blob: ff0ca351074860087e3e3fdd4598b85da997928d [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 1999 Lars Knoll (
* (C) 1999 Antti Koivisto (
* Copyright (C) 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Library General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
* along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to
* the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
* Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
#ifndef LayoutInline_h
#define LayoutInline_h
#include "core/CoreExport.h"
#include "core/editing/PositionWithAffinity.h"
#include "core/layout/LayoutBoxModelObject.h"
#include "core/layout/api/LineLayoutItem.h"
#include "core/layout/line/InlineFlowBox.h"
#include "core/layout/line/LineBoxList.h"
namespace blink {
// LayoutInline is the LayoutObject associated with display: inline.
// This is called an "inline box" in CSS 2.1.
// It is also the base class for content that behaves in similar way (like
// quotes and "display: ruby").
// Note that LayoutInline is always 'inline-level' but other LayoutObject
// can be 'inline-level', which is why it's stored as a boolean on LayoutObject
// (see LayoutObject::isInline()).
// For performance and memory consumption, this class ignores some inline-boxes
// during line layout because they don't impact layout (they still exist and are
// inserted into the layout tree). An example of this is
// <span><span>Text</span></span>
// where the 2 spans have the same size as the inner text-node so they can be
// ignored for layout purpose, generating a single inline-box instead of 3.
// One downside of this optimization is that we have extra work to do when
// asking for bounding rects (see generateLineBoxRects).
// This optimization is called "culled inline" in the code.
// LayoutInlines are expected to be laid out by their containing
// LayoutBlockFlow. See LayoutBlockFlow::layoutInlineChildren.
// LayoutInline enforces the following invariant:
// "All in-flow children of an inline box are inline."
// When a non-inline child is inserted, LayoutInline::addChild splits the inline
// and potentially enclosing inlines too. It then wraps layout objects into
// anonymous block-flow containers. This creates complexity in the code as:
// - a DOM node can have several associated LayoutObjects (we don't currently
// expose this information to the DOM code though).
// - more importantly, nodes that are parent/child in the DOM have no natural
// relationship anymore (see example below).
// In order to do a correct tree walk over this synthetic tree, a single linked
// list is stored called *continuation*. See splitFlow() about how it is
// populated during LayoutInline split.
// Continuations can only be a LayoutInline or an anonymous LayoutBlockFlow.
// That's why continuations are handled by LayoutBoxModelObject (common class
// between the 2). See LayoutBoxModelObject::continuation and setContinuation.
// Let's take the following example:
// <!DOCTYPE html>
// <b>Bold inline.<div>Bold block.</div>More bold inlines.</b>
// The generated layout tree is:
// LayoutBlockFlow {HTML}
// LayoutBlockFlow {BODY}
// LayoutBlockFlow (anonymous)
// LayoutInline {B}
// LayoutText {#text}
// text run: "Bold inline."
// LayoutBlockFlow (anonymous)
// LayoutBlockFlow {DIV}
// LayoutText {#text}
// text run: "Bold block."
// LayoutBlockFlow (anonymous)
// LayoutInline {B}
// LayoutText {#text}
// text run: "More bold inlines."
// The insertion of the <div> inside the <b> forces the latter to be split
// into 2 LayoutInlines and the insertion of anonymous LayoutBlockFlows. The 2
// LayoutInlines are done so that we can apply the correct (bold) style to both
// sides of the <div>. The continuation chain starts with the first
// LayoutInline {B}, continues to the middle anonymous LayoutBlockFlow and
// finishes with the last LayoutInline {B}.
// Note that the middle anonymous LayoutBlockFlow duplicates the content.
// TODO(jchaffraix): Find out why we made the decision to always insert the
// anonymous LayoutBlockFlows.
// This section was inspired by an older article by Dave Hyatt:
class CORE_EXPORT LayoutInline : public LayoutBoxModelObject {
explicit LayoutInline(Element*);
static LayoutInline* createAnonymous(Document*);
LayoutObject* firstChild() const { ASSERT(children() == virtualChildren()); return children()->firstChild(); }
LayoutObject* lastChild() const { ASSERT(children() == virtualChildren()); return children()->lastChild(); }
// If you have a LayoutInline, use firstChild or lastChild instead.
