blob: cd051e032930790aff5e9a9256562122bb0702d3 [file] [log] [blame]
{% extends '' %}
{% from '' import runtime_timer_scope, runtime_timer_scope_disabled_by_default %}
{% block indexed_property_getter %}
{% if indexed_property_getter and not indexed_property_getter.is_custom %}
{% set getter = indexed_property_getter %}
static void IndexedPropertyGetter(uint32_t index, const v8::PropertyCallbackInfo<v8::Value>& info) {
{% if getter.is_raises_exception %}
ExceptionState exceptionState(info.GetIsolate(), ExceptionState::kIndexedGetterContext, "{{interface_name}}");
{% endif %}
{{cpp_class}}* impl = {{v8_class}}::ToImpl(info.Holder());
// We assume that all the implementations support length() method, although
// the spec doesn't require that length() must exist. It's okay that
// the interface does not have length attribute as long as the
// implementation supports length() member function.
if (index >= impl->length())
return; // Returns undefined due to out-of-range.
{% set getter_name = or 'AnonymousIndexedGetter' %}
{% set getter_arguments = ['index'] %}
{% if getter.is_call_with_script_state %}
ScriptState* scriptState = ScriptState::ForRelevantRealm(info);
{% set getter_arguments = ['scriptState'] + getter_arguments %}
{% endif %}
{% if getter.is_raises_exception %}
{% set getter_arguments = getter_arguments + ['exceptionState'] %}
{% endif %}
{{getter.cpp_type}} result = impl->{{getter_name}}({{getter_arguments | join(', ')}});
{% endif %}
{% endblock %}
{% block indexed_property_getter_callback %}
{% if indexed_property_getter or named_property_getter %}
{% set getter = indexed_property_getter or named_property_getter %}
void {{v8_class_or_partial}}::IndexedPropertyGetterCallback(uint32_t index, const v8::PropertyCallbackInfo<v8::Value>& info) {
{{ runtime_timer_scope_disabled_by_default(runtime_call_stats.indexed_property_getter_counter) }}
{% if indexed_property_getter %}
{% if getter.is_custom %}
{{v8_class}}::IndexedPropertyGetterCustom(index, info);
{% else %}
{{internal_namespace}}::IndexedPropertyGetter(index, info);
{% endif %}
{% else %}{# otherwise, named property #}
const AtomicString& propertyName = AtomicString::Number(index);
{% if getter.is_custom %}
{{v8_class}}::NamedPropertyGetterCustom(propertyName, info);
{% else %}
{{internal_namespace}}::NamedPropertyGetter(propertyName, info);
{% endif %}
{% endif %}{# indexed_property_getter #}
{% endif %}
{% endblock %}
{% block indexed_property_setter %}
{% from '' import v8_value_to_local_cpp_value %}
{% if indexed_property_setter and not indexed_property_setter.is_custom %}
{% set setter = indexed_property_setter %}
static void IndexedPropertySetter(uint32_t index, v8::Local<v8::Value> v8Value, const v8::PropertyCallbackInfo<v8::Value>& info) {
{% if setter.has_exception_state %}
ExceptionState exceptionState(info.GetIsolate(), ExceptionState::kIndexedSetterContext, "{{interface_name}}");
{% endif %}
{% if setter.is_ce_reactions %}
CEReactionsScope ce_reactions_scope;
{% endif %}
{{cpp_class}}* impl = {{v8_class}}::ToImpl(info.Holder());
{{v8_value_to_local_cpp_value(setter) | trim | indent(2)}}
{% if setter.has_type_checking_interface %}
{# Type checking for interface types (if interface not implemented, throw
TypeError), per #}
if (!propertyValue{% if setter.is_nullable %} && !IsUndefinedOrNull(v8Value){% endif %}) {
exceptionState.ThrowTypeError("The provided value is not of type '{{setter.idl_type}}'.");
{% endif %}
{% set setter_name = or 'AnonymousIndexedSetter' %}
{% set setter_arguments = ['index', 'propertyValue'] %}
{% if setter.is_call_with_script_state %}
ScriptState* scriptState = ScriptState::ForRelevantRealm(info);
{% set setter_arguments = ['scriptState'] + setter_arguments %}
{% endif %}
{% if setter.is_raises_exception %}
{% set setter_arguments = setter_arguments + ['exceptionState'] %}
{% endif %}
bool result = impl->{{setter_name}}({{setter_arguments | join(', ')}});
{% if setter.is_raises_exception %}
if (exceptionState.HadException())
{% endif %}
if (!result)
V8SetReturnValue(info, v8Value);
{% endif %}
{% endblock %}
{% block indexed_property_setter_callback %}
{% if indexed_property_getter or named_property_setter %}
{% set setter = indexed_property_setter or named_property_setter %}
void {{v8_class_or_partial}}::IndexedPropertySetterCallback(uint32_t index, v8::Local<v8::Value> v8Value, const v8::PropertyCallbackInfo<v8::Value>& info) {
{% if indexed_property_setter %}
{% if setter.is_custom %}
{{v8_class}}::IndexedPropertySetterCustom(index, v8Value, info);
{% else %}
{{internal_namespace}}::IndexedPropertySetter(index, v8Value, info);
{% endif %}
{% elif named_property_setter %}
const AtomicString& propertyName = AtomicString::Number(index);
{% if setter.is_custom %}
{{v8_class}}::NamedPropertySetterCustom(propertyName, v8Value, info);
{% else %}
{{internal_namespace}}::NamedPropertySetter(propertyName, v8Value, info);
{% endif %}
{% else %}{# neither of indexed_property_setter nor named_property_setter #}
// No indexed property setter defined. Do not fall back to the default
// setter.
