blob: 3e288264ee05d65d4fb636c258dc78af56bbeb02 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2011 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include "base/memory/ref_counted.h"
#include "base/test/scoped_feature_list.h"
#include "base/threading/thread.h"
#include "build/build_config.h"
#include "cc/animation/animation_delegate.h"
#include "cc/base/features.h"
#include "cc/test/property_tree_test_utils.h"
#include "cc/test/test_hooks.h"
#include "cc/test/test_task_graph_runner.h"
#include "cc/trees/compositor_mode.h"
#include "cc/trees/layer_tree_host.h"
#include "cc/trees/layer_tree_host_impl.h"
#include "components/viz/common/surfaces/parent_local_surface_id_allocator.h"
#include "components/viz/test/test_gpu_memory_buffer_manager.h"
#include "components/viz/test/test_gpu_service_holder.h"
#include "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h"
namespace base {
namespace test {
class ScopedFeatureList;
} // namespace base
namespace viz {
class BeginFrameSource;
class TestContextProvider;
namespace cc {
enum TestRendererType {
// SkiaRenderer with the Dawn backend will be used; on Linux this will
// initialize Vulkan, and on Windows this will initialize D3D12.
class Animation;
class AnimationHost;
class LayerTreeHost;
class LayerTreeHostForTesting;
class LayerTreeTestLayerTreeFrameSinkClient;
class Proxy;
class TestLayerTreeFrameSink;
class TestTaskGraphRunner;
class LayerTreeHostClientForTesting;
// The LayerTreeTests runs with the main loop running. It instantiates a single
// LayerTreeHostForTesting and associated LayerTreeHostImplForTesting and
// LayerTreeHostClientForTesting.
// BeginTest() is called once the main message loop is running and the layer
// tree host is initialized.
// Key stages of the drawing loop, e.g. drawing or commiting, redirect to
// LayerTreeTest methods of similar names. To track the commit process, override
// these functions.
// The test continues until someone calls EndTest. EndTest can be called on any
// thread, but be aware that ending the test is an asynchronous process.
class LayerTreeTest : public testing::Test, public TestHooks {
std::string TestTypeToString() {
switch (renderer_type_) {
case TestRendererType::kGL:
return "GL";
case TestRendererType::kSkiaGL:
return "Skia GL";
case TestRendererType::kSkiaVk:
return "Skia Vulkan";
case TestRendererType::kSkiaDawn:
return "Skia Dawn";
case TestRendererType::kSoftware:
return "Software";
~LayerTreeTest() override;
virtual void EndTest();
void EndTestAfterDelayMs(int delay_milliseconds);
void PostAddNoDamageAnimationToMainThread(
Animation* animation_to_receive_animation);
void PostAddOpacityAnimationToMainThread(
Animation* animation_to_receive_animation);
void PostAddOpacityAnimationToMainThreadInstantly(
Animation* animation_to_receive_animation);
void PostAddOpacityAnimationToMainThreadDelayed(
Animation* animation_to_receive_animation);
void PostSetLocalSurfaceIdAllocationToMainThread(
const viz::LocalSurfaceIdAllocation& local_surface_id_allocation);
void PostRequestNewLocalSurfaceIdToMainThread();
void PostGetDeferMainFrameUpdateToMainThread(
void PostReturnDeferMainFrameUpdateToMainThread(
void PostSetNeedsCommitToMainThread();
void PostSetNeedsUpdateLayersToMainThread();
void PostSetNeedsRedrawToMainThread();
void PostSetNeedsRedrawRectToMainThread(const gfx::Rect& damage_rect);
void PostSetVisibleToMainThread(bool visible);
void PostSetNeedsCommitWithForcedRedrawToMainThread();
void PostCompositeImmediatelyToMainThread();
void PostNextCommitWaitsForActivationToMainThread();
void DoBeginTest();
void Timeout();
AnimationHost* animation_host() const { return animation_host_.get(); }
void SetUseLayerLists() { settings_.use_layer_lists = true; }
explicit LayerTreeTest(
TestRendererType renderer_type = TestRendererType::kGL);
void SkipAllocateInitialLocalSurfaceId();
const viz::LocalSurfaceIdAllocation& GetCurrentLocalSurfaceIdAllocation()
void GenerateNewLocalSurfaceId();
virtual void InitializeSettings(LayerTreeSettings* settings) {}
void RealEndTest();
void SetVisibleOnLayerTreeHost(bool visible);
void SetInitialDeviceScaleFactor(float initial_device_scale_factor) {
initial_device_scale_factor_ = initial_device_scale_factor;
// Used when LayerTreeTest::SetupTree() creates the root layer. Not used if
// the root layer is created before LayerTreeTest::SetupTree() is called.
