, we will not include it in a run with inlines before it. It's as though we encountered
// a non-inline.
// Start by skipping as many non-inlines as we can.
LayoutObject * curr = start;
bool sawInline;
do {
while (curr && !(curr->isInline() || curr->isFloatingOrOutOfFlowPositioned()))
curr = curr->nextSibling();
inlineRunStart = inlineRunEnd = curr;
if (!curr)
return; // No more inline children to be found.
sawInline = curr->isInline();
curr = curr->nextSibling();
while (curr && (curr->isInline() || curr->isFloatingOrOutOfFlowPositioned()) && (curr != boundary)) {
inlineRunEnd = curr;
if (curr->isInline())
sawInline = true;
curr = curr->nextSibling();
} while (!sawInline);
void LayoutBlock::deleteLineBoxTree()
void LayoutBlock::makeChildrenNonInline(LayoutObject *insertionPoint)
// makeChildrenNonInline takes a block whose children are *all* inline and it
// makes sure that inline children are coalesced under anonymous
// blocks. If |insertionPoint| is defined, then it represents the insertion point for
// the new block child that is causing us to have to wrap all the inlines. This
// means that we cannot coalesce inlines before |insertionPoint| with inlines following
// |insertionPoint|, because the new child is going to be inserted in between the inlines,
// splitting them.
ASSERT(isInlineBlockOrInlineTable() || !isInline());
ASSERT(!insertionPoint || insertionPoint->parent() == this);
LayoutObject* child = firstChild();
if (!child)
while (child) {
LayoutObject* inlineRunStart;
LayoutObject* inlineRunEnd;
getInlineRun(child, insertionPoint, inlineRunStart, inlineRunEnd);
if (!inlineRunStart)
child = inlineRunEnd->nextSibling();
LayoutBlock* block = createAnonymousBlock();
children()->insertChildNode(this, block, inlineRunStart);
moveChildrenTo(block, inlineRunStart, child);
for (LayoutObject *c = firstChild(); c; c = c->nextSibling())
void LayoutBlock::removeLeftoverAnonymousBlock(LayoutBlock* child)
ASSERT(child->parent() == this);
if (child->continuation())
// Promote all the leftover anonymous block's children (to become children of this block
// instead). We still want to keep the leftover block in the tree for a moment, for notification
// purposes done further below (flow threads and grids).
child->moveAllChildrenTo(this, child->nextSibling());
// Remove all the information in the flow thread associated with the leftover anonymous block.
// LayoutGrid keeps track of its children, we must notify it about changes in the tree.
if (child->parent()->isLayoutGrid())
// Now remove the leftover anonymous block from the tree, and destroy it. We'll rip it out
// manually from the tree before destroying it, because we don't want to trigger any tree
// adjustments with regards to anonymous blocks (or any other kind of undesired chain-reaction).
children()->removeChildNode(this, child, false);
static bool canMergeContiguousAnonymousBlocks(LayoutObject* oldChild, LayoutObject* prev, LayoutObject* next)
if (oldChild->documentBeingDestroyed() || oldChild->isInline() || oldChild->virtualContinuation())
return false;
if ((prev && (!prev->isAnonymousBlock() || toLayoutBlock(prev)->continuation() || toLayoutBlock(prev)->beingDestroyed()))
|| (next && (!next->isAnonymousBlock() || toLayoutBlock(next)->continuation() || toLayoutBlock(next)->beingDestroyed())))
return false;
if ((prev && (prev->isRubyRun() || prev->isRubyBase()))
|| (next && (next->isRubyRun() || next->isRubyBase())))
return false;
return true;
void LayoutBlock::makeChildrenInlineIfPossible()
// Collapsing away anonymous wrappers isn't relevant for the children of anonymous blocks.
if (isAnonymousBlock())
Vector<LayoutBlock*, 3> blocksToRemove;
Vector<LayoutBox*, 16> floatsToRemoveFromFloatLists;
for (LayoutObject* child = firstChild(); child; child = child->nextSibling()) {
if (child->isFloating()) {
if (child->isOutOfFlowPositioned())
// There are still block children in the container, so any anonymous wrappers are still needed.
if (!child->isAnonymousBlock())
// If one of the children is being destroyed then it is unsafe to clean up anonymous wrappers as the
// entire branch may be being destroyed.
if (toLayoutBlock(child)->beingDestroyed())
// We can't remove anonymous wrappers if they contain continuations as this means there are block children present.
if (toLayoutBlock(child)->continuation())
// We are only interested in removing anonymous wrappers if there are inline siblings underneath them.
if (!child->childrenInline())
// Ruby elements use anonymous wrappers for ruby runs and ruby bases by design, so we don't remove them.
if (child->isRubyRun() || child->isRubyBase())
// If we make an object's children inline we are going to frustrate any future attempts to remove
// floats from its children's float-lists before the next layout happens so remove them proactively here.
// TODO(rhogan): We need to understand if intruding floats in this object's float list need to be removed also.
for (size_t i = 0; i < floatsToRemoveFromFloatLists.size(); i++)
for (size_t i = 0; i < blocksToRemove.size(); i++)
collapseAnonymousBlockChild(this, blocksToRemove[i]);
void LayoutBlock::collapseAnonymousBlockChild(LayoutBlock* parent, LayoutBlock* child)
// It's possible that this block's destruction may have been triggered by the
// child's removal. Just bail if the anonymous child block is already being
// destroyed. See
if (child->beingDestroyed())
child->moveAllChildrenTo(parent, child->nextSibling(), child->hasLayer());
parent->children()->removeChildNode(parent, child, child->hasLayer());
void LayoutBlock::removeChild(LayoutObject* oldChild)
// No need to waste time in merging or removing empty anonymous blocks.
// We can just bail out if our document is getting destroyed.
if (documentBeingDestroyed()) {
// If this child is a block, and if our previous and next siblings are
// both anonymous blocks with inline content, then we can go ahead and
// fold the inline content back together.
LayoutObject* prev = oldChild->previousSibling();
LayoutObject* next = oldChild->nextSibling();
bool canMergeAnonymousBlocks = canMergeContiguousAnonymousBlocks(oldChild, prev, next);
if (canMergeAnonymousBlocks && prev && next) {
LayoutBlockFlow* nextBlock = toLayoutBlockFlow(next);
LayoutBlockFlow* prevBlock = toLayoutBlockFlow(prev);
if (prev->childrenInline() != next->childrenInline()) {
LayoutBlock* inlineChildrenBlock = prev->childrenInline() ? prevBlock : nextBlock;
LayoutBlock* blockChildrenBlock = prev->childrenInline() ? nextBlock : prevBlock;
// Place the inline children block inside of the block children block instead of deleting it.
bool inlineChildrenBlockHasLayer = inlineChildrenBlock->hasLayer();
children()->removeChildNode(this, inlineChildrenBlock, inlineChildrenBlockHasLayer);
// Now just put the inlineChildrenBlock inside the blockChildrenBlock.
blockChildrenBlock->children()->insertChildNode(blockChildrenBlock, inlineChildrenBlock, prev == inlineChildrenBlock ? blockChildrenBlock->firstChild() : 0,
inlineChildrenBlockHasLayer || blockChildrenBlock->hasLayer());
// inlineChildrenBlock got reparented to blockChildrenBlock, so it is no longer a child
// of "this". we null out prev or next so that is not used later in the function.
if (inlineChildrenBlock == prevBlock)
prev = nullptr;
next = nullptr;
} else {
// Take all the children out of the |next| block and put them in
// the |prev| block.
nextBlock->moveAllChildrenIncludingFloatsTo(prevBlock, nextBlock->hasLayer() || prevBlock->hasLayer());
// Delete the now-empty block's lines and nuke it.
next = nullptr;
LayoutObject* child = prev ? prev : next;
if (canMergeAnonymousBlocks && child && !child->previousSibling() && !child->nextSibling() && canCollapseAnonymousBlockChild()) {
// The removal has knocked us down to containing only a single anonymous
// box. We can go ahead and pull the content right back up into our
// box.
collapseAnonymousBlockChild(this, toLayoutBlock(child));
} else if (((prev && prev->isAnonymousBlock()) || (next && next->isAnonymousBlock())) && canCollapseAnonymousBlockChild()) {
// It's possible that the removal has knocked us down to a single anonymous
// block with pseudo-style element siblings (e.g. first-letter). If these
// are floating, then we need to pull the content up also.
LayoutBlock* anonymousBlock = toLayoutBlock((prev && prev->isAnonymousBlock()) ? prev : next);
if ((anonymousBlock->previousSibling() || anonymousBlock->nextSibling())
&& (!anonymousBlock->previousSibling() || (anonymousBlock->previousSibling()->style()->styleType() != NOPSEUDO && anonymousBlock->previousSibling()->isFloating() && !anonymousBlock->previousSibling()->previousSibling()))
&& (!anonymousBlock->nextSibling() || (anonymousBlock->nextSibling()->style()->styleType() != NOPSEUDO && anonymousBlock->nextSibling()->isFloating() && !anonymousBlock->nextSibling()->nextSibling()))) {
collapseAnonymousBlockChild(this, anonymousBlock);
if (!firstChild()) {
// If this was our last child be sure to clear out our line boxes.
if (childrenInline())
// If we are an empty anonymous block in the continuation chain,
// we need to remove ourself and fix the continuation chain.
if (!beingDestroyed() && isAnonymousBlockContinuation() && !oldChild->isListMarker()) {
LayoutObject* containingBlockIgnoringAnonymous = containingBlock();
while (containingBlockIgnoringAnonymous && containingBlockIgnoringAnonymous->isAnonymous())
containingBlockIgnoringAnonymous = containingBlockIgnoringAnonymous->containingBlock();
for (LayoutObject* curr = this; curr; curr = curr->previousInPreOrder(containingBlockIgnoringAnonymous)) {
if (curr->virtualContinuation() != this)
// Found our previous continuation. We just need to point it to
// |this|'s next continuation.
LayoutBoxModelObject* nextContinuation = continuation();
if (curr->isLayoutInline())
else if (curr->isLayoutBlock())
} else if (!beingDestroyed() && !oldChild->isFloatingOrOutOfFlowPositioned() && isLayoutBlockFlow() && !oldChild->isAnonymousBlock()) {
// If the child we're removing means that we can now treat all children as inline without the need for anonymous blocks, then do that.
bool LayoutBlock::isSelfCollapsingBlock() const
// We are not self-collapsing if we
// (a) have a non-zero height according to layout (an optimization to avoid wasting time)
// (b) are a table,
// (c) have border/padding,
// (d) have a min-height
// (e) have specified that one of our margins can't collapse using a CSS extension
// (f) establish a new block formatting context.
// The early exit must be done before we check for clean layout.
// We should be able to give a quick answer if the box is a relayout boundary.
// Being a relayout boundary implies a block formatting context, and also
// our internal layout shouldn't affect our container in any way.
if (createsNewFormattingContext())
return false;
// Placeholder elements are not laid out until the dimensions of their parent text control are known, so they
// don't get layout until their parent has had layout - this is unique in the layout tree and means
// when we call isSelfCollapsingBlock on them we find that they still need layout.