V8SetReturnValue(info, v8::Null(info.GetIsolate()));
if (info.ShouldThrowOnError()) {
ExceptionState exceptionState(info.GetIsolate(),
{% if setter.is_ce_reactions %}
CEReactionsScope ce_reactions_scope;
{% endif %}
exceptionState.ThrowTypeError("Index property setter is not supported.");
{% endif %}{# indexed/named_property_setter #}
{% endif %}
{% endblock %}
{% block indexed_property_descriptor %}
{% if indexed_property_getter %}
static void IndexedPropertyDescriptor(uint32_t index, const v8::PropertyCallbackInfo<v8::Value>& info) {
// Steps 1.1 to 1.2.4 are covered here: we rely on indexedPropertyGetter() to
// call the getter function and check that |index| is a valid property index,
// in which case it will have set info.GetReturnValue() to something other
// than undefined.
{{v8_class_or_partial}}::IndexedPropertyGetterCallback(index, info);
v8::Local<v8::Value> getterValue = info.GetReturnValue().Get();
if (!getterValue->IsUndefined()) {
// 1.2.5. Let |desc| be a newly created Property Descriptor with no fields.
// 1.2.6. Set desc.[[Value]] to the result of converting value to an
// ECMAScript value.
// 1.2.7. If O implements an interface with an indexed property setter,
// then set desc.[[Writable]] to true, otherwise set it to false.
v8::PropertyDescriptor desc(getterValue, {% if indexed_property_setter %}true{% else %}false{% endif %});
// 1.2.8. Set desc.[[Enumerable]] and desc.[[Configurable]] to true.
// 1.2.9. Return |desc|.
V8SetReturnValue(info, desc);
{% endif %}
{% endblock %}
{% block named_property_descriptor %}
{% if not indexed_property_getter and named_property_getter %}
static void NamedPropertyDescriptor(uint32_t index, const v8::PropertyCallbackInfo<v8::Value>& info) {
// This function is called when an IDL interface supports named properties
// but not indexed properties. When a numeric property is queried, V8 calls
// indexedPropertyDescriptorCallback(), which calls this function.
{% if named_property_getter.is_enumerable %}
// Since we initialize our indexed and named property handlers differently
// (the former use descriptors and definers, the latter uses a query
// callback), we need to inefficiently call the query callback and convert
// the v8::PropertyAttribute integer it returns into a v8::PropertyDescriptor
// expected by a descriptor callback.
// TODO(rakuco): remove this hack once we switch named property handlers to
// using descriptor and definer callbacks (bug 764633).
const AtomicString& indexAsName = AtomicString::Number(index);
{% if named_property_getter.is_custom_property_query %}
{{v8_class}}::NamedPropertyQueryCustom(indexAsName, info);
{% else %}
{{internal_namespace}}::NamedPropertyQuery(indexAsName, info);
{% endif %}
v8::Local<v8::Value> getterValue = info.GetReturnValue().Get();
if (!getterValue->IsUndefined()) {
const int32_t props =
v8::PropertyDescriptor desc(V8String(info.GetIsolate(), indexAsName),
!(props & v8::ReadOnly));
desc.set_enumerable(!(props & v8::DontEnum));
desc.set_configurable(!(props & v8::DontDelete));
V8SetReturnValue(info, desc);
{% else %}{# TODO(rakuco): drop this once we remove [NotEnumerable] getters #}
// This IDL interface defines a [NotEnumerable] getter. We need to do
// something similar to indexedPropertyDescriptor(): call
// indexedPropertyGetterCallback, let it end up calling the named property
// getter and, if all goes well, we create a v8::PropertyDescriptor with the
// right values.
{{v8_class_or_partial}}::IndexedPropertyGetterCallback(index, info);
v8::Local<v8::Value> getterValue = info.GetReturnValue().Get();
if (!getterValue->IsUndefined()) {
v8::PropertyDescriptor desc(getterValue, {% if named_property_setter %}true{% else %}false{% endif %});
V8SetReturnValue(info, desc);
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% endblock %}
{% block indexed_property_descriptor_callback %}
{% if indexed_property_getter or named_property_getter %}
void {{v8_class_or_partial}}::IndexedPropertyDescriptorCallback(uint32_t index, const v8::PropertyCallbackInfo<v8::Value>& info) {
{% if indexed_property_getter %}
{{internal_namespace}}::IndexedPropertyDescriptor(index, info);
{% else %}{# The interface only supports named properties. #}
{{internal_namespace}}::NamedPropertyDescriptor(index, info);
{% endif %}{# indexed_property_getter #}
{% endif %}
{% endblock %}
{% block indexed_property_deleter %}
{% if indexed_property_deleter and not indexed_property_deleter.is_custom %}
{% set deleter = indexed_property_deleter %}
static void IndexedPropertyDeleter(uint32_t index, const v8::PropertyCallbackInfo<v8::Boolean>& info) {
{% if deleter.is_raises_exception %}
ExceptionState exceptionState(info.GetIsolate(), ExceptionState::kIndexedDeletionContext, "{{interface_name}}");
{% endif %}
{% if deleter.is_ce_reactions %}
CEReactionsScope ce_reactions_scope;
{% endif %}
{{cpp_class}}* impl = {{v8_class}}::ToImpl(info.Holder());
{% set deleter_name = or 'AnonymousIndexedDeleter' %}
{% set deleter_arguments = ['index'] %}
{% if deleter.is_call_with_script_state %}
ScriptState* scriptState = ScriptState::ForRelevantRealm(info);
{% set deleter_arguments = ['scriptState'] + deleter_arguments %}
{% endif %}
{% if deleter.is_raises_exception %}
{% set deleter_arguments = deleter_arguments + ['exceptionState'] %}
{% endif %}
DeleteResult result = impl->{{deleter_name}}({{deleter_arguments | join(', ')}});
{% if deleter.is_raises_exception %}
if (exceptionState.HadException())
{% endif %}
if (result == kDeleteUnknownProperty)
V8SetReturnValue(info, result == kDeleteSuccess);
{% endif %}
{% endblock %}
{% block indexed_property_deleter_callback %}
{% if indexed_property_deleter or named_property_deleter %}
{% set deleter = indexed_property_deleter or named_property_deleter %}
void {{v8_class_or_partial}}::IndexedPropertyDeleterCallback(uint32_t index, const v8::PropertyCallbackInfo<v8::Boolean>& info) {
{% if indexed_property_deleter %}
{% if deleter.is_custom %}
{{v8_class}}::IndexedPropertyDeleterCustom(index, info);
{% else %}
{{internal_namespace}}::IndexedPropertyDeleter(index, info);
{% endif %}
{% else %}{# otherwise, named property #}
const AtomicString& propertyName = AtomicString::Number(index);
{% if deleter.is_custom %}
{{v8_class}}::NamedPropertyDeleterCustom(propertyName, info);
{% else %}
{{internal_namespace}}::NamedPropertyDeleter(propertyName, info);
{% endif %}
{% endif %}{# indexed_property_deleter #}
{% endif %}
{% endblock %}
{% block indexed_property_definer_callback %}
{% if indexed_property_getter %}
void {{v8_class_or_partial}}::IndexedPropertyDefinerCallback(
uint32_t index,
const v8::PropertyDescriptor& desc,
const v8::PropertyCallbackInfo<v8::Value>& info) {
{% if indexed_property_setter %}
// 3.9.3. [[DefineOwnProperty]]
// step 1.1. If the result of calling IsDataDescriptor(Desc) is false, then
// return false.
