blob: f2dae411c5b4bc40fad603408af9823a39a2ae0f [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "base/memory/raw_ptr.h"
#include "cc/cc_export.h"
#include "cc/metrics/frame_sequence_metrics.h"
#include "third_party/abseil-cpp/absl/types/optional.h"
namespace cc {
class UkmManager;
enum class AggregationType {
// A helper class that takes throughput data from a FrameSequenceTracker and
// talk to UkmManager to report it.
class CC_EXPORT ThroughputUkmReporter {
explicit ThroughputUkmReporter(UkmManager* ukm_manager);
ThroughputUkmReporter(const ThroughputUkmReporter&) = delete;
ThroughputUkmReporter& operator=(const ThroughputUkmReporter&) = delete;
void ReportThroughputUkm(const absl::optional<int>& slower_throughput_percent,
const absl::optional<int>& impl_throughput_percent,
const absl::optional<int>& main_throughput_percent,
FrameSequenceTrackerType type);
void ReportAggregateThroughput(AggregationType aggregation_type,
int throughput);
uint32_t GetSamplesToNextEventForTesting(int index);
// Sampling control. We sample the event here to not throttle the UKM system.
// Currently, the same sampling rate is applied to all existing trackers. We
// might want to iterate on this based on the collected data.
uint32_t samples_to_next_event_[static_cast<int>(
FrameSequenceTrackerType::kMaxType)] = {0};
uint32_t samples_for_aggregated_report_ = 0;
// This is pointing to the LayerTreeHostImpl::ukm_manager_, which is
// initialized right after the LayerTreeHostImpl is created. So when this
// pointer is initialized, there should be no trackers yet.
const raw_ptr<UkmManager> ukm_manager_;
} // namespace cc