blob: 398de63996acba8507001aef4e1742f280042168 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "cc/layer_tree_host.h"
#include "cc/content_layer.h"
#include "cc/nine_patch_layer.h"
#include "cc/solid_color_layer.h"
#include "cc/test/fake_content_layer_client.h"
#include "cc/test/layer_tree_test_common.h"
namespace cc {
namespace {
class LayerTreeHostPerfTest : public WebKitTests::ThreadedTest {};
class LayerTreeHostPerfTestSevenTabSwitcher : public LayerTreeHostPerfTest {
LayerTreeHostPerfTestSevenTabSwitcher() : num_draws_(0) {
scoped_refptr<Layer> CreateLayer(float x, float y, int width, int height) {
scoped_refptr<Layer> layer = Layer::create();
layer->setPosition(gfx::PointF(x, y));
layer->setBounds(gfx::Size(width, height));
return layer;
scoped_refptr<ContentLayer> CreateContentLayer(float x, float y, int width, int height) {
scoped_refptr<ContentLayer> layer = ContentLayer::create(&fake_delegate_);
layer->setPosition(gfx::PointF(x, y));
layer->setBounds(gfx::Size(width, height));
return layer;
scoped_refptr<SolidColorLayer> CreateColorLayer(float x, float y, int width, int height) {
scoped_refptr<SolidColorLayer> layer = SolidColorLayer::create();
layer->setPosition(gfx::PointF(x, y));
layer->setBounds(gfx::Size(width, height));
return layer;
scoped_refptr<NinePatchLayer> CreateDecorationLayer(float x, float y, int width, int height) {
scoped_refptr<NinePatchLayer> layer = NinePatchLayer::create();
layer->setPosition(gfx::PointF(x, y));
layer->setBounds(gfx::Size(width, height));
SkBitmap bitmap;
bitmap.setConfig(SkBitmap::kARGB_8888_Config, 1, 1);
bitmap.allocPixels(NULL, NULL);
layer->setBitmap(bitmap, gfx::Rect(0, 0, width, height));
return layer;
scoped_refptr<Layer> addChild(scoped_refptr<Layer> parent, scoped_refptr<Layer> child) {
return child;
virtual void beginTest() OVERRIDE {
scoped_refptr<Layer> root = CreateLayer(0, 0, 720, 1038); // 1
scoped_refptr<Layer> layer;
gfx::Transform down_scale_matrix;
down_scale_matrix.Scale(0.747, 0.747);
layer = addChild(root, CreateLayer(0, 0, 0, 0)); // 2
layer = addChild(root, CreateLayer(628, 15, 0, 0)); // 5
layer = addChild(root, CreateDecorationLayer(564, -49, 665, 274)); // 13
layer = addChild(root, CreateDecorationLayer(-16, -16, 569, 807)); // 12
layer = addChild(root, CreateColorLayer(628, 15, 720, 1038)); // 11
layer = addChild(root, CreateContentLayer(628, 16, 720, 1038)); // 34
layer = addChild(root, CreateLayer(628, 15, 0, 0)); // 6
layer = addChild(root, CreateDecorationLayer(612, -1, 569, 807)); // 10
layer = addChild(root, CreateDecorationLayer(827.135986f, -1, 354, 96)); // 9
layer = addChild(root, CreateContentLayer(628, 15, 0, 0)); // 8
layer = addChild(root, CreateContentLayer(627.418f, 15, 0, 0)); // 7
layer = addChild(root, CreateLayer(628, 161, 0, 0)); // 74
layer = addChild(root, CreateDecorationLayer(564, 97, 665, 383)); // 82
layer = addChild(root, CreateDecorationLayer(0, 0, 569, 807)); // 81
layer = addChild(root, CreateColorLayer(628, 161, 720, 1038)); // 80
layer = addChild(root, CreateContentLayer(628, 161, 720, 1038)); // 44
layer = addChild(root, CreateLayer(628, 161, 0, 0)); // 75
layer = addChild(root, CreateDecorationLayer(612, 145, 569, 807)); // 79
layer = addChild(root, CreateDecorationLayer(827.135986f, 145, 354, 96)); // 78
layer = addChild(root, CreateContentLayer(628, 161, 0, 0)); // 77
layer = addChild(root, CreateContentLayer(627.418f, 161, 0, 0)); // 76
layer = addChild(root, CreateLayer(628, 417, 0, 0)); // 83
layer = addChild(root, CreateDecorationLayer(564, 353, 665, 445)); // 91
layer = addChild(root, CreateDecorationLayer(0, 0, 569, 807)); // 90
