blob: 003cc67a9cbbd8283d116df95b527390d81e9d79 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "cc/metrics/frame_info.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include "base/check.h"
#include "build/build_config.h"
namespace cc {
namespace {
bool IsCompositorSmooth(FrameInfo::SmoothThread thread) {
return thread == FrameInfo::SmoothThread::kSmoothCompositor ||
thread == FrameInfo::SmoothThread::kSmoothBoth;
bool IsMainSmooth(FrameInfo::SmoothThread thread) {
return thread == FrameInfo::SmoothThread::kSmoothMain ||
thread == FrameInfo::SmoothThread::kSmoothBoth;
bool ValidateFinalStateIsForMainThread(FrameInfo::FrameFinalState state) {
switch (state) {
case FrameInfo::FrameFinalState::kPresentedPartialOldMain:
case FrameInfo::FrameFinalState::kPresentedPartialNewMain:
// Frames that contain main-thread update cannot have a 'partial update'
// state.
return false;
case FrameInfo::FrameFinalState::kPresentedAll:
case FrameInfo::FrameFinalState::kNoUpdateDesired:
case FrameInfo::FrameFinalState::kDropped:
return true;
} // namespace
bool FrameInfo::IsDroppedAffectingSmoothness() const {
// If neither of the threads are expected to be smooth, then this frame cannot
// affect smoothness.
if (smooth_thread == SmoothThread::kSmoothNone)
return false;
return WasSmoothMainUpdateDropped() || WasSmoothCompositorUpdateDropped();
void FrameInfo::MergeWith(const FrameInfo& other) {
// TODO(1278168): on android-webview, multiple frames can be submitted against
// the same BeginFrameArgs. This can trip the DCHECK()s in this function.
if (was_merged)
if (main_thread_response == MainThreadResponse::kIncluded) {
// |this| includes the main-thread updates. Therefore:
// - |other| must not also include main-thread updates.
// - |this| must have a valid final-state.
DCHECK_EQ(MainThreadResponse::kMissing, other.main_thread_response);
// If the compositor-only update did not include any changes from the
// main-thread, then it did drop the main-thread update. Therefore, overall
// the main-thread update was dropped, even if the 'main thread update' is
// presented in a subsequent frame.
bool compositor_only_change_included_new_main =
other.final_state == FrameFinalState::kPresentedAll ||
other.final_state == FrameFinalState::kPresentedPartialNewMain;
main_update_was_dropped = final_state == FrameFinalState::kDropped ||
compositor_update_was_dropped =
other.final_state == FrameFinalState::kDropped;
} else {
// |this| does not include main-thread updates. Therefore:
// - |other| must include main-thread updates.
// - |other| must have a valid final-state.
DCHECK_EQ(MainThreadResponse::kIncluded, other.main_thread_response);
main_update_was_dropped = other.final_state == FrameFinalState::kDropped;
compositor_update_was_dropped = final_state == FrameFinalState::kDropped;
was_merged = true;
main_thread_response = MainThreadResponse::kIncluded;
// The |scroll_thread| information cannot change once the frame starts.
// However, if a frame did not have any scroll-events, or the scroll-events
// for the frame did not cause any visual updates, then |scroll_thread| is
// reset. Therefore, either |scroll_thread| should be the same for |this| and
// |other|, or one of them must be |kUnknown|.
if (scroll_thread != other.scroll_thread) {
if (scroll_thread == SmoothEffectDrivingThread::kUnknown) {
scroll_thread = other.scroll_thread;
} else {
DCHECK_EQ(other.scroll_thread, SmoothEffectDrivingThread::kUnknown);
if (other.has_missing_content)
has_missing_content = true;
if (other.final_state == FrameFinalState::kDropped)
final_state = FrameFinalState::kDropped;
const bool is_compositor_smooth = IsCompositorSmooth(smooth_thread) ||
const bool is_main_smooth =
IsMainSmooth(smooth_thread) || IsMainSmooth(other.smooth_thread);
if (is_compositor_smooth && is_main_smooth) {
smooth_thread = SmoothThread::kSmoothBoth;
} else if (is_compositor_smooth) {
smooth_thread = SmoothThread::kSmoothCompositor;
} else if (is_main_smooth) {
smooth_thread = SmoothThread::kSmoothMain;
} else {
smooth_thread = SmoothThread::kSmoothNone;
total_latency = std::max(total_latency, other.total_latency);
// Validate the state after the merge.
bool FrameInfo::Validate() const {
// If |scroll_thread| is set, then the |smooth_thread| must include that
// thread.
if (scroll_thread == SmoothEffectDrivingThread::kCompositor) {
} else if (scroll_thread == SmoothEffectDrivingThread::kMain) {
return true;
bool FrameInfo::WasSmoothCompositorUpdateDropped() const {
if (!IsCompositorSmooth(smooth_thread))
return false;
if (was_merged)
return compositor_update_was_dropped;
return final_state == FrameFinalState::kDropped;
bool FrameInfo::WasSmoothMainUpdateDropped() const {
if (!IsMainSmooth(smooth_thread))
return false;
if (was_merged)
return main_update_was_dropped;
switch (final_state) {
case FrameFinalState::kDropped:
case FrameFinalState::kPresentedPartialOldMain:
return true;
case FrameFinalState::kPresentedPartialNewMain:
// Although this frame dropped the main-thread updates for this particular
// frame, it did include new main-thread update. So do not treat this as a
// dropped frame.
return false;
case FrameFinalState::kNoUpdateDesired:
case FrameFinalState::kPresentedAll:
return false;
return false;
bool FrameInfo::WasSmoothMainUpdateExpected() const {
return final_state != FrameFinalState::kNoUpdateDesired;
bool FrameInfo::IsScrollPrioritizeFrameDropped() const {
// If any scroll is active the dropped frame for only the scrolling thread is
// reported. If no scroll is active then reports if dropped frames is
// affecting smoothness.
switch (scroll_thread) {
case SmoothEffectDrivingThread::kCompositor:
return WasSmoothCompositorUpdateDropped();
case SmoothEffectDrivingThread::kMain:
return WasSmoothMainUpdateDropped();
case SmoothEffectDrivingThread::kUnknown:
return IsDroppedAffectingSmoothness();
} // namespace cc