blob: 86cd2ad9cc2ff81d99c00a447077ed6f3a94daa0 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "cc/metrics/video_playback_roughness_reporter.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include <memory>
#include <random>
#include <vector>
#include "base/callback.h"
#include "base/test/bind.h"
#include "base/time/time.h"
#include "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h"
using VideoFrame = media::VideoFrame;
using VideoFrameMetadata = media::VideoFrameMetadata;
namespace cc {
class VideoPlaybackRoughnessReporterTest : public ::testing::Test {
std::unique_ptr<VideoPlaybackRoughnessReporter> reporter_;
base::TimeTicks time_;
int token_ = 0;
template <class T>
void SetReportingCallabck(T cb) {
reporter_ = std::make_unique<VideoPlaybackRoughnessReporter>(
VideoPlaybackRoughnessReporter* reporter() {
return reporter_.get();
scoped_refptr<VideoFrame> MakeFrame(base::TimeDelta duration,
int frame_size = 100) {
scoped_refptr<VideoFrame> result = media::VideoFrame::CreateColorFrame(
gfx::Size(frame_size, frame_size), 0x80, 0x80, 0x80, base::TimeDelta());
result->metadata().wallclock_frame_duration = duration;
return result;
::testing::AssertionResult CheckSizes() {
size_t max_frames =
2 * size_t{VideoPlaybackRoughnessReporter::kMaxWindowSize};
if (reporter()->frames_.size() > max_frames)
return ::testing::AssertionFailure();
constexpr int max_worst_windows_size =
1 + VideoPlaybackRoughnessReporter::kMaxWindowsBeforeSubmit *
(100 - VideoPlaybackRoughnessReporter::kPercentileToSubmit) /
if (reporter()->worst_windows_.size() > max_worst_windows_size)
return ::testing::AssertionFailure()
<< "windows " << reporter()->worst_windows_.size();
return ::testing::AssertionSuccess();
void NormalRun(double fps,
double hz,
std::vector<int> cadence,
int frames,
int frame_size = 100) {
base::TimeDelta vsync = base::Seconds(1 / hz);
base::TimeDelta ideal_duration = base::Seconds(1 / fps);
for (int idx = 0; idx < frames; idx++) {
int frame_cadence = cadence[idx % cadence.size()];
base::TimeDelta duration = vsync * frame_cadence;
auto frame = MakeFrame(ideal_duration, frame_size);
reporter()->FrameSubmitted(token_, *frame, vsync);
reporter()->FramePresented(token_++, time_, true);
time_ += duration;
void BatchPresentationRun(double fps,
double hz,
std::vector<int> cadence,
int frames) {
base::TimeDelta vsync = base::Seconds(1 / hz);
base::TimeDelta ideal_duration = base::Seconds(1 / fps);
constexpr int batch_size = 3;
for (int idx = 0; idx < frames; idx++) {
auto frame = MakeFrame(ideal_duration);
reporter()->FrameSubmitted(idx, *frame, vsync);
if (idx % batch_size == batch_size - 1) {
for (int i = batch_size - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
int presented_idx = idx - i;
int frame_cadence = cadence[presented_idx % cadence.size()];
base::TimeDelta duration = vsync * frame_cadence;
reporter()->FramePresented(presented_idx, time_, true);
time_ += duration;
void FreezingRun(double fps,
double hz,
std::vector<int> cadence,
int frames,
int frame_size = 100,
int freeze_on_frame = 50,
int frozen_vsyncs = 10) {
base::TimeDelta vsync = base::Seconds(1 / hz);
base::TimeDelta ideal_duration = base::Seconds(1 / fps);
for (int idx = 0; idx < frames; idx++) {
int frame_cadence = cadence[idx % cadence.size()];
