blob: 3143d560fb0ad29ec76fbc1a9de48e3f3a4aace6 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "media/base/android/media_codec_decoder.h"
namespace media {
class AudioTimestampHelper;
// Audio decoder for MediaCodecPlayer
class MediaCodecAudioDecoder : public MediaCodecDecoder {
// For parameters see media_codec_decoder.h
// update_current_time_cb: callback that reports current playback time.
// Called for each rendered frame.
const scoped_refptr<base::SingleThreadTaskRunner>& media_runner,
FrameStatistics* frame_statistics,
const base::Closure& request_data_cb,
const base::Closure& starvation_cb,
const base::Closure& decoder_drained_cb,
const base::Closure& stop_done_cb,
const base::Closure& waiting_for_decryption_key_cb,
const base::Closure& error_cb,
const SetTimeCallback& update_current_time_cb);
~MediaCodecAudioDecoder() override;
const char* class_name() const override;
bool HasStream() const override;
void SetDemuxerConfigs(const DemuxerConfigs& configs) override;
bool IsContentEncrypted() const override;
void ReleaseDecoderResources() override;
void Flush() override;
// Sets the volume of the audio output.
void SetVolume(double volume);
// Sets the base timestamp for |audio_timestamp_helper_|.
void SetBaseTimestamp(base::TimeDelta base_timestamp);
bool IsCodecReconfigureNeeded(const DemuxerConfigs& next) const override;
ConfigStatus ConfigureInternal(jobject media_crypto) override;
void OnOutputFormatChanged() override;
void Render(int buffer_index,
size_t offset,
size_t size,
RenderMode render_mode,
base::TimeDelta pts,
bool eos_encountered) override;
// A helper method to set the volume.
void SetVolumeInternal();
// Recreates |audio_timestamp_helper_|, called when sampling rate is changed.
void ResetTimestampHelper();
// Data.
// Configuration received from demuxer
DemuxerConfigs configs_;
// Requested volume
double volume_;
// Number of bytes per audio frame. Depends on the output format and the
// number of channels.
int bytes_per_frame_;
// The sampling rate received from decoder.
int output_sampling_rate_;
// Frame count to sync with audio codec output.
int64 frame_count_;
// Base timestamp for the |audio_timestamp_helper_|.
base::TimeDelta base_timestamp_;
// Object to calculate the current audio timestamp for A/V sync.
scoped_ptr<AudioTimestampHelper> audio_timestamp_helper_;
// Reports current playback time to the callee.
SetTimeCallback update_current_time_cb_;
// The time limit for the next frame to avoid underrun.
base::TimeTicks next_frame_time_limit_;
} // namespace media