ASSERT(!needsLayout() || (node() && node()->isElementNode() && toElement(node())->shadowPseudoId() == "-webkit-input-placeholder"));
if (logicalHeight() > 0
|| isTable() || borderAndPaddingLogicalHeight()
|| style()->logicalMinHeight().isPositive()
|| style()->marginBeforeCollapse() == MSEPARATE || style()->marginAfterCollapse() == MSEPARATE)
return false;
Length logicalHeightLength = style()->logicalHeight();
bool hasAutoHeight = logicalHeightLength.isAuto();
if (logicalHeightLength.hasPercent() && !document().inQuirksMode()) {
hasAutoHeight = true;
for (LayoutBlock* cb = containingBlock(); !cb->isLayoutView(); cb = cb->containingBlock()) {
if (cb->style()->logicalHeight().isFixed() || cb->isTableCell())
hasAutoHeight = false;
// If the height is 0 or auto, then whether or not we are a self-collapsing block depends
// on whether we have content that is all self-collapsing or not.
// TODO(alancutter): Make this work correctly for calc lengths.
if (hasAutoHeight || ((logicalHeightLength.isFixed() || logicalHeightLength.hasPercent()) && logicalHeightLength.isZero())) {
// If the block has inline children, see if we generated any line boxes. If we have any
// line boxes, then we can't be self-collapsing, since we have content.
if (childrenInline())
return !firstLineBox();
// Whether or not we collapse is dependent on whether all our normal flow children
// are also self-collapsing.
if (m_hasOnlySelfCollapsingChildren)
return true;
for (LayoutBox* child = firstChildBox(); child; child = child->nextSiblingBox()) {
if (child->isFloatingOrOutOfFlowPositioned())
if (!child->isSelfCollapsingBlock())
return false;
return true;
return false;
void LayoutBlock::startDelayUpdateScrollInfo()
if (gDelayUpdateScrollInfo == 0) {
gDelayedUpdateScrollInfoMap = new DelayedUpdateScrollInfoMap;
void LayoutBlock::finishDelayUpdateScrollInfo()
ASSERT(gDelayUpdateScrollInfo >= 0);
if (gDelayUpdateScrollInfo == 0) {
OwnPtr<DelayedUpdateScrollInfoMap> infoMap(adoptPtr(gDelayedUpdateScrollInfoMap));
gDelayedUpdateScrollInfoMap = nullptr;
for (auto block : *infoMap) {
if (block.key->hasOverflowClip()) {
PaintLayerScrollableArea* scrollableArea = block.key->layer()->scrollableArea();
ScrollInfo& scrollInfo = block.value;
scrollableArea->finalizeScrollDimensions(scrollInfo.scrollOffset, scrollInfo.autoHorizontalScrollBarChanged, scrollInfo.autoVerticalScrollBarChanged);
void LayoutBlock::updateScrollInfoAfterLayout()
if (hasOverflowClip()) {
if (style()->isFlippedBlocksWritingMode()) {
// Workaround for now. We cannot delay the scroll info for overflow
// for items with opposite writing directions, as the contents needs
// to overflow in that direction
if (gDelayUpdateScrollInfo) {
ScrollInfo scrollInfo;
layer()->scrollableArea()->updateScrollDimensions(scrollInfo.scrollOffset, scrollInfo.autoHorizontalScrollBarChanged, scrollInfo.autoVerticalScrollBarChanged);
DelayedUpdateScrollInfoMap::AddResult scrollInfoIterator = gDelayedUpdateScrollInfoMap->add(this, scrollInfo);
if (!scrollInfoIterator.isNewEntry)
} else {
void LayoutBlock::layout()
LayoutAnalyzer::Scope analyzer(*this);
// Table cells call layoutBlock directly, so don't add any logic here. Put code into
// layoutBlock().
// It's safe to check for control clip here, since controls can never be table cells.
// If we have a lightweight clip, there can never be any overflow from children.
if (hasControlClip() && m_overflow)
bool LayoutBlock::widthAvailableToChildrenHasChanged()
bool widthAvailableToChildrenHasChanged = m_widthAvailableToChildrenChanged;
m_widthAvailableToChildrenChanged = false;
// If we use border-box sizing, have percentage padding, and our parent has changed width then the width available to our children has changed even
// though our own width has remained the same.
widthAvailableToChildrenHasChanged |= style()->boxSizing() == BORDER_BOX && needsPreferredWidthsRecalculation() && view()->layoutState()->containingBlockLogicalWidthChanged();
return widthAvailableToChildrenHasChanged;
bool LayoutBlock::updateLogicalWidthAndColumnWidth()
LayoutUnit oldWidth = logicalWidth();
return oldWidth != logicalWidth() || widthAvailableToChildrenHasChanged();
void LayoutBlock::layoutBlock(bool)
void LayoutBlock::addOverflowFromChildren()
if (childrenInline())
void LayoutBlock::computeOverflow(LayoutUnit oldClientAfterEdge)
// Add overflow from children.
// Add in the overflow from positioned objects.
if (hasOverflowClip()) {
// When we have overflow clip, propagate the original spillout since it will include collapsed bottom margins
// and bottom padding. Set the axis we don't care about to be 1, since we want this overflow to always
// be considered reachable.
LayoutRect clientRect(noOverflowRect());
LayoutRect rectToApply;
if (isHorizontalWritingMode())
rectToApply = LayoutRect(clientRect.x(), clientRect.y(), 1, std::max<LayoutUnit>(0, oldClientAfterEdge - clientRect.y()));
rectToApply = LayoutRect(clientRect.x(), clientRect.y(), std::max<LayoutUnit>(0, oldClientAfterEdge - clientRect.x()), 1);
if (hasOverflowModel())
void LayoutBlock::addOverflowFromBlockChildren()
for (LayoutBox* child = firstChildBox(); child; child = child->nextSiblingBox()) {
if (!child->isFloatingOrOutOfFlowPositioned() && !child->isColumnSpanAll())
void LayoutBlock::addOverflowFromPositionedObjects()
TrackedLayoutBoxListHashSet* positionedDescendants = positionedObjects();
if (!positionedDescendants)
for (auto* positionedObject : *positionedDescendants) {
// Fixed positioned elements don't contribute to layout overflow, since they don't scroll with the content.
if (positionedObject->style()->position() != FixedPosition)
addOverflowFromChild(positionedObject, toLayoutSize(positionedObject->location()));
void LayoutBlock::addVisualOverflowFromTheme()
if (!style()->hasAppearance())
IntRect inflatedRect = pixelSnappedBorderBoxRect();
LayoutTheme::theme().addVisualOverflow(*this, inflatedRect);
bool LayoutBlock::createsNewFormattingContext() const
return isInlineBlockOrInlineTable() || isFloatingOrOutOfFlowPositioned() || hasOverflowClip() || isFlexItemIncludingDeprecated()
|| style()->specifiesColumns() || isLayoutFlowThread() || isTableCell() || isTableCaption() || isFieldset() || isWritingModeRoot()
|| isDocumentElement() || isColumnSpanAll() || isGridItem();
void LayoutBlock::updateBlockChildDirtyBitsBeforeLayout(bool relayoutChildren, LayoutBox& child)
if (child.isOutOfFlowPositioned()) {
// It's rather useless to mark out-of-flow children at this point. We may not be their
// containing block (and if we are, it's just pure luck), so this would be the wrong place
// for it. Furthermore, it would cause trouble for out-of-flow descendants of column
// spanners, if the containing block is outside the spanner but inside the multicol container.
// FIXME: Technically percentage height objects only need a relayout if their percentage isn't going to be turned into
// an auto value. Add a method to determine this, so that we can avoid the relayout.
bool hasRelativeLogicalHeight = child.hasRelativeLogicalHeight()
|| (child.isAnonymous() && this->hasRelativeLogicalHeight())
|| child.stretchesToViewport();
if (relayoutChildren || (hasRelativeLogicalHeight && !isLayoutView()))
// If relayoutChildren is set and the child has percentage padding or an embedded content box, we also need to invalidate the childs pref widths.
if (relayoutChildren && child.needsPreferredWidthsRecalculation())
void LayoutBlock::simplifiedNormalFlowLayout()
if (childrenInline()) {
ListHashSet<RootInlineBox*> lineBoxes;
for (InlineWalker walker(toLayoutBlockFlow(this)); !walker.atEnd(); walker.advance()) {
LayoutObject* o = walker.current();
if (!o->isOutOfFlowPositioned() && (o->isReplaced() || o->isFloating())) {
if (toLayoutBox(o)->inlineBoxWrapper()) {
RootInlineBox& box = toLayoutBox(o)->inlineBoxWrapper()->root();
} else if (o->isText() || (o->isLayoutInline() && !walker.atEndOfInline())) {
// FIXME: Glyph overflow will get lost in this case, but not really a big deal.
GlyphOverflowAndFallbackFontsMap textBoxDataMap;
for (ListHashSet<RootInlineBox*>::const_iterator it = lineBoxes.begin(); it != lineBoxes.end(); ++it) {
RootInlineBox* box = *it;
box->computeOverflow(box->lineTop(), box->lineBottom(), textBoxDataMap);
} else {
for (LayoutBox* box = firstChildBox(); box; box = box->nextSiblingBox()) {
if (!box->isOutOfFlowPositioned()) {
if (box->isLayoutMultiColumnSpannerPlaceholder())
bool LayoutBlock::simplifiedLayout()
// Check if we need to do a full layout.
if (normalChildNeedsLayout() || selfNeedsLayout())
return false;
// Check that we actually need to do a simplified layout.
if (!posChildNeedsLayout() && !(needsSimplifiedNormalFlowLayout() || needsPositionedMovementLayout()))
return false;
// LayoutState needs this deliberate scope to pop before paint invalidation.
LayoutState state(*this, locationOffset());
if (needsPositionedMovementLayout() && !tryLayoutDoingPositionedMovementOnly())
return false;
TextAutosizer::LayoutScope textAutosizerLayoutScope(this);
// Lay out positioned descendants or objects that just need to recompute overflow.
if (needsSimplifiedNormalFlowLayout())
// Lay out our positioned objects if our positioned child bit is set.
// Also, if an absolute position element inside a relative positioned container moves, and the absolute element has a fixed position
// child, neither the fixed element nor its container learn of the movement since posChildNeedsLayout() is only marked as far as the
// relative positioned container. So if we can have fixed pos objects in our positioned objects list check if any of them
// are statically positioned and thus need to move with their absolute ancestors.
bool canContainFixedPosObjects = canContainFixedPositionObjects();
if (posChildNeedsLayout() || needsPositionedMovementLayout() || canContainFixedPosObjects)
layoutPositionedObjects(false, needsPositionedMovementLayout() ? ForcedLayoutAfterContainingBlockMoved : (!posChildNeedsLayout() && canContainFixedPosObjects ? LayoutOnlyFixedPositionedObjects : DefaultLayout));
// Recompute our overflow information.
// FIXME: We could do better here by computing a temporary overflow object from layoutPositionedObjects and only
// updating our overflow if we either used to have overflow or if the new temporary object has overflow.
// For now just always recompute overflow. This is no worse performance-wise than the old code that called rightmostPosition and
// lowestPosition on every relayout so it's not a regression.
// computeOverflow expects the bottom edge before we clamp our height. Since this information isn't available during
// simplifiedLayout, we cache the value in m_overflow.
