blob: f665a78810e583ee5c505f88f77a66cfcb8234d1 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
from import page as page_module
from import shared_page_state
from telemetry import story
class KeySearchMobilePage(page_module.Page):
def __init__(self, url, page_set):
super(KeySearchMobilePage, self).__init__(
url=url, page_set=page_set, credentials_path = 'data/credentials.json',
self.archive_data_file = 'data/key_search_mobile.json'
def RunPageInteractions(self, action_runner):
with action_runner.CreateGestureInteraction('ScrollAction'):
class KeySearchMobilePageSet(story.StorySet):
""" Key mobile search queries on google """
def __init__(self):
super(KeySearchMobilePageSet, self).__init__(
urls_list = [
# Why: An empty page should be as snappy as possible
# Why: A reasonable search term with no images or ads usually
# Why: A reasonable search term with images but no ads usually
# Why: An address search
# pylint: disable=C0301
# Why: A search for a known actor
# Why: A search for weather
# Why: A search for a stock
# Why: Charts
# Why: Flights
# Why: Movie showtimes
# Why: A tip calculator
# Why: Time
# Why: Definitions
# Why: Local results
# Why: Graph
for url in urls_list:
self.AddStory(KeySearchMobilePage(url, self))