blob: 516fde9c56a26e3a9e3360a31bc2786d761e98df [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2011 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "base/memory/weak_ptr.h"
#include "cc/cc_export.h"
#include "cc/time_source.h"
namespace cc {
class Thread;
// This timer implements a time source that achieves the specified interval
// in face of millisecond-precision delayed callbacks and random queueing delays.
class CC_EXPORT DelayBasedTimeSource : public TimeSource {
static scoped_refptr<DelayBasedTimeSource> create(base::TimeDelta interval, Thread* thread);
virtual void setClient(TimeSourceClient* client) OVERRIDE;
// TimeSource implementation
virtual void setTimebaseAndInterval(base::TimeTicks timebase, base::TimeDelta interval) OVERRIDE;
virtual void setActive(bool) OVERRIDE;
virtual bool active() const OVERRIDE;
// Get the last and next tick times. nextTimeTime() returns null when
// inactive.
virtual base::TimeTicks lastTickTime() OVERRIDE;
virtual base::TimeTicks nextTickTime() OVERRIDE;
// Virtual for testing.
virtual base::TimeTicks now() const;
DelayBasedTimeSource(base::TimeDelta interval, Thread* thread);
virtual ~DelayBasedTimeSource();
base::TimeTicks nextTickTarget(base::TimeTicks now);
void postNextTickTask(base::TimeTicks now);
void onTimerFired();
enum State {
struct Parameters {
Parameters(base::TimeDelta interval, base::TimeTicks tickTarget)
: interval(interval), tickTarget(tickTarget)
{ }
base::TimeDelta interval;
base::TimeTicks tickTarget;
TimeSourceClient* m_client;
bool m_hasTickTarget;
base::TimeTicks m_lastTickTime;
// m_currentParameters should only be written by postNextTickTask.
// m_nextParameters will take effect on the next call to postNextTickTask.
// Maintaining a pending set of parameters allows nextTickTime() to always
// reflect the actual time we expect onTimerFired to be called.
Parameters m_currentParameters;
Parameters m_nextParameters;
State m_state;
Thread* m_thread;
base::WeakPtrFactory<DelayBasedTimeSource> m_weakFactory;
} // namespace cc