// The default is 1x1.
void SetInitialRootBounds(const gfx::Size& bounds) {
initial_root_bounds_ = bounds;
virtual void AfterTest() {}
virtual void WillBeginTest();
virtual void BeginTest() = 0;
virtual void SetupTree();
virtual void RunTest(CompositorMode mode);
bool HasImplThread() const { return !!impl_thread_; }
base::SingleThreadTaskRunner* ImplThreadTaskRunner() {
return impl_task_runner_.get();
base::SingleThreadTaskRunner* MainThreadTaskRunner() {
return main_task_runner_.get();
Proxy* proxy();
TaskRunnerProvider* task_runner_provider() const;
TaskGraphRunner* task_graph_runner() const {
return task_graph_runner_.get();
bool TestEnded() const {
base::AutoLock hold(test_ended_lock_);
return ended_;
LayerTreeHost* layer_tree_host();
gpu::GpuMemoryBufferManager* gpu_memory_buffer_manager() {
return gpu_memory_buffer_manager_.get();
void DestroyLayerTreeHost();
// By default, output surface recreation is synchronous.
void RequestNewLayerTreeFrameSink() override;
// Override this to modify the TestContextProviders before they are bound
// and used. Override CreateLayerTreeFrameSink() instead if the test does not
// want to use TestContextProviders.
virtual void SetUpUnboundContextProviders(
viz::TestContextProvider* context_provider,
viz::TestContextProvider* worker_context_provider);
// Override this and call the base class to change what viz::ContextProviders
// will be used (such as for pixel tests). Or override it and create your own
// TestLayerTreeFrameSink to control how it is created.
virtual std::unique_ptr<TestLayerTreeFrameSink> CreateLayerTreeFrameSink(
const viz::RendererSettings& renderer_settings,
double refresh_rate,
scoped_refptr<viz::ContextProvider> compositor_context_provider,
scoped_refptr<viz::RasterContextProvider> worker_context_provider);
CreateDisplaySkiaOutputSurfaceOnThread() override;
// Override this and call the base class to change what viz::ContextProvider
// will be used, such as to prevent sharing the context with the
// LayerTreeFrameSink. Or override it and create your own OutputSurface to
// change what type of OutputSurface is used, such as a real OutputSurface for
// pixel tests or a software-compositing OutputSurface.
std::unique_ptr<viz::OutputSurface> CreateDisplayOutputSurfaceOnThread(
scoped_refptr<viz::ContextProvider> compositor_context_provider) override;
base::SingleThreadTaskRunner* image_worker_task_runner() const {
return image_worker_->task_runner().get();
void UseBeginFrameSource(viz::BeginFrameSource* begin_frame_source) {
begin_frame_source_ = begin_frame_source;
bool use_skia_renderer() const {
return renderer_type_ == TestRendererType::kSkiaGL ||
renderer_type_ == TestRendererType::kSkiaVk ||
renderer_type_ == TestRendererType::kSkiaDawn;
bool use_software_renderer() const {
return renderer_type_ == TestRendererType::kSoftware;
bool use_skia_vulkan() const {
return renderer_type_ == TestRendererType::kSkiaVk;
bool use_d3d12() const {
#if defined(OS_WIN)
return renderer_type_ == TestRendererType::kSkiaDawn;
return false;
const TestRendererType renderer_type_;
const viz::DebugRendererSettings debug_settings_;
virtual void DispatchAddNoDamageAnimation(
Animation* animation_to_receive_animation,
double animation_duration);
virtual void DispatchAddOpacityAnimation(
Animation* animation_to_receive_animation,
double animation_duration);
void DispatchSetLocalSurfaceIdAllocation(
const viz::LocalSurfaceIdAllocation& local_surface_id_allocation);
void DispatchRequestNewLocalSurfaceId();
void DispatchGetDeferMainFrameUpdate(
void DispatchReturnDeferMainFrameUpdate(
void DispatchSetNeedsCommit();
void DispatchSetNeedsUpdateLayers();
void DispatchSetNeedsRedraw();
void DispatchSetNeedsRedrawRect(const gfx::Rect& damage_rect);
void DispatchSetVisible(bool visible);
void DispatchSetNeedsCommitWithForcedRedraw();
void DispatchDidAddAnimation();
void DispatchCompositeImmediately();
void DispatchNextCommitWaitsForActivation();
// |scoped_feature_list_| must be the first member to ensure that it is
// destroyed after any member that might be using it.
