blob: 017aff5fa1bfeb6c13ccbaf84293d3f987602b15 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
module location.nearby.connections.mojom;
import "chrome/services/sharing/public/mojom/nearby_connections_types.mojom";
import "chrome/services/sharing/public/mojom/webrtc_signaling_messenger.mojom";
import "device/bluetooth/public/mojom/adapter.mojom";
// Main interface to control the NearbyConnections library. Implemented in a
// sandboxed process. This interface is used by the browser process to connect
// to remote devices and send / receive raw data packets. Parsing of those
// packets is not part of the NearbyConnections library and is done in a
// separate interface.
interface NearbyConnections {
// Provide all the dependencies that NearbyConnections library requires.
struct NearbyConnectionsDependencies {
pending_remote<bluetooth.mojom.Adapter>? bluetooth_adapter;