layer = addChild(root, CreateColorLayer(628, 417, 720, 1038)); // 89
layer = addChild(root, CreateContentLayer(628, 417, 720, 1038)); // 54
layer = addChild(root, CreateLayer(628, 417, 0, 0)); // 84
layer = addChild(root, CreateDecorationLayer(612, 401, 569, 807)); // 88
layer = addChild(root, CreateDecorationLayer(827.135986f, 401, 354, 96)); // 87
layer = addChild(root, CreateContentLayer(628, 417, 0, 0)); // 86
layer = addChild(root, CreateContentLayer(627.418f, 417, 0, 0)); // 85
layer = addChild(root, CreateLayer(628, 735, 0, 0)); // 92
layer = addChild(root, CreateDecorationLayer(564, 671, 665, 439)); // 100
layer = addChild(root, CreateDecorationLayer(0, 0, 569, 807)); // 99
layer = addChild(root, CreateColorLayer(628, 735, 720, 1038)); // 98
layer = addChild(root, CreateContentLayer(628, 735, 720, 1038)); // 64
layer = addChild(root, CreateLayer(628, 735, 0, 0)); // 93
layer = addChild(root, CreateDecorationLayer(612, 719, 569, 807)); // 97
layer = addChild(root, CreateDecorationLayer(827.135986f, 719, 354, 96)); // 96
layer = addChild(root, CreateContentLayer(628, 735, 0, 0)); // 95
layer = addChild(root, CreateContentLayer(627.418f, 735, 0, 0)); // 94
layer = addChild(root, CreateLayer(30, 15, 0, 0)); // 101
layer = addChild(root, CreateDecorationLayer(-34, -49, 665, 337)); // 109
layer = addChild(root, CreateDecorationLayer(0, 0, 569, 807)); // 108
layer = addChild(root, CreateColorLayer(30, 15, 720, 1038)); // 107
layer = addChild(root, CreateContentLayer(30, 15, 0, 0)); // 3
layer = addChild(root, CreateLayer(30, 15, 0, 0)); // 102
layer = addChild(root, CreateDecorationLayer(14, -1, 569, 807)); // 106
layer = addChild(root, CreateDecorationLayer(229.135986f, -1, 354, 96)); // 105
layer = addChild(root, CreateContentLayer(30, 15, 0, 0)); // 104
layer = addChild(root, CreateContentLayer(30, 15, 0, 0)); // 103
layer = addChild(root, CreateLayer(30, 227, 0, 0)); // 110
layer = addChild(root, CreateDecorationLayer(-34, 163, 665, 517)); // 118
layer = addChild(root, CreateDecorationLayer(0, 0, 569, 807)); // 117
layer = addChild(root, CreateColorLayer(30, 227, 720, 1038)); // 116
layer = addChild(root, CreateContentLayer(30, 227, 720, 1038)); // 4
layer = addChild(root, CreateLayer(30, 227, 0, 0)); // 111
layer = addChild(root, CreateDecorationLayer(14, 211, 569, 807)); // 115
layer = addChild(root, CreateDecorationLayer(229.135986f, 211, 354, 96)); // 114
layer = addChild(root, CreateContentLayer(30, 227, 0, 0)); // 113
layer = addChild(root, CreateContentLayer(30, 227, 0, 0)); // 112
layer = addChild(root, CreateLayer(30, 617, 0, 0)); // 119
layer = addChild(root, CreateDecorationLayer(-34, 553, 665, 559)); // 127
layer = addChild(root, CreateDecorationLayer(136.349190f, 566.524940f, 569, 807)); // 126
layer = addChild(root, CreateColorLayer(30, 617, 720, 1038)); // 125
layer = addChild(root, CreateContentLayer(30, 617, 720, 1038)); // 14
layer = addChild(root, CreateLayer(30, 617, 0, 0)); // 120
layer = addChild(root, CreateDecorationLayer(14, 601, 569, 807)); // 124
layer = addChild(root, CreateDecorationLayer(229.135986f, 601, 354, 96)); // 123
layer = addChild(root, CreateContentLayer(30, 617, 0, 0)); // 122
layer = addChild(root, CreateContentLayer(30, 617, 0, 0)); // 121
m_layerTreeHost->setViewportSize(gfx::Size(720, 1038), gfx::Size(720, 1038));
virtual void drawLayersOnThread(LayerTreeHostImpl* impl) OVERRIDE {
if (num_draws_ > 120)
virtual void afterTest() OVERRIDE {}
int num_draws_;
WebKitTests::FakeContentLayerClient fake_delegate_;
} // namespace
} // namespace cc