blob: e8a80455f526389102b78843e407660a5c6b8f25 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "components/arc/intent_helper/intent_filter.h"
#include <utility>
#include "base/compiler_specific.h"
#include "base/strings/string_util.h"
#include "components/arc/common/intent_helper.mojom.h"
#include "url/gurl.h"
namespace arc {
IntentFilter::IntentFilter() = default;
IntentFilter::IntentFilter(IntentFilter&& other) = default;
std::vector<IntentFilter::AuthorityEntry> authorities,
std::vector<IntentFilter::PatternMatcher> paths)
: authorities_(std::move(authorities)) {
// In order to register a path we need to have at least one authority.
if (!authorities_.empty())
paths_ = std::move(paths);
IntentFilter::~IntentFilter() = default;
IntentFilter& IntentFilter::operator=(IntentFilter&& other) = default;
// Logically, this maps to IntentFilter#match, but this code only deals with
// view intents for http/https URLs and so it really only implements the
// #matchData part of the match code.
bool IntentFilter::Match(const GURL& url) const {
// Chrome-side code only receives view intents for http/https URLs, so this
// match code really only implements the matchData part of the android
// IntentFilter class.
if (!url.SchemeIsHTTPOrHTTPS()) {
return false;
// Match the authority and the path. If there are no authorities for this
// filter, we can treat this as a match, since we already know this filter
// has a http(s) scheme and it doesn't corresponds to a MIME type.
if (!authorities_.empty()) {
return MatchDataAuthority(url) && (paths_.empty() || HasDataPath(url));
return true;
// Transcribed from android's IntentFilter#hasDataPath.
bool IntentFilter::HasDataPath(const GURL& url) const {
const std::string path = url.path();
for (const PatternMatcher& pattern : paths_) {
if (pattern.Match(path)) {
return true;
return false;
// Transcribed from android's IntentFilter#matchDataAuthority.
bool IntentFilter::MatchDataAuthority(const GURL& url) const {
for (const AuthorityEntry& authority : authorities_) {
if (authority.Match(url)) {
return true;
return false;
IntentFilter::AuthorityEntry::AuthorityEntry() = default;
IntentFilter::AuthorityEntry&& other) = default;
IntentFilter::AuthorityEntry& IntentFilter::AuthorityEntry::operator=(
IntentFilter::AuthorityEntry&& other) = default;
IntentFilter::AuthorityEntry::AuthorityEntry(const std::string& host, int port)
: host_(host), port_(port) {
// Wildcards are only allowed at the front of the host string.
wild_ = !host_.empty() && host_[0] == '*';
if (wild_) {
host_ = host_.substr(1);
// TODO(kenobi): Not i18n-friendly. Figure out how to correctly deal with
// IDNs.
host_ = base::ToLowerASCII(host_);
// Transcribed from android's IntentFilter.AuthorityEntry#match.
bool IntentFilter::AuthorityEntry::Match(const GURL& url) const {
if (!url.has_host()) {
return false;
// Note: On android, intent filters with explicit port specifications only
// match URLs with explict ports, even if the specified port is the default
// port. Using GURL::EffectiveIntPort instead of GURL::IntPort means that
// this code differs in behaviour (i.e. it just matches the effective port,
// ignoring whether it was implicitly or explicitly specified).
// We do this because it provides an optimistic match - ensuring that the
// disambiguation code doesn't miss URLs that might be handled by android
// apps. This doesn't cause misrouted intents because this check is followed
// up by a mojo call that actually verifies the list of packages that could
// accept the given intent.
if (port_ >= 0 && port_ != url.EffectiveIntPort()) {
return false;
if (wild_) {
return base::EndsWith(url.host_piece(), host_,
} else {
// TODO(kenobi): Not i18n-friendly. Figure out how to correctly deal with
// IDNs.
return host_ == base::ToLowerASCII(url.host_piece());
IntentFilter::PatternMatcher::PatternMatcher() = default;
IntentFilter::PatternMatcher&& other) = default;
IntentFilter::PatternMatcher::PatternMatcher(const std::string& pattern,
mojom::PatternType match_type)
: pattern_(pattern), match_type_(match_type) {}
IntentFilter::PatternMatcher& IntentFilter::PatternMatcher::operator=(
IntentFilter::PatternMatcher&& other) = default;
// Transcribed from android's PatternMatcher#matchPattern.
bool IntentFilter::PatternMatcher::Match(const std::string& str) const {
if (str.empty()) {
return false;
switch (match_type_) {
case mojom::PatternType::PATTERN_LITERAL:
return str == pattern_;
case mojom::PatternType::PATTERN_PREFIX:
return base::StartsWith(str, pattern_,
case mojom::PatternType::PATTERN_SIMPLE_GLOB:
return MatchGlob(str);
return false;
// Transcribed from android's PatternMatcher#matchPattern.
bool IntentFilter::PatternMatcher::MatchGlob(const std::string& str) const {
#define GET_CHAR(s, i) ((UNLIKELY(i >= s.length())) ? '\0' : s[i])
const size_t NP = pattern_.length();
const size_t NS = str.length();
if (NP == 0) {
return NS == 0;
size_t ip = 0, is = 0;
char nextChar = GET_CHAR(pattern_, 0);
while (ip < NP && is < NS) {
char c = nextChar;
nextChar = GET_CHAR(pattern_, ip);
const bool escaped = (c == '\\');
if (escaped) {
c = nextChar;
nextChar = GET_CHAR(pattern_, ip);
if (nextChar == '*') {
if (!escaped && c == '.') {
if (ip >= (NP - 1)) {
// At the end with a pattern match
return true;
nextChar = GET_CHAR(pattern_, ip);
// Consume everything until the next char in the pattern is found.
if (nextChar == '\\') {
nextChar = GET_CHAR(pattern_, ip);
do {
if (GET_CHAR(str, is) == nextChar) {
} while (is < NS);
if (is == NS) {
// Next char in the pattern didn't exist in the match.
return false;
nextChar = GET_CHAR(pattern_, ip);
} else {
// Consume only characters matching the one before '*'.
do {
if (GET_CHAR(str, is) != c) {
} while (is < NS);
nextChar = GET_CHAR(pattern_, ip);
} else {
if (c != '.' && GET_CHAR(str, is) != c)
return false;
if (ip >= NP && is >= NS) {
// Reached the end of both strings
return true;
// One last check: we may have finished the match string, but still have a
// '.*' at the end of the pattern, which is still a match.
if (ip == NP - 2 && GET_CHAR(pattern_, ip) == '.' &&
GET_CHAR(pattern_, ip + 1) == '*') {
return true;
return false;
#undef GET_CHAR
} // namespace arc