blob: 208c9382411c71659d944214150b847994e6893f [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "components/performance_manager/public/mechanisms/tab_loading_frame_navigation_scheduler.h"
#include "base/no_destructor.h"
#include "components/performance_manager/public/graph/policies/tab_loading_frame_navigation_policy.h"
#include "content/public/browser/browser_thread.h"
#include "content/public/browser/navigation_handle.h"
#include "content/public/browser/navigation_throttle.h"
#include "content/public/browser/web_contents.h"
namespace performance_manager {
namespace mechanisms {
namespace {
using PolicyDelegate = TabLoadingFrameNavigationScheduler::PolicyDelegate;
// The default policy delegate that delegates directly to the
// TabLoadingFrameNavigationPolicy class.
class DefaultPolicyDelegate : public PolicyDelegate {
using PolicyClass = policies::TabLoadingFrameNavigationPolicy;
DefaultPolicyDelegate() = default;
DefaultPolicyDelegate(const DefaultPolicyDelegate&) = delete;
DefaultPolicyDelegate& operator=(const DefaultPolicyDelegate&) = delete;
~DefaultPolicyDelegate() override = default;
// PolicyDelegate implementation:
bool ShouldThrottleWebContents(content::WebContents* contents) override {
return PolicyClass::ShouldThrottleWebContents(contents);
bool ShouldThrottleNavigation(content::NavigationHandle* handle) override {
return PolicyClass::ShouldThrottleNavigation(handle);
static DefaultPolicyDelegate* Instance() {
static base::NoDestructor<DefaultPolicyDelegate> default_policy_delegate;
return default_policy_delegate.get();
PolicyDelegate* g_policy_delegate = nullptr;
bool g_throttling_enabled = false;
TabLoadingFrameNavigationScheduler* g_root = nullptr;
PolicyDelegate* GetPolicyDelegate() {
if (!g_policy_delegate)
g_policy_delegate = DefaultPolicyDelegate::Instance();
return g_policy_delegate;
} // namespace
// A very simple throttle that always defers until Resume is called.
class TabLoadingFrameNavigationScheduler::Throttle
: public content::NavigationThrottle {
explicit Throttle(content::NavigationHandle* handle)
: content::NavigationThrottle(handle) {}
~Throttle() override = default;
// content::NavigationThrottle implementation
const char* GetNameForLogging() override {
static constexpr char kName[] =
return kName;
content::NavigationThrottle::ThrottleCheckResult WillStartRequest() override {
return content::NavigationThrottle::DEFER;
// Make this public so the scheduler can invoke it.
using content::NavigationThrottle::Resume;
TabLoadingFrameNavigationScheduler::~TabLoadingFrameNavigationScheduler() {
// Unlink ourselves from the linked list.
if (g_root == this) {
DCHECK_EQ(nullptr, prev_);
g_root = next_;
if (prev_) {
DCHECK_EQ(this, prev_->next_);
prev_->next_ = next_;
// Do not null |prev_| so we can access it below if needed.
if (next_) {
DCHECK_EQ(this, next_->prev_);
next_->prev_ = prev_;
next_ = nullptr;
prev_ = nullptr;
// static
content::NavigationHandle* handle) {
std::unique_ptr<content::NavigationThrottle> empty_throttle;
if (!g_throttling_enabled)
return empty_throttle;
// Get the contents, and the associated scheduler if it exists.
auto* contents = handle->GetWebContents();
auto* scheduler = FromWebContents(contents);
// If this is a non-main frame and no scheduler exists, then the decision was
// already made to *not* throttle this contents, so we can return early.
if (!handle->IsInMainFrame() && !scheduler) {
return empty_throttle;
// If a scheduler exists and this is a main frame navigation then its a
// renavigation and the contents is being reused. In this case we need to
// tear down the existing scheduler, and potentially create a new one.
if (handle->IsInMainFrame() && scheduler) {
DCHECK_NE(handle->GetNavigationId(), scheduler->navigation_id_);
scheduler->StopThrottlingImpl(); // Causes |scheduler| to delete itself.
scheduler = FromWebContents(contents);
DCHECK_EQ(nullptr, scheduler);
// If there's no scheduler for this contents, check the policy object to see
// if one should be created.
if (!scheduler) {
if (!GetPolicyDelegate()->ShouldThrottleWebContents(contents)) {
return empty_throttle;
scheduler = FromWebContents(contents);
scheduler->navigation_id_ = handle->GetNavigationId();
// The main frame should never be throttled, so we can return early.
return empty_throttle;
// At this point we have a scheduler, and the navigation is for a child
// frame. Determine whether the child frame should be throttled.
if (!GetPolicyDelegate()->ShouldThrottleNavigation(handle)) {
return empty_throttle;
// Getting here indicates that the navigation is to be throttled. Create a
// throttle and remember it.
std::unique_ptr<Throttle> throttle(new Throttle(handle));
auto result =
scheduler->throttles_.insert(std::make_pair(handle, throttle.get()));
return throttle;
// static
void TabLoadingFrameNavigationScheduler::SetThrottlingEnabled(bool enabled) {
if (enabled == g_throttling_enabled)
g_throttling_enabled = enabled;
if (enabled)
// At this point the throttling is being disabled. Stop throttling all
// currently-throttled contents.
while (g_root)
g_root->StopThrottlingImpl(); // Causes |g_root| to delete itself.
// static
void TabLoadingFrameNavigationScheduler::StopThrottling(
content::WebContents* contents,
int64_t last_navigation_id) {
// This should never be called for a |contents| without an associated
// scheduler, as besides contents re-use, all schedulers eventually receive
// a StopThrottling notification.
auto* scheduler = FromWebContents(contents);
// There is a race between renavigations and policy messages. Only dispatch
// this if its intended for the appropriate navigation ID.
if (scheduler->navigation_id_ != last_navigation_id)
// static
void TabLoadingFrameNavigationScheduler::SetPolicyDelegateForTesting(
PolicyDelegate* policy_delegate) {
g_policy_delegate = policy_delegate;
// static
bool TabLoadingFrameNavigationScheduler::IsThrottlingEnabledForTesting() {
return g_throttling_enabled;
content::WebContents* contents)
: content::WebContentsObserver(contents) {
// Link ourselves into the linked list.
prev_ = nullptr;
next_ = g_root;
if (next_)
next_->prev_ = this;
g_root = this;
void TabLoadingFrameNavigationScheduler::DidFinishNavigation(
content::NavigationHandle* handle) {
// If we're throttling a canceled navigation then stop tracking it. The
// |handle| becomes invalid shortly after this function returns.
void TabLoadingFrameNavigationScheduler::StopThrottlingImpl() {
// Release all of the throttles.
for (auto& entry : throttles_) {
auto* throttle = entry.second;
// Tear down this object. This must be called last so as not to UAF ourselves.
// Note that this is always called from static functions in this translation
// unit, thus there are no other frames on the stack belonging to this object.
} // namespace mechanisms
} // namespace performance_manager