blob: 067e0e8710cf9afa67813b85fafc5053c7aee50b [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <map>
#include <vector>
#include "base/callback.h"
#include "base/macros.h"
#include "content/common/content_export.h"
namespace IPC {
class Message;
} // namespace IPC
namespace content {
// The Renderer sends various messages which are not to be processed until after
// their associated frame has been processed. These messages are provided with a
// FrameToken to be used for synchronizing.
// Viz processes the frames, after which it notifies the Browser of which
// FrameToken has completed processing.
// This enqueues all IPC::Messages associated with a FrameToken.
// Additionally other callbacks can be enqueued with
// EnqueueOrRunFrameTokenCallback.
// Upon receipt of DidProcessFrame all IPC::Messages associated with the
// provided FrameToken are then dispatched, and all enqueued callbacks are ran.
class CONTENT_EXPORT FrameTokenMessageQueue {
// Notified of errors in processing messages, as well as of the actual
// enqueued IPC::Messages which need processing.
class Client {
~Client() {}
// Notified when an invalid frame token was received.
virtual void OnInvalidFrameToken(uint32_t frame_token) = 0;
// Called when there are dispatching errors in OnMessageReceived().
virtual void OnMessageDispatchError(const IPC::Message& message) = 0;
// Process the enqueued message.
virtual void OnProcessSwapMessage(const IPC::Message& message) = 0;
explicit FrameTokenMessageQueue(Client* client);
virtual ~FrameTokenMessageQueue();
// Signals that a frame with token |frame_token| was finished processing. If
// there are any queued messages belonging to it, they will be processed.
void DidProcessFrame(uint32_t frame_token);
// Enqueues |callback| to be called upon the arrival of |frame_token| in
// DidProcessFrame. However if |frame_token| has already arrived |callback| is
// ran immediately.
void EnqueueOrRunFrameTokenCallback(uint32_t frame_token,
base::OnceClosure callback);
// Enqueues the swap messages.
void OnFrameSwapMessagesReceived(uint32_t frame_token,
std::vector<IPC::Message> messages);
// Called when the renderer process is gone. This will reset our state to be
// consistent incase a new renderer is created.
void Reset();
size_t size() const { return callback_map_.size(); }
// Once both the frame and its swap messages arrive, we call this method to
// process the messages. Virtual for tests.
virtual void ProcessSwapMessages(std::vector<IPC::Message> messages);
// Not owned.
Client* const client_;
// Last non-zero frame token received from the renderer. Any swap messsages
// having a token less than or equal to this value will be processed.
uint32_t last_received_frame_token_ = 0;
// Map of all callbacks for which their corresponding frame have not arrived.
// Sorted by frame token.
std::multimap<uint32_t, base::OnceClosure> callback_map_;
} // namespace content