blob: b247e2e4819152d5aa7cbff348596d524087e431 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "base/callback.h"
#include "base/containers/circular_deque.h"
#include "base/containers/flat_set.h"
#include "base/time/time.h"
#include "cc/cc_export.h"
#include "media/base/video_frame.h"
#include "media/base/video_types.h"
#include "third_party/abseil-cpp/absl/types/optional.h"
#include "ui/gfx/geometry/size.h"
namespace cc {
// This class tracks moments when each frame was submitted
// and when it was displayed. Then series of frames split into groups
// of consecutive frames, where each group takes about one second of playback.
// Such groups also called 'frame windows'. Each windows is assigned a roughness
// score that measures how far playback smoothness was from the ideal playback.
// Information about several windows and their roughness score is aggregated
// for a couple of playback minutes ("measurement interval") and then a window
// with 95-percentile-max-roughness is reported via the provided callback.
// This sufficiently bad roughness window is deemed to represent overall
// playback quality.
class CC_EXPORT VideoPlaybackRoughnessReporter {
struct Measurement {
// 95%-worst window measurements ========
// These are taken from the |kPercentileToSubmit| worst window in a
// measurement interval.
// |frames| - number of video frames in the window
int frames = 0;
// |duration| - intended wallclock duration of the window (~1s)
base::TimeDelta duration;
// |roughness| - roughness of the window
double roughness = 0;
// Per-measurement interval measurements ========
// These are measured over all windows in the measurement interval, without
// regard to which window was chosen above.
// |frame_size| - size of the video frames in the window
gfx::Size frame_size;
// |freezing| maximum amount of time that any VideoFrame in measurement
// interval was on-screen beyond the amount of time it should have been.
// TODO(liberato): Should this be expressed in terms of the playback rate?
// As in, "twice as long as it should have been"?
base::TimeDelta freezing;
// |refresh_rate_hz| - display refresh rate, usually 60Hz
int refresh_rate_hz = 0;
// Callback to report video playback roughness on a particularly bumpy
// interval.
using ReportingCallback = base::RepeatingCallback<void(const Measurement&)>;
using TokenType = uint32_t;
explicit VideoPlaybackRoughnessReporter(ReportingCallback reporting_cb);
VideoPlaybackRoughnessReporter(const VideoPlaybackRoughnessReporter&) =
VideoPlaybackRoughnessReporter& operator=(
const VideoPlaybackRoughnessReporter&) = delete;
void FrameSubmitted(TokenType token,
const media::VideoFrame& frame,
base::TimeDelta render_interval);
void FramePresented(TokenType token,
base::TimeTicks timestamp,
bool reliable_timestamp);
void ProcessFrameWindow();
void Reset();
// A lower bund on how many frames can be in ConsecutiveFramesWindow
static constexpr int kMinWindowSize = 6;
// An upper bund on how many frames can be in ConsecutiveFramesWindow
static constexpr int kMaxWindowSize = 60;
// How many frame windows should be observed before reporting smoothness
// due to playback time.
// 1 second per window, 100 windows. It means smoothness will be reported
// for every 100 seconds of playback.
static constexpr int kMaxWindowsBeforeSubmit = 100;
// How many frame windows should be observed to report soothness on last
// time before the destruction of the reporter.
static constexpr int kMinWindowsBeforeSubmit = kMaxWindowsBeforeSubmit / 5;
// A frame window with this percentile of playback roughness gets reported.
// Lower value means more tolerance to rough playback stretches.
static constexpr int kPercentileToSubmit = 95;
static_assert(kPercentileToSubmit > 0 && kPercentileToSubmit < 100,
"invalid percentile value");
friend class VideoPlaybackRoughnessReporterTest;
struct FrameInfo {
FrameInfo(const FrameInfo&);
TokenType token = 0;
absl::optional<base::TimeTicks> decode_time;
absl::optional<base::TimeTicks> presentation_time;
absl::optional<base::TimeDelta> actual_duration;
absl::optional<base::TimeDelta> intended_duration;
int refresh_rate_hz = 60;
gfx::Size size;
struct ConsecutiveFramesWindow {
int size;
base::TimeTicks first_frame_time;
base::TimeDelta intended_duration;
int refresh_rate_hz = 60;
gfx::Size frame_size;
// Root-mean-square error of the differences between the intended
// duration and the actual duration, calculated for all subwindows
// starting at the beginning of the smoothness window
// [1-2][1-3][1-4] ... [1-N].
base::TimeDelta root_mean_square_error;
double roughness() const;
bool operator<(const ConsecutiveFramesWindow& rhs) const {
double r1 = roughness();
double r2 = rhs.roughness();
if (r1 == r2) {
// If roughnesses are equal use window start time as a tie breaker.
// We don't want |flat_set worst_windows_| to dedup windows with
// the same roughness.
return first_frame_time > rhs.first_frame_time;
// Reverse sorting order to make sure that better windows go at the
// end of |worst_windows_| set. This way it's cheaper to remove them.
return r1 > r2;
void ReportWindow(const ConsecutiveFramesWindow& win);
void SubmitPlaybackRoughness();
base::circular_deque<FrameInfo> frames_;
base::flat_set<ConsecutiveFramesWindow> worst_windows_;
ReportingCallback reporting_cb_;
int windows_seen_ = 0;
int frames_window_size_ = kMinWindowSize;
// Worst case difference between a frame's intended duration and
// actual duration, calculated for all frames in the reporting interval.
base::TimeDelta max_single_frame_error_;
} // namespace cc