blob: f7c3485770898291fdbf0118022efb3d7f0a3ebd [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// Defines all the "cc" command-line switches.
#ifndef CC_SWITCHES_H_
#define CC_SWITCHES_H_
#include "cc/cc_export.h"
// Since cc is used from the render process, anything that goes here also needs
// to be added to
namespace cc {
namespace switches {
CC_EXPORT extern const char kBackgroundColorInsteadOfCheckerboard[];
CC_EXPORT extern const char kDisableThreadedAnimation[];
CC_EXPORT extern const char kEnableImplSidePainting[];
CC_EXPORT extern const char kEnablePartialSwap[];
CC_EXPORT extern const char kEnablePerTilePainting[];
CC_EXPORT extern const char kEnablePinchInCompositor[];
CC_EXPORT extern const char kJankInsteadOfCheckerboard[];
CC_EXPORT extern const char kShowPropertyChangedRects[];
CC_EXPORT extern const char kShowSurfaceDamageRects[];
CC_EXPORT extern const char kShowScreenSpaceRects[];
CC_EXPORT extern const char kShowReplicaScreenSpaceRects[];
CC_EXPORT extern const char kShowOccludingRects[];
CC_EXPORT extern const char kShowNonOccludingRects[];
CC_EXPORT extern const char kTraceOverdraw[];
} // namespace switches
} // namespace cc
#endif // CC_SWITCHES_H_