void slowFirstChild() const = delete;
void slowLastChild() const = delete;
void addChild(LayoutObject* newChild, LayoutObject* beforeChild = nullptr) override;
Element* node() const { return toElement(LayoutBoxModelObject::node()); }
LayoutRectOutsets marginBoxOutsets() const final;
LayoutUnit marginLeft() const final;
LayoutUnit marginRight() const final;
LayoutUnit marginTop() const final;
LayoutUnit marginBottom() const final;
LayoutUnit marginBefore(const ComputedStyle* otherStyle = nullptr) const final;
LayoutUnit marginAfter(const ComputedStyle* otherStyle = nullptr) const final;
LayoutUnit marginStart(const ComputedStyle* otherStyle = nullptr) const final;
LayoutUnit marginEnd(const ComputedStyle* otherStyle = nullptr) const final;
LayoutUnit marginOver() const final;
LayoutUnit marginUnder() const final;
void absoluteRects(Vector<IntRect>&, const LayoutPoint& accumulatedOffset) const final;
void absoluteQuads(Vector<FloatQuad>&, bool* wasFixed) const override;
LayoutSize offsetFromContainer(const LayoutObject*, const LayoutPoint&, bool* offsetDependsOnPoint = nullptr) const final;
IntRect linesBoundingBox() const;
LayoutRect visualOverflowRect() const final;
InlineFlowBox* createAndAppendInlineFlowBox();
void dirtyLineBoxes(bool fullLayout);
LineBoxList* lineBoxes() { return &m_lineBoxes; }
const LineBoxList* lineBoxes() const { return &m_lineBoxes; }
InlineFlowBox* firstLineBox() const { return m_lineBoxes.firstLineBox(); }
InlineFlowBox* lastLineBox() const { return m_lineBoxes.lastLineBox(); }
InlineBox* firstLineBoxIncludingCulling() const { return alwaysCreateLineBoxes() ? firstLineBox() : culledInlineFirstLineBox(); }
InlineBox* lastLineBoxIncludingCulling() const { return alwaysCreateLineBoxes() ? lastLineBox() : culledInlineLastLineBox(); }
LayoutBoxModelObject* virtualContinuation() const final { return continuation(); }
LayoutInline* inlineElementContinuation() const;
void updateDragState(bool dragOn) final;
LayoutSize offsetForInFlowPositionedInline(const LayoutBox& child) const;
void addOutlineRects(Vector<LayoutRect>&, const LayoutPoint& additionalOffset, IncludeBlockVisualOverflowOrNot) const final;
// The following methods are called from the container if it has already added outline rects for line boxes
// and/or children of this LayoutInline.
void addOutlineRectsForChildrenAndContinuations(Vector<LayoutRect>&, const LayoutPoint& additionalOffset, IncludeBlockVisualOverflowOrNot) const;
void addOutlineRectsForContinuations(Vector<LayoutRect>&, const LayoutPoint& additionalOffset, IncludeBlockVisualOverflowOrNot) const;
using LayoutBoxModelObject::continuation;
using LayoutBoxModelObject::setContinuation;
bool alwaysCreateLineBoxes() const { return alwaysCreateLineBoxesForLayoutInline(); }
void setAlwaysCreateLineBoxes(bool alwaysCreateLineBoxes = true) { setAlwaysCreateLineBoxesForLayoutInline(alwaysCreateLineBoxes); }
void updateAlwaysCreateLineBoxes(bool fullLayout);
LayoutRect localCaretRect(InlineBox*, int, LayoutUnit* extraWidthToEndOfLine) final;
bool hitTestCulledInline(HitTestResult&, const HitTestLocation& locationInContainer, const LayoutPoint& accumulatedOffset);
const char* name() const override { return "LayoutInline"; }
void willBeDestroyed() override;
void styleDidChange(StyleDifference, const ComputedStyle* oldStyle) override;
void computeSelfHitTestRects(Vector<LayoutRect>& rects, const LayoutPoint& layerOffset) const override;
void invalidateDisplayItemClients(const LayoutBoxModelObject& paintInvalidationContainer, PaintInvalidationReason, const LayoutRect* paintInvalidationRect) const override;
LayoutObjectChildList* virtualChildren() final { return children(); }
const LayoutObjectChildList* virtualChildren() const final { return children(); }
const LayoutObjectChildList* children() const { return &m_children; }
LayoutObjectChildList* children() { return &m_children; }
bool isLayoutInline() const final { return true; }
LayoutRect culledInlineVisualOverflowBoundingBox() const;
InlineBox* culledInlineFirstLineBox() const;
InlineBox* culledInlineLastLineBox() const;
// For visualOverflowRect() only, to get bounding box of visual overflow of line boxes.