LayoutUnit oldClientAfterEdge = hasOverflowModel() ? m_overflow->layoutClientAfterEdge() : clientLogicalBottom();
if (LayoutAnalyzer* analyzer = frameView()->layoutAnalyzer())
return true;
void LayoutBlock::markFixedPositionObjectForLayoutIfNeeded(LayoutObject* child, SubtreeLayoutScope& layoutScope)
if (child->style()->position() != FixedPosition)
bool hasStaticBlockPosition = child->style()->hasStaticBlockPosition(isHorizontalWritingMode());
bool hasStaticInlinePosition = child->style()->hasStaticInlinePosition(isHorizontalWritingMode());
if (!hasStaticBlockPosition && !hasStaticInlinePosition)
LayoutObject* o = child->parent();
while (o && !o->isLayoutView() && o->style()->position() != AbsolutePosition)
o = o->parent();
if (o->style()->position() != AbsolutePosition)
LayoutBox* box = toLayoutBox(child);
if (hasStaticInlinePosition) {
LogicalExtentComputedValues computedValues;
LayoutUnit newLeft = computedValues.m_position;
if (newLeft != box->logicalLeft())
} else if (hasStaticBlockPosition) {
LayoutUnit oldTop = box->logicalTop();
if (box->logicalTop() != oldTop)
LayoutUnit LayoutBlock::marginIntrinsicLogicalWidthForChild(LayoutBox& child) const
// A margin has three types: fixed, percentage, and auto (variable).
// Auto and percentage margins become 0 when computing min/max width.
// Fixed margins can be added in as is.
Length marginLeft =>marginStartUsing(style());
Length marginRight =>marginEndUsing(style());
LayoutUnit margin = 0;
if (marginLeft.isFixed())
margin += marginLeft.value();
if (marginRight.isFixed())
margin += marginRight.value();
return margin;
static bool needsLayoutDueToStaticPosition(LayoutBox* child)
// When a non-positioned block element moves, it may have positioned children that are
// implicitly positioned relative to the non-positioned block.
const ComputedStyle* style = child->style();
bool isHorizontal = style->isHorizontalWritingMode();
if (style->hasStaticBlockPosition(isHorizontal)) {
LayoutBox::LogicalExtentComputedValues computedValues;
LayoutUnit currentLogicalTop = child->logicalTop();
LayoutUnit currentLogicalHeight = child->logicalHeight();
child->computeLogicalHeight(currentLogicalHeight, currentLogicalTop, computedValues);
if (computedValues.m_position != currentLogicalTop || computedValues.m_extent != currentLogicalHeight)
return true;
if (style->hasStaticInlinePosition(isHorizontal)) {
LayoutBox::LogicalExtentComputedValues computedValues;
LayoutUnit currentLogicalLeft = child->logicalLeft();
LayoutUnit currentLogicalWidth = child->logicalWidth();
if (computedValues.m_position != currentLogicalLeft || computedValues.m_extent != currentLogicalWidth)
return true;
return false;
void LayoutBlock::layoutPositionedObjects(bool relayoutChildren, PositionedLayoutBehavior info)
TrackedLayoutBoxListHashSet* positionedDescendants = positionedObjects();
if (!positionedDescendants)
bool isPaginated = view()->layoutState()->isPaginated();
for (auto* positionedObject : *positionedDescendants) {
SubtreeLayoutScope layoutScope(*positionedObject);
// A fixed position element with an absolute positioned ancestor has no way of knowing if the latter has changed position. So
// if this is a fixed position element, mark it for layout if it has an abspos ancestor and needs to move with that ancestor, i.e.
// it has static position.
markFixedPositionObjectForLayoutIfNeeded(positionedObject, layoutScope);
if (info == LayoutOnlyFixedPositionedObjects) {
if (!positionedObject->normalChildNeedsLayout() && (relayoutChildren || needsLayoutDueToStaticPosition(positionedObject)))
// If relayoutChildren is set and the child has percentage padding or an embedded content box, we also need to invalidate the childs pref widths.
if (relayoutChildren && positionedObject->needsPreferredWidthsRecalculation())
LayoutUnit logicalTopEstimate;
bool needsBlockDirectionLocationSetBeforeLayout = isPaginated && positionedObject->paginationBreakability() != ForbidBreaks;
if (needsBlockDirectionLocationSetBeforeLayout) {
// Out-of-flow objects are normally positioned after layout (while in-flow objects are
// positioned before layout). If the child object is paginated in the same context as
// we are, estimate its logical top now. We need to know this up-front, to correctly
// evaluate if we need to mark for relayout, and, if our estimate is correct, we'll
// even be able to insert correct pagination struts on the first attempt.
LogicalExtentComputedValues computedValues;
positionedObject->computeLogicalHeight(positionedObject->logicalHeight(), positionedObject->logicalTop(), computedValues);
logicalTopEstimate = computedValues.m_position;
if (!positionedObject->needsLayout())
// FIXME: We should be able to do a r->setNeedsPositionedMovementLayout() here instead of a full layout. Need
// to investigate why it does not trigger the correct invalidations in that case.
if (info == ForcedLayoutAfterContainingBlockMoved)
positionedObject->setNeedsLayout(LayoutInvalidationReason::AncestorMoved, MarkOnlyThis);
// Lay out again if our estimate was wrong.
if (needsBlockDirectionLocationSetBeforeLayout && logicalTopEstimate != logicalTopForChild(*positionedObject))
void LayoutBlock::markPositionedObjectsForLayout()
if (TrackedLayoutBoxListHashSet* positionedDescendants = positionedObjects()) {
for (auto* descendant : *positionedDescendants)
void LayoutBlock::markForPaginationRelayoutIfNeeded(SubtreeLayoutScope& layoutScope)
if (needsLayout())
if (view()->layoutState()->pageLogicalHeightChanged() || (view()->layoutState()->pageLogicalHeight() && view()->layoutState()->pageLogicalOffset(*this, logicalTop()) != pageLogicalOffset()))
void LayoutBlock::paint(const PaintInfo& paintInfo, const LayoutPoint& paintOffset) const
BlockPainter(*this).paint(paintInfo, paintOffset);
void LayoutBlock::paintChildren(const PaintInfo& paintInfo, const LayoutPoint& paintOffset) const
BlockPainter(*this).paintChildren(paintInfo, paintOffset);
void LayoutBlock::paintObject(const PaintInfo& paintInfo, const LayoutPoint& paintOffset) const
BlockPainter(*this).paintObject(paintInfo, paintOffset);
LayoutInline* LayoutBlock::inlineElementContinuation() const
LayoutBoxModelObject* continuation = this->continuation();
return continuation && continuation->isInline() ? toLayoutInline(continuation) : 0;
bool LayoutBlock::isSelectionRoot() const
if (isPseudoElement())
return false;
ASSERT(node() || isAnonymous());
// FIXME: Eventually tables should have to learn how to fill gaps between cells, at least in simple non-spanning cases.
if (isTable())
return false;
if (isBody() || isDocumentElement() || hasOverflowClip()
|| isPositioned() || isFloating()
|| isTableCell() || isInlineBlockOrInlineTable()
|| hasTransformRelatedProperty() || hasReflection() || hasMask() || isWritingModeRoot()
|| isLayoutFlowThread() || isFlexItemIncludingDeprecated())
return true;
if (view() && view()->selectionStart()) {
Node* startElement = view()->selectionStart()->node();
if (startElement && startElement->rootEditableElement() == node())
return true;
return false;
LayoutUnit LayoutBlock::blockDirectionOffset(const LayoutSize& offsetFromBlock) const
return isHorizontalWritingMode() ? offsetFromBlock.height() : offsetFromBlock.width();
LayoutUnit LayoutBlock::inlineDirectionOffset(const LayoutSize& offsetFromBlock) const
return isHorizontalWritingMode() ? offsetFromBlock.width() : offsetFromBlock.height();
LayoutRect LayoutBlock::logicalRectToPhysicalRect(const LayoutPoint& rootBlockPhysicalPosition, const LayoutRect& logicalRect) const
LayoutRect result;
if (isHorizontalWritingMode())
result = logicalRect;
result = LayoutRect(logicalRect.y(), logicalRect.x(), logicalRect.height(), logicalRect.width());
return result;
LayoutUnit LayoutBlock::logicalLeftSelectionOffset(const LayoutBlock* rootBlock, LayoutUnit position) const
// The border can potentially be further extended by our containingBlock().
if (rootBlock != this)
return containingBlock()->logicalLeftSelectionOffset(rootBlock, position + logicalTop());
return logicalLeftOffsetForContent();
LayoutUnit LayoutBlock::logicalRightSelectionOffset(const LayoutBlock* rootBlock, LayoutUnit position) const
// The border can potentially be further extended by our containingBlock().
if (rootBlock != this)
return containingBlock()->logicalRightSelectionOffset(rootBlock, position + logicalTop());
return logicalRightOffsetForContent();
LayoutBlock* LayoutBlock::blockBeforeWithinSelectionRoot(LayoutSize& offset) const
if (isSelectionRoot())
return nullptr;
const LayoutObject* object = this;
LayoutObject* sibling;
do {
sibling = object->previousSibling();
while (sibling && (!sibling->isLayoutBlock() || toLayoutBlock(sibling)->isSelectionRoot()))
sibling = sibling->previousSibling();
offset -= LayoutSize(toLayoutBlock(object)->logicalLeft(), toLayoutBlock(object)->logicalTop());
object = object->parent();
} while (!sibling && object && object->isLayoutBlock() && !toLayoutBlock(object)->isSelectionRoot());
if (!sibling)
return nullptr;
LayoutBlock* beforeBlock = toLayoutBlock(sibling);
offset += LayoutSize(beforeBlock->logicalLeft(), beforeBlock->logicalTop());
LayoutObject* child = beforeBlock->lastChild();
while (child && child->isLayoutBlock()) {
beforeBlock = toLayoutBlock(child);
offset += LayoutSize(beforeBlock->logicalLeft(), beforeBlock->logicalTop());
child = beforeBlock->lastChild();
return beforeBlock;
void LayoutBlock::setSelectionState(SelectionState state)
if (inlineBoxWrapper() && canUpdateSelectionOnRootLineBoxes())
inlineBoxWrapper()->root().setHasSelectedChildren(state != SelectionNone);
void LayoutBlock::insertIntoTrackedLayoutBoxMaps(LayoutBox* descendant, TrackedDescendantsMap*& descendantsMap, TrackedContainerMap*& containerMap)
if (!descendantsMap) {
descendantsMap = new TrackedDescendantsMap;
containerMap = new TrackedContainerMap;
TrackedLayoutBoxListHashSet* descendantSet = descendantsMap->get(this);
if (!descendantSet) {
descendantSet = new TrackedLayoutBoxListHashSet;
descendantsMap->set(this, adoptPtr(descendantSet));
bool added = descendantSet->add(descendant).isNewEntry;
if (!added) {
HashSet<LayoutBlock*>* containerSet = containerMap->get(descendant);
if (!containerSet) {
containerSet = new HashSet<LayoutBlock*>;
containerMap->set(descendant, adoptPtr(containerSet));
void LayoutBlock::removeFromTrackedLayoutBoxMaps(LayoutBox* descendant, TrackedDescendantsMap*& descendantsMap, TrackedContainerMap*& containerMap)
if (!descendantsMap)
OwnPtr<HashSet<LayoutBlock*>> containerSet = containerMap->take(descendant);
if (!containerSet)
for (auto* container : *containerSet) {
// FIXME: Disabling this assert temporarily until we fix the layout
// bugs associated with positioned objects not properly cleared from
// their ancestor chain before being moved. See webkit bug 93766.
