blob: e698e5cc492f6cdf6151aba4e47736e14876c938 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
# Why: #1 (Alexa) most visited page worldwide, picked a reasonable
# search term
# Why: #2 (Alexa) most visited page worldwide, picked the most liked
# page
# Why: #3 (Alexa) most visited page worldwide, picked a reasonable
# search term
# Why: #4 (Alexa) most visited page worldwide, picked a reasonable search
# term
# Why: #5 (Alexa) most visited page worldwide, picked a reasonable search
# term
# Why: #6 (Alexa) most visited page worldwide, picked a reasonable page
# Why: #10 (Alexa) most visited page worldwide, picked the most followed
# user
# Why: #11 (Alexa) most visited page worldwide, picked a reasonable
# page
# Why: #13 (Alexa) most visited page worldwide, picked the first real
# page
# Why: #18 (Alexa) most visited page worldwide, picked a reasonable
# search term