blob: 77a97b2383a1361e33c8fc97e9548c07517b8c21 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
package org.chromium.components.external_intents;
import android.content.Context;
import android.content.Intent;
import androidx.annotation.IntDef;
import androidx.annotation.NonNull;
import androidx.annotation.Nullable;
import org.chromium.components.external_intents.ExternalNavigationHandler.OverrideUrlLoadingResult;
import org.chromium.content_public.browser.LoadUrlParams;
import org.chromium.content_public.browser.WebContents;
import org.chromium.ui.base.WindowAndroid;
import org.chromium.url.Origin;
import java.lang.annotation.Retention;
import java.lang.annotation.RetentionPolicy;
* A delegate for {@link ExternalNavigationHandler}.
public interface ExternalNavigationDelegate {
* Returns the Context with which this delegate is associated, or null if there is no such
* Context at the time of invocation. The returned Context may or may not be a wrapper around an
* Activity with which the delegate is associated. Note that when obtaining resources, however,
* the handler should do so directly via the returned Context (i.e., not via the Activity that
* it is wrapping, even if it is in fact wrapping one). The reason is that some embedders handle
* resource fetching via special logic in the ContextWrapper object that is wrapping the
* Activity.
Context getContext();
* Determine if this app is the default or only handler for a given intent. If true, this app
* will handle the intent when started.
boolean willAppHandleIntent(Intent intent);
* Returns whether to disable forwarding URL requests to external intents for the passed-in URL.
boolean shouldDisableExternalIntentRequestsForUrl(String url);
* Returns whether the embedder has custom integration with InstantApps (most embedders will not
* have any such integration).
boolean handlesInstantAppLaunchingInternally();
* Dispatches the intent through a proxy activity, so that startActivityForResult can be used
* and the intent recipient can verify the caller. Will be invoked only in flows where
* ExternalNavigationDelegate#isIntentForInstantApp() returns true for |intent|. In particular,
* if that method always returns false in the given embedder, then the embedder's implementation
* of this method will never be invoked and can just assert false.
* @param intent The bare intent we were going to send.
void dispatchAuthenticatedIntent(Intent intent);
* Informs the delegate that an Activity was started for an external intent (some embedders wish
* to log this information, primarily for testing purposes).
void didStartActivity(Intent intent);
* Used by maybeHandleStartActivityIfNeeded() below.
public @interface StartActivityIfNeededResult {
* Gives the embedder the opportunity to handle starting an activity for the intent. Used for
* intents that may be handled internally or externally. If the embedder handles this intent,
* this method should return StartActivityIfNeededResult.HANDLED_{WITH, WITHOUT}_ACTIVITY_START
* as appropriate. To have ExternalNavigationHandler handle this intent, return
* StartActivityIfNeededResult.NOT_HANDLED.
* @param intent The intent we want to send.
* @param proxy Whether we need to proxy the intent through AuthenticatedProxyActivity (this is
* used by Instant Apps intents).
int maybeHandleStartActivityIfNeeded(Intent intent, boolean proxy);
* Handle the incognito intent by loading it as a URL in the embedder, using the fallbackUrl if
* the intent URL cannot be handled by the embedder.
* @param intent The intent to be handled by the embedder.
* @param referrerUrl The referrer for the current navigation.
* @param fallbackUrl The fallback URL to load if the intent cannot be handled by the embedder.
* @return The OverrideUrlLoadingResult for the action taken by the embedder.
int handleIncognitoIntentTargetingSelf(Intent intent, String referrerUrl, String fallbackUrl);
* Loads a URL as specified by |loadUrlParams| if possible. May fail in exceptional conditions
* (e.g., if there is no valid tab).
* @param loadUrlParams parameters of the URL to be loaded
void loadUrlIfPossible(LoadUrlParams loadUrlParams);
/** Adds a window id to the intent, if necessary. */
void maybeSetWindowId(Intent intent);
/** Records the pending referrer if desired. */
void maybeSetPendingReferrer(Intent intent, @NonNull String referrerUrl);
* Adjusts any desired extras related to intents to instant apps based on the value of
* |insIntentToInstantApp}.
void maybeAdjustInstantAppExtras(Intent intent, boolean isIntentToInstantApp);
* Invoked for intents with request metadata such as user gesture, whether request is renderer
* initiated and the initiator origin. Records the information if desired.
void maybeSetRequestMetadata(Intent intent, boolean hasUserGesture, boolean isRendererInitiated,
@Nullable Origin initiatorOrigin);
* Records the pending incognito URL if desired. Called only if the
* navigation is occurring in the context of incognito mode.
void maybeSetPendingIncognitoUrl(Intent intent);
* Determine if the application of the embedder is in the foreground.
boolean isApplicationInForeground();
* Check if the URL should be handled by an instant app, or kick off an async request for an
* instant app banner.
* @param url The current URL.
* @param referrerUrl The referrer URL.
* @param isIncomingRedirect Whether we are handling an incoming redirect to an instant app.
* @param isSerpReferrer whether the referrer is the SERP.
* @return Whether we launched an instant app.
boolean maybeLaunchInstantApp(
String url, String referrerUrl, boolean isIncomingRedirect, boolean isSerpReferrer);
* @return The WindowAndroid instance associated with this delegate instance.
WindowAndroid getWindowAndroid();
* @return The WebContents instance associated with this delegate instance.
WebContents getWebContents();
* @return Whether this delegate has a valid tab available.
boolean hasValidTab();
* @return Whether it's possible to close the current tab on launching on an incognito intent.
* TODO(blundell): Investigate whether it would be feasible to change the //chrome
* implementation of this method to be identical to that of its implementation of
* ExternalNavigationDelegate#hasValidTab() and then eliminate this method in favor of
* ExternalNavigationHandler calling hasValidTab() if so.
boolean canCloseTabOnIncognitoIntentLaunch();
* @return whether this delegate supports creation of new tabs. If this method returns false,
* all URLs loaded by ExternalNavigationHandler will be loaded in the current tab and
* loadUrlInNewTab() will never be invoked.
boolean supportsCreatingNewTabs();
* Loads |url| in a new tab.
* @param url The URL to load.
* @param launchIncognito whether the new tab should be incognito.
void loadUrlInNewTab(final String url, final boolean launchIncognito);
* @return whether it's possible to load a URL in the current tab.
boolean canLoadUrlInCurrentTab();
/* Invoked when the tab associated with this delegate should be closed. */
void closeTab();
/* Returns whether whether the tab associated with this delegate is incognito. */
boolean isIncognito();
* @param intent The intent to launch.
* @return Whether the Intent points to an app that we trust and that launched this app.
boolean isIntentForTrustedCallingApp(Intent intent);
* @param intent The intent to launch.
* @return Whether the Intent points to an instant app.
boolean isIntentToInstantApp(Intent intent);
* @param intent The intent to launch
* @return Whether the Intent points to Autofill Assistant
boolean isIntentToAutofillAssistant(Intent intent);
* Gives the embedder a chance to handle the intent via the autofill assistant.
boolean handleWithAutofillAssistant(ExternalNavigationParams params, Intent targetIntent,
String browserFallbackUrl, boolean isGoogleReferrer);