// ASSERT(descendant->isDescendantOf(container));
TrackedDescendantsMap::iterator descendantsMapIterator = descendantsMap->find(container);
ASSERT(descendantsMapIterator != descendantsMap->end());
if (descendantsMapIterator == descendantsMap->end())
TrackedLayoutBoxListHashSet* descendantSet = descendantsMapIterator->value.get();
if (descendantSet->isEmpty())
TrackedLayoutBoxListHashSet* LayoutBlock::positionedObjects() const
if (gPositionedDescendantsMap)
return gPositionedDescendantsMap->get(this);
return nullptr;
void LayoutBlock::insertPositionedObject(LayoutBox* o)
insertIntoTrackedLayoutBoxMaps(o, gPositionedDescendantsMap, gPositionedContainerMap);
void LayoutBlock::removePositionedObject(LayoutBox* o)
removeFromTrackedLayoutBoxMaps(o, gPositionedDescendantsMap, gPositionedContainerMap);
void LayoutBlock::removePositionedObjects(LayoutBlock* o, ContainingBlockState containingBlockState)
TrackedLayoutBoxListHashSet* positionedDescendants = positionedObjects();
if (!positionedDescendants)
Vector<LayoutBox*, 16> deadObjects;
for (auto* positionedObject : *positionedDescendants) {
if (!o || (positionedObject->isDescendantOf(o) && o != positionedObject)) {
if (containingBlockState == NewContainingBlock) {
if (positionedObject->needsPreferredWidthsRecalculation())
// The positioned object changing containing block may change paint invalidation container.
// Invalidate it (including non-compositing descendants) on its original paint invalidation container.
if (!RuntimeEnabledFeatures::slimmingPaintV2Enabled()) {
// This valid because we need to invalidate based on the current status.
DisableCompositingQueryAsserts compositingDisabler;
if (!positionedObject->isPaintInvalidationContainer())
// It is parent blocks job to add positioned child to positioned objects list of its containing block
// Parent layout needs to be invalidated to ensure this happens.
LayoutObject* p = positionedObject->parent();
while (p && !p->isLayoutBlock())
p = p->parent();
if (p)
for (unsigned i = 0; i < deadObjects.size(); i++)
void LayoutBlock::addPercentHeightDescendant(LayoutBox* descendant)
insertIntoTrackedLayoutBoxMaps(descendant, gPercentHeightDescendantsMap, gPercentHeightContainerMap);
void LayoutBlock::removePercentHeightDescendant(LayoutBox* descendant)
removeFromTrackedLayoutBoxMaps(descendant, gPercentHeightDescendantsMap, gPercentHeightContainerMap);
TrackedLayoutBoxListHashSet* LayoutBlock::percentHeightDescendants() const
return gPercentHeightDescendantsMap ? gPercentHeightDescendantsMap->get(this) : 0;
bool LayoutBlock::hasPercentHeightContainerMap()
return gPercentHeightContainerMap;
bool LayoutBlock::hasPercentHeightDescendant(LayoutBox* descendant)
// We don't null check gPercentHeightContainerMap since the caller
// already ensures this and we need to call this function on every
// descendant in clearPercentHeightDescendantsFrom().
return gPercentHeightContainerMap->contains(descendant);
void LayoutBlock::dirtyForLayoutFromPercentageHeightDescendants(SubtreeLayoutScope& layoutScope)
if (!gPercentHeightDescendantsMap)
TrackedLayoutBoxListHashSet* descendants = gPercentHeightDescendantsMap->get(this);
if (!descendants)
for (auto* box : *descendants) {
while (box != this) {
if (box->normalChildNeedsLayout())
box = box->containingBlock();
if (!box)
void LayoutBlock::removePercentHeightDescendantIfNeeded(LayoutBox* descendant)
// We query the map directly, rather than looking at style's
// logicalHeight()/logicalMinHeight()/logicalMaxHeight() since those
// can change with writing mode/directional changes.
if (!hasPercentHeightContainerMap())
if (!hasPercentHeightDescendant(descendant))
void LayoutBlock::clearPercentHeightDescendantsFrom(LayoutBox* parent)
for (LayoutObject* curr = parent->slowFirstChild(); curr; curr = curr->nextInPreOrder(parent)) {
if (!curr->isBox())
LayoutBox* box = toLayoutBox(curr);
if (!hasPercentHeightDescendant(box))
LayoutUnit LayoutBlock::textIndentOffset() const
LayoutUnit cw = 0;
if (style()->textIndent().hasPercent())
cw = containingBlock()->availableLogicalWidth();
return minimumValueForLength(style()->textIndent(), cw);
void LayoutBlock::markLinesDirtyInBlockRange(LayoutUnit logicalTop, LayoutUnit logicalBottom, RootInlineBox* highest)
if (logicalTop >= logicalBottom)
RootInlineBox* lowestDirtyLine = lastRootBox();
RootInlineBox* afterLowest = lowestDirtyLine;
while (lowestDirtyLine && lowestDirtyLine->lineBottomWithLeading() >= logicalBottom && logicalBottom < LayoutUnit::max()) {
afterLowest = lowestDirtyLine;
lowestDirtyLine = lowestDirtyLine->prevRootBox();
while (afterLowest && afterLowest != highest && (afterLowest->lineBottomWithLeading() >= logicalTop || afterLowest->lineBottomWithLeading() < 0)) {
afterLowest = afterLowest->prevRootBox();
bool LayoutBlock::isPointInOverflowControl(HitTestResult& result, const LayoutPoint& locationInContainer, const LayoutPoint& accumulatedOffset) const
if (!scrollsOverflow())
return false;
return layer()->scrollableArea()->hitTestOverflowControls(result, roundedIntPoint(locationInContainer - toLayoutSize(accumulatedOffset)));
Node* LayoutBlock::nodeForHitTest() const
// If we are in the margins of block elements that are part of a
// continuation we're actually still inside the enclosing element
// that was split. Use the appropriate inner node.
return isAnonymousBlockContinuation() ? continuation()->node() : node();
bool LayoutBlock::nodeAtPoint(HitTestResult& result, const HitTestLocation& locationInContainer, const LayoutPoint& accumulatedOffset, HitTestAction hitTestAction)
LayoutPoint adjustedLocation(accumulatedOffset + location());
LayoutSize localOffset = toLayoutSize(adjustedLocation);
if (!isLayoutView()) {
// Check if we need to do anything at all.
// If we have clipping, then we can't have any spillout.
LayoutRect overflowBox = hasOverflowClip() ? borderBoxRect() : visualOverflowRect();
if (!locationInContainer.intersects(overflowBox))
return false;
if ((hitTestAction == HitTestBlockBackground || hitTestAction == HitTestChildBlockBackground)
&& visibleToHitTestRequest(result.hitTestRequest())
&& isPointInOverflowControl(result, locationInContainer.point(), adjustedLocation)) {
updateHitTestResult(result, locationInContainer.point() - localOffset);
// FIXME: isPointInOverflowControl() doesn't handle rect-based tests yet.
if (!result.addNodeToListBasedTestResult(nodeForHitTest(), locationInContainer))
return true;
if (style()->clipPath()) {
switch (style()->clipPath()->type()) {
case ClipPathOperation::SHAPE: {
ShapeClipPathOperation* clipPath = toShapeClipPathOperation(style()->clipPath());
// FIXME: handle marginBox etc.
if (!clipPath->path(FloatRect(borderBoxRect())).contains(FloatPoint(locationInContainer.point() - localOffset), clipPath->windRule()))
return false;
case ClipPathOperation::REFERENCE:
ReferenceClipPathOperation* referenceClipPathOperation = toReferenceClipPathOperation(style()->clipPath());
Element* element = document().getElementById(referenceClipPathOperation->fragment());
if (isSVGClipPathElement(element) && element->layoutObject()) {
LayoutSVGResourceClipper* clipper = toLayoutSVGResourceClipper(toLayoutSVGResourceContainer(element->layoutObject()));
if (!clipper->hitTestClipContent(FloatRect(borderBoxRect()), FloatPoint(locationInContainer.point() - localOffset)))
return false;
// If we have clipping, then we can't have any spillout.
bool useOverflowClip = hasOverflowClip() && !hasSelfPaintingLayer();
bool useClip = (hasControlClip() || useOverflowClip);
bool checkChildren = !useClip;
if (!checkChildren) {
if (hasControlClip()) {
checkChildren = locationInContainer.intersects(controlClipRect(adjustedLocation));
} else {
LayoutRect clipRect = overflowClipRect(adjustedLocation, IncludeOverlayScrollbarSize);
if (style()->hasBorderRadius())
checkChildren = locationInContainer.intersects(style()->getRoundedBorderFor(clipRect));
checkChildren = locationInContainer.intersects(clipRect);
if (checkChildren) {
// Hit test descendants first.
LayoutSize scrolledOffset(localOffset);
if (hasOverflowClip())
scrolledOffset -= scrolledContentOffset();
// Hit test contents
if (hitTestContents(result, locationInContainer, toLayoutPoint(scrolledOffset), hitTestAction)) {
updateHitTestResult(result, flipForWritingMode(locationInContainer.point() - localOffset));
return true;
if (hitTestAction == HitTestFloat && hitTestFloats(result, locationInContainer, toLayoutPoint(scrolledOffset)))
return true;
// Check if the point is outside radii.
if (style()->hasBorderRadius()) {
LayoutRect borderRect = borderBoxRect();
FloatRoundedRect border = style()->getRoundedBorderFor(borderRect);
if (!locationInContainer.intersects(border))
return false;
// Now hit test our background
if (hitTestAction == HitTestBlockBackground || hitTestAction == HitTestChildBlockBackground) {
LayoutRect boundsRect(adjustedLocation, size());
if (visibleToHitTestRequest(result.hitTestRequest()) && locationInContainer.intersects(boundsRect)) {
updateHitTestResult(result, flipForWritingMode(locationInContainer.point() - localOffset));
if (!result.addNodeToListBasedTestResult(nodeForHitTest(), locationInContainer, boundsRect))
return true;
return false;
bool LayoutBlock::hitTestContents(HitTestResult& result, const HitTestLocation& locationInContainer, const LayoutPoint& accumulatedOffset, HitTestAction hitTestAction)
if (childrenInline() && !isTable()) {
// We have to hit-test our line boxes.
if (m_lineBoxes.hitTest(LineLayoutBoxModel(this), result, locationInContainer, accumulatedOffset, hitTestAction))
return true;
} else {
// Hit test our children.
HitTestAction childHitTest = hitTestAction;
if (hitTestAction == HitTestChildBlockBackgrounds)
childHitTest = HitTestChildBlockBackground;
for (LayoutBox* child = lastChildBox(); child; child = child->previousSiblingBox()) {
LayoutPoint childPoint = flipForWritingModeForChild(child, accumulatedOffset);
if (!child->hasSelfPaintingLayer() && !child->isFloating() && !child->isColumnSpanAll() && child->nodeAtPoint(result, locationInContainer, childPoint, childHitTest))
return true;
return false;
Position LayoutBlock::positionForBox(InlineBox *box, bool start) const
if (!box)
return Position();
if (!box->lineLayoutItem().nonPseudoNode())
return Position::editingPositionOf(nonPseudoNode(), start ? caretMinOffset() : caretMaxOffset());
if (!box->isInlineTextBox())
return Position::editingPositionOf(box->lineLayoutItem().nonPseudoNode(), start ? box->lineLayoutItem().caretMinOffset() : box->lineLayoutItem().caretMaxOffset());
InlineTextBox* textBox = toInlineTextBox(box);
return Position::editingPositionOf(box->lineLayoutItem().nonPseudoNode(), start ? textBox->start() : textBox->start() + textBox->len());
static inline bool isEditingBoundary(LayoutObject* ancestor, LayoutObject* child)
ASSERT(!ancestor || ancestor->nonPseudoNode());
ASSERT(child && child->nonPseudoNode());
return !ancestor || !ancestor->parent() || (ancestor->hasLayer() && ancestor->parent()->isLayoutView())
|| ancestor->nonPseudoNode()->hasEditableStyle() == child->nonPseudoNode()->hasEditableStyle();
// FIXME: This function should go on LayoutObject as an instance method. Then
// all cases in which positionForPoint recurs could call this instead to
// prevent crossing editable boundaries. This would require many tests.
static PositionWithAffinity positionForPointRespectingEditingBoundaries(LayoutBlock* parent, LineLayoutBox child, const LayoutPoint& pointInParentCoordinates)
LayoutPoint childLocation = child.location();
if (child.isInFlowPositioned())
childLocation += child.offsetForInFlowPosition();
// FIXME: This is wrong if the child's writing-mode is different from the parent's.
