blob: c35592e6a82b3e91d1cf7efe41255444361275f5 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#import <UIKit/UIKit.h>
typedef void (^BlockWithError)(NSError*);
typedef void (^BlockWithNSURL)(NSURL*);
namespace spotlight {
// This enum is used for Histogram. Domains should not be removed or reordered
// and this enum should be kept synced with histograms.xml.
// DOMAIN_UNKNOWN may be reported if Spotlight is not synced with chrome and
// a domain has been removed since last indexation (should not happen in stable
// channel).
enum Domain {
// The key of a custom attribute containing the item ID so the item is
// searchable using CSSearchQuery.
NSString* GetSpotlightCustomAttributeItemID();
// NSUserDefaults key of entry containing date of the latest bookmarks indexing.
extern const char kSpotlightLastIndexingDateKey[];
// The current version of the Spotlight index format.
// Change this value if there are change int the information indexed in
// Spotlight. This will force reindexation on next startup.
// Value is stored in |kSpotlightLastIndexingVersionKey|.
extern const int kCurrentSpotlightIndexVersion;
// NSUserDefault key of entry containing Chrome version of the latest bookmarks
// indexing.
extern const char kSpotlightLastIndexingVersionKey[];
// Utility methods deleting nodes in Spotlight index. Will be retried in case of
// failure as required by Apple documentation.
void DeleteSearchableDomainItems(Domain domain, BlockWithError callback);
void DeleteItemsWithIdentifiers(NSArray* items, BlockWithError callback);
void ClearAllSpotlightEntries(BlockWithError callback);
// Converts the spotlight::Domain enum to Spotlight domain string
NSString* StringFromSpotlightDomain(Domain domain);
// Converts the Spotlight domain string to spotlight::Domain enum.
Domain SpotlightDomainFromString(NSString* domain);
// Returns whether Spotlight is available on the device. Must be tested before
// calling other methods of this class.
bool IsSpotlightAvailable();
// Clears the current Spotlight index of the device. Method is static to allow
// clearing the index without instantiating SpotlightManager.
// This method must not be called if |isSpotlightAvailable| returns NO.
// This method is asynchronous and can fail. Completion is called with a
// parameter indicating if the deletion was a success.
void ClearSpotlightIndexWithCompletion(BlockWithError completion);
// Finds the Spoglight itemID and calls |completion| with the corresponding URL.
// Calls |completion| with nil if none was found.
// |completion| is called on the Spotlight Thread.
void GetURLForSpotlightItemID(NSString* itemID, BlockWithNSURL completion);
} // namespace spotlight