blob: e264980ce9939f5969b961cebe8c8da2ddf6c11e [file] [log] [blame]
{% filter format_blink_cpp_source_code %}
{% include 'copyright_block.txt' %}
#ifndef {{header_guard}}
#define {{header_guard}}
{% for filename in header_includes %}
#include "{{filename}}"
{% endfor %}
namespace blink {
{% for decl in header_forward_decls %}
class {{decl}};
{% endfor %}
class {{exported}}{{cpp_class}} final {
bool IsNull() const { return type_ == SpecificType::kNone; }
{% for member in members %}
bool Is{{member.type_name}}() const { return type_ == SpecificType::{{member.specific_type_enum}}; }
{{member.rvalue_cpp_type}} GetAs{{member.type_name}}() const;
void Set{{member.type_name}}({{member.rvalue_cpp_type}});
static {{cpp_class}} From{{member.type_name}}({{member.rvalue_cpp_type}});
{% endfor %}
{{cpp_class}}(const {{cpp_class}}&);
{{cpp_class}}& operator=(const {{cpp_class}}&);
void Trace(blink::Visitor*);
enum class SpecificType {
{% for member in members %}
{% endfor %}
SpecificType type_;
{% for member in members %}
{{member.cpp_type}} {{member.cpp_name}}_;
{% endfor %}
friend {{exported}}v8::Local<v8::Value> ToV8(const {{cpp_class}}&, v8::Local<v8::Object>, v8::Isolate*);
class {{v8_class}} final {
{{exported}}static void ToImpl(v8::Isolate*, v8::Local<v8::Value>, {{cpp_class}}&, UnionTypeConversionMode, ExceptionState&);
{{exported}}v8::Local<v8::Value> ToV8(const {{cpp_class}}&, v8::Local<v8::Object>, v8::Isolate*);
template <class CallbackInfo>
inline void V8SetReturnValue(const CallbackInfo& callbackInfo, {{cpp_class}}& impl) {
V8SetReturnValue(callbackInfo, ToV8(impl, callbackInfo.Holder(), callbackInfo.GetIsolate()));
template <class CallbackInfo>
inline void V8SetReturnValue(const CallbackInfo& callbackInfo, {{cpp_class}}& impl, v8::Local<v8::Object> creationContext) {
V8SetReturnValue(callbackInfo, ToV8(impl, creationContext, callbackInfo.GetIsolate()));
template <>
struct NativeValueTraits<{{cpp_class}}> : public NativeValueTraitsBase<{{cpp_class}}> {
{{exported}}static {{cpp_class}} NativeValue(v8::Isolate*, v8::Local<v8::Value>, ExceptionState&);
{{exported}}static {{cpp_class}} NullValue() { return {{cpp_class}}(); }
template <>
struct V8TypeOf<{{cpp_class}}> {
typedef {{v8_class}} Type;
} // namespace blink
// We need to set canInitializeWithMemset=true because HeapVector supports
// items that can initialize with memset or have a vtable. It is safe to
// set canInitializeWithMemset=true for a union type object in practice.
// See for more details.
#endif // {{header_guard}}
{% endfilter %}{# format_blink_cpp_source_code #}