blob: 73cac99d26efe51bdb3956910a10e0b34b141ef0 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "base/memory/scoped_ptr.h"
#include "base/synchronization/lock.h"
#include "third_party/skia/include/core/SkRegion.h"
namespace remoting {
// CapturerHelper is intended to be used by an implementation of the Capturer
// interface. It maintains a thread-safe invalid region, and the size of the
// most recently captured screen, on behalf of the Capturer that owns it.
class CapturerHelper {
// Clear out the invalid region.
void ClearInvalidRegion();
// Invalidate the specified region.
void InvalidateRegion(const SkRegion& invalid_region);
// Invalidate the entire screen, of a given size.
void InvalidateScreen(const SkISize& size);
// Invalidate the entire screen, using the size of the most recently
// captured screen.
void InvalidateFullScreen();
// Swap the given region with the stored invalid region.
void SwapInvalidRegion(SkRegion* invalid_region);
// Access the size of the most recently captured screen.
const SkISize& size_most_recent() const;
void set_size_most_recent(const SkISize& size);
// Lossy compression can result in color values leaking between pixels in one
// block. If part of a block changes, then unchanged parts of that block can
// be changed in the compressed output. So we need to re-render an entire
// block whenever part of the block changes.
// If |log_grid_size| is >= 1, then this function makes SwapInvalidRegion
// produce an invalid region expanded so that its vertices lie on a grid of
// size 2 ^ |log_grid_size|. The expanded region is then clipped to the size
// of the most recently captured screen, as previously set by
// set_size_most_recent().
// If |log_grid_size| is <= 0, then the invalid region is not expanded.
void SetLogGridSize(int log_grid_size);
// Expands a region so that its vertices all lie on a grid.
// The grid size must be >= 2, so |log_grid_size| must be >= 1.
static scoped_ptr<SkRegion> ExpandToGrid(const SkRegion& region,
int log_grid_size);
// A region that has been manually invalidated (through InvalidateRegion).
// These will be returned as dirty_region in the capture data during the next
// capture.
SkRegion invalid_region_;
// A lock protecting |invalid_region_| across threads.
base::Lock invalid_region_lock_;
// The size of the most recently captured screen.
SkISize size_most_recent_;
// The log (base 2) of the size of the grid to which the invalid region is
// expanded.
// If the value is <= 0, then the invalid region is not expanded to a grid.
int log_grid_size_;
} // namespace remoting