blob: 44f14f996ee3ebd83e74ac2fc7dca0634fb28444 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <stdint.h>
#include <limits>
#include <map>
#include <set>
#include "base/callback.h"
#include "base/memory/weak_ptr.h"
#include "media/blink/media_blink_export.h"
#include "media/blink/multibuffer.h"
namespace media {
// Wrapper for MultiBuffer that offers a simple byte-reading
// interface with prefetch.
class MEDIA_BLINK_EXPORT MultiBufferReader
: NON_EXPORTED_BASE(public MultiBuffer::Reader) {
// Note that |progress_callback| is guaranteed to be called if
// a redirect happens and the url_data is updated. Otherwise
// origin checks will become insecure.
// Users probably want to call SetMaxBuffer & SetPreload after
// creating the a MultiBufferReader.
// The progress callback will be called when the "available range"
// changes. (The number of bytes available for reading before and
// after the current position.) The arguments for the progress
// callback is the first byte available (from beginning of file)
// and the last byte available + 1. Note that there may be other
// regions of available data in the cache as well.
// If |end| is not known, use -1.
MultiBuffer* multibuffer,
int64_t start,
int64_t end,
const base::Callback<void(int64_t, int64_t)>& progress_callback);
~MultiBufferReader() override;
// Returns number of bytes available for reading. When the rest of the file
// is available, the number returned will be greater than the number
// or readable bytes. If an error occurs, -1 is returned.
int64_t Available() const;
// Seek to a different position.
// If there is a pending Wait(), it will be cancelled.
void Seek(int64_t pos);
// Returns the current position.
int64_t Tell() const { return pos_; }
// Tries to read |len| bytes and advance position.
// Returns number of bytes read.
// If there is a pending Wait(), it will be cancelled.
int64_t TryRead(uint8_t* data, int64_t len);
// Wait until |len| bytes are available for reading.
// Returns net::OK if |len| bytes are already available, otherwise it will
// return net::ERR_IO_PENDING and call |cb| at some point later.
// |len| must be smaller or equal to max_buffer_forward.
int Wait(int64_t len, const base::Closure& cb);
// Set how much data we try to preload into the cache ahead of our current
// location. Normally, we preload until we have preload_high bytes, then
// stop until we fall below preload_low bytes. Note that preload can be
// set higher than max_buffer_forward, but the result is usually that
// some blocks will be freed between the current position and the preload
// position.
void SetPreload(int64_t preload_high, int64_t preload_low);
// Change how much data we pin to the cache.
// The range [current_position - backward ... current_position + forward)
// will be locked in the cache. Calling Wait() or TryRead() with values
// larger than |forward| is not supported.
void SetMaxBuffer(int64_t backward, int64_t forward);
// Returns true if we are currently loading data.
bool IsLoading() const;
// Reader implementation.
void NotifyAvailableRange(const Interval<MultiBufferBlockId>& range) override;
// Getters
int64_t preload_high() const { return preload_high_; }
int64_t preload_low() const { return preload_low_; }
// Returns the block for a particular byte position.
MultiBufferBlockId block(int64_t byte_pos) const {
return byte_pos >> multibuffer_->block_size_shift();
// Returns the block for a particular byte position, rounding up.
MultiBufferBlockId block_ceil(int64_t byte_pos) const {
return block(byte_pos + (1LL << multibuffer_->block_size_shift()) - 1);
// Check if wait operation can complete now.
void CheckWait();
// Recalculate preload_pos_ and update our entry in the multibuffer
// reader index. Also call CheckWait(). This function is basically
// called anything changes, like when we get more data or seek to
// a new position.
void UpdateInternalState();
// Indirection function used to call callbacks. When we post a callback
// we indirect it through a weak_ptr and this function to make sure we
// don't call any callbacks after this object has been destroyed.
void Call(const base::Closure& cb) const;
// The multibuffer we're wrapping, not owned.
MultiBuffer* multibuffer_;
// We're not interested in reading past this position.
int64_t end_;
// Defer reading once we have this much data.
int64_t preload_high_;
// Stop deferring once we have this much data.
int64_t preload_low_;
// Pin this much data in the cache from the current position.
int64_t max_buffer_forward_;
int64_t max_buffer_backward_;
// Current position in bytes.
int64_t pos_;
// [block(pos_)..preload_pos_) are known to be in the cache.
// preload_pos_ is only allowed to point to a filled
// cache position if it is equal to end_ or pos_+preload_.
// This is a pointer to a slot in the cache, so the unit is
// blocks.
MultiBufferBlockId preload_pos_;
// True if we've requested data from the cache by calling WaitFor().
bool loading_;
// When Available() > current_wait_size_ we call cb_.
int64_t current_wait_size_;
base::Closure cb_;
// Progress callback.
base::Callback<void(int64_t, int64_t)> progress_callback_;
base::WeakPtrFactory<MultiBufferReader> weak_factory_;
} // namespace media