LayoutPoint pointInChildCoordinates(toLayoutPoint(pointInParentCoordinates - childLocation));
// If this is an anonymous layoutObject, we just recur normally
Node* childNode = child.nonPseudoNode();
if (!childNode)
return child.positionForPoint(pointInChildCoordinates);
// Otherwise, first make sure that the editability of the parent and child agree.
// If they don't agree, then we return a visible position just before or after the child
LayoutObject* ancestor = parent;
while (ancestor && !ancestor->nonPseudoNode())
ancestor = ancestor->parent();
// If we can't find an ancestor to check editability on, or editability is unchanged, we recur like normal
if (isEditingBoundary(ancestor, child))
return child.positionForPoint(pointInChildCoordinates);
// Otherwise return before or after the child, depending on if the click was to the logical left or logical right of the child
LayoutUnit childMiddle = parent->logicalWidthForChildSize(child.size()) / 2;
LayoutUnit logicalLeft = parent->isHorizontalWritingMode() ? pointInChildCoordinates.x() : pointInChildCoordinates.y();
if (logicalLeft < childMiddle)
return ancestor->createPositionWithAffinity(childNode->nodeIndex());
return ancestor->createPositionWithAffinity(childNode->nodeIndex() + 1, TextAffinity::Upstream);
PositionWithAffinity LayoutBlock::positionForPointWithInlineChildren(const LayoutPoint& pointInLogicalContents)
if (!firstRootBox())
return createPositionWithAffinity(0);
bool linesAreFlipped = style()->isFlippedLinesWritingMode();
bool blocksAreFlipped = style()->isFlippedBlocksWritingMode();
// look for the closest line box in the root box which is at the passed-in y coordinate
InlineBox* closestBox = nullptr;
RootInlineBox* firstRootBoxWithChildren = nullptr;
RootInlineBox* lastRootBoxWithChildren = nullptr;
for (RootInlineBox* root = firstRootBox(); root; root = root->nextRootBox()) {
if (!root->firstLeafChild())
if (!firstRootBoxWithChildren)
firstRootBoxWithChildren = root;
if (!linesAreFlipped && root->isFirstAfterPageBreak() && (pointInLogicalContents.y() < root->lineTopWithLeading()
|| (blocksAreFlipped && pointInLogicalContents.y() == root->lineTopWithLeading())))
lastRootBoxWithChildren = root;
// check if this root line box is located at this y coordinate
if (pointInLogicalContents.y() < root->selectionBottom() || (blocksAreFlipped && pointInLogicalContents.y() == root->selectionBottom())) {
if (linesAreFlipped) {
RootInlineBox* nextRootBoxWithChildren = root->nextRootBox();
while (nextRootBoxWithChildren && !nextRootBoxWithChildren->firstLeafChild())
nextRootBoxWithChildren = nextRootBoxWithChildren->nextRootBox();
if (nextRootBoxWithChildren && nextRootBoxWithChildren->isFirstAfterPageBreak() && (pointInLogicalContents.y() > nextRootBoxWithChildren->lineTopWithLeading()
|| (!blocksAreFlipped && pointInLogicalContents.y() == nextRootBoxWithChildren->lineTopWithLeading())))
closestBox = root->closestLeafChildForLogicalLeftPosition(pointInLogicalContents.x());
if (closestBox)
bool moveCaretToBoundary = document().frame()->editor().behavior().shouldMoveCaretToHorizontalBoundaryWhenPastTopOrBottom();
if (!moveCaretToBoundary && !closestBox && lastRootBoxWithChildren) {
// y coordinate is below last root line box, pretend we hit it
closestBox = lastRootBoxWithChildren->closestLeafChildForLogicalLeftPosition(pointInLogicalContents.x());
if (closestBox) {
if (moveCaretToBoundary) {
LayoutUnit firstRootBoxWithChildrenTop = std::min<LayoutUnit>(firstRootBoxWithChildren->selectionTop(), firstRootBoxWithChildren->logicalTop());
if (pointInLogicalContents.y() < firstRootBoxWithChildrenTop
|| (blocksAreFlipped && pointInLogicalContents.y() == firstRootBoxWithChildrenTop)) {
InlineBox* box = firstRootBoxWithChildren->firstLeafChild();
if (box->isLineBreak()) {
if (InlineBox* newBox = box->nextLeafChildIgnoringLineBreak())
box = newBox;
// y coordinate is above first root line box, so return the start of the first
return PositionWithAffinity(positionForBox(box, true));
// pass the box a top position that is inside it
LayoutPoint point(pointInLogicalContents.x(), closestBox->root().blockDirectionPointInLine());
if (!isHorizontalWritingMode())
point = point.transposedPoint();
if (closestBox->lineLayoutItem().isReplaced())
return positionForPointRespectingEditingBoundaries(this, LineLayoutBox(closestBox->lineLayoutItem()), point);
return closestBox->lineLayoutItem().positionForPoint(point);
if (lastRootBoxWithChildren) {
// We hit this case for Mac behavior when the Y coordinate is below the last box.
InlineBox* logicallyLastBox;
if (lastRootBoxWithChildren->getLogicalEndBoxWithNode(logicallyLastBox))
return PositionWithAffinity(positionForBox(logicallyLastBox, false));
// Can't reach this. We have a root line box, but it has no kids.
// FIXME: This should ASSERT_NOT_REACHED(), but clicking on placeholder text
// seems to hit this code path.
return createPositionWithAffinity(0);
static inline bool isChildHitTestCandidate(LayoutBox* box)
return box->size().height() && box->style()->visibility() == VISIBLE && !box->isFloatingOrOutOfFlowPositioned() && !box->isLayoutFlowThread();
PositionWithAffinity LayoutBlock::positionForPoint(const LayoutPoint& point)
if (isTable())
return LayoutBox::positionForPoint(point);
if (isReplaced()) {
// FIXME: This seems wrong when the object's writing-mode doesn't match the line's writing-mode.
LayoutUnit pointLogicalLeft = isHorizontalWritingMode() ? point.x() : point.y();
LayoutUnit pointLogicalTop = isHorizontalWritingMode() ? point.y() : point.x();
if (pointLogicalLeft < 0)
return createPositionWithAffinity(caretMinOffset());
if (pointLogicalLeft >= logicalWidth())
return createPositionWithAffinity(caretMaxOffset());
if (pointLogicalTop < 0)
return createPositionWithAffinity(caretMinOffset());
if (pointLogicalTop >= logicalHeight())
return createPositionWithAffinity(caretMaxOffset());
LayoutPoint pointInContents = point;
LayoutPoint pointInLogicalContents(pointInContents);
if (!isHorizontalWritingMode())
pointInLogicalContents = pointInLogicalContents.transposedPoint();
if (childrenInline())
return positionForPointWithInlineChildren(pointInLogicalContents);
LayoutBox* lastCandidateBox = lastChildBox();
while (lastCandidateBox && !isChildHitTestCandidate(lastCandidateBox))
lastCandidateBox = lastCandidateBox->previousSiblingBox();
bool blocksAreFlipped = style()->isFlippedBlocksWritingMode();
if (lastCandidateBox) {
if (pointInLogicalContents.y() > logicalTopForChild(*lastCandidateBox)
|| (!blocksAreFlipped && pointInLogicalContents.y() == logicalTopForChild(*lastCandidateBox)))
return positionForPointRespectingEditingBoundaries(this, LineLayoutBox(lastCandidateBox), pointInContents);
for (LayoutBox* childBox = firstChildBox(); childBox; childBox = childBox->nextSiblingBox()) {
if (!isChildHitTestCandidate(childBox))
LayoutUnit childLogicalBottom = logicalTopForChild(*childBox) + logicalHeightForChild(*childBox);
// We hit child if our click is above the bottom of its padding box (like IE6/7 and FF3).
if (isChildHitTestCandidate(childBox) && (pointInLogicalContents.y() < childLogicalBottom
|| (blocksAreFlipped && pointInLogicalContents.y() == childLogicalBottom)))
return positionForPointRespectingEditingBoundaries(this, LineLayoutBox(childBox), pointInContents);
// We only get here if there are no hit test candidate children below the click.
return LayoutBox::positionForPoint(point);
void LayoutBlock::offsetForContents(LayoutPoint& offset) const
offset = flipForWritingMode(offset);
if (hasOverflowClip())
offset += LayoutSize(scrolledContentOffset());
offset = flipForWritingMode(offset);
int LayoutBlock::columnGap() const
if (style()->hasNormalColumnGap())
return style()->fontDescription().computedPixelSize(); // "1em" is recommended as the normal gap setting. Matches <p> margins.
return static_cast<int>(style()->columnGap());
void LayoutBlock::computeIntrinsicLogicalWidths(LayoutUnit& minLogicalWidth, LayoutUnit& maxLogicalWidth) const
if (childrenInline()) {
// FIXME: Remove this const_cast.
toLayoutBlockFlow(const_cast<LayoutBlock*>(this))->computeInlinePreferredLogicalWidths(minLogicalWidth, maxLogicalWidth);
} else {
computeBlockPreferredLogicalWidths(minLogicalWidth, maxLogicalWidth);
maxLogicalWidth = std::max(minLogicalWidth, maxLogicalWidth);
if (isHTMLMarqueeElement(node()) && toHTMLMarqueeElement(node())->isHorizontal())
minLogicalWidth = LayoutUnit();
if (isTableCell()) {
Length tableCellWidth = toLayoutTableCell(this)->styleOrColLogicalWidth();
if (tableCellWidth.isFixed() && tableCellWidth.value() > 0)
maxLogicalWidth = std::max(minLogicalWidth, adjustContentBoxLogicalWidthForBoxSizing(tableCellWidth.value()));
int scrollbarWidth = intrinsicScrollbarLogicalWidth();
maxLogicalWidth += scrollbarWidth;
minLogicalWidth += scrollbarWidth;
void LayoutBlock::computePreferredLogicalWidths()
m_minPreferredLogicalWidth = 0;
m_maxPreferredLogicalWidth = 0;
// FIXME: The isFixed() calls here should probably be checking for isSpecified since you
// should be able to use percentage, calc or viewport relative values for width.
const ComputedStyle& styleToUse = styleRef();
if (!isTableCell() && styleToUse.logicalWidth().isFixed() && styleToUse.logicalWidth().value() >= 0
&& !(isDeprecatedFlexItem() && !styleToUse.logicalWidth().intValue()))
m_minPreferredLogicalWidth = m_maxPreferredLogicalWidth = adjustContentBoxLogicalWidthForBoxSizing(styleToUse.logicalWidth().value());
computeIntrinsicLogicalWidths(m_minPreferredLogicalWidth, m_maxPreferredLogicalWidth);
if (styleToUse.logicalMinWidth().isFixed() && styleToUse.logicalMinWidth().value() > 0) {
m_maxPreferredLogicalWidth = std::max(m_maxPreferredLogicalWidth, adjustContentBoxLogicalWidthForBoxSizing(styleToUse.logicalMinWidth().value()));
m_minPreferredLogicalWidth = std::max(m_minPreferredLogicalWidth, adjustContentBoxLogicalWidthForBoxSizing(styleToUse.logicalMinWidth().value()));
if (styleToUse.logicalMaxWidth().isFixed()) {
m_maxPreferredLogicalWidth = std::min(m_maxPreferredLogicalWidth, adjustContentBoxLogicalWidthForBoxSizing(styleToUse.logicalMaxWidth().value()));
m_minPreferredLogicalWidth = std::min(m_minPreferredLogicalWidth, adjustContentBoxLogicalWidthForBoxSizing(styleToUse.logicalMaxWidth().value()));
// Table layout uses integers, ceil the preferred widths to ensure that they can contain the contents.