base::TimeDelta duration = vsync * frame_cadence;
auto frame = MakeFrame(ideal_duration, frame_size);
reporter()->FrameSubmitted(token_, *frame, vsync);
reporter()->FramePresented(token_++, time_, true);
if (idx == freeze_on_frame)
time_ += duration * frozen_vsyncs;
time_ += duration;
TEST_F(VideoPlaybackRoughnessReporterTest, BestCase24fps) {
int call_count = 0;
int fps = 24;
[&](const VideoPlaybackRoughnessReporter::Measurement& measurement) {
ASSERT_EQ(measurement.frames, fps);
ASSERT_EQ(measurement.refresh_rate_hz, 60);
ASSERT_NEAR(measurement.duration.InMillisecondsF(), 1000.0, 1.0);
ASSERT_NEAR(measurement.roughness, 5.9, 0.1);
ASSERT_NEAR(measurement.freezing.InSecondsF(), 0.0, 0.1);
int frames_to_run =
VideoPlaybackRoughnessReporter::kMaxWindowsBeforeSubmit * fps + 10;
NormalRun(fps, 60, {2, 3}, frames_to_run);
EXPECT_EQ(call_count, 1);
TEST_F(VideoPlaybackRoughnessReporterTest, BestCase24fpsOn120Hz) {
int call_count = 0;
int fps = 24;
[&](const VideoPlaybackRoughnessReporter::Measurement& measurement) {
ASSERT_EQ(measurement.frames, fps);
ASSERT_EQ(measurement.refresh_rate_hz, 120);
ASSERT_NEAR(measurement.duration.InMillisecondsF(), 1000.0, 1.0);
ASSERT_NEAR(measurement.roughness, 0.0, 0.1);
ASSERT_NEAR(measurement.freezing.InSecondsF(), 0.0, 0.1);
int frames_to_run =
VideoPlaybackRoughnessReporter::kMaxWindowsBeforeSubmit * fps + 10;
NormalRun(fps, 120, {5}, frames_to_run);
EXPECT_EQ(call_count, 1);
TEST_F(VideoPlaybackRoughnessReporterTest, BestCase30fps) {
int call_count = 0;
int fps = 30;
[&](const VideoPlaybackRoughnessReporter::Measurement& measurement) {
ASSERT_EQ(measurement.frames, fps);
ASSERT_NEAR(measurement.duration.InMillisecondsF(), 1000.0, 1.0);
ASSERT_NEAR(measurement.roughness, 0.0, 0.1);
ASSERT_NEAR(measurement.freezing.InSecondsF(), 0.0, 0.1);
int frames_to_run =
VideoPlaybackRoughnessReporter::kMaxWindowsBeforeSubmit * fps + 1;
NormalRun(fps, 60, {2}, frames_to_run);
EXPECT_EQ(call_count, 1);
// This cadence pattern was used in the small user study and was found
// to be perceived by participants as not as good as ideal 30fps playback but
// better than the pattern from UserStudyBad.
// The main characteristic of this test is that cadence breaks by having a frame
// shown only once, but the very next frame is being shown 3 times thus
// fixing the synchronization.
TEST_F(VideoPlaybackRoughnessReporterTest, UserStudyOkay) {
int call_count = 0;
int fps = 30;
[&](const VideoPlaybackRoughnessReporter::Measurement& measurement) {
ASSERT_EQ(measurement.frames, fps);
ASSERT_NEAR(measurement.duration.InMillisecondsF(), 1000.0, 1.0);
ASSERT_NEAR(measurement.roughness, 4.3, 0.1);
ASSERT_NEAR(measurement.freezing.InSecondsF(), 0.0, 0.1);
int frames_to_run =
VideoPlaybackRoughnessReporter::kMaxWindowsBeforeSubmit * fps + 1;
NormalRun(fps, 60, {2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 1, 3, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2},
EXPECT_EQ(call_count, 1);
// This cadence pattern was used in the small user study and was found
// to be perceived as worst of all options in the study.
// The main characteristic of this test is that cadence breaks by having a frame
// shown only once, and it takes 2 more frames for a frame that is shown 3 times
// thus fixing the synchronization.