LayoutRect linesVisualOverflowBoundingBox() const;
template<typename GeneratorContext>
void generateLineBoxRects(GeneratorContext& yield) const;
template<typename GeneratorContext>
void generateCulledLineBoxRects(GeneratorContext& yield, const LayoutInline* container) const;
void addChildToContinuation(LayoutObject* newChild, LayoutObject* beforeChild);
void addChildIgnoringContinuation(LayoutObject* newChild, LayoutObject* beforeChild = nullptr) final;
void moveChildrenToIgnoringContinuation(LayoutInline* to, LayoutObject* startChild);
void splitInlines(LayoutBlock* fromBlock, LayoutBlock* toBlock, LayoutBlock* middleBlock,
LayoutObject* beforeChild, LayoutBoxModelObject* oldCont);
void splitFlow(LayoutObject* beforeChild, LayoutBlock* newBlockBox,
LayoutObject* newChild, LayoutBoxModelObject* oldCont);
void layout() final { ASSERT_NOT_REACHED(); } // Do nothing for layout()
void paint(const PaintInfo&, const LayoutPoint&) const final;
bool nodeAtPoint(HitTestResult&, const HitTestLocation& locationInContainer, const LayoutPoint& accumulatedOffset, HitTestAction) final;
PaintLayerType layerTypeRequired() const override { return isInFlowPositioned() || createsGroup() || hasClipPath() || style()->shouldCompositeForCurrentAnimations() || style()->hasCompositorProxy() ? NormalPaintLayer : NoPaintLayer; }
LayoutUnit offsetLeft() const final;
LayoutUnit offsetTop() const final;
LayoutUnit offsetWidth() const final { return linesBoundingBox().width(); }
LayoutUnit offsetHeight() const final { return linesBoundingBox().height(); }
LayoutRect absoluteClippedOverflowRect() const override;
LayoutRect clippedOverflowRectForPaintInvalidation(const LayoutBoxModelObject* paintInvalidationContainer, const PaintInvalidationState* = nullptr) const override;
void mapRectToPaintInvalidationBacking(const LayoutBoxModelObject* paintInvalidationContainer, LayoutRect&, const PaintInvalidationState*) const final;
// This method differs from clippedOverflowRectForPaintInvalidation in that it includes
// the rects for culled inline boxes, which aren't necessary for paint invalidation.
LayoutRect clippedOverflowRect(const LayoutBoxModelObject*, const PaintInvalidationState* = nullptr) const;
void mapLocalToContainer(const LayoutBoxModelObject* paintInvalidationContainer, TransformState&, MapCoordinatesFlags = ApplyContainerFlip, bool* wasFixed = 0, const PaintInvalidationState* = nullptr) const override;
PositionWithAffinity positionForPoint(const LayoutPoint&) final;
IntRect borderBoundingBox() const final
IntRect boundingBox = linesBoundingBox();
return IntRect(0, 0, boundingBox.width(), boundingBox.height());
virtual InlineFlowBox* createInlineFlowBox(); // Subclassed by SVG and Ruby
void dirtyLinesFromChangedChild(LayoutObject* child) final { m_lineBoxes.dirtyLinesFromChangedChild(LineLayoutItem(this), LineLayoutItem(child)); }
LayoutUnit lineHeight(bool firstLine, LineDirectionMode, LinePositionMode = PositionOnContainingLine) const final;
int baselinePosition(FontBaseline, bool firstLine, LineDirectionMode, LinePositionMode = PositionOnContainingLine) const final;
void childBecameNonInline(LayoutObject* child) final;
void updateHitTestResult(HitTestResult&, const LayoutPoint&) final;
void imageChanged(WrappedImagePtr, const IntRect* = nullptr) final;
void addAnnotatedRegions(Vector<AnnotatedRegionValue>&) final;
void updateFromStyle() final;
LayoutInline* clone() const;
LayoutBoxModelObject* continuationBefore(LayoutObject* beforeChild);
LayoutObjectChildList m_children;
LineBoxList m_lineBoxes; // All of the line boxes created for this inline flow. For example, <i>Hello<br>world.</i> will have two <i> line boxes.
DEFINE_LAYOUT_OBJECT_TYPE_CASTS(LayoutInline, isLayoutInline());
} // namespace blink
#endif // LayoutInline_h