if (isTableCell()) {
m_minPreferredLogicalWidth = m_minPreferredLogicalWidth.ceil();
m_maxPreferredLogicalWidth = m_maxPreferredLogicalWidth.ceil();
LayoutUnit borderAndPadding = borderAndPaddingLogicalWidth();
m_minPreferredLogicalWidth += borderAndPadding;
m_maxPreferredLogicalWidth += borderAndPadding;
void LayoutBlock::computeBlockPreferredLogicalWidths(LayoutUnit& minLogicalWidth, LayoutUnit& maxLogicalWidth) const
const ComputedStyle& styleToUse = styleRef();
bool nowrap = styleToUse.whiteSpace() == NOWRAP;
LayoutObject* child = firstChild();
LayoutBlock* containingBlock = this->containingBlock();
LayoutUnit floatLeftWidth = 0, floatRightWidth = 0;
while (child) {
// Positioned children don't affect the min/max width. Spanners only affect the min/max
// width of the multicol container, not the flow thread.
if (child->isOutOfFlowPositioned() || child->isColumnSpanAll()) {
child = child->nextSibling();
RefPtr<ComputedStyle> childStyle = child->mutableStyle();
if (child->isFloating() || (child->isBox() && toLayoutBox(child)->avoidsFloats())) {
LayoutUnit floatTotalWidth = floatLeftWidth + floatRightWidth;
if (childStyle->clear() & CLEFT) {
maxLogicalWidth = std::max(floatTotalWidth, maxLogicalWidth);
floatLeftWidth = 0;
if (childStyle->clear() & CRIGHT) {
maxLogicalWidth = std::max(floatTotalWidth, maxLogicalWidth);
floatRightWidth = 0;
// A margin basically has three types: fixed, percentage, and auto (variable).
// Auto and percentage margins simply become 0 when computing min/max width.
// Fixed margins can be added in as is.
Length startMarginLength = childStyle->marginStartUsing(&styleToUse);
Length endMarginLength = childStyle->marginEndUsing(&styleToUse);
LayoutUnit margin = 0;
LayoutUnit marginStart = 0;
LayoutUnit marginEnd = 0;
if (startMarginLength.isFixed())
marginStart += startMarginLength.value();
if (endMarginLength.isFixed())
marginEnd += endMarginLength.value();
margin = marginStart + marginEnd;
LayoutUnit childMinPreferredLogicalWidth, childMaxPreferredLogicalWidth;
computeChildPreferredLogicalWidths(*child, childMinPreferredLogicalWidth, childMaxPreferredLogicalWidth);
LayoutUnit w = childMinPreferredLogicalWidth + margin;
minLogicalWidth = std::max(w, minLogicalWidth);
// IE ignores tables for calculation of nowrap. Makes some sense.
if (nowrap && !child->isTable())
maxLogicalWidth = std::max(w, maxLogicalWidth);
w = childMaxPreferredLogicalWidth + margin;
if (!child->isFloating()) {
if (child->isBox() && toLayoutBox(child)->avoidsFloats()) {
// Determine a left and right max value based off whether or not the floats can fit in the
// margins of the object. For negative margins, we will attempt to overlap the float if the negative margin
// is smaller than the float width.
bool ltr = containingBlock ? containingBlock->style()->isLeftToRightDirection() : styleToUse.isLeftToRightDirection();
LayoutUnit marginLogicalLeft = ltr ? marginStart : marginEnd;
LayoutUnit marginLogicalRight = ltr ? marginEnd : marginStart;
LayoutUnit maxLeft = marginLogicalLeft > 0 ? std::max(floatLeftWidth, marginLogicalLeft) : floatLeftWidth + marginLogicalLeft;
LayoutUnit maxRight = marginLogicalRight > 0 ? std::max(floatRightWidth, marginLogicalRight) : floatRightWidth + marginLogicalRight;
w = childMaxPreferredLogicalWidth + maxLeft + maxRight;
w = std::max(w, floatLeftWidth + floatRightWidth);
} else {
maxLogicalWidth = std::max(floatLeftWidth + floatRightWidth, maxLogicalWidth);
floatLeftWidth = floatRightWidth = 0;
if (child->isFloating()) {
if (childStyle->floating() == LeftFloat)
floatLeftWidth += w;
floatRightWidth += w;
} else {
maxLogicalWidth = std::max(w, maxLogicalWidth);
child = child->nextSibling();
// Always make sure these values are non-negative.
minLogicalWidth = std::max<LayoutUnit>(0, minLogicalWidth);
maxLogicalWidth = std::max<LayoutUnit>(0, maxLogicalWidth);
maxLogicalWidth = std::max(floatLeftWidth + floatRightWidth, maxLogicalWidth);
void LayoutBlock::computeChildPreferredLogicalWidths(LayoutObject& child, LayoutUnit& minPreferredLogicalWidth, LayoutUnit& maxPreferredLogicalWidth) const
if (child.isBox() && child.isHorizontalWritingMode() != isHorizontalWritingMode()) {
// If the child is an orthogonal flow, child's height determines the width, but the height is not available until layout.
if (!child.needsLayout()) {
minPreferredLogicalWidth = maxPreferredLogicalWidth = toLayoutBox(child).logicalHeight();
m_needsRecalcLogicalWidthAfterLayoutChildren = true;
minPreferredLogicalWidth = maxPreferredLogicalWidth = toLayoutBox(child).computeLogicalHeightWithoutLayout();
minPreferredLogicalWidth = child.minPreferredLogicalWidth();
maxPreferredLogicalWidth = child.maxPreferredLogicalWidth();
if (child.isLayoutBlock() && toLayoutBlock(child).needsRecalcLogicalWidthAfterLayoutChildren())
m_needsRecalcLogicalWidthAfterLayoutChildren = true;
bool LayoutBlock::hasLineIfEmpty() const
if (!node())
return false;
if (node()->isRootEditableElement())
return true;
if (node()->isShadowRoot() && isHTMLInputElement(*toShadowRoot(node())->host()))
return true;
return false;
LayoutUnit LayoutBlock::lineHeight(bool firstLine, LineDirectionMode direction, LinePositionMode linePositionMode) const
// Inline blocks are replaced elements. Otherwise, just pass off to
// the base class. If we're being queried as though we're the root line
// box, then the fact that we're an inline-block is irrelevant, and we behave
// just like a block.
if (isReplaced() && linePositionMode == PositionOnContainingLine)
return LayoutBox::lineHeight(firstLine, direction, linePositionMode);
const ComputedStyle& style = styleRef(firstLine && document().styleEngine().usesFirstLineRules());
return style.computedLineHeight();
int LayoutBlock::beforeMarginInLineDirection(LineDirectionMode direction) const
return direction == HorizontalLine ? marginTop() : marginRight();
int LayoutBlock::baselinePosition(FontBaseline baselineType, bool firstLine, LineDirectionMode direction, LinePositionMode linePositionMode) const
// Inline blocks are replaced elements. Otherwise, just pass off to
// the base class. If we're being queried as though we're the root line
// box, then the fact that we're an inline-block is irrelevant, and we behave
// just like a block.
if (isInline() && linePositionMode == PositionOnContainingLine) {
// For "leaf" theme objects, let the theme decide what the baseline position is.
// FIXME: Might be better to have a custom CSS property instead, so that if the theme
// is turned off, checkboxes/radios will still have decent baselines.
// FIXME: Need to patch form controls to deal with vertical lines.
if (style()->hasAppearance() && !LayoutTheme::theme().isControlContainer(style()->appearance()))
return LayoutTheme::theme().baselinePosition(this);
int baselinePos = (isWritingModeRoot() && !isRubyRun()) ? -1 : inlineBlockBaseline(direction);
if (isDeprecatedFlexibleBox()) {
// Historically, we did this check for all baselines. But we can't
// remove this code from deprecated flexbox, because it effectively
// breaks -webkit-line-clamp, which is used in the wild -- we would
// calculate the baseline as if -webkit-line-clamp wasn't used.
// For simplicity, we use this for all uses of deprecated flexbox.
LayoutUnit bottomOfContent = direction == HorizontalLine ? size().height() - borderBottom() - paddingBottom() - horizontalScrollbarHeight() : size().width() - borderLeft() - paddingLeft() - verticalScrollbarWidth();
if (baselinePos > bottomOfContent)
baselinePos = -1;
if (baselinePos != -1)
return beforeMarginInLineDirection(direction) + baselinePos;
return LayoutBox::baselinePosition(baselineType, firstLine, direction, linePositionMode);
// If we're not replaced, we'll only get called with PositionOfInteriorLineBoxes.
// Note that inline-block counts as replaced here.
ASSERT(linePositionMode == PositionOfInteriorLineBoxes);
const FontMetrics& fontMetrics = style(firstLine)->fontMetrics();
return fontMetrics.ascent(baselineType) + (lineHeight(firstLine, direction, linePositionMode) - fontMetrics.height()) / 2;
LayoutUnit LayoutBlock::minLineHeightForReplacedObject(bool isFirstLine, LayoutUnit replacedHeight) const
if (!document().inNoQuirksMode() && replacedHeight)
return replacedHeight;
return std::max<LayoutUnit>(replacedHeight, lineHeight(isFirstLine, isHorizontalWritingMode() ? HorizontalLine : VerticalLine, PositionOfInteriorLineBoxes));
int LayoutBlock::firstLineBoxBaseline() const
if (isWritingModeRoot() && !isRubyRun())
return -1;
if (childrenInline()) {
if (firstLineBox())
return firstLineBox()->logicalTop() + style(true)->fontMetrics().ascent(firstRootBox()->baselineType());
return -1;
for (LayoutBox* curr = firstChildBox(); curr; curr = curr->nextSiblingBox()) {
if (!curr->isFloatingOrOutOfFlowPositioned()) {
int result = curr->firstLineBoxBaseline();
if (result != -1)
return curr->logicalTop() + result; // Translate to our coordinate space.
return -1;
int LayoutBlock::inlineBlockBaseline(LineDirectionMode lineDirection) const
// CSS2.1 states that the baseline of an 'inline-block' is:
// the baseline of the last line box in the normal flow, unless it has
// either no in-flow line boxes or if its 'overflow' property has a computed
// value other than 'visible', in which case the baseline is the bottom
// margin edge.
if (!style()->isOverflowVisible() && !shouldIgnoreOverflowPropertyForInlineBlockBaseline()) {
// We are not calling LayoutBox::baselinePosition here because the caller should add the margin-top/margin-right, not us.
return lineDirection == HorizontalLine ? size().height() + marginBottom() : size().width() + marginLeft();
if (isWritingModeRoot() && !isRubyRun())
return -1;
if (childrenInline()) {
if (!firstLineBox() && hasLineIfEmpty()) {
const FontMetrics& fontMetrics = firstLineStyle()->fontMetrics();
return fontMetrics.ascent()
+ (lineHeight(true, lineDirection, PositionOfInteriorLineBoxes) - fontMetrics.height()) / 2
+ (lineDirection == HorizontalLine ? borderTop() + paddingTop() : borderRight() + paddingRight());
if (lastLineBox())
return lastLineBox()->logicalTop() + style(lastLineBox() == firstLineBox())->fontMetrics().ascent(lastRootBox()->baselineType());
return -1;
bool haveNormalFlowChild = false;
for (LayoutBox* curr = lastChildBox(); curr; curr = curr->previousSiblingBox()) {
if (!curr->isFloatingOrOutOfFlowPositioned()) {
haveNormalFlowChild = true;
int result = curr->inlineBlockBaseline(lineDirection);
if (result != -1)
return curr->logicalTop() + result; // Translate to our coordinate space.
if (!haveNormalFlowChild && hasLineIfEmpty()) {
const FontMetrics& fontMetrics = firstLineStyle()->fontMetrics();
return fontMetrics.ascent()
+ (lineHeight(true, lineDirection, PositionOfInteriorLineBoxes) - fontMetrics.height()) / 2
+ (lineDirection == HorizontalLine ? borderTop() + paddingTop() : borderRight() + paddingRight());
return -1;
static inline bool isLayoutBlockFlowOrLayoutButton(LayoutObject* layoutObject)
// We include isLayoutButton in this check because buttons are implemented
// using flex box but should still support first-line|first-letter.