TEST_F(VideoPlaybackRoughnessReporterTest, UserStudyBad) {
int call_count = 0;
int fps = 30;
[&](const VideoPlaybackRoughnessReporter::Measurement& measurement) {
ASSERT_EQ(measurement.frames, fps);
ASSERT_NEAR(measurement.duration.InMillisecondsF(), 1000.0, 1.0);
ASSERT_NEAR(measurement.roughness, 7.46, 0.1);
ASSERT_NEAR(measurement.freezing.InSecondsF(), 0.0, 0.1);
int frames_to_run =
VideoPlaybackRoughnessReporter::kMaxWindowsBeforeSubmit * fps + 1;
NormalRun(fps, 60, {2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 1, 2, 2, 3, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2},
EXPECT_EQ(call_count, 1);
TEST_F(VideoPlaybackRoughnessReporterTest, Glitchy24fps) {
int call_count = 0;
int fps = 24;
[&](const VideoPlaybackRoughnessReporter::Measurement& measurement) {
ASSERT_EQ(measurement.frames, fps);
ASSERT_NEAR(measurement.duration.InMillisecondsF(), 1000.0, 1.0);
ASSERT_NEAR(measurement.roughness, 14.8, 0.1);
ASSERT_NEAR(measurement.freezing.InSecondsF(), 0.0, 0.1);
int frames_to_run =
VideoPlaybackRoughnessReporter::kMaxWindowsBeforeSubmit * fps + 1;
NormalRun(fps, 60, {2, 3, 1, 3, 2, 4, 2, 3, 2, 3, 3, 3}, frames_to_run);
EXPECT_EQ(call_count, 1);
TEST_F(VideoPlaybackRoughnessReporterTest, BestCase60fps) {
int call_count = 0;
int fps = 60;
[&](const VideoPlaybackRoughnessReporter::Measurement& measurement) {
ASSERT_EQ(measurement.frames, fps);
ASSERT_NEAR(measurement.duration.InMillisecondsF(), 1000.0, 1.0);
ASSERT_NEAR(measurement.roughness, 0.0, 0.1);
ASSERT_NEAR(measurement.freezing.InSecondsF(), 0.0, 0.1);
int frames_to_run =
VideoPlaybackRoughnessReporter::kMaxWindowsBeforeSubmit * fps + 1;
NormalRun(fps, 60, {1}, frames_to_run);
EXPECT_EQ(call_count, 1);
TEST_F(VideoPlaybackRoughnessReporterTest, BestCase50fps) {
int call_count = 0;
int fps = 50;
[&](const VideoPlaybackRoughnessReporter::Measurement& measurement) {
ASSERT_EQ(measurement.frames, fps);
ASSERT_NEAR(measurement.duration.InMillisecondsF(), 1000.0, 1.0);
ASSERT_NEAR(measurement.roughness, 8.1, 01);
ASSERT_NEAR(measurement.freezing.InSecondsF(), 0.0, 0.1);
int frames_to_run =
VideoPlaybackRoughnessReporter::kMaxWindowsBeforeSubmit * fps + 1;
NormalRun(fps, 60, {1, 1, 1, 1, 2}, frames_to_run);
EXPECT_EQ(call_count, 1);
// Test that we understand the roughness algorithm by checking that we can
// get any result we need.
TEST_F(VideoPlaybackRoughnessReporterTest, PredictableRoughnessValue) {
int fps = 12;
int frames_in_window = fps;
int call_count = 0;
double intended_roughness = 4.2;
base::TimeDelta vsync = base::Seconds(1.0 / fps);
// Calculating the error value that needs to be injected into one frame
// in order to get desired roughness.
base::TimeDelta error = base::Milliseconds(
std::sqrt(intended_roughness * intended_roughness * frames_in_window));
auto callback =
[&](const VideoPlaybackRoughnessReporter::Measurement& measurement) {
ASSERT_EQ(frames_in_window, measurement.frames);
ASSERT_NEAR(measurement.roughness, intended_roughness, 0.1);
ASSERT_NEAR(measurement.freezing.InSecondsF(), 0.0, 0.1);
int token = 0;
int win_count = 50;
for (int win_idx = 0; win_idx < win_count; win_idx++) {
for (int frame_idx = 0; frame_idx < frames_in_window; frame_idx++) {
base::TimeTicks time;
time += token * vsync;
if (frame_idx == frames_in_window - 1)
time += error;
auto frame = MakeFrame(vsync);
reporter()->FrameSubmitted(token, *frame, vsync);
reporter()->FramePresented(token++, time, true);
EXPECT_EQ(call_count, 1);
// Test that the reporter indeed takes 95% worst window.