if (desc.has_get() || desc.has_set()) {
V8SetReturnValue(info, v8::Null(info.GetIsolate()));
if (info.ShouldThrowOnError()) {
ExceptionState exceptionState(info.GetIsolate(),
exceptionState.ThrowTypeError("Accessor properties are not allowed.");
// Return nothing and fall back to indexedPropertySetterCallback.
{% else %}{# indexed_property_setter #}
// 3.9.3. [[DefineOwnProperty]]
// step 1.2. If O does not implement an interface with an indexed property
// setter, then return false.
// 7.4.6 [[DefineOwnProperty]] (P, Desc)
// step 2.1. If P is an array index property name, return false.
V8SetReturnValue(info, v8::Null(info.GetIsolate()));
if (info.ShouldThrowOnError()) {
ExceptionState exceptionState(info.GetIsolate(),
exceptionState.ThrowTypeError("Index property setter is not supported.");
{% endif %}{# indexed_property_setter #}
{% endif %}{# indexed_property_getter #}
{% endblock %}
{% block named_property_getter %}
{% if named_property_getter and not named_property_getter.is_custom %}
{% set getter = named_property_getter %}
static void NamedPropertyGetter(const AtomicString& name, const v8::PropertyCallbackInfo<v8::Value>& info) {
{% if getter.is_raises_exception %}
const CString& nameInUtf8 = name.Utf8();
ExceptionState exceptionState(info.GetIsolate(), ExceptionState::kGetterContext, "{{interface_name}}",;
{% endif %}
{% if getter.is_call_with_script_state %}
ScriptState* scriptState = ScriptState::ForRelevantRealm(info);
{% endif %}
{{cpp_class}}* impl = {{v8_class}}::ToImpl(info.Holder());
{% if getter.use_output_parameter_for_result %}
{{getter.cpp_type}} result;
{% else %}
{{getter.cpp_type}} result = {{getter.cpp_value}};
{% endif %}
if ({{getter.is_null_expression}})
{% endif %}
{% endblock %}
{% block named_property_getter_callback %}
{% if named_property_getter %}
{% set getter = named_property_getter %}
void {{v8_class_or_partial}}::NamedPropertyGetterCallback(v8::Local<v8::Name> name, const v8::PropertyCallbackInfo<v8::Value>& info) {
{{ runtime_timer_scope_disabled_by_default(runtime_call_stats.named_property_getter_counter) }}
if (!name->IsString())
const AtomicString& propertyName = ToCoreAtomicString(name.As<v8::String>());
{% if getter.is_custom %}
{{v8_class}}::NamedPropertyGetterCustom(propertyName, info);
{% else %}
{{internal_namespace}}::NamedPropertyGetter(propertyName, info);
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% endblock %}
{% block named_property_setter %}
{% from '' import v8_value_to_local_cpp_value %}
{% if named_property_setter and not named_property_setter.is_custom %}
{% set setter = named_property_setter %}
static void NamedPropertySetter(const AtomicString& name, v8::Local<v8::Value> v8Value, const v8::PropertyCallbackInfo<v8::Value>& info) {
{% if setter.has_exception_state %}
const CString& nameInUtf8 = name.Utf8();
ExceptionState exceptionState(info.GetIsolate(), ExceptionState::kSetterContext, "{{interface_name}}",;
{% endif %}
{% if setter.is_ce_reactions %}
CEReactionsScope ce_reactions_scope;
{% endif %}
{% if setter.is_call_with_script_state %}
ScriptState* scriptState = ScriptState::ForRelevantRealm(info);
{% endif %}
{{cpp_class}}* impl = {{v8_class}}::ToImpl(info.Holder());
{{v8_value_to_local_cpp_value(setter) | trim | indent(2)}}
{% if setter.has_type_checking_interface %}
{# Type checking for interface types (if interface not implemented, throw
TypeError), per #}
if (!propertyValue{% if setter.is_nullable %} && !IsUndefinedOrNull(v8Value){% endif %}) {
exceptionState.ThrowTypeError("The provided value is not of type '{{setter.idl_type}}'.");
{% endif %}
{% set setter_name = or 'AnonymousNamedSetter' %}
{% set setter_arguments = ['name', 'propertyValue'] %}
{% if setter.is_call_with_script_state %}
{% set setter_arguments = ['scriptState'] + setter_arguments %}
{% endif %}
{% if setter.is_raises_exception %}
{% set setter_arguments = setter_arguments + ['exceptionState'] %}
{% endif %}
bool result = impl->{{setter_name}}({{setter_arguments | join(', ')}});
{% if setter.is_raises_exception %}
if (exceptionState.HadException())
{% endif %}
if (!result)
V8SetReturnValue(info, v8Value);
{% endif %}
{% endblock %}
{% block named_property_setter_callback %}
{% if named_property_setter %}
{% set setter = named_property_setter %}