// The flex box and grid specs require that flex box and grid do not
// support first-line|first-letter, though.
// FIXME: Remove when buttons are implemented with align-items instead
// of flex box.
return layoutObject->isLayoutBlockFlow() || layoutObject->isLayoutButton();
LayoutBlock* LayoutBlock::firstLineBlock() const
LayoutBlock* firstLineBlock = const_cast<LayoutBlock*>(this);
bool hasPseudo = false;
while (true) {
hasPseudo = firstLineBlock->style()->hasPseudoStyle(FIRST_LINE);
if (hasPseudo)
LayoutObject* parentBlock = firstLineBlock->parent();
if (firstLineBlock->isReplaced() || firstLineBlock->isFloatingOrOutOfFlowPositioned()
|| !parentBlock
|| !isLayoutBlockFlowOrLayoutButton(parentBlock))
if (toLayoutBlock(parentBlock)->firstChild() != firstLineBlock)
firstLineBlock = toLayoutBlock(parentBlock);
if (!hasPseudo)
return nullptr;
return firstLineBlock;
// Helper methods for obtaining the last line, computing line counts and heights for line counts
// (crawling into blocks).
static bool shouldCheckLines(LayoutObject* obj)
return !obj->isFloatingOrOutOfFlowPositioned()
&& obj->isLayoutBlock() && obj->style()->height().isAuto()
&& (!obj->isDeprecatedFlexibleBox() || obj->style()->boxOrient() == VERTICAL);
static int getHeightForLineCount(LayoutBlock* block, int lineCount, bool includeBottom, int& count)
if (block->style()->visibility() == VISIBLE) {
if (block->isLayoutBlockFlow() && block->childrenInline()) {
for (RootInlineBox* box = toLayoutBlockFlow(block)->firstRootBox(); box; box = box->nextRootBox()) {
if (++count == lineCount)
return box->lineBottom() + (includeBottom ? (block->borderBottom() + block->paddingBottom()) : LayoutUnit());
} else {
LayoutBox* normalFlowChildWithoutLines = nullptr;
for (LayoutBox* obj = block->firstChildBox(); obj; obj = obj->nextSiblingBox()) {
if (shouldCheckLines(obj)) {
int result = getHeightForLineCount(toLayoutBlock(obj), lineCount, false, count);
if (result != -1)
return result + obj->location().y() + (includeBottom ? (block->borderBottom() + block->paddingBottom()) : LayoutUnit());
} else if (!obj->isFloatingOrOutOfFlowPositioned()) {
normalFlowChildWithoutLines = obj;
if (normalFlowChildWithoutLines && lineCount == 0)
return normalFlowChildWithoutLines->location().y() + normalFlowChildWithoutLines->size().height();
return -1;
RootInlineBox* LayoutBlock::lineAtIndex(int i) const
ASSERT(i >= 0);
if (style()->visibility() != VISIBLE)
return nullptr;
if (childrenInline()) {
for (RootInlineBox* box = firstRootBox(); box; box = box->nextRootBox()) {
if (!i--)
return box;
} else {
for (LayoutObject* child = firstChild(); child; child = child->nextSibling()) {
if (!shouldCheckLines(child))
if (RootInlineBox* box = toLayoutBlock(child)->lineAtIndex(i))
return box;
return nullptr;
int LayoutBlock::lineCount(const RootInlineBox* stopRootInlineBox, bool* found) const
int count = 0;
if (style()->visibility() == VISIBLE) {
if (childrenInline()) {
for (RootInlineBox* box = firstRootBox(); box; box = box->nextRootBox()) {
if (box == stopRootInlineBox) {
if (found)
*found = true;
} else {
for (LayoutObject* obj = firstChild(); obj; obj = obj->nextSibling()) {
if (shouldCheckLines(obj)) {
bool recursiveFound = false;
count += toLayoutBlock(obj)->lineCount(stopRootInlineBox, &recursiveFound);
if (recursiveFound) {
if (found)
*found = true;
return count;
int LayoutBlock::heightForLineCount(int lineCount)
int count = 0;
return getHeightForLineCount(this, lineCount, true, count);
void LayoutBlock::clearTruncation()
if (style()->visibility() == VISIBLE) {
if (childrenInline() && hasMarkupTruncation()) {
for (RootInlineBox* box = firstRootBox(); box; box = box->nextRootBox())
} else {
for (LayoutObject* obj = firstChild(); obj; obj = obj->nextSibling()) {
if (shouldCheckLines(obj))
void LayoutBlock::absoluteRects(Vector<IntRect>& rects, const LayoutPoint& accumulatedOffset) const
// For blocks inside inlines, we go ahead and include margins so that we run right up to the
// inline boxes above and below us (thus getting merged with them to form a single irregular
// shape).
if (isAnonymousBlockContinuation()) {
// FIXME: This is wrong for vertical writing-modes.
LayoutRect rect(accumulatedOffset, size());
continuation()->absoluteRects(rects, accumulatedOffset - toLayoutSize(location() +
} else {
rects.append(pixelSnappedIntRect(accumulatedOffset, size()));
void LayoutBlock::absoluteQuads(Vector<FloatQuad>& quads, bool* wasFixed) const
// For blocks inside inlines, we go ahead and include margins so that we run right up to the
// inline boxes above and below us (thus getting merged with them to form a single irregular
// shape).
if (isAnonymousBlockContinuation()) {
// FIXME: This is wrong for vertical writing-modes.
LayoutRect localRect(LayoutPoint(), size());
quads.append(localToAbsoluteQuad(FloatRect(localRect), 0 /* mode */, wasFixed));
continuation()->absoluteQuads(quads, wasFixed);
} else {
quads.append(LayoutBox::localToAbsoluteQuad(FloatRect(0, 0, size().width().toFloat(), size().height().toFloat()), 0 /* mode */, wasFixed));
LayoutObject* LayoutBlock::hoverAncestor() const
return isAnonymousBlockContinuation() ? continuation() : LayoutBox::hoverAncestor();
void LayoutBlock::updateDragState(bool dragOn)
if (LayoutBoxModelObject* continuation = this->continuation())
void LayoutBlock::childBecameNonInline(LayoutObject*)
if (isAnonymousBlock() && parent() && parent()->isLayoutBlock())
// |this| may be dead here
void LayoutBlock::updateHitTestResult(HitTestResult& result, const LayoutPoint& point)
if (result.innerNode())
if (Node* n = nodeForHitTest())
result.setNodeAndPosition(n, point);
// An inline-block uses its inlineBox as the inlineBoxWrapper,
// so the firstChild() is nullptr if the only child is an empty inline-block.
inline bool LayoutBlock::isInlineBoxWrapperActuallyChild() const
return isInlineBlockOrInlineTable() && !size().isEmpty() && node() && editingIgnoresContent(node());
static inline bool caretBrowsingEnabled(const LocalFrame* frame)
Settings* settings = frame->settings();
return settings && settings->caretBrowsingEnabled();
bool LayoutBlock::hasCursorCaret() const
LocalFrame* frame = this->frame();
return frame->selection().caretLayoutObject() == this && (frame->selection().hasEditableStyle() || caretBrowsingEnabled(frame));
bool LayoutBlock::hasDragCaret() const
LocalFrame* frame = this->frame();
DragCaretController& dragCaretController = frame->page()->dragCaretController();
return dragCaretController.caretLayoutObject() == this && (dragCaretController.isContentEditable() || caretBrowsingEnabled(frame));
LayoutRect LayoutBlock::localCaretRect(InlineBox* inlineBox, int caretOffset, LayoutUnit* extraWidthToEndOfLine)
// Do the normal calculation in most cases.
if (firstChild() || isInlineBoxWrapperActuallyChild())
return LayoutBox::localCaretRect(inlineBox, caretOffset, extraWidthToEndOfLine);
LayoutRect caretRect = localCaretRectForEmptyElement(size().width(), textIndentOffset());
if (extraWidthToEndOfLine)
*extraWidthToEndOfLine = size().width() - caretRect.maxX();
return caretRect;
void LayoutBlock::addOutlineRects(Vector<LayoutRect>& rects, const LayoutPoint& additionalOffset, IncludeBlockVisualOverflowOrNot includeBlockOverflows) const
// For blocks inside inlines, we go ahead and include margins so that we run right up to the
// inline boxes above and below us (thus getting merged with them to form a single irregular
// shape).
const LayoutInline* inlineElementContinuation = this->inlineElementContinuation();
if (inlineElementContinuation) {
// FIXME: This check really isn't accurate.
bool nextInlineHasLineBox = inlineElementContinuation->firstLineBox();
// FIXME: This is wrong. The principal layoutObject may not be the continuation preceding this block.