TEST_F(VideoPlaybackRoughnessReporterTest, TakingPercentile) {
int token = 0;
int fps = 12;
int frames_in_window = fps;
int call_count = 0;
int win_count = 100;
base::TimeDelta vsync = base::Seconds(1.0 / fps);
std::vector<double> targets;
for (int i = 0; i < win_count; i++)
targets.push_back(i * 0.1);
double expected_roughness =
VideoPlaybackRoughnessReporter::kPercentileToSubmit * 0.1;
std::mt19937 rnd(1);
std::shuffle(targets.begin(), targets.end(), rnd);
auto callback =
[&](const VideoPlaybackRoughnessReporter::Measurement& measurement) {
ASSERT_EQ(frames_in_window, measurement.frames);
ASSERT_NEAR(measurement.roughness, expected_roughness, 0.05);
for (int win_idx = 0; win_idx < win_count; win_idx++) {
double roughness = targets[win_idx];
// Calculating the error value that needs to be injected into one frame
// in order to get desired roughness.
base::TimeDelta error =
base::Milliseconds(std::sqrt(roughness * roughness * frames_in_window));
for (int frame_idx = 0; frame_idx < frames_in_window; frame_idx++) {
base::TimeTicks time;
time += token * vsync;
if (frame_idx == frames_in_window - 1)
time += error;
auto frame = MakeFrame(vsync);
reporter()->FrameSubmitted(token, *frame, vsync);
reporter()->FramePresented(token++, time, true);
EXPECT_EQ(call_count, 1);
// Test that even if no windows can be reported due to unstable presentation
// feedback, the reporter still doesn't run out of memory.
TEST_F(VideoPlaybackRoughnessReporterTest, LongRunWithoutWindows) {
int call_count = 0;
base::TimeDelta vsync = base::Milliseconds(1);
[&](const VideoPlaybackRoughnessReporter::Measurement& measurement) {
for (int i = 0; i < 10000; i++) {
auto frame = MakeFrame(vsync);
reporter()->FrameSubmitted(i, *frame, vsync);
if (i % 2 == 0)
reporter()->FramePresented(i, base::TimeTicks() + i * vsync, true);
EXPECT_EQ(call_count, 0);
// Test that the reporter is no spooked by FramePresented() on unknown frame
// tokens.
TEST_F(VideoPlaybackRoughnessReporterTest, PresentingUnknownFrames) {
int call_count = 0;
base::TimeDelta vsync = base::Milliseconds(1);
[&](const VideoPlaybackRoughnessReporter::Measurement& measurement) {
for (int i = 0; i < 10000; i++) {
auto frame = MakeFrame(vsync);
reporter()->FrameSubmitted(i, *frame, vsync);
reporter()->FramePresented(i + 100000, base::TimeTicks() + i * vsync, true);
EXPECT_EQ(call_count, 0);
// Test that the reporter is ignoring frames with unreliable
// presentation timestamp.
TEST_F(VideoPlaybackRoughnessReporterTest, IgnoringUnreliableTimings) {
int call_count = 0;
base::TimeDelta vsync = base::Milliseconds(1);
[&](const VideoPlaybackRoughnessReporter::Measurement& measurement) {
for (int i = 0; i < 10000; i++) {
auto frame = MakeFrame(vsync);
reporter()->FrameSubmitted(i, *frame, vsync);
reporter()->FramePresented(i, base::TimeTicks() + i * vsync, false);
EXPECT_EQ(call_count, 0);
// Test that Reset() causes reporting if there is sufficient number of windows
// accumulated.
TEST_F(VideoPlaybackRoughnessReporterTest, ReportingInReset) {
int call_count = 0;
int fps = 60;
auto callback =
[&](const VideoPlaybackRoughnessReporter::Measurement& measurement) {
// Set number of frames insufficient for reporting in Reset()
int frames_to_run =
VideoPlaybackRoughnessReporter::kMinWindowsBeforeSubmit * fps - 1;
NormalRun(fps, 60, {1}, frames_to_run);
// No calls since, not enough windows were reported
EXPECT_EQ(call_count, 0);
// Reset the reporter, still no calls
EXPECT_EQ(call_count, 0);
// Set number of frames sufficient for reporting in Reset()
frames_to_run =
VideoPlaybackRoughnessReporter::kMinWindowsBeforeSubmit * fps + 1;
NormalRun(fps, 60, {1}, frames_to_run);
// No calls since, not enough windows were reported
EXPECT_EQ(call_count, 0);
// A window should be reported in the Reset()
EXPECT_EQ(call_count, 1);
// Test that a change of display refresh rate or frame size causes reporting
// iff there is sufficient number of windows accumulated.