void {{v8_class_or_partial}}::NamedPropertySetterCallback(v8::Local<v8::Name> name, v8::Local<v8::Value> v8Value, const v8::PropertyCallbackInfo<v8::Value>& info) {
{{ runtime_timer_scope_disabled_by_default(runtime_call_stats.named_property_setter_counter) }}
if (!name->IsString())
const AtomicString& propertyName = ToCoreAtomicString(name.As<v8::String>());
{% if setter.is_custom %}
{{v8_class}}::NamedPropertySetterCustom(propertyName, v8Value, info);
{% else %}
{{internal_namespace}}::NamedPropertySetter(propertyName, v8Value, info);
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% endblock %}
{% block named_property_deleter %}
{% if named_property_deleter and not named_property_deleter.is_custom %}
{% set deleter = named_property_deleter %}
static void NamedPropertyDeleter(const AtomicString& name, const v8::PropertyCallbackInfo<v8::Boolean>& info) {
{% if deleter.is_raises_exception %}
const CString& nameInUtf8 = name.Utf8();
ExceptionState exceptionState(info.GetIsolate(), ExceptionState::kDeletionContext, "{{interface_name}}",;
{% endif %}
{% if deleter.is_ce_reactions %}
CEReactionsScope ce_reactions_scope;
{% endif %}
{% if deleter.is_call_with_script_state %}
ScriptState* scriptState = ScriptState::ForRelevantRealm(info);
{% endif %}
{{cpp_class}}* impl = {{v8_class}}::ToImpl(info.Holder());
{% set deleter_name = or 'AnonymousNamedDeleter' %}
{% set deleter_arguments = ['name'] %}
{% if deleter.is_call_with_script_state %}
{% set deleter_arguments = ['scriptState'] + deleter_arguments %}
{% endif %}
{% if deleter.is_raises_exception %}
{% set deleter_arguments = deleter_arguments + ['exceptionState'] %}
{% endif %}
DeleteResult result = impl->{{deleter_name}}({{deleter_arguments | join(', ')}});
{% if deleter.is_raises_exception %}
if (exceptionState.HadException())
{% endif %}
if (result == kDeleteUnknownProperty)
V8SetReturnValue(info, result == kDeleteSuccess);
{% endif %}
{% endblock %}
{% block named_property_deleter_callback %}
{% if named_property_deleter %}
{% set deleter = named_property_deleter %}
void {{v8_class_or_partial}}::NamedPropertyDeleterCallback(v8::Local<v8::Name> name, const v8::PropertyCallbackInfo<v8::Boolean>& info) {
if (!name->IsString())
const AtomicString& propertyName = ToCoreAtomicString(name.As<v8::String>());
{% if deleter.is_custom %}
{{v8_class}}::NamedPropertyDeleterCustom(propertyName, info);
{% else %}
{{internal_namespace}}::NamedPropertyDeleter(propertyName, info);
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% endblock %}
{% block named_property_query %}
{% if named_property_getter and named_property_getter.is_enumerable and
not named_property_getter.is_custom_property_query %}
{% set getter = named_property_getter %}
{# If there is an enumerator, there MUST be a query method to properly
communicate property attributes. #}
{% if indexed_property_getter %}
static void NamedPropertyQuery(const AtomicString& name, const v8::PropertyCallbackInfo<v8::Integer>& info) {
{% else %}
{# If we do not have an indexed property getter, this function is called #}
{# from namedPropertyDescriptor(), whose v8::PropertyCallbackInfo has a #}
{# v8::Value instead of a v8::Integer. We use this template trick to make #}
{# the compiler accept the call. #}
{# TODO(rakuco): remove this hack once we switch named property handlers to #}
{# using descriptor and definer callbacks (bug 764633). #}
template <typename T>
static void NamedPropertyQuery(const AtomicString& name, const v8::PropertyCallbackInfo<T>& info) {
{% endif %}
const CString& nameInUtf8 = name.Utf8();
ExceptionState exceptionState(info.GetIsolate(), ExceptionState::kGetterContext, "{{interface_name}}",;
{% if getter.is_call_with_script_state %}
ScriptState* scriptState = ScriptState::ForRelevantRealm(info);
{% endif %}
{{cpp_class}}* impl = {{v8_class}}::ToImpl(info.Holder());
{% set getter_arguments = ['name', 'exceptionState'] %}
{% if getter.is_call_with_script_state %}
{% set getter_arguments = ['scriptState'] + getter_arguments %}
{% endif %}
bool result = impl->NamedPropertyQuery({{getter_arguments | join(', ')}});
if (!result)
// 2.7. If |O| implements an interface with a named property setter, then set
// desc.[[Writable]] to true, otherwise set it to false.
// 2.8. If |O| implements an interface with the
// [LegacyUnenumerableNamedProperties] extended attribute, then set
// desc.[[Enumerable]] to false, otherwise set it to true.
