blob: 13b4178d6a187d953b9578622b25c742ca75cb88 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <stddef.h>
#include "build/build_config.h"
#include "third_party/skia/include/core/SkColor.h"
#include "ui/app_list/app_list_export.h"
#include "ui/base/resource/resource_bundle.h"
#include "ui/gfx/animation/tween.h"
#include "ui/gfx/shadow_value.h"
namespace app_list {
APP_LIST_EXPORT extern const SkColor kContentsBackgroundColor;
APP_LIST_EXPORT extern const SkColor kLabelBackgroundColor;
APP_LIST_EXPORT extern const SkColor kBottomSeparatorColor;
APP_LIST_EXPORT extern const SkColor kDialogSeparatorColor;
APP_LIST_EXPORT extern const SkColor kHighlightedColor;
APP_LIST_EXPORT extern const SkColor kGridSelectedColor;
APP_LIST_EXPORT extern const SkColor kAnswerCardSelectedColor;
APP_LIST_EXPORT extern const SkColor kPagerHoverColor;
APP_LIST_EXPORT extern const SkColor kPagerNormalColor;
APP_LIST_EXPORT extern const SkColor kPagerSelectedColor;
APP_LIST_EXPORT extern const SkColor kResultBorderColor;
APP_LIST_EXPORT extern const SkColor kResultDefaultTextColor;
APP_LIST_EXPORT extern const SkColor kResultDimmedTextColor;
APP_LIST_EXPORT extern const SkColor kResultURLTextColor;
APP_LIST_EXPORT extern const SkColor kGridTitleColor;
APP_LIST_EXPORT extern const int kGridTileWidth;
APP_LIST_EXPORT extern const int kGridTileHeight;
APP_LIST_EXPORT extern const int kGridTileSpacing;
APP_LIST_EXPORT extern const int kGridIconTopPadding;
APP_LIST_EXPORT extern const int kGridTitleSpacing;
APP_LIST_EXPORT extern const int kGridTitleHorizontalPadding;
APP_LIST_EXPORT extern const int kGridSelectedSize;
APP_LIST_EXPORT extern const int kGridSelectedCornerRadius;
APP_LIST_EXPORT extern const SkColor kFolderTitleColor;
APP_LIST_EXPORT extern const SkColor kFolderTitleHintTextColor;
APP_LIST_EXPORT extern const SkColor kFolderShadowColor;
APP_LIST_EXPORT extern const float kFolderBubbleOpacity;
APP_LIST_EXPORT extern const SkColor kCardBackgroundColor;
APP_LIST_EXPORT extern const int kPageTransitionDurationInMs;
APP_LIST_EXPORT extern const int kPageTransitionDurationDampening;
APP_LIST_EXPORT extern const int kOverscrollPageTransitionDurationMs;
APP_LIST_EXPORT extern const int kFolderTransitionInDurationMs;
APP_LIST_EXPORT extern const int kFolderTransitionOutDurationMs;
APP_LIST_EXPORT extern const int kCustomPageCollapsedHeight;
APP_LIST_EXPORT extern const gfx::Tween::Type kFolderFadeInTweenType;
APP_LIST_EXPORT extern const gfx::Tween::Type kFolderFadeOutTweenType;
APP_LIST_EXPORT extern const int kPreferredCols;
APP_LIST_EXPORT extern const int kPreferredRows;
APP_LIST_EXPORT extern const int kGridIconDimension;
APP_LIST_EXPORT extern const int kAppBadgeIconSize;
APP_LIST_EXPORT extern const int kBadgeBackgroundRadius;
APP_LIST_EXPORT extern const int kListIconSize;
APP_LIST_EXPORT extern const int kListBadgeIconSize;
APP_LIST_EXPORT extern const int kListBadgeIconOffsetX;
APP_LIST_EXPORT extern const int kListBadgeIconOffsetY;
APP_LIST_EXPORT extern const int kTileIconSize;
APP_LIST_EXPORT extern const SkColor kIconColor;
APP_LIST_EXPORT extern const float kDragDropAppIconScale;
APP_LIST_EXPORT extern const int kDragDropAppIconScaleTransitionInMs;
APP_LIST_EXPORT extern const int kNumStartPageTiles;
APP_LIST_EXPORT extern const size_t kMaxSearchResults;
APP_LIST_EXPORT extern const size_t kExpandArrowTopPadding;
APP_LIST_EXPORT extern const int kReorderDroppingCircleRadius;
APP_LIST_EXPORT extern const int kAppsGridPadding;
APP_LIST_EXPORT extern const int kAppsGridLeftRightPadding;
APP_LIST_EXPORT extern const int kBottomSeparatorLeftRightPadding;
APP_LIST_EXPORT extern const int kBottomSeparatorBottomPadding;
APP_LIST_EXPORT extern const int kSearchBoxPadding;
APP_LIST_EXPORT extern const int kSearchBoxTopPadding;
APP_LIST_EXPORT extern const int kSearchBoxPeekingBottomPadding;
APP_LIST_EXPORT extern const int kSearchBoxBottomPadding;
APP_LIST_EXPORT extern const int kPeekingAppListHeight;
APP_LIST_EXPORT extern const int kShelfSize;
APP_LIST_EXPORT extern const size_t kMaxFolderPages;
APP_LIST_EXPORT extern const size_t kMaxFolderItemsPerPage;
APP_LIST_EXPORT extern const size_t kMaxFolderNameChars;
APP_LIST_EXPORT extern const ui::ResourceBundle::FontStyle kItemTextFontStyle;
APP_LIST_EXPORT extern const float kAllAppsOpacityStartPx;
APP_LIST_EXPORT extern const float kAllAppsOpacityEndPx;
// The different ways that the app list can transition from PEEKING to
// FULLSCREEN_ALL_APPS. These values are written to logs. New enum
// values can be added, but existing enums must never be renumbered or deleted
// and reused.