TEST_F(VideoPlaybackRoughnessReporterTest, ReportingAfterParameterChange) {
struct Report {
int hz;
int height;
double roughness;
std::vector<Report> reports;
int fps = 60;
auto callback =
[&](const VideoPlaybackRoughnessReporter::Measurement& measurement) {
int frames_to_run =
(VideoPlaybackRoughnessReporter::kMinWindowsBeforeSubmit - 1) * fps + 3;
NormalRun(fps, 59, {1}, frames_to_run, 480);
frames_to_run =
(VideoPlaybackRoughnessReporter::kMinWindowsBeforeSubmit + 1) * fps + 3;
NormalRun(fps, 60, {1}, frames_to_run, 480);
// Check that if parameters change after only a few windows, nothing gets
// reported.
frames_to_run =
(VideoPlaybackRoughnessReporter::kMaxWindowsBeforeSubmit + 1) * fps + 3;
NormalRun(fps, 120, {2}, frames_to_run, 481);
// Check that if parameters change after sufficient number of windows
// roughness is reported. The second report is done normally after max
// number of windows is seen.
ASSERT_EQ(reports.size(), 2u);
EXPECT_EQ(reports[0].hz, 60);
EXPECT_EQ(reports[0].height, 480);
EXPECT_EQ(reports[0].roughness, 0.0);
EXPECT_EQ(reports[1].hz, 120);
EXPECT_EQ(reports[1].height, 481);
EXPECT_EQ(reports[1].roughness, 0.0);
// Test that reporting works even if frame presentation signal come out of
// order.
TEST_F(VideoPlaybackRoughnessReporterTest, BatchPresentation) {
int call_count = 0;
int fps = 60;
// Try 60 fps
[&](const VideoPlaybackRoughnessReporter::Measurement& measurement) {
ASSERT_EQ(measurement.frames, fps);
ASSERT_NEAR(measurement.duration.InMillisecondsF(), 1000.0, 1.0);
ASSERT_NEAR(measurement.roughness, 0.0, 0.1);
int frames_to_run =
VideoPlaybackRoughnessReporter::kMaxWindowsBeforeSubmit * fps + 10;
BatchPresentationRun(fps, 60, {1}, frames_to_run);
EXPECT_EQ(call_count, 1);
// Try 24fps
[&](const VideoPlaybackRoughnessReporter::Measurement& measurement) {
ASSERT_EQ(measurement.frames, fps);
ASSERT_NEAR(measurement.duration.InMillisecondsF(), 1000.0, 1.0);
ASSERT_NEAR(measurement.roughness, 5.9, 0.1);
ASSERT_NEAR(measurement.freezing.InSecondsF(), 0, 0.01);
fps = 24;
frames_to_run =
VideoPlaybackRoughnessReporter::kMaxWindowsBeforeSubmit * fps + 10;
BatchPresentationRun(fps, 60, {2, 3}, frames_to_run);
EXPECT_EQ(call_count, 2);
TEST_F(VideoPlaybackRoughnessReporterTest, Freezing30fps) {
int call_count = 0;
int fps = 30;
[&](const VideoPlaybackRoughnessReporter::Measurement& measurement) {
ASSERT_EQ(measurement.frames, fps);
ASSERT_NEAR(measurement.duration.InMillisecondsF(), 1000.0, 1.0);
ASSERT_NEAR(measurement.roughness, 0.0, 0.1);
ASSERT_NEAR(measurement.freezing.InSecondsF(), 0.25, 0.05);
int frames_to_run =
VideoPlaybackRoughnessReporter::kMaxWindowsBeforeSubmit * fps + 1;
FreezingRun(fps, 60, {2}, frames_to_run);
EXPECT_EQ(call_count, 1);
} // namespace cc