base::test::ScopedFeatureList scoped_feature_list_;
viz::TestGpuServiceHolder::ScopedResetter gpu_service_resetter_;
LayerTreeSettings settings_;
float initial_device_scale_factor_ = 1.f;
gfx::Size initial_root_bounds_;
CompositorMode mode_;
std::unique_ptr<LayerTreeHostClientForTesting> client_;
std::unique_ptr<LayerTreeHost> layer_tree_host_;
std::unique_ptr<AnimationHost> animation_host_;
bool beginning_ = false;
bool end_when_begin_returns_ = false;
bool timed_out_ = false;
bool scheduled_ = false;
bool started_ = false;
mutable base::Lock test_ended_lock_;
bool ended_ = false;
int timeout_seconds_ = 0;
viz::BeginFrameSource* begin_frame_source_ = nullptr; // NOT OWNED.
scoped_refptr<base::SingleThreadTaskRunner> main_task_runner_;
scoped_refptr<base::SingleThreadTaskRunner> impl_task_runner_;
std::unique_ptr<base::Thread> impl_thread_;
std::unique_ptr<base::Thread> image_worker_;
std::unique_ptr<viz::TestGpuMemoryBufferManager> gpu_memory_buffer_manager_;
std::unique_ptr<TestTaskGraphRunner> task_graph_runner_;
base::CancelableOnceClosure timeout_;
scoped_refptr<viz::TestContextProvider> compositor_contexts_;
bool skip_allocate_initial_local_surface_id_ = false;
viz::ParentLocalSurfaceIdAllocator allocator_;
base::WeakPtr<LayerTreeTest> main_thread_weak_ptr_;
base::WeakPtrFactory<LayerTreeTest> weak_factory_{this};
} // namespace cc
// Do not change this macro to disable a test, it will disable half of
// the unit test suite. Instead, comment out the usage of this macro for
// a specific test name. eg.
// // TODO( Disabled for some reasons stated here.
TEST_F(TEST_FIXTURE_NAME, RunSingleThread_DelegatingRenderer) { \
RunTest(CompositorMode::SINGLE_THREADED); \
} \
TEST_F(TEST_FIXTURE_NAME, RunSingleThread_DelegatingRendererUnifiedScroll) { \
base::test::ScopedFeatureList scoped_feature_list; \
scoped_feature_list.InitAndEnableFeature(features::kScrollUnification); \
RunTest(CompositorMode::SINGLE_THREADED); \
} \
class SingleThreadDelegatingImplNeedsSemicolon##TEST_FIXTURE_NAME {}
// Do not change this macro to disable a test, it will disable half of
// the unit test suite. Instead, comment out the usage of this macro for
// a specific test name. eg.
// // TODO( Disabled for some reasons stated here.
TEST_F(TEST_FIXTURE_NAME, RunMultiThread_DelegatingRenderer) { \
RunTest(CompositorMode::THREADED); \
} \
TEST_F(TEST_FIXTURE_NAME, RunMultiThread_DelegatingRendererUnifiedScroll) { \
base::test::ScopedFeatureList scoped_feature_list; \
scoped_feature_list.InitAndEnableFeature(features::kScrollUnification); \
RunTest(CompositorMode::THREADED); \
} \
class MultiThreadDelegatingImplNeedsSemicolon##TEST_FIXTURE_NAME {}
// Do not change this macro to disable a test, it will disable half of
// the unit test suite. Instead, comment out the usage of this macro for
// a specific test name. eg.
// // TODO( Disabled for some reasons stated here.
// Some tests want to control when notify ready for activation occurs,
// but this is not supported in the single-threaded case.
// Do not change this macro to disable a test, it will disable half of
// the unit test suite. Instead, comment out the usage of this macro for
// a specific test name. eg.
// // TODO( Disabled for some reasons stated here.