{% if named_property_setter %}
{% set desc_properties = ['v8::None'] %}
{% else %}
{% set desc_properties = ['v8::ReadOnly'] %}
{% endif %}
{% if has_legacy_unenumerable_named_properties %}
{% set desc_properties = ['v8::DontEnum'] + desc_properties %}
{% endif %}
V8SetReturnValueInt(info, {{desc_properties | join(' | ')}});
{% endif %}
{% endblock %}
{% block named_property_query_callback %}
{% if named_property_getter and named_property_getter.is_enumerable %}
{% set getter = named_property_getter %}
void {{v8_class_or_partial}}::NamedPropertyQueryCallback(v8::Local<v8::Name> name, const v8::PropertyCallbackInfo<v8::Integer>& info) {
{{ runtime_timer_scope_disabled_by_default(runtime_call_stats.named_property_query_counter) }}
if (!name->IsString())
const AtomicString& propertyName = ToCoreAtomicString(name.As<v8::String>());
{% if getter.is_custom_property_query %}
{{v8_class}}::NamedPropertyQueryCustom(propertyName, info);
{% else %}
{{internal_namespace}}::NamedPropertyQuery(propertyName, info);
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% endblock %}
{% block named_property_enumerator %}
{% if named_property_getter and named_property_getter.is_enumerable and
not named_property_getter.is_custom_property_enumerator %}
static void NamedPropertyEnumerator(const v8::PropertyCallbackInfo<v8::Array>& info) {
ExceptionState exceptionState(info.GetIsolate(), ExceptionState::kEnumerationContext, "{{interface_name}}");
{{cpp_class}}* impl = {{v8_class}}::ToImpl(info.Holder());
Vector<String> names;
impl->NamedPropertyEnumerator(names, exceptionState);
if (exceptionState.HadException())
V8SetReturnValue(info, ToV8(names, info.Holder(), info.GetIsolate()).As<v8::Array>());
{% endif %}
{% endblock %}
{% block named_property_enumerator_callback %}
{% if named_property_getter and named_property_getter.is_enumerable %}
{% set getter = named_property_getter %}
void {{v8_class_or_partial}}::NamedPropertyEnumeratorCallback(const v8::PropertyCallbackInfo<v8::Array>& info) {
{% if getter.is_custom_property_enumerator %}
{% else %}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% endblock %}
{# TODO(dcheng): Currently, bindings must create a function object for each
realm as a hack to support the incumbent realm. Remove this when Blink
properly supports the incumbent realm. #}
{% block origin_safe_method_setter %}
{% if has_origin_safe_method_setter %}
static void {{cpp_class}}OriginSafeMethodSetter(v8::Local<v8::Name> name, v8::Local<v8::Value> v8Value, const v8::PropertyCallbackInfo<void>& info) {
if (!name->IsString())
v8::Local<v8::Object> holder = {{v8_class}}::FindInstanceInPrototypeChain(info.Holder(), info.GetIsolate());
if (holder.IsEmpty())
{{cpp_class}}* impl = {{v8_class}}::ToImpl(holder);
v8::String::Utf8Value methodName(info.GetIsolate(), name);
ExceptionState exceptionState(info.GetIsolate(), ExceptionState::kSetterContext, "{{interface_name}}", *methodName);
if (!BindingSecurity::ShouldAllowAccessTo(CurrentDOMWindow(info.GetIsolate()), impl, exceptionState)) {
{# The findInstanceInPrototypeChain() call above only returns a non-empty handle if info.Holder() is an Object. #}
{% raw %}
// |methodName| must be same with {{}} in
// {{}}OriginSafeMethodGetter{{world_suffix}} defined in
{% endraw %}
V8PrivateProperty::GetSymbol(info.GetIsolate(), *methodName)
.Set(v8::Local<v8::Object>::Cast(info.Holder()), v8Value);
{% endif %}
{% endblock %}
{% block origin_safe_method_setter_callback %}
{% if has_origin_safe_method_setter %}
void {{v8_class_or_partial}}::{{cpp_class}}OriginSafeMethodSetterCallback(v8::Local<v8::Name> name, v8::Local<v8::Value> v8Value, const v8::PropertyCallbackInfo<void>& info) {
{{internal_namespace}}::{{cpp_class}}OriginSafeMethodSetter(name, v8Value, info);
{% endif %}
{% endblock %}
{% block named_constructor %}
{% from '' import generate_constructor with context %}
{% if named_constructor %}
{% set active_scriptwrappable_inheritance =
if active_scriptwrappable else
'kNotInheritFromActiveScriptWrappable' %}
// Suppress warning: global constructors, because struct WrapperTypeInfo is trivial
// and does not depend on another global objects.
#if defined(COMPONENT_BUILD) && defined(WIN32) && defined(__clang__)
#pragma clang diagnostic push
#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wglobal-constructors"
const WrapperTypeInfo {{v8_class}}Constructor::wrapperTypeInfo = {
{{install_conditional_features_func or 'nullptr'}},
#if defined(COMPONENT_BUILD) && defined(WIN32) && defined(__clang__)
#pragma clang diagnostic pop
v8::Local<v8::FunctionTemplate> {{v8_class}}Constructor::DomTemplate(v8::Isolate* isolate, const DOMWrapperWorld& world) {
static int domTemplateKey; // This address is used for a key to look up the dom template.
V8PerIsolateData* data = V8PerIsolateData::From(isolate);
v8::Local<v8::FunctionTemplate> result = data->FindInterfaceTemplate(world, &domTemplateKey);
if (!result.IsEmpty())
return result;
result = v8::FunctionTemplate::New(isolate, {{v8_class}}ConstructorCallback);
v8::Local<v8::ObjectTemplate> instanceTemplate = result->InstanceTemplate();
result->SetClassName(V8AtomicString(isolate, "{{}}"));
result->Inherit({{v8_class}}::DomTemplate(isolate, world));
data->SetInterfaceTemplate(world, &domTemplateKey, result);
return result;
void {{v8_class}}Constructor::NamedConstructorAttributeGetter(
v8::Local<v8::Name> propertyName,
const v8::PropertyCallbackInfo<v8::Value>& info) {
v8::Local<v8::Context> creationContext = info.Holder()->CreationContext();
V8PerContextData* perContextData = V8PerContextData::From(creationContext);
if (!perContextData) {
// TODO(yukishiino): Return a valid named constructor even after the context is detached
v8::Local<v8::Function> namedConstructor = perContextData->ConstructorForType(&{{v8_class}}Constructor::wrapperTypeInfo);
// Set the prototype of named constructors to the regular constructor.