// FIXME: This is wrong for vertical writing-modes.
bool prevInlineHasLineBox = toLayoutInline(inlineElementContinuation->node()->layoutObject())->firstLineBox();
LayoutUnit topMargin = prevInlineHasLineBox ? collapsedMarginBefore() : LayoutUnit();
LayoutUnit bottomMargin = nextInlineHasLineBox ? collapsedMarginAfter() : LayoutUnit();
if (topMargin || bottomMargin) {
LayoutRect rect(additionalOffset, size());
rect.expandEdges(topMargin, 0, bottomMargin, 0);
} else if (!isAnonymous()) { // For anonymous blocks, the children add outline rects.
rects.append(LayoutRect(additionalOffset, size()));
if (includeBlockOverflows == IncludeBlockVisualOverflow && !hasOverflowClip() && !hasControlClip()) {
for (RootInlineBox* curr = firstRootBox(); curr; curr = curr->nextRootBox()) {
LayoutUnit top = std::max<LayoutUnit>(curr->lineTop(), curr->top());
LayoutUnit bottom = std::min<LayoutUnit>(curr->lineBottom(), curr->top() + curr->height());
LayoutRect rect(additionalOffset.x() + curr->x(), additionalOffset.y() + top, curr->width(), bottom - top);
if (!rect.isEmpty())
addOutlineRectsForNormalChildren(rects, additionalOffset, includeBlockOverflows);
if (TrackedLayoutBoxListHashSet* positionedObjects = this->positionedObjects()) {
for (auto* box : *positionedObjects)
addOutlineRectsForDescendant(*box, rects, additionalOffset, includeBlockOverflows);
if (inlineElementContinuation)
inlineElementContinuation->addOutlineRects(rects, additionalOffset + (inlineElementContinuation->containingBlock()->location() - location()), includeBlockOverflows);
void LayoutBlock::computeSelfHitTestRects(Vector<LayoutRect>& rects, const LayoutPoint& layerOffset) const
LayoutBox::computeSelfHitTestRects(rects, layerOffset);
if (hasHorizontalLayoutOverflow() || hasVerticalLayoutOverflow()) {
for (RootInlineBox* curr = firstRootBox(); curr; curr = curr->nextRootBox()) {
LayoutUnit top = std::max<LayoutUnit>(curr->lineTop(), curr->top());
LayoutUnit bottom = std::min<LayoutUnit>(curr->lineBottom(), curr->top() + curr->height());
LayoutRect rect(layerOffset.x() + curr->x(), layerOffset.y() + top, curr->width(), bottom - top);
// It's common for this rect to be entirely contained in our box, so exclude that simple case.
if (!rect.isEmpty() && (rects.isEmpty() || !rects[0].contains(rect)))
LayoutBox* LayoutBlock::createAnonymousBoxWithSameTypeAs(const LayoutObject* parent) const
return createAnonymousWithParentAndDisplay(parent, style()->display());
LayoutUnit LayoutBlock::nextPageLogicalTop(LayoutUnit logicalOffset, PageBoundaryRule pageBoundaryRule) const
LayoutUnit pageLogicalHeight = pageLogicalHeightForOffset(logicalOffset);
if (!pageLogicalHeight)
return logicalOffset;
return logicalOffset + pageRemainingLogicalHeightForOffset(logicalOffset, pageBoundaryRule);
LayoutUnit LayoutBlock::pageLogicalHeightForOffset(LayoutUnit offset) const
LayoutView* layoutView = view();
LayoutFlowThread* flowThread = flowThreadContainingBlock();
if (!flowThread)
return layoutView->layoutState()->pageLogicalHeight();
return flowThread->pageLogicalHeightForOffset(offset + offsetFromLogicalTopOfFirstPage());
LayoutUnit LayoutBlock::pageRemainingLogicalHeightForOffset(LayoutUnit offset, PageBoundaryRule pageBoundaryRule) const
LayoutView* layoutView = view();
offset += offsetFromLogicalTopOfFirstPage();
LayoutFlowThread* flowThread = flowThreadContainingBlock();
if (!flowThread) {
LayoutUnit pageLogicalHeight = layoutView->layoutState()->pageLogicalHeight();
LayoutUnit remainingHeight = pageLogicalHeight - intMod(offset, pageLogicalHeight);
if (pageBoundaryRule == AssociateWithFormerPage) {
// An offset exactly at a page boundary will act as being part of the former page in
// question (i.e. no remaining space), rather than being part of the latter (i.e. one
// whole page length of remaining space).
remainingHeight = intMod(remainingHeight, pageLogicalHeight);
return remainingHeight;
return flowThread->pageRemainingLogicalHeightForOffset(offset, pageBoundaryRule);
void LayoutBlock::paginatedContentWasLaidOut(LayoutUnit logicalTopOffsetAfterPagination)
if (LayoutFlowThread* flowThread = flowThreadContainingBlock())
flowThread->contentWasLaidOut(offsetFromLogicalTopOfFirstPage() + logicalTopOffsetAfterPagination);
LayoutUnit LayoutBlock::collapsedMarginBeforeForChild(const LayoutBox& child) const
// If the child has the same directionality as we do, then we can just return its
// collapsed margin.
if (!child.isWritingModeRoot())
return child.collapsedMarginBefore();
// The child has a different directionality. If the child is parallel, then it's just
// flipped relative to us. We can use the collapsed margin for the opposite edge.
if (child.isHorizontalWritingMode() == isHorizontalWritingMode())
return child.collapsedMarginAfter();
// The child is perpendicular to us, which means its margins don't collapse but are on the
// "logical left/right" sides of the child box. We can just return the raw margin in this case.
return marginBeforeForChild(child);
LayoutUnit LayoutBlock::collapsedMarginAfterForChild(const LayoutBox& child) const
// If the child has the same directionality as we do, then we can just return its
// collapsed margin.
if (!child.isWritingModeRoot())
return child.collapsedMarginAfter();
// The child has a different directionality. If the child is parallel, then it's just
// flipped relative to us. We can use the collapsed margin for the opposite edge.
if (child.isHorizontalWritingMode() == isHorizontalWritingMode())
return child.collapsedMarginBefore();
// The child is perpendicular to us, which means its margins don't collapse but are on the
// "logical left/right" side of the child box. We can just return the raw margin in this case.
return marginAfterForChild(child);
bool LayoutBlock::hasMarginBeforeQuirk(const LayoutBox* child) const
// If the child has the same directionality as we do, then we can just return its
// margin quirk.
if (!child->isWritingModeRoot())
return child->isLayoutBlock() ? toLayoutBlock(child)->hasMarginBeforeQuirk() : child->style()->hasMarginBeforeQuirk();
// The child has a different directionality. If the child is parallel, then it's just
// flipped relative to us. We can use the opposite edge.
if (child->isHorizontalWritingMode() == isHorizontalWritingMode())
return child->isLayoutBlock() ? toLayoutBlock(child)->hasMarginAfterQuirk() : child->style()->hasMarginAfterQuirk();
// The child is perpendicular to us and box sides are never quirky in html.css, and we don't really care about
// whether or not authors specified quirky ems, since they're an implementation detail.
return false;
bool LayoutBlock::hasMarginAfterQuirk(const LayoutBox* child) const
// If the child has the same directionality as we do, then we can just return its
// margin quirk.
if (!child->isWritingModeRoot())
return child->isLayoutBlock() ? toLayoutBlock(child)->hasMarginAfterQuirk() : child->style()->hasMarginAfterQuirk();
// The child has a different directionality. If the child is parallel, then it's just
// flipped relative to us. We can use the opposite edge.
if (child->isHorizontalWritingMode() == isHorizontalWritingMode())
return child->isLayoutBlock() ? toLayoutBlock(child)->hasMarginBeforeQuirk() : child->style()->hasMarginBeforeQuirk();
// The child is perpendicular to us and box sides are never quirky in html.css, and we don't really care about
// whether or not authors specified quirky ems, since they're an implementation detail.
return false;
const char* LayoutBlock::name() const
return "LayoutBlock";
LayoutBlock* LayoutBlock::createAnonymousWithParentAndDisplay(const LayoutObject* parent, EDisplay display)
// FIXME: Do we need to convert all our inline displays to block-type in the anonymous logic ?
EDisplay newDisplay;
LayoutBlock* newBox = nullptr;
if (display == FLEX || display == INLINE_FLEX) {
newBox = LayoutFlexibleBox::createAnonymous(&parent->document());
newDisplay = FLEX;
} else {
newBox = LayoutBlockFlow::createAnonymous(&parent->document());
newDisplay = BLOCK;
RefPtr<ComputedStyle> newStyle = ComputedStyle::createAnonymousStyleWithDisplay(parent->styleRef(), newDisplay);
parent->updateAnonymousChildStyle(*newBox, *newStyle);
return newBox;
static bool recalcNormalFlowChildOverflowIfNeeded(LayoutObject* layoutObject)
if (layoutObject->isOutOfFlowPositioned() || !layoutObject->needsOverflowRecalcAfterStyleChange())
return false;
return toLayoutBlock(layoutObject)->recalcOverflowAfterStyleChange();
bool LayoutBlock::recalcChildOverflowAfterStyleChange()
bool childrenOverflowChanged = false;
if (childrenInline()) {
ListHashSet<RootInlineBox*> lineBoxes;
for (InlineWalker walker(toLayoutBlockFlow(this)); !walker.atEnd(); walker.advance()) {
LayoutObject* layoutObject = walker.current();
if (recalcNormalFlowChildOverflowIfNeeded(layoutObject)) {
childrenOverflowChanged = true;
if (InlineBox* inlineBoxWrapper = toLayoutBlock(layoutObject)->inlineBoxWrapper())
// FIXME: Glyph overflow will get lost in this case, but not really a big deal.
GlyphOverflowAndFallbackFontsMap textBoxDataMap;
for (ListHashSet<RootInlineBox*>::const_iterator it = lineBoxes.begin(); it != lineBoxes.end(); ++it) {
RootInlineBox* box = *it;
box->computeOverflow(box->lineTop(), box->lineBottom(), textBoxDataMap);
} else {
for (LayoutBox* box = firstChildBox(); box; box = box->nextSiblingBox()) {
if (recalcNormalFlowChildOverflowIfNeeded(box))
childrenOverflowChanged = true;
TrackedLayoutBoxListHashSet* positionedDescendants = positionedObjects();
if (!positionedDescendants)
return childrenOverflowChanged;
for (auto* box : *positionedDescendants) {
if (!box->needsOverflowRecalcAfterStyleChange())
LayoutBlock* block = toLayoutBlock(box);
if (!block->recalcOverflowAfterStyleChange() || box->style()->position() == FixedPosition)
childrenOverflowChanged = true;
return childrenOverflowChanged;
bool LayoutBlock::recalcOverflowAfterStyleChange()
bool childrenOverflowChanged = false;
if (childNeedsOverflowRecalcAfterStyleChange())
childrenOverflowChanged = recalcChildOverflowAfterStyleChange();
if (!selfNeedsOverflowRecalcAfterStyleChange() && !childrenOverflowChanged)
return false;
// If the current block needs layout, overflow will be recalculated during
// layout time anyway. We can safely exit here.
if (needsLayout())
return false;
LayoutUnit oldClientAfterEdge = hasOverflowModel() ? m_overflow->layoutClientAfterEdge() : clientLogicalBottom();
if (hasOverflowClip())
return !hasOverflowClip();
// Called when a positioned object moves but doesn't necessarily change size. A simplified layout is attempted
// that just updates the object's position. If the size does change, the object remains dirty.
bool LayoutBlock::tryLayoutDoingPositionedMovementOnly()
LayoutUnit oldWidth = logicalWidth();
LogicalExtentComputedValues computedValues;
logicalExtentAfterUpdatingLogicalWidth(logicalTop(), computedValues);
// If we shrink to fit our width may have changed, so we still need full layout.
if (oldWidth != computedValues.m_extent)
return false;
LayoutUnit oldHeight = logicalHeight();
LayoutUnit oldIntrinsicContentLogicalHeight = intrinsicContentLogicalHeight();
computeLogicalHeight(oldHeight, logicalTop(), computedValues);
if (hasPercentHeightDescendants() && oldHeight != computedValues.m_extent) {
return false;
return true;
void LayoutBlock::checkPositionedObjectsNeedLayout()
if (!gPositionedDescendantsMap)
if (TrackedLayoutBoxListHashSet* positionedDescendantSet = positionedObjects()) {
TrackedLayoutBoxListHashSet::const_iterator end = positionedDescendantSet->end();
for (TrackedLayoutBoxListHashSet::const_iterator it = positionedDescendantSet->begin(); it != end; ++it) {
LayoutBox* currBox = *it;
#ifndef NDEBUG
void LayoutBlock::showLineTreeAndMark(const InlineBox* markedBox1, const char* markedLabel1, const InlineBox* markedBox2, const char* markedLabel2, const LayoutObject* obj) const
for (const RootInlineBox* root = firstRootBox(); root; root = root->nextRootBox())
root->showLineTreeAndMark(markedBox1, markedLabel1, markedBox2, markedLabel2, obj, 1);
} // namespace blink