blob: 43a477f1432d282f6d02bc3ea0a4b101125a87b7 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <vector>
#include "base/optional.h"
#include "chrome/browser/apps/app_service/app_launch_params.h"
#include "chrome/browser/chromeos/crostini/crostini_util.h"
#include "ui/display/types/display_constants.h"
#include "ui/gfx/geometry/point.h"
class Browser;
class Profile;
namespace crostini {
// Settings items that can be user-modified for terminal.
// These values are persisted to logs. Entries should not be renumbered and
// numeric values should never be reused.
enum class TerminalSetting {
kUnknown = 0,
kAltGrMode = 1,
kAltBackspaceIsMetaBackspace = 2,
kAltIsMeta = 3,
kAltSendsWhat = 4,
kAudibleBellSound = 5,
kDesktopNotificationBell = 6,
kBackgroundColor = 7,
kBackgroundImage = 8,
kBackgroundSize = 9,
kBackgroundPosition = 10,
kBackspaceSendsBackspace = 11,
kCharacterMapOverrides = 12,
kCloseOnExit = 13,
kCursorBlink = 14,
kCursorBlinkCycle = 15,
kCursorShape = 16,
kCursorColor = 17,
kColorPaletteOverrides = 18,
kCopyOnSelect = 19,
kUseDefaultWindowCopy = 20,
kClearSelectionAfterCopy = 21,
kCtrlPlusMinusZeroZoom = 22,
kCtrlCCopy = 23,
kCtrlVPaste = 24,
kEastAsianAmbiguousAsTwoColumn = 25,
kEnable8BitControl = 26,
kEnableBold = 27,
kEnableBoldAsBright = 28,
kEnableBlink = 29,
kEnableClipboardNotice = 30,
kEnableClipboardWrite = 31,
kEnableDec12 = 32,
kEnableCsiJ3 = 33,
kEnvironment = 34,
kFontFamily = 35,
kFontSize = 36,
kFontSmoothing = 37,
kForegroundColor = 38,
kEnableResizeStatus = 39,
kHideMouseWhileTyping = 40,
kHomeKeysScroll = 41,
kKeybindings = 42,
kMediaKeysAreFkeys = 43,
kMetaSendsEscape = 44,
kMouseRightClickPaste = 45,
kMousePasteButton = 46,
kWordBreakMatchLeft = 47,
kWordBreakMatchRight = 48,
kWordBreakMatchMiddle = 49,
kPageKeysScroll = 50,
kPassAltNumber = 51,
kPassCtrlNumber = 52,
kPassCtrlN = 53,
kPassCtrlT = 54,
kPassCtrlTab = 55,
kPassCtrlW = 56,
kPassMetaNumber = 57,
kPassMetaV = 58,
kPasteOnDrop = 59,
kReceiveEncoding = 60,
kScrollOnKeystroke = 61,
kScrollOnOutput = 62,
kScrollbarVisible = 63,
kScrollWheelMaySendArrowKeys = 64,
kScrollWheelMoveMultiplier = 65,
kTerminalEncoding = 66,
kShiftInsertPaste = 67,
kUserCss = 68,
kUserCssText = 69,
kAllowImagesInline = 70,
kTheme = 71,
kThemeVariations = 72,
kMaxValue = kThemeVariations,
// Launches the terminal tabbed app.
Browser* LaunchTerminal(
Profile* profile,
int64_t display_id = display::kInvalidDisplayId,
const ContainerId& container_id = ContainerId::GetDefault(),
const std::string& cwd = "",
const std::vector<std::string>& terminal_args = {});
// Launches the terminal settings popup window.
Browser* LaunchTerminalSettings(
Profile* profile,
int64_t display_id = display::kInvalidDisplayId);
// Record which terminal settings have been changed by users.
void RecordTerminalSettingsChangesUMAs(Profile* profile);
// Returns terminal setting 'background-color'.
std::string GetTerminalSettingBackgroundColor(Profile* profile);
// Returns terminal setting 'pass-ctrl-w'.
bool GetTerminalSettingPassCtrlW(Profile* profile);
} // namespace crostini