auto privateProperty = V8PrivateProperty::GetNamedConstructorInitialized(info.GetIsolate());
v8::Local<v8::Context> currentContext = info.GetIsolate()->GetCurrentContext();
v8::Local<v8::Value> privateValue;
if (!privateProperty.GetOrUndefined(namedConstructor).ToLocal(&privateValue) || privateValue->IsUndefined()) {
v8::Local<v8::Function> interface = perContextData->ConstructorForType(&{{v8_class}}::wrapperTypeInfo);
v8::Local<v8::Value> interfacePrototype = interface->Get(currentContext, V8AtomicString(info.GetIsolate(), "prototype")).ToLocalChecked();
bool result = namedConstructor->Set(currentContext, V8AtomicString(info.GetIsolate(), "prototype"), interfacePrototype).ToChecked();
if (!result)
privateProperty.Set(namedConstructor, v8::True(info.GetIsolate()));
V8SetReturnValue(info, namedConstructor);
{% endif %}
{% endblock %}
{% block overloaded_constructor %}
{% if constructor_overloads %}
static void Constructor(const v8::FunctionCallbackInfo<v8::Value>& info) {
ExceptionState exceptionState(info.GetIsolate(), ExceptionState::kConstructionContext, "{{interface_name}}");
{# This follows the overload resolution algorithm. #}
{# #}
{# 3. Initialize argcount to be min(maxarg, n). #}
switch (std::min({{constructor_overloads.maxarg}}, info.Length())) {
{# 4. Remove from S all entries whose type list is not of length argcount. #}
{% for length, tests_constructors in constructor_overloads.length_tests_methods %}
{# 12. If i = d, then: #}
case {{length}}:
{# Then resolve by testing argument #}
{% for test, constructor in tests_constructors %}
if ({{test}}) {
{% if "exceptionState" in test %}
if (exceptionState.HadException()) {
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% endfor %}
{# Invalid arity, throw error #}
{# Report full list of valid arities if gaps and above minimum #}
{% if constructor_overloads.valid_arities %}
if (info.Length() >= {{constructor_overloads.length}}) {
exceptionState.ThrowTypeError(ExceptionMessages::InvalidArity("{{constructor_overloads.valid_arities}}", info.Length()));
{% endif %}
{# Otherwise just report "not enough arguments" #}
exceptionState.ThrowTypeError(ExceptionMessages::NotEnoughArguments({{constructor_overloads.length}}, info.Length()));
{# No match, throw error #}
exceptionState.ThrowTypeError("No matching constructor signature.");
{% endif %}
{% endblock %}
{% block constructor_callback %}
{% if constructors or has_custom_constructor or has_html_constructor %}
void {{v8_class}}::ConstructorCallback(const v8::FunctionCallbackInfo<v8::Value>& info) {
{{ runtime_timer_scope_disabled_by_default(runtime_call_stats.constructor_counter) }}
{% if measure_as %}
UseCounter::Count(CurrentExecutionContext(info.GetIsolate()), WebFeature::k{{measure_as('Constructor')}});
{% endif %}
if (!info.IsConstructCall()) {
V8ThrowException::ThrowTypeError(info.GetIsolate(), ExceptionMessages::ConstructorNotCallableAsFunction("{{interface_name}}"));
if (ConstructorMode::Current(info.GetIsolate()) == ConstructorMode::kWrapExistingObject) {
V8SetReturnValue(info, info.Holder());
{% if has_custom_constructor %}
{% elif has_html_constructor %}
V8HTMLConstructor::HtmlConstructor(info, {{v8_class}}::wrapperTypeInfo, HTMLElementType::k{{interface_name}});
{% else %}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% endblock %}
{% macro install_origin_safe_method(method, instance_template, prototype_template) %}
{% from '' import property_location %}
{# TODO(dcheng): Currently, bindings must create a function object for each
realm as a hack to support the incumbent realm. Clean this up when Blink
properly supports the incumbent realm. #}
{% set getter_callback =
'%s::%sOriginSafeMethodGetterCallback' %
(v8_class_or_partial, method.camel_case_name) %}
{% set setter_callback =
'%s::%sOriginSafeMethodSetterCallback' % (v8_class_or_partial, cpp_class)
if not method.is_unforgeable else 'nullptr' %}
{% set property_attribute =
'static_cast<v8::PropertyAttribute>(%s)' %
' | '.join(method.property_attributes or ['v8::None']) %}
{% set holder_check = 'V8DOMConfiguration::kCheckHolder' %}
static const V8DOMConfiguration::AttributeConfiguration {{}}OriginSafeAttributeConfiguration[] = {
{% if method.is_per_world_bindings %}
{% set getter_callback_for_main_world = '%sForMainWorld' % getter_callback %}
{% set setter_callback_for_main_world = '%sForMainWorld' % setter_callback
if not method.is_unforgeable else 'nullptr' %}
{"{{}}", {{getter_callback_for_main_world}}, {{setter_callback_for_main_world}}, {{property_attribute}}, {{property_location(method)}}, {{holder_check}}, V8DOMConfiguration::kHasSideEffect, V8DOMConfiguration::kAlwaysCallGetter, V8DOMConfiguration::MainWorld},
{"{{}}", {{getter_callback}}, {{setter_callback}}, {{property_attribute}}, {{property_location(method)}}, {{holder_check}}, V8DOMConfiguration::kHasSideEffect, V8DOMConfiguration::kAlwaysCallGetter, V8DOMConfiguration::NonMainWorlds}}
{% else %}
{"{{}}", {{getter_callback}}, {{setter_callback}}, {{property_attribute}}, {{property_location(method)}}, {{holder_check}}, V8DOMConfiguration::kHasSideEffect, V8DOMConfiguration::kAlwaysCallGetter, V8DOMConfiguration::kAllWorlds}
{% endif %}
for (const auto& attributeConfig : {{}}OriginSafeAttributeConfiguration)
V8DOMConfiguration::InstallAttribute(isolate, world, {{instance_template}}, {{prototype_template}}, attributeConfig);
{%- endmacro %}
