blob: 5b6daabbd7d11cf629f49163c85ab493ed854da0 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <stdint.h>
#include "base/time/time.h"
#include "media/base/demuxer_stream.h"
#include "media/base/timestamp_constants.h"
namespace media {
// FrameStatistics struct deals with frames of one stream, i.e. either
// audio or video.
struct FrameStatistics {
// Audio: total number of frames that have been rendered.
// Video: total number of frames that were supposed to be rendered. Late video
// frames might be skipped, but are counted here.
uint32_t total = 0;
// A number of late frames. Late frames are a subset of the total frames.
// Audio: The frame is late if it might cause an underrun, i.e. comes from
// decoder when audio buffer is already depleted.
// Video: The frame is late if it missed its presentation time as determined
// by PTS when it comes from decoder. The rendering policy (i.e.
// render or skip) does not affect this number.
uint32_t late = 0;
void Clear() { total = late = 0; }
// Increments |total| frame count.
void IncrementFrameCount() { ++total; }
// Increments |late| frame count except it is the first frame after start.
// For each IncrementLateFrameCount() call there should be preceding
// IncrementFrameCount() call.
void IncrementLateFrameCount();
// MediaStatistics class gathers and reports playback quality statistics to UMA.
// This class is not thread safe. The caller should guarantee that operations
// on FrameStatistics objects does not happen during Start() and
// StopAndReport(). The Start() and StopAndReport() methods need to be called
// sequentially.
class MediaStatistics {
// Returns the frame statistics for audio frames.
FrameStatistics& audio_frame_stats() { return audio_frame_stats_; }
// Returns the frame statistics for video frames.
FrameStatistics& video_frame_stats() { return video_frame_stats_; }
// Starts gathering statistics. When called in a row only the firts call will
// take effect.
void Start(base::TimeDelta current_playback_time);
// Stops gathering statistics, calculate and report results. When called
// in a row only the firts call will take effect.
void StopAndReport(base::TimeDelta current_playback_time);
// Adds starvation event. Starvation happens when the player interrupts
// the regular playback and asks for more data.
void AddStarvation() { ++num_starvations_; }
// Resets the data to the initial state.
void Clear();
// Calculates relative data based on total frame numbers and reports it and
// the duration to UMA.
void Report(base::TimeDelta duration);
base::TimeDelta start_time_ = kNoTimestamp();
FrameStatistics audio_frame_stats_;
FrameStatistics video_frame_stats_;
uint32_t num_starvations_ = 0;
} // namespace media