enum AppListPeekingToFullscreenSource {
kSwipe = 0,
kExpandArrow = 1,
kMousepadScroll = 2,
kMousewheelScroll = 3,
kMaxPeekingToFullscreen = 4,
// The different ways the app list can be shown. These values are written to
// logs. New enum values can be added, but existing enums must never be
// renumbered or deleted and reused.
enum AppListShowSource {
kSearchKey = 0,
kShelfButton = 1,
kSwipeFromShelf = 2,
kMaxAppListToggleMethod = 3,
// The two versions of folders. These values are written to logs. New enum
// values can be added, but existing enums must never be renumbered or deleted
// and reused.
enum AppListFolderOpened {
kOldFolders = 0,
kFullscreenAppListFolders = 1,
kMaxFolderOpened = 2,
// The valid AppListState transitions. These values are written to logs. New
// enum values can be added, but existing enums must never be renumbered or
// deleted and reused. If adding a state transition, add it to the switch
// statement in AppListView::GetAppListStateTransitionSource.
enum AppListStateTransitionSource {
kFullscreenAllAppsToClosed = 0,
kFullscreenAllAppsToFullscreenSearch = 1,
kFullscreenAllAppsToPeeking = 2,
kFullscreenSearchToClosed = 3,
kFullscreenSearchToFullscreenAllApps = 4,
kHalfToClosed = 5,
KHalfToFullscreenSearch = 6,
kHalfToPeeking = 7,
kPeekingToClosed = 8,
kPeekingToFullscreenAllApps = 9,
kPeekingToHalf = 10,
kMaxAppListStateTransition = 11,
// The different ways to change pages in the app list's app grid. These values
// are written to logs. New enum values can be added, but existing enums must
// never be renumbered or deleted and reused.
enum AppListPageSwitcherSource {
kTouchPageIndicator = 0,
kClickPageIndicator = 1,
kSwipeAppGrid = 2,
kFlingAppGrid = 3,
kMouseWheelScroll = 4,
kMousePadScroll = 5,
kDragAppToBorder = 6,
kMaxAppListPageSwitcherSource = 7,
APP_LIST_EXPORT extern const char kAppListAppLaunched[];
APP_LIST_EXPORT extern const char kAppListAppLaunchedFullscreen[];
APP_LIST_EXPORT extern const char kAppListCreationTimeHistogram[];
APP_LIST_EXPORT extern const char kAppListStateTransitionSourceHistogram[];
APP_LIST_EXPORT extern const char kAppListPageSwitcherSourceHistogram[];
APP_LIST_EXPORT extern const char kAppListFolderOpenedHistogram[];
APP_LIST_EXPORT extern const char kAppListPeekingToFullscreenHistogram[];
APP_LIST_EXPORT extern const char kAppListToggleMethodHistogram[];
APP_LIST_EXPORT extern const char kPageOpenedHistogram[];
APP_LIST_EXPORT extern const char kNumberOfAppsInFoldersHistogram[];
APP_LIST_EXPORT extern const char kNumberOfFoldersHistogram[];
APP_LIST_EXPORT extern const char kSearchResultOpenDisplayTypeHistogram[];
APP_LIST_EXPORT extern const char kSearchQueryLength[];
APP_LIST_EXPORT extern const char kSearchResultDistanceFromOrigin[];
APP_LIST_EXPORT extern const int kSearchTileHeight;
// Returns the shadow values for a view at |z_height|.
APP_LIST_EXPORT gfx::ShadowValue GetShadowForZHeight(int z_height);
APP_LIST_EXPORT const gfx::ShadowValues& IconStartShadows();
APP_LIST_EXPORT const gfx::ShadowValues& IconEndShadows();
APP_LIST_EXPORT const gfx::FontList& AppListAppTitleFont();
} // namespace app_list