{% macro install_indexed_property_handler(target) %}
{% set indexed_property_getter_callback =
'%s::IndexedPropertyGetterCallback' % v8_class_or_partial %}
{% set indexed_property_setter_callback =
'%s::IndexedPropertySetterCallback' % v8_class_or_partial
if indexed_property_getter or named_property_setter else 'nullptr' %}
{% set indexed_property_descriptor_callback =
'%s::IndexedPropertyDescriptorCallback' % v8_class_or_partial
if indexed_property_getter or named_property_getter else 'nullptr' %}
{% set indexed_property_deleter_callback =
'%s::IndexedPropertyDeleterCallback' % v8_class_or_partial
if indexed_property_deleter or named_property_deleter else 'nullptr' %}
{% set indexed_property_enumerator_callback =
'IndexedPropertyEnumerator<%s>' % cpp_class
if indexed_property_getter.is_enumerable else 'nullptr' %}
{% set indexed_property_definer_callback =
'%s::IndexedPropertyDefinerCallback' % v8_class_or_partial
if indexed_property_getter else 'nullptr' %}
{% set property_handler_flags =
if indexed_property_getter.has_no_side_effect else 'v8::PropertyHandlerFlags::kNone' %}
v8::IndexedPropertyHandlerConfiguration indexedPropertyHandlerConfig(
{%- endmacro %}
{% macro install_named_property_handler(target) %}
{% set named_property_getter_callback =
'%s::NamedPropertyGetterCallback' % v8_class_or_partial %}
{% set named_property_setter_callback =
'%s::NamedPropertySetterCallback' % v8_class_or_partial
if named_property_setter else 'nullptr' %}
{% set named_property_query_callback =
'%s::NamedPropertyQueryCallback' % v8_class_or_partial
if named_property_getter.is_enumerable else 'nullptr' %}
{% set named_property_deleter_callback =
'%s::NamedPropertyDeleterCallback' % v8_class_or_partial
if named_property_deleter else 'nullptr' %}
{% set named_property_enumerator_callback =
'%s::NamedPropertyEnumeratorCallback' % v8_class_or_partial
if named_property_getter.is_enumerable else 'nullptr' %}
{% set property_handler_flags_list =
['int(v8::PropertyHandlerFlags::kOnlyInterceptStrings)'] %}
{% if not is_override_builtins %}
{% set property_handler_flags_list =
property_handler_flags_list + ['int(v8::PropertyHandlerFlags::kNonMasking)'] %}
{% endif %}
{% if named_property_getter.has_no_side_effect %}
{% set property_handler_flags_list =
property_handler_flags_list + ['int(v8::PropertyHandlerFlags::kHasNoSideEffect)'] %}
{% endif %}
{% set property_handler_flags =
'static_cast<v8::PropertyHandlerFlags>(%s)' %
' | '.join(property_handler_flags_list) %}
v8::NamedPropertyHandlerConfiguration namedPropertyHandlerConfig({{named_property_getter_callback}}, {{named_property_setter_callback}}, {{named_property_query_callback}}, {{named_property_deleter_callback}}, {{named_property_enumerator_callback}}, v8::Local<v8::Value>(), {{property_handler_flags}});
{%- endmacro %}
{% block get_dom_template %}
{% if not is_array_buffer_or_view %}
v8::Local<v8::FunctionTemplate> {{v8_class}}::DomTemplate(v8::Isolate* isolate, const DOMWrapperWorld& world) {
{% set installTemplateFunction = '%s::install%sTemplateFunction' % (v8_class, v8_class) if has_partial_interface else 'Install%sTemplate' % v8_class %}
return V8DOMConfiguration::DomClassTemplate(isolate, world, const_cast<WrapperTypeInfo*>(&wrapperTypeInfo), {{installTemplateFunction}});
{% endif %}
{% endblock %}
{% block get_dom_template_for_named_properties_object %}
{% if has_named_properties_object %}
v8::Local<v8::FunctionTemplate> {{v8_class}}::DomTemplateForNamedPropertiesObject(v8::Isolate* isolate, const DOMWrapperWorld& world) {
v8::Local<v8::FunctionTemplate> parentTemplate = V8{{parent_interface}}::DomTemplate(isolate, world);
v8::Local<v8::FunctionTemplate> namedPropertiesObjectFunctionTemplate = v8::FunctionTemplate::New(isolate, V8ObjectConstructor::IsValidConstructorMode);
namedPropertiesObjectFunctionTemplate->SetClassName(V8AtomicString(isolate, "{{interface_name}}Properties"));
v8::Local<v8::ObjectTemplate> namedPropertiesObjectTemplate = namedPropertiesObjectFunctionTemplate->PrototypeTemplate();
// Named Properties object has SetPrototype method of Immutable Prototype Exotic Objects
V8DOMConfiguration::SetClassString(isolate, namedPropertiesObjectTemplate, "{{interface_name}}Properties");
{{install_named_property_handler('namedPropertiesObjectTemplate') | trim | indent(2)}}
return namedPropertiesObjectFunctionTemplate;
{% endif %}
{% endblock %}
{% block has_instance %}
{% if not is_array_buffer_or_view %}
bool {{v8_class}}::HasInstance(v8::Local<v8::Value> v8Value, v8::Isolate* isolate) {
return V8PerIsolateData::From(isolate)->HasInstance(&wrapperTypeInfo, v8Value);
v8::Local<v8::Object> {{v8_class}}::FindInstanceInPrototypeChain(v8::Local<v8::Value> v8Value, v8::Isolate* isolate) {
return V8PerIsolateData::From(isolate)->FindInstanceInPrototypeChain(&wrapperTypeInfo, v8Value);
{% endif %}
{% endblock %}
{% block to_impl %}
{% if interface_name == 'ArrayBuffer' or interface_name == 'SharedArrayBuffer' %}
{{cpp_class}}* V8{{interface_name}}::ToImpl(v8::Local<v8::Object> object) {
v8::Local<v8::{{interface_name}}> v8buffer = object.As<v8::{{interface_name}}>();
if (v8buffer->IsExternal()) {
const WrapperTypeInfo* wrapperTypeInfo = ToWrapperTypeInfo(object);
CHECK_EQ(wrapperTypeInfo->gin_embedder, gin::kEmbedderBlink);
return ToScriptWrappable(object)->ToImpl<{{cpp_class}}>();
// Transfer the ownership of the allocated memory to an {{interface_name}} without
// copying.
v8::{{interface_name}}::Contents v8Contents = v8buffer->Externalize();
WTF::ArrayBufferContents::DataHandle data(v8Contents.Data(),
WTF::ArrayBufferContents contents(std::move(data), WTF::ArrayBufferContents::k{% if interface_name == 'ArrayBuffer' %}Not{% endif %}Shared);
{{cpp_class}}* buffer = {{cpp_class}}::Create(contents);
v8::Local<v8::Object> associatedWrapper = buffer->AssociateWithWrapper(v8::Isolate::GetCurrent(), buffer->GetWrapperTypeInfo(), object);
DCHECK(associatedWrapper == object);
return buffer;
{% elif interface_name == 'ArrayBufferView' %}
{{cpp_class}}* V8ArrayBufferView::ToImpl(v8::Local<v8::Object> object) {
ScriptWrappable* scriptWrappable = ToScriptWrappable(object);
if (scriptWrappable)
return scriptWrappable->ToImpl<{{cpp_class}}>();
if (object->IsInt8Array())
return V8Int8Array::ToImpl(object);
if (object->IsInt16Array())
return V8Int16Array::ToImpl(object);
if (object->IsInt32Array())
return V8Int32Array::ToImpl(object);
if (object->IsUint8Array())
return V8Uint8Array::ToImpl(object);
if (object->IsUint8ClampedArray())
return V8Uint8ClampedArray::ToImpl(object);
if (object->IsUint16Array())
return V8Uint16Array::ToImpl(object);
if (object->IsUint32Array())
return V8Uint32Array::ToImpl(object);
if (object->IsBigInt64Array())
return V8BigInt64Array::ToImpl(object);
if (object->IsBigUint64Array())
return V8BigUint64Array::ToImpl(object);
if (object->IsFloat32Array())
return V8Float32Array::ToImpl(object);
if (object->IsFloat64Array())
return V8Float64Array::ToImpl(object);
if (object->IsDataView())
return V8DataView::ToImpl(object);
return 0;
{% elif is_array_buffer_or_view %}
{{cpp_class}}* {{v8_class}}::ToImpl(v8::Local<v8::Object> object) {
ScriptWrappable* scriptWrappable = ToScriptWrappable(object);
if (scriptWrappable)
return scriptWrappable->ToImpl<{{cpp_class}}>();
v8::Local<v8::{{interface_name}}> v8View = object.As<v8::{{interface_name}}>();
v8::Local<v8::Object> arrayBuffer = v8View->Buffer();
{{cpp_class}}* typedArray = nullptr;
if (arrayBuffer->IsArrayBuffer()) {
typedArray = {{cpp_class}}::Create(V8ArrayBuffer::ToImpl(arrayBuffer), v8View->ByteOffset(), v8View->{% if interface_name == 'DataView' %}Byte{% endif %}Length());
} else if (arrayBuffer->IsSharedArrayBuffer()) {
typedArray = {{cpp_class}}::Create(V8SharedArrayBuffer::ToImpl(arrayBuffer), v8View->ByteOffset(), v8View->{% if interface_name == 'DataView' %}Byte{% endif %}Length());
} else {
v8::Local<v8::Object> associatedWrapper = typedArray->AssociateWithWrapper(v8::Isolate::GetCurrent(), typedArray->GetWrapperTypeInfo(), object);
DCHECK(associatedWrapper == object);
return typedArray->ToImpl<{{cpp_class}}>();
{% endif %}
{% endblock %}
{% block to_impl_with_type_check %}
{{cpp_class}}* {{v8_class}}::ToImplWithTypeCheck(v8::Isolate* isolate, v8::Local<v8::Value> value) {
{% if is_array_buffer_or_view %}
return value->Is{{interface_name}}() ? ToImpl(v8::Local<v8::Object>::Cast(value)) : nullptr;
{% else %}
return HasInstance(value, isolate) ? ToImpl(v8::Local<v8::Object>::Cast(value)) : nullptr;
{% endif %}
{% endblock %}
{% block native_value_traits %}
{{cpp_class}}* NativeValueTraits<{{cpp_class}}>::NativeValue(v8::Isolate* isolate, v8::Local<v8::Value> value, ExceptionState& exceptionState) {
{{cpp_class}}* nativeValue = {{v8_class}}::ToImplWithTypeCheck(isolate, value);
if (!nativeValue) {
return nativeValue;
{% endblock %}
{% block partial_interface %}
{% if has_partial_interface %}
{% if needs_runtime_enabled_installer %}
{{v8_class}}::install_runtime_enabled_features_function_ =
{% endif %}
{% if not is_array_buffer_or_view %}
{{v8_class}}::install_runtime_enabled_features_on_template_function_ =
{% endif %}
InstallTemplateFunction {{v8_class}}::install{{v8_class}}TemplateFunction =
void {{v8_class}}::UpdateWrapperTypeInfo(
InstallTemplateFunction install_template_function,
InstallRuntimeEnabledFeaturesFunction install_runtime_enabled_features_function,
InstallRuntimeEnabledFeaturesOnTemplateFunction install_runtime_enabled_features_on_template_function,
InstallConditionalFeaturesFunction install_conditional_features_function) {
{{v8_class}}::install{{v8_class}}TemplateFunction =
{% if needs_runtime_enabled_installer %}
{{v8_class}}::install_runtime_enabled_features_function_ =
{% endif %}
{% if not is_array_buffer_or_view %}
{{v8_class}}::install_runtime_enabled_features_on_template_function_ =
{% endif %}
if (install_conditional_features_function) {
{{v8_class}}::wrapperTypeInfo.install_conditional_features_function =
{% for method in methods if method.overloads and method.overloads.has_partial_overloads %}
void {{v8_class}}::Register{{method.camel_case_name}}MethodForPartialInterface(void (*method)(const v8::FunctionCallbackInfo<v8::Value>&)) {
{{internal_namespace}}::{{}}MethodForPartialInterface = method;
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}{# has_partial_